This will likely be a series of (hopefully) humorous oneshots I write whenever plot bunnies decide to breed in the back of my mind.

General disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars


Obi-Wan Kenobi's voice rang through the apartment, tinged with a faint hint of exasperation. Knowing his master well enough to recognize his annoyance, Anakin stuck his head tentatively out the door of his room, wondering what had provoked his normally calm master to call for him in such an undignified manner.


"Care to explain?" Obi-Wan gestured to a mess of parts scattered on the table, couch and floor of our small sitting area.

"I was building a droid, Master." Duh. "I'll clean it up."

"I'm sure you will," Obi-Wan replied, sarcasm creeping into his tone. "That wasn't what I meant, and you know it."


Obi-Wan pinched his nose and sighed. "Who is it for?"

For? "For, master?"

"Yes. Who were you planning on pranking this time?

"Pranking?" Obi-Wan's eyes narrowed, clearly sensing the evasion.

"Yes." His tone allows for no argument. Anakin sighed, hanging his head slightly.

"Master Windu." Obi-Wan gave him a disbelieving look. "What? It's a good one?"

"Oh? Care to enlighten me?"

"Of course!" Anakin was always eager to talk about his pranks. "It's going to ambush him in the hallway this afternoon and dump dye on his head. The dye is semi-permanent and will take him days to remove."


"Yes! The dye is orange, it'll look good on him."

Obi-Wan stared at Anakin, a look of faint disapproval on his face. Anakin thought he detected a hint of humour in his eyes, though, so his master couldn't be too mad.

Finally Obi-Wan turned away. "Master Windu has a habit of walking through the gardens in the early morning to visit Master Yoda at his favourite meditation spot. The foliage overlaps on the path and is an excellent hiding place." He walked away.

Anakin stared. Then stared some more.

Had Obi-Wan just helped him with a prank?

Three days later, Obi-Wan and Anakin sat at the table in the kitchen, eating breakfast. Anakin was absentmindedly swirling food around on his plate, occasionally taking a bite, while wondering how Obi-Wan could eat so elegantly this early in the morning.

His thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Obi-Wan rose gracefully from his place at the table and went to answer it.

The door opened to reveal a very irate Mace Windu, the top of his bald head dyed in swirling patterns of yellow, orange and blue – Anakin had refined the mixture of paints dispensed by the droid after deciding orange by itself was too boring.

"Kenobi," the Master growled, sounding extremely irritated.

Anakin shrunk in his chair, sure he had been discovered. Master Windu, after all, did not make a habit of early-morning visits to the Knight/Padawan quarters.

"Master Windu?" Obi-Wan was as composed as Anakin had ever seen him as he gazed back at the master, though his gaze flickered briefly to the man's head.

Master Windu kept his gaze on Obi-Wan. "I had thought," the man growled, "That the responsibilities of a Master would have given you more maturity."

"Oh? And when in recent times have I acted immaturely?" Obi-Wan's voice carried the faintest hint of amusement that seemed to further aggravate Master Windu.

"I had expected better of you, Master Kenobi." A grin that Anakin almost had to call evil flickered across his face. "And I expect to meet you in the training halls in one hour to express my…dissatisfaction in your behaviour."

"Of course," Obi-Wan answered, his tone perfectly bland. Master Windu offered one last glare before turning and striding away. Obi-Wan calmly closed the door and returned to his breakfast, Anakin staring at him open-mouthed.

"Master? What just happened?"

"Ah, yes. I have been summoned to experience Master Windu's particular brand of justice."

"But why?"

"As retribution for the prank played on him, of course."

Anakin stared at him, utterly confused. "But … you didn't play the prank on him. I did."

Obi-Wan gazed serenely at him. "Of course you did. But you have not been at the temple long enough to receive a reputation for pranking." A slow smile. "I, however, have."

Anakin stared. "Really?"

"Of course. Though I chose to paint his head pink ... with a dye that glowed in the dark."

A ringing thud sounded through the apartment as Anakin and his chair hit the floor.

The chair was not impressed.