Hello everyone! Okay. So I did something like this a while back, then got rid of it. But now I'm back! This is based off of the Max Steel 2013 series because I have not seen the 2000 series. So this story has a gender-swapped Max and that is one of the very few changes I have. If you have any suggestions please tell me in the reviews. This story is the Max Steel movie Origins. It is basically episodes 1 – 3 combined. Then the rest of the stories will represent one episode.

Chapter 1

Above the earth, in space, two of N-Tek's agents, Kat and Jefferson were on a mission to capture another Ultra-Link. Their "spaceship" zoomed over the earth, making a sonic blast in the process. The green and white ship twisted and turned.

"That is why they call me Captain Kaboom!" Jefferson laughed. Almost all of his dark hair was shaved off which left a buzcut on his head. The sound of a communicator came on and the face of Commander Forge came on the screen.

"Ferrus to SkyTeam One," Forge said. He had black hair with a streak of gray in it and had amber eyes. "Kat, any sign of the Ultra-Link yet?"

"No visual yet, Commander," Kat replied. She had short, blonde hair and almost gray eyes. A man in the back part of the ship, who was no less than 19, is Berto. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. He wore an armor suit quite similar to Forge's. He also wore a lab coat with the sleeves possibly torn off and the N-Tek logo on the top right of his "coat."

"Ultra-Link coming up on scopes now!" Berto called from the back. There were multiple screens showing what the team was looking for. "Time to target: T-minus 30..."

"Right," Ferrus said. "Nice and easy people." Jefferson rolled his eyes and Kat shook her head. They've had this conversation many times before they left. They then focused on driving, er, flying. "Remember, we want to capture the blasted thing not activate it."

Just a few meters behind them, three of Dredd's ships came up. They were driven by Dredd's bots. N-Tek's ship flew towards the Ultra-Link as Dredd's ships locked in on their target. The three ships zoomed to where SkyTeam One was heading: to the Ultra-Link.

"We've got three unidentified spacecraft!" Jefferson called. Dredd's ships blasted lasers at SkyTeam One.

Berto turned around in his chair. "Unidentified hostile spacecraft!" Lasers fired again and a few of them hit the ship.

Jefferson grunted. "These guys are packin' some serious firepower!" They swerved under the floating Ultra-Link as lasers fired at them again. Jefferson turned the ship ninety degrees to avoid the lasers.

Forge's voice sounded from the communicator. "Do not lose that target Jeffer-" His voice was cut off by Jefferson.

"A little busy right now, old man!" Jefferson said. He took a swift glance behind him just as a laser hit the rear of the ship. "Whoa!" An alarm and a holograph of the ship showed up. Two spots of the ship were highlighted. "Engines 2 and 4 are gone!"

Dredd's ships continued to fire at SkyTeam One. A mechanical hand popped out of the air lock. A blue orb formed between its claws and aimed at the Ultra-Link. The orb formed a laser which took hold of the ultra-link. The laser drew the Ultra-Link into the air lock.

"The cake is in the oven," Jefferson said, narrowly missing a couple lasers.

Berto's eyes widened. "And our friends here still wanna slice!" One of Dredd's ships veered upwards, barely skimming the top of the ship. Jefferson pulled back on the levers he was holding to control the ship. Another one of Dredd's ships had a red mechanical hand come out. The other two had done the same. The "hands" gripped onto the ship and red lasers started forming. One of the three ships had a laser start to cut into the airlock where the Ultra-Link was kept.

Frustrated, Jefferson jerked the levers forward, putting the ship into a mad thrust. He aimed the lasers at the ship in front of him and locked in. with the press of a button, two missiles fired at the ship, blowing it to bits. After that, SkyTeam One went skydiving towards the earth at top speed.

"SkyTeam One to base," Jefferson said. "We're coming in hot!" Kat managed to find a grip and pushed a lever forwards. A fire extinguisher popped out the back and started to get rid of the fire. Jefferson pulled the levers back, evening them out a bit. They flew, or more like glided, into a canyon full of tiers and mountains of rocks. They drifted to one of the tiers and the top of the tier disappeared. The ship sunk into the tier onto a green platform.

"Ultra-Link's ready for unload," Jefferson informed the N-Tek agents. "It's in the air lock guys!" As two agents came up to the ship, a large panel opened up revealing the Ultra-Link. The Ultra-Link was taken out and put onto a platform. A blue force-field held the Ultra-Link in place.

The agents then moved the platform into a room full of Ultra-Links embedded in the walls. Each one of them had a small section covered by a pixelated grid. A small tracker put itself on the center of the Ultra-Link and beams of light attached themselves to the Ultra-Link, keeping it in line. It moved left and up into an empty cell. The tracker came off and the grid was over the newly placed Ultra-Link. The agents walked out of the room. As they did, they passed one Ultra-Link that was in a container instead of with the other ones. One of the agents noticed.

"Wonder why this one's not locked up," he said, gesturing to the Ultra-Link. The taller agent glanced at it.

"Well that one hasn't been functional for years," he informed. "A relic from the past." They walked away from it without a second glance. Though as soon as they were a good distance away, the Ultra-Link started to glow as if it were reactivating.

Boxes laid in a pile on the ground next to a moving truck. A teenage girl, probably not older that 16, kicked the front door open, a huge box and a smaller one in her arms. She staggered down the steps, struggling with the boxes, and managed to get to the ground. She was only able to stand straight for a moment before the boxes' contents fell out. Weights and books clattered to the ground, the sound ringing in her ears.

She looked through the hole in the box and stared at the weights. Maybe she should have used better tape for the boxes. Her mother came up behind her. She looked at the weights scattered on the sidewalk.

"Really, Max?" her mom asked. "You're bringing your weights? You never use them."

"No wonder they're so hard to lift," Max said, smiling at her mom.

Molly chuckled. "It's really gotta just be the stuff we need," she said, tapping Max's chin. Molly walked back into the house to gather the rest of the boxes. Max looked around. There were kids playing in their front yards. Max hadn't made many friends this time. She had a few of them but she knew she would lose contact with them just like every other time.

The whole reason they were moving again was because her mom had gotten a job offer in Copper Canyon. So once again, Max had to switch schools, say goodbye to the friends she'd made there and start the terribly long packing. She knew it would happen she just didn't expect it to happen so soon. They had only been here for two years. The other times had been much longer.

She walked over to the moving truck. In one of the boxes, a picture of her mom and dad stuck out. Max had the same eyes and hair color as her father. The same bright blue eyes and the same dark brown hair. She picked up the photo. Max didn't really know her father. In fact, from what her mom told her, Max's father passed away before she had been born. Max always wondered what had happened to her dad but she never got around to asking. Her mom came up behind her, looked at the picture, and sighed. She reached over Max's shoulder and gently took the photo out of her hands.

"Okay!" Molly said, putting the picture frame back where it was. She placed the box she was holding in the truck as well. "New, new job – waddaya say, kiddo? Ready for a new adventure?" She closed the back of the truck, walked around the truck and into the driver's seat. Max sighed.

"Are we ever going to stay in one place?" she muttered as she moved into the passenger's seat. Molly started the car and they drove away from the town.

Behind where they were before they drove off, Forge Ferrus walked up. He put two fingers to his ear where a comm was placed. "They're on the move!" he said.

"Copy that, Commander," Kat said through the comm.

Jason Naught sat at his desk while his colleagues watched the latest THI commercial. They had just finished praising him on the good work when the picture of the guy he was working with showed up on one of his holographic screens.

"Alright," Jason said. "Get lost! I've got business to attend to." He shooed his colleagues away and sat down. He waited a couple seconds after his office doors closed before hitting a red button under his desk. He sat back as his chair sunk into the floor. A room full of holographic screens and monitors showed up as Jason stopped on the floor. His chair turned toward one of the bigger screens and a man's face popped up on the screen.

His face was haggard looking and he had a mask covering his mouth and nose. His brown hair was slightly unkempt; his red eyes had small creases underneath, as if he hadn't slept in weeks. He was angered alright.

"You have news, Mr. Naught?" the man on the screen growled, irritated.

"Good news, sir," Jason replied. He chuckled nervously. "Sales are up. 78 percent –"

"What of the Ultra-Link?" the man interrupted.

"Well, I'm afraid news on that front isn't quite as... rosy? Our forces were driven off by N-Tek." He finished in a rather quiet voice.

The man's eyes widened. "N-Tek!" He coughed, his voice turning hoarse once again. He banged on the glass he was behind. "If we do not find a suitable energy source to keep me alive, all that I have done, all that I have planned, schemed, stolen will all be for nothing. I MUST HAVE TURBO ENERGY!"

"We'll redouble our efforts, sir," Jason tried.

"Do not fail me! If this clock reaches zero," a timer counting down showed up on the screen. "it won't just signal my end, Mr. Naught." With that, the man disappeared from the screen. Jason sat back in his chair and swallowed nervously. He was in so much trouble.