I pass by the hallway and see him and his friend watching the school TV.

I shove the food in my pocket as they accuse me at the Christmas party.

I look forward from the bus driver's seat as his teacher is taking attendance.

I walk by his classroom eating an ice cream sandwich after the power had gone off.

I sit behind him on the new roller coaster.

I see him at the moustache party.

I watch him at the parade.

I smile up at him as he swings off the window-washer's platform.

He may never know it, but I am always watching him. He will never recognize me, but I will always know it's him. He never sees me, but I always see him. He doesn't know me, but I know everything about him.

His heart of gold, his eyes so bold, and his mind controlled, he is the perfect Ninja and he will always make things right.

I'm so proud you.


Just something I thought about while listening to the "I'm so I'm so I'm so I'm so I'm so proud of you" part of Drake's song, "I"m So Proud of You". It makes me think of the Messenger.

They show so many cameos of him. I've found at least like 8, which explains the first 8 sentences.