Chapter 25

It has been a few days since the attack on the village, and things were slowly settling back to a state of normalcy, With the injuries sustain during the battle against Bane, Crane and his team were given the time off to heal, leaving the village's safety in the hands of the local rhino guards, though Po found it difficult to stay put and rest up, he had put so much time and effort into becoming a kung fu warrior that the idea of unable to protect the valley felt like a betrayal. Ping and Shifu came by every so often, the aged goose bringing the panda bowls of his favorite brand of noodle soup, while the wise red panda brought a new batch of scrolls for him to study, so at least Po felt some good came out of all this.

Tai Lung kept mainly to himself, though no one held any grieves against him, what he did while under the influence of Bane's war hammer weighed heavily on his shoulders, the idea that someone could have easily brought out the worst part of him felt extremely unnerving and fear his position among the defenders of the village at risk. Right now he was busy training in the dojo, yet his heart was not fully in it, all he could see was Po's frighten face as he held him.

He brought his fist to bear against the wooden warrior, though his aim was off and ended up getting smacked against the head. He stumbled for a moment, taking hold of the post for support yet his legs still felt weak and feared he could stumble at any moment, after a few deep breaths he swung his arm against the pillar, sighing heavily. "I don't know if I can do this anymore."

"And what would that be?"

Tai Lung turned around a little bit startled to see Shifu standing in the doorway. The red panda was leaning softly against a small wooden cane that immediately caught the snow leopard's attention which only served to worsen his mood. "Master Shifu," he said in haste rushing to his side, "you shouldn't be up about, what with your injuries."

"Please," Shifu said showing a brave face, "I've been through much more than this," he paused as to stumble a bit clutching his cane. He chuckled a little looking over at Tai Lung saying, "this is just something that I will need to become accustom to," he paused once more, sighing deeply and took a seat on the steps, "so now tell me what is bothering you?"

Tai Lung took a deep breath knowing that he could never hide anything from Shifu even if he tried. "It's about what happened during the battle against Bane."

A faint smile took shape on the red panda. "Ah yes, I don't think any of us will forget that battle. You shouldn't really blame yourself for what happened; Bane's weapon had been tainted by black magic, it could have happened to any of us."

"Yes but for me there was bit more truth behind it."

A look of uncertainty took shape on Shifu's face. "What do you mean?"

"You recall how angry I got when Oogway denied my right to become the Dragon Warrior and after you left, I demanded to know who he planned to choose over me. I felt so cheated and wronged that I was ready to challenge who it was to claim the title, and when I found out it was Po I thought Oogway had made a terrible joke which only made me even more angry."

Shifu nodded calmly. "Well it's clear that you did not act on those feeling. What changed?"

"That's the funny thing, it was something Po told me, how titles didn't make you what you are. He knew that no matter what people abused or belittle him just because he's a panda all that matters to him is what he believes in, and that's what makes him the Dragon Warrior because he knows it in his heart."

"Then I can't see the dilemma you're facing."

"Because even though I've come to terms with Oogway's choice and Po's place here in the Jade Palace, a part of me still loathe him for taking what I had once thought was mine by right, because its preventing me from keeping my promise to keep this village safe and because I feel that I have let you down."

"Tai Lung understand that you can never disappoint me. You are both brave and strong, with skill and fierceness unmatched by any other, and you will always have a place here. So please do not let this one slip darken your spirit my son but strive to learn from it and grow better and stronger from it."

"Thank you for your sage words father, and I will try."


Tai Lung and Shifu turned to see Po standing out in the open courtyard, his midsection were wrapped in strips of cloth though held himself firm and ready for action with an angry expression on his face as he eyed the snow leopard. "Because I would hate to have to knock some sense into that thick head of yours."

Tigress swept the loose snow across the main court yard, she found it a little hard to believe that a few days ago this had been the place of a fierce battle and still found it a little unnerving how it involved elements of her past. Bane had been taken away shortly after the fight was over, yet she could still hear his ranting and claiming to make her pay someday, and feared she may hear his cries of outrage for the rest of her life. She also noticed that people had begun looking at her differently, where as when she first started working at the Jade Palace, they would give her several blank stares or awkward glances, now whenever she ventured out into the village street for an errand they would greet her with warm smile and friendly waves, some even went as far as to bow which made her feel rather uncomfortable.

She found it bit interesting that the only place she could escape from her fears was to lock herself away in her room. Often enough she found herself giggling whenever she entered it thinking back to her days in orphanage and had to stay locked away in her own room for the safety of the other children and now she kept herself in here from being overwhelmed by the people wishing to speak with her.

A gentle breeze swept across the hall and Tigress's nose twist at the pleasant scent of peaches and her ears turned back toward the door waiting for the soft clicking sound that announced the arrival of the ancient turtle, though after several fleeting moments there was nothing. Baffled Tigress glanced over her shoulder shocked to see Shifu instead. The sight of the red panda brought a sense of warmth and happiness within her yet as he took a few steps having to rely on the thin cane the harshness of what happen came rushing to the surface and nearly broke down in a river of tears.

A gentle smile formed on Shifu's face. "You and Tai Lung are so alike," he said entering the room, "both so concern for my well being."

"Shifu," she began though found it difficult to speak, "I'm sorry I haven't finished my chores, I just…I thought I could…" She stopped herself feeling deeply ashamed for stammering in such a matter, though if Shifu noticed he didn't let it show.

"It is quite alright Tigress," he said coming to stand beside her. "I've not come to discuss but to offer you something."

A confused look formed on Tigress. "What?"

Shifu reached into the folds of his sleeve and pulled forth a small coin that bore the symbol of the Jade Palace on one side and the red panda's on the other. "Is that it?" Tigress asked looking a bit more annoyed than interested, "A single shiny coin. Geez thank."

Shifu chuckled as he placed the coin in Tigress's open hand. "You'll find its worth more than a simple gold piece. This is something that I would have given you…had things taken a different path. As you can see it bares both mine and the Jade Palace symbol."


"So it signifies that it can be used to access the palace treasury. Simply display this coin to any merchant or money lender and they'll send the bill to the palace. Just promise me that you won't go overboard with your spending."

The confused expression reformed as she eyed the coin. "Why would you give me something like this?"

"It is my attempt to make up for you having to face all these years alone and suffering, unable to have a normal life. I allowed Po's training to blind me to your needs. I know that you may never forgive me but—"

His statement was cut short as Tigress suddenly leaned over to wrap her arms around him bringing the red panda close to her in loving hug. "Of course I forgive you. I owe you so much."

"Uh well you're welcome…" Shifu said feeling a bit awkward but still returned the hug, "my daughter."

Being referred as such caused tears to flow down her cheeks and hugged Shifu a bit tighter.

"Careful Tigress, you're squeezing a bit too much."

"Oh," she snapped looking shocked quickly releasing the red panda, "I am so sorry."

"It's very alright," Shifu said standing up and turned to, "now if you'll excuse me there are some issues I need to deal with." He paused as he neared the edge of the door, "Oh I just remember Master Oogway said he would like to speak with you about something."

"Oh?" She muttered, though before she could ask way Shifu was already gone. "Geez, he's just as fast as the turtle."

After completing her daily chores, Tigress made her way toward the Great Hall. A few other servants crossed her path and gave her a friendly wave to which she returned with still a bit of awkwardness, as she found the idea of people treating her with respect an odd concept. She had just rounded the corner only to find herself bumping into Po which resulted in him dropping a number of scrolls about the floor.

"Oh sorry Po," Tigress said, "here let me help you with that those."

"It's alright," Po replied looking a bit sheepish, eyeing Tigress with those deep radiant green eyes.

Taking note of his expression, Tigress found herself blushing as she handed him the last scroll on the ground. "I guess Oogway and Shifu have you hard at work too."

"These," Po said referring to the scrolls with a playful chuckle, "nah, Tai Lung has me read all these," he paused to lift his shoulders and lower his voice to a deep grunt, "'You must do all that you can to master the ancient kung fu scrolls in order to become the Dragon Warrior.'"

Tigress giggled playfully raising a hand to her lips. She had never known that Po was so amusing, then again she had spent most of her time here feeling sorry for herself at first. Thinking back to those days she also realized that she had been more than a little hard on him and her expression became one of shame. "Listen Po, I want to say sorry for all the hassle I put you through."

"It's alright," Po said then something changed in his expression, "that reminds me, I have something to give you," repositioning the scrolls so that he could reach into the inside of his vest, the panda pulled out a small black box trimmed in red velvet with patterns of leaves running across it, "it's something I meant to give you sooner, but when the fighting broke out, things shall we say got a little zany."

"What is it?" Tigress asked.

"It's something that belongs to you."

Tigress eyed the panda then turned her attention to the box and slowly lifted the lid and her eyes opened wide in shock. Nestled inside was a small wooded golden domino piece. On one side was the yin & yang sign and the other was the symbol for tiger. "Crane helped me with that," she heard Po say as she took a look at the marking.

"This…" she whispered bringing her free up to her mouth, tears slowly rolling down her face. "This is my treasure."

"Yeah," Po said with a sheepish grin, "the one I found after our first encounter."

The side of Tigress's face began to turned bright red and had to look away while pretending to smooth out her fur to keep Po from seeing it. "Has it really been a whole year since that day?"

"Yeah, some fun uh?"

Tigress rolled her eyes though smile inside. "I wouldn't call it fun." Crazy is more like it.

"Well anyway, like I said, I had planned to return this sooner but wanted to restore it first. I really am sorry for keeping this from you, but I felt doing this would be the best way to make up for it."

"Oh Po this is just so wonderful of you," Tigress said with glee and for the first time embraced him a gentle hug, a please smile formed on her face at his soft fur. She was about to release him, when she felt Po's arms wrap around her holding her close.

She was about whisper something into his ears, that she was so grateful for everything he's done for her, and how she could never truly thank him, though before she could, the sound of a deep grunt drew her attention, turned and nearly jumped off the ground at the sight of Tai Lung standing in the doorway to the Great Hall. The snow leopard held his arms across his chest, lips pulled back forming a feral snarl and eyes narrow almost as though they could burn a hole through the giant panda.

"Po, please keep in mind that though you and I are friends and fellow protectors of the village," Tai Lung said then pointed a finger at Tigress, "she is still my little sister."

Po released his grip on Tigress, bowed to both of them, then quickly gathered his scrolls and made a mad dash down the hall.

"Tai Lung," Tigress snapped, stomping her foot, "he was only giving me a hug, you don't have to go full on brother mode on me."

The fierce look that covered Tai Lung's face mere moments ago quickly replaced with a sly grin. "True, but when am I ever going to get the chance to do that?"

Tigress rolled her eyes once again releasing a heavy sigh. She then made her way past him playfully punching him across the arm which caused the bulking snow leopard to take a side step. "Just don't it a habit of it okay, I'm not really looking for a big brother."

Tigress came upon Oogway waiting calmly before the Moon Pool, his back was facing her so she thought it would be best not to bother him and merely sat down, positioning herself in one of those lotus stance she saw Po and the others do sometime. She sat there for some time and after several minutes she was starting to get bored and more importantly her legs were starting to hurt. How do they do this for so long?

Deciding to take action, Tigress brought a hand to her lips and cleared her throat in a deep grunt. Oogway shifted to the side, smiling at the sight of her. "Thank you for coming my dear," he said in a calm voice, "I hope I haven't been keeping you waiting long."

"No…not long." Just long enough for my legs to fall asleep.

"Good. What I have to say might be of some interest to you. Given your recent action during the conflict with the warlord Bane…"

A shudder ran down Tigress's back at the mention of the water buffalo's name.

"…I have decided to grant you an early parole."

Tigress's eyes snapped open, the numbing sensation in her legs completely forgotten and jumped to her feet. "You're what?"

"I'm setting you free."

"Just like that?" she asked.


"What am I suppose to do then," she demanded, "where should I go?"

A warm smile formed on his face. "You are free to go and do as you please."

Tigress cast her gaze about, mind whirling with questions and possibilities of an uncertain future. She had thought she'd spend the next five years working here for the Jade Palace and never consider what would happen afterwards. That wasn't entirely true though. She did have plans to leave this place someday after her term was over and never look back, but now she's come to know this place and the people that dwelled. Zang and Ming two of the palace caretakers who first welcomed her without question, even Kusa lived here, a person she never thought would see again and then there was Po and the others fierce and powerful warriors who had easily accepted her as their friend and willing fought to protect her.

She couldn't just walk away from all this, this new life she had come to know.

Turning back to the aged turtle, Tigress noticed a puzzled expression on Oogway's face, as though he was waiting for her to say something essential and profound. Taking a deep breath, she sat back down, wincing slightly as she reposition herself into a lotus stance again, slowly lowered her upper body in a solemn bow and said, "With all due respect Grand Master Oogway, I would like to remain here."

"That is entirely alright," Oogway said, "I'm sure that a place can be obtain for to live in the village."

"No Master," she said her voice more forceful than normal. She knew what she had to do and could not back down even if Oogway would refuse her request. "I wish to remain here in the Jade Palace and learn kung fu."

"Are you sure, the life of a kung fu warrior is not an easy life. You will be facing great peril and strife from one day to the next."

"With all due respect Master Oogway," Tigress said trying to keep from sounding too harsh, "I have face such things most of my life, and if in my training I can finally do some good with the strength I've been born with then it would be worth a little bit more hardship."

Tigress lowered her gaze from Oogway, awaiting his decision, knowing that she could do nothing more to force it, but she had made her peace and even if the turtle would deny her wish she could live with it. The sudden sensation of something gently pressing against her shoulder caused her to tilt her head up, turning her gaze upon Oogway once more and could see the same gentle smile she had come to know so well.

"Ming," he called out.

A moment later, the sheep appeared around the corner. "Yes Grand Master?"

"Would you be so kind and escort Tigress to the village clothing store," he said plainly, "she will be in need of some proper clothes."

For a split second Tigress found her baffled by this sudden change, but quickly realized that Oogway was in truth accepting her request. She was going to become a kung fu warrior, and protect the valley…just like Po. She could feel a slight warm sensation along the side of her face, and her thoughts turn back to the box he gave her. "Say Ming," she said as the sheep pulled along her arm, "I just thought of an interesting idea for my clothes."

It's been a solid week since the attack and things have returned to normal, Shifu stood before the railing over looking his students. Crane zipped across the Rings of Blades platform; Monkey fought his way through the Gauntlet of Wooden Warriors, Viper and Mantis were the only one who were excused from training due to the deep chill in the air harshly effected their movements and were allowed to focus more on their other skills such as Vipers healing and Mantis nerve pinching. Po and Tai Lung faced off on the Maze of Fire, fending off each other's attack while at the same shifting from side to side or flipping back to avoid the burst of fire. Each time a jet of fire rose up, Shifu could see the fierce determination burning in their eyes causing him to release a depressing sigh, though they had both healed physically, they were still hurting inside and he feared it would affect them more in the future. I'll have to keep a closer eye on them.

A gentle tap caught his attention and glanced over his shoulder to see Oogway standing in the doorway. He quickly rose to his feet to give the grand master a solemn bow, as he did he took note of Tigress standing beside him. She wore plain light black slacks and a red sleeveless vest trimmed in black with a gold left pattern curled around it. She looked rather stunning in her new clothes though Shifu could tell by the subtle twitch of her whiskers and darting her eyes from side to side that she was deeply nerves about something.

"Master Oogway," Shifu said standing up straight, speaking loud enough for the others to take notice of his voice and they leapt from the training platforms to land before the master in a knelt position.

Their action caused Tigress to jump back a bit moving to stand closer behind Oogway's shell. Po looked up at her and gave the tiger a friendly wink which helped ease some of the tension she felt.

"How might I help you today, Master Oogway?" Shifu said with a smile, "Have you come to watch the student training session?"

"No, not today my old friend," Oogway said with a solemn wave of his arm, motioning Tigress to step forward. "I am here to announce that young Tigress here will be officially joining the ranks of the kung fu warriors here in the Jade Palace."

A collective gasp rose up from the students, Mantis seem to snigger a little rubbing his pinchers together which resulted in a swift slap from Viper. Po looked on with a grin and Tigress couldn't help but notice the stern expression Tai Lung was giving him. Crane tilted his hate down attempting to remain focus and solid at the task at hand, though Monkey shifted his position to gently bump the avian with this elbow.

"I shall leave her in you most capable hands Master Shifu and guide her to master the skills required to defend the Valley of Peace."

Shifu eyed Tigress with a warm fatherly smile before turning back to face Master Oogway and present him a solemn fist palm gesture, followed in turn by the others. "As you wish Master Oogway, it would a great honor to teach everything I can and more to our newest kung fu warrior."

The End