Gabby rubbed her head. "MMMMh." She groaned as she got out of bed. She headed for the kitchen. A note was tapped to the fridge door. Dear Gabby, Good morning sweet heart. Hope you have a great day. We'll call at 6:00 so we don't miss you before your night time walk. See you in a few weeks, love you, Mom and Dad.

"Ohh yeah. Forgot about that." She said aloud. Her parents had to go help her Aunt with her Quintuplets, leaving her alone for a few weeks. She proceeded to make her breakfast. After wards she went about her daily summer routine. Eventually it reached 6:00p.m. The phone began to ring. Gabby answered it.

"Hey Mom…. Yes I'm fine… No I'll be fine on my own…. Yes I know who to call if I have any trouble….. I love you two, Tell Aunt Mary that I love her as well….Goodnight, Bye." She hung up the phone and climbed out her window onto the fire escape. She let the night air rap around her for a minute. She climbed the ladder to the top of the building and onto the roof, where she began to run. She jumped to the next, and then the next. Relishing in the feel of wind on her face.

The sound of metal clashing reached her ears. Gabby skidded to a halt. Grunts and shouts were mixed with the clashing metal. She walked silently toward the sound. On the next roof top over she saw a rather large fight going on. She ducked behind a satellite as one of the fighters looked her way. He, at least she thought it was a he, was dressed in a black jump suit with red eye holes. She thought he hadn't seen her.

A hand grabbed her arm. "Let go!" She yelled. The man had her in a grip as strong as steel. Gabby punched him hard in the face.

"Owwwww!" She screamed. Her hand throbbed. This guy was defiantly not humane! Gabby struggled as the man, or what ever this thing was, began to drag her towards the fight. It jumped the roof with her in tow. Her leg hit the side of the building and she yelped.

A huge creature came up to gabby and the foot ninja. "Good a hostage. Those turtles won't fight back now that we have one." It said in a raspy voice. "Hey! Lookie what we have here! Now you don't want her to get hurt now do you?" it growled, taking Gabby by the arm. His claws dung into her, drawing blood.

"Let her go Rahzarr." A large turtle with a blue mask and a pair of katana said.

"Let the kid go or I'll knock the fur of you!" Snarled another turtle with a red mask and a pair of twin sai. The creature holding Gabby, Rahzarr, only tightened his grip on her arm and laughed, causing more pain and blood to spill. OHHH big stinking mistake claw boy! She thought angrily. Gabby used her free arm to elbow him hard in the stomach. He gasped for air and released his grip. She ran. Gabby heard a growl behind her and felt something wrap around her legs. She fell face forward.

The thing around her lags slacked and she tried to force herself up. "Watch Out!" A voice called to her. A canister fell to the ground and sprayed green ooz everywhere. A glob landed on her wound and seeped in. It burned. Gabby grasped her arm tightly.

"We need to get out of here!" The blue masked turtle yelled.

"What about the girl? Mutagen got on her!" Yelled the same voice that had shouted at her. What the heck is mutagen? Gabby thought. She felt herself being lifted up and saw a flash of red.

"I got her Now lets go!" The red masked turtle said angrily.

"Hey I can walk for my self you know." Gabby said gruffly. Her head began to spin. Bright blue eyes outlined in orange went straight into her face. "Really? You don't seem so good right now." It said. Black dots began to dance across her vision and her head throbbed a bit. The last thing she felt before becoming unconscious was the wind in her face.

Gabby blinked. Everything was fuzzy and she herd a beeping nearby. Gaby blinked and rubbed her eyes. Things began to clear. She was in a lab of some sort. For a moment she was confused, then last nights events flooded back to her. A pale olive green turtle wearing a purple mask walked up to her. "Ohh good you're awake. Are you Ok?" it asked.

"Uhhh… Yeah I'm fine….. Where am I and who are you?" She asked. The turtle smiled. She tried to sit up but her arm gave way with a searing burn. She yelped.

"Here let me help you. I'm Donatello by the way, but everyone calls me Donnie." He said helping her sit up. She smiled weakly at him.

"Thanks Donnie, I'm Gabby." She said. "But where am I?" She looked around. Is he going to experiment on me or something? She wondered. Donnie walked over to a door and opened it.

"Guys she's awake." He called out. Three more turtles, all varying in appearance and size entered. A giant humanoid rat followed them in. She recognized the turtles from the fight last night, but the rat was a stranger to her. It walked up to her.

"Hello, My name is Hamoto Yoshi. I welcome you to our home." He said.

"I'm Gabby, Nice to meet you." She said.

"These are my sons." He gestured to the four turtles. "My eldest, Leonardo. My second, Raphael. My third Donatello. And my youngest, Michelangelo." Gabby smiled. Then her gaze drifted about the room.

"I know you said this is your home and all, but where exactly are we?" she asked. The red masked turtle, Raphael, answered.

"The sewers." He stated bluntly.

The steady beeping became faster and Gabby's head began to spin again. Her right arm Burned fiercely. She began to fall back, but instead of hitting the hard metal table she met a pair of arms.

"Donnie what's happening?" Raph asked.

"The mutagen is taking affect. It was delayed for some reason earlier. But now something's happening." He said.

"Can you help her Donnie?" Leo asked.

"No all we can do is make sure her vitals don't go critical and hope for the best." He responded.

The burning in her arm gradually faded to a numb throbbing, the rest of her body also grew nub. Gabby closed her eyes and felt like she was drifting in a black ocean. What's happening? She wondered as all feeling faded away.

So this is the first chapter. What do you guys think? Please review. Hope you guys like it.