Chapter 13
One week later. With Koll finally vanquished it was a time of new beginnings in Arendelle. Homes were being rebuilt and old wounds were beginning to heal. Oaken even got a big deal out of the whole thing. The brave men and women responsible for this change all focused their attention on helping the people of Arendelle, healing their own wounds and preparing for Anna and Kristoff's big, upcoming wedding.
Bard then came out of his room with a new set of clothes and a sling around his still broken arm. He was soon greeted by his approaching sisters and he smiled.
"Hello, Bard. How are you doing?" Elsa asked.
"Ah, I'm fine, you?" Bard questioned them.
Anna smiled back. "Never better," she said.
"Good to hear." Bard nodded. "Had me worried there, sis."
"Your one to talk… bro." Anna smiled a cheeky smile. Bard smiled in amusement and then rubbed his broken arm. Anna's expression changed. "Sorry I…"
"No worries, within a few weeks it should be back to normal." Bard assured her.
"Too bad your healing powers can't work on yourself." Elsa said, disappointed.
"Yeah… you know all this time I thought fire was just destruction but now I see that it's more than that. It's energy and life, like the sun itself." Bard mused.
Elsa nodded, smiling. "That's right. And in time Arendelle will do the same thing."
"Thank goodness." Anna said, relieved.
"Oh! I almost forgot! Anna, I have a surprise for you." Elsa told Anna, excitedly.
"A surprise?" Anna asked. "What kind of a surprise."
"Follow me and I'll show you!" Elsa said with a smile as she walked down the hall. Bard and Anna exchanged glances and began to follow.
Bard and Anna sound found themselves following Elsa into a tall tower and up a long flight of wooden stairs, as they proceeded further Anna's excitement continued to grow more.
"Come on, tell me!" Anna begged.
"No, no spoilers." Elsa said, shaking her head with a smile.
"Is it… a horse drawn carriage?" Anna guessed.
"Why would one be up here?" Bard questioned her, confused.
"Yeah, your right… uh… a snow place? Ooh! An indoor ice rink!" Anna kept guessing.
"Elsa, please make Anna stop guessing…" Bard said.
"Don't worry, we're almost there." Elsa assured them as they reached a pair of doors.
"Ooh! I can't wait to see what's in…" Anna began Elsa opened the doors.
They all walked through the doors and entered what seemed to be a small room with a wooden floor, some boxes, a drawer, some changing room covers hanging from the ceiling above and a wardrobe right in front of them.
"The attic?" The Princess finished, confused.
"Oh, it's not just the attic… it's what's in the attic that's the surprise." Elsa said.
"Uh… do you come with a translator?" Bard questioned, confused.
"Just hold on." Elsa said as she walked over to the wardrobe and opened it. Anna gasped when she saw what appeared to be a fancy white wedding dress inside.
"Is that…" Anna began, breathless.
"Mother's? Yes." Elsa nodded with a smile.
"It's beautiful…" Anna expressed, happily.
"Gotta admit it's pretty, should probably thank whoever made it, that is… if they're still alive, of course." Bard said.
Elsa chuckled. "Oh, they are and they said they'd be honored if Anna wore our mother's dress for her wedding."
"Oh… I don't know I'd probably rip it…" Anna said, somewhat unsure.
"Then you'd better put it on carefully." Elsa said, as she took the dress and held it towards Anna. "Come one! Try it!"
"You want me to wear it?" Ann asked, surprised. "Oh, of course you want me to wear it, why else would it be there?"
"Are you gonna wear it or not?" Bard questioned.
"Well… ok!" Anna said, smiling as she took the dress and went over to some covers to change into it. Both Bard and Elsa then heard odd noises on the other side of the walls covering her, they exchanged glances before Anna spoke up.
"Ok… now!" Anna said, before coming out wearing the dress. "Ta-da!"
Both Elsa and Bard were stunned and amazed by how perfectly and dress fit Anna and how beautiful she looked in it as well.
"Wow…" Bard said, speechless.
"Anna, you look amazing!" Elsa expressed.
"You really think so?" Anna asked, hopefully.
"Absolutely." Bard nodded.
"Thank you two." Anna smiled. "Oh… this wedding is going to be the best ever! Oh… I hope I didn't just jinx that."
"Maybe… or maybe not… you choose." Bard said, smiling.
"By the way, I really don't have to walk down the aisle alongside Sven do I?" Elsa asked, nervously.
Anna giggled. "Don't worry, he's not a best man… but he is invited."
"And now's the part where you tell me your joking." Elsa said.
"I don't think she is." Bard noted.
"Relax, he'll be properly attired." Anna assured her.
"Well, as well as a reindeer can be anyway." Bard added with a smirked.
"So, who is the best man?" Elsa questioned.
"That'd be me." Bard said, proudly. "You the maid of honor?"
"Of course." Elsa nodded, smiling.
"Great!" Bard said, pleased. "Hey, do you think I can perform one of my shows?
"If there's time yes." Elsa nodded.
"Sweet!" Bard said, excitedly.
"By the way, I have one more surprise." Elsa said as she backed away to the door. Anna and Bard watched curiously as she opened the door and a familiar snowman quickly ran inside.
"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" The snowman said, cheerfully
"Olaf! You're ok!" Anna said, relived as she ran over and hugged him.
"Yep! Elsa put me back together no problem!" Olaf smiled.
"Yeah… it took a little while but I finally did it." Elsa confirmed with a smile.
"Good to have you back, buddy." Kristoff expressed. "And hopefully sane, right?'
"Nope!" Olaf responded, happily. "Still as crazy as ever!"
"Swell…" Kristoff said, sarcastically.
"Well, now that we're all together… time to pay two certain people a visit." Bard declared.
"Right." His sisters both agreed as they all began to walk down the hallway together.
Sometime later, Bard, Elsa and Anna were all standing in front of two large stones with Norwegian writing on them, it was their parents gravestones. Kristoff, Sven and Olaf all watched in the background. Anna and Elsa held hands and gazed at the two stones sadly while Bard walked forward and placed a bouquet of flowers in front of them.
"Mom… Dad… the darkness is gone… Arendelle is safe…" Bard said to their parents gravestones. He turned to Elsa and Anna and smiled. "And we're ok too… hopefully you will both know peace at last."
Elsa nodded. "Well said, Bard."
Kristoff then walked forward, along with the others. "Yeah, you did good kid. Saved Anna's life too… I owe you."
"No problem, I'd do anything for my family… my real family." Bard expressed.
"And that is why you'd make a pretty good leader." Anna stated.
"I agree." Elsa nodded. "Bard, how would you feel if I asked you to become King?"
"What?" Bard asked, surprised. Everyone else looked surprised, also. "W-Why me?"
"I want to honor Kai's wish… and our parents." Elsa told him. "And I know you'd be a great king… you just have to put your mind to it."
"I can't just take over… I'm still new to this… royal thing." Bard pointed out.
"Which is why we will be ruling Arendelle together." Elsa stated.
"Together?" Bard repeated.
"That's right." Elsa nodded.
"Is that even possible?" Anna asked.
"Well… technically were not allowed to but made a point that while Bard is the rightful heir, I have the most experience, we can help each other. Together we can surpass our parents" Elsa said.
"You think so?" Bard asked.
"I know so." Elsa stated.
"As do I." Anna agreed.
"You know… your fishing boat, could have landed anywhere… we're all just lucky that… it was here." Elsa said, smiling at him.
"Hate to say but… Elsa's right." Kristoff agreed. "Although… if we got a thirty day trial period…"
Anna nudged him with a cheeky smile and everyone laughs amused.
"Well my first order of business after your wedding is to find Koll's old village and restore it." Bard declared.
Kristoff looked surprised. "Really? Why? After everything he did?"
"Because of our father's sins that he made to protect us. It's my job as King to establish peaceful relations with other lands and as a son… it's also my job to right my father's wrongs." Bard stated, firmly. "I have to."
Anna approached him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well you won't be doing it alone."
Elsa stepped forward as well. "That's for sure," she agreed.
Kristoff joined in also. "Like Olaf said; we're a team."
"Yeah, and no one should ever do things alone!" Olaf added.
"I hear that." Bard nodded. "And to be honest… there are no other people I'd rather do it with."
"Same here, little brother." Anna and Elsa both said, smiling.
"Love ya guys." Bard said as he hugged his sisters who hug him right back.
"Love you too, Bard" They both said as Kristoff and Sven joined in.
"Yay! I like warm hugs!" Olaf expressed as he joined in also.
"Oh, by the way Olaf, I got a surprise for you!" Elsa told him, smiling.
"A surprise? Really!?" Olaf asked, excitedly. "Oh, I hope it's ice cream! I love ice cream!"
"Better." Elsa assured him before she created and swirled up some snow before putting some libs and eyes on it and bringing it to life. Her creation seemed to be another snowman, only it seemed that this one looked like a female version of Olaf, complete with long eyelashes.
"Hi, I'm Edith and I also like warm hugs!" she said. Olaf gasped with joy.
"My own personal snow girlfriend!" Olaf cried, happily before hugging the female Olaf. The others laughed, amused.
"Well, suppose we should head over now." Kristoff shrugged.
"Guess so." Anna smiled as her future husband put his arm around her as they walked ahead. Bard turned to them.
"Wait… head over where?" Bard asked, confused.
Anna turned to him, happily. "To see our future in-laws."
"Our what now?" Bard asked.
"Come on, it's time for the wedding!" Anna said as she grabbed his right arm and pulled him away quickly.
Later, in the valley of the living rock, home of the rock trolls, many of Arendelle's citizens, including Gerda and Oaken, were all gathered together alongside the trolls for Kristoff and Anna's wedding, alongside Bard, Elsa and the others. The area was highly decorated with flower covered ropes hanging from above, little rocky seats where everyone was seated and a little spot where the Troll Rabbi was currently waiting, along with Bard, Elsa and the others, plus the groom himself, who was currently wearing a suit.
Just then, the female Troll that raised Kristoff then began to play music from a rocky version of an organ machine. Everyone stood up and turned to where the bride would be entering and walking down the aisle. Kristoff gulped and adjusted his tie.
Bard noticed this and nudged him. "Hey, don't worry, everything will be fine. It's only the most important day of your life. What could go wrong?" he asked, confidently.
"Yes, thank you Bard, that's very comforting." Kristoff said, flat faced.
"Yeah, it was!" Olaf smiled.
"But… at least Grandpappy looks to be happy, and if he's happy, there's nothing to worry about." Kristoff said, confidently as he gazed toward an elderly looking troll with a smile on his face.
"I still can't believe our in-laws are trolls…" Bard muttered to Elsa quietly.
"Be nice, they're practically family now." Elsa reminded him.
Bard then spotted three cheering trolls next to him, one large, one medium and one small. He looked closely and saw that there was an even smaller one on top of the small one, weirding him out. "Yeah… family…" he said, slowly. He glanced at Elsa and then and then Anna and Kristoff and smiles. "Ain't nothing stronger than that…"
"Right you are little brother." Elsa said as she and Bard put their arms around each other just as the Troll Rabbi began speaking.
"Do you Anna take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do part?" The Troll Rabbi asked.
"I do." Anna smiled.
"And you Kristoff take Anna to be your trollfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do part?" he asked the groom.
"I do." Kristoff smiled also.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now…" The rabbi began to say before Anna and Kristoff promptly embraced in a passionate kiss. "Uh… kiss the bride."
Everyone then sat up and cheered for the lovely couple, especially Elsa and Bard. Olaf whooped and jumped for joy before kissing Edith while Sven whined like a real horse. Anna and Kristoff then ceased their kiss, stared at each other and hugged.
Later, during the wedding reception while everyone was sitting together with some of the trolls and talking, the Arendelle Royal Family, which included Bard, Elsa, Anna and now Kristoff, Sven and Edith, sat a long table smiling at everyone. Elsa then stood up and tapped her glass.
"Attention everyone, attention." Elsa announced. They all turned to her. "I'd like to propose a toast… to my dear sister, and new brother-in-law, Kristoff, whose love I hope will last until the end of time."
Kristoff and Anna both smiled at Elsa, fondly and gratefully.
"They're love was nearly vanquished by the terrible Viking Koll… but Together… alongside myself and our dear brother Bard, who has finally returned home… they were able to break through that as well and if they can get past that… they can survive almost anything."
Bard and the others all smiled and clapped in response.
"However… there will always be those who seek to do us harm." Elsa continued. "We can never be sure where they may come or who they are. But we have to take them as they come. Our first instinct is to seek revenge when those we love are taken from us. But that's not who we are. For we must all strive to be overcome the desire for vengeance and seek to help out those who have lost their path, in honor of those who lost their lives… nearly one week ago." She paused for a moment to look out towards the faces that gazed back at her, silent and respectful not only to what she was saying, but of the woman who was saying them. It was a new sensation for the speaker.
"That idea is who we once were," she went on. "And who we must be again."
Everyone stared at her, looking stunned and inspired, then one by one they began to clap until they were all standing up and applauding her, including her friends and family.
"Thank you, thank you all…" Elsa said to them, gratefully as they continued to clap.
Later on, after the wedding, the recently married couple both stepped out and looked toward the horizon with thoughtful looks and smiles.
"So… what's next?" Anna asked, Kristoff.
"Well 'next' is the honeymoon." Kristoff said.
"And where's that?" Anna inquired, curiously.
"Eh, wherever the wind takes us." Kristoff smiled.
"Sounds good to me." Anna smiled back. "As long as we're together, I'm happy anywhere."
"Excellent." Kristoff nodded, as they got into Kristoff's newest sled with Sven attached to it. "Now, come on Sven, let's roll!"
Sven whinnied again and quickly trotted off as quickly as he could, carrying Kristoff and Anna with him. Olaf and Edith ran after them.
"Hey, you guys! Wait for us!" Olaf called out as he and Edith jumped onto Sven's back and laughed joyfully.
Bard and Elsa both watched their friends and family members ride off for a while before turning to each other, smiling.
"So… you ready to head out… King Bard?" Elsa asked.
"I am, Queen Elsa." Bard confirmed with a nod.
"Then let's head off." Elsa declared.
"Yes, let's." Bard nodded. Then, both he and Elsa then shifted into their elemental forms and took off, with Elsa constantly creating and sliding down a long ice slide that just went forward ahead and Bard flying ahead with the sun powering him up. Eventually they caught up to the newlyweds who continued to be pulled by their trusty reindeer while the new snowmen couple rode on him, laughing all the way. And so all eight of the heroes raced towards the sun, each of them having learned a new lesson, gained more maturity and a different perspective on things. It was strange to them but it also felt… right.
The End