Authors note: I want to thank the producers of Infamous for ideas for Robin's own variation of electrical magic. Sorry for updating so late, and sorry for promising LucinaxRobin fluff. I will get to that next chapter as I have been really busy lately. It was my Mums birthday and I was entertaining family. I also bought a PSP. If anyone knows any good games for PSP please tell me. Anyway enjoy.

Fire Emblem Awakening: Defying Destiny

Chapter 7: Meeting the Khan


All at once the knights at the top of the Longfort all brought up their javelins, their aim fixed on Chrom.

"Please, good lady! If you'd just listen-" Chrom started.

"I've heard quite enough!" The armoured woman called out. "Attack!"

All at once, the knights threw their javelins. Each one aimed at Chrom.

All the Shepherd's rushed forward as time seemed to slowed down.

"Chrom!" Robin called out. The Shepherd's cried out as Chrom's eyes widened with fear. All of a sudden, there was a flash of white with a blur of motion and Chrom seemingly disappeared. The Javelins stuck devilishly out of the ground; however, there was no sign of Chrom. All at once soft, white, feathers began to fall from the sky. Robin looked up with relief to see a Pegasus soaring above them, its fur shining in the sun.

Atop of the Pegasus, Chrom looked up from the ground to see, what he would call, a sight for sore eyes. In front of him was the woman who the blue haired prince had been worrying about for the past few hours. The Pegasus knight who was sat in front of him was controlling the Pegasus like a professional, her brownish-grey hair catching the wind making her look even more beautiful than Chrom thought she already was. A name escaped the stunned prince's mouth.


Sumia didn't turn keeping her eyes in front of her. "You better hold on tight Captain, could get bumpy."

Still stunned, Chrom could only give a simple reply. "uuhh...right."

Sumia chuckled slightly before turning to face Chrom. "You'll be fine." She told him, thinking his quietness was nothing more than being worry from being atop of a Pegasus.

Chrom continued to stare at Sumia, causing them both to blush, before something caught his eye. More of the Feroxi soldiers were running to the edge of the Longfort closest to them, new javelins ready in their armoured hands.

"Sumia!" Chrom called drawing Falchion.

"Right!" The Pegasus knight responded directing her mount away from the soldiers and back towards the Shepherd's.

From the ground, Robin and the rest of the Shepherd's let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank Naga for Sumia. If it weren't for her, I dread to think what would have happened to Chrom." Robin thought.

"Yeah! Go Sumia!" Lissa called to the Pegasus knight as the Pegasus touched the ground.

As soon as Chrom had dismounted from the Pegasus, the ever so wary Frederick was upon him like a hawk. "Are you okay, milord?!" He asked checking Chrom over from head to toe.

"Frederick, I'm fine. You worry is appreciated though." Chrom told the fretting knight.

"Yes, Milord." Frederick replied putting his hand on his chest and bowing. However he quickly moved to look angrily at the top of the Longfort. "However this Feroxi wench cannot be forgiven for ordering an attack on you, milord! She must be punished for this crime!"

"I agree." Chrom concurred. "How about we show this woman how Ylisseans return unwelcome hospitality."

"I was hoping you would say that." Robin interjected, causing all the Shepherd's to look at him. "I have an idea of how to get in."

"Do you now?" Chrom looked at his tactician quizzically. "Do tell us then."

Robin quickly explained his plan quickly while keeping a watchful eye at the top of the Longfort, in order to ensure there wouldn't be an unwelcome attack.

"It's sounds like a sturdy idea but how do you propose on implementing it, Tactician." Frederick asked Robin, his usual tone of distrust evident.

"I'll show you." Robin simply said before arching his head upwards and shouting. "Hey! Javelin lady!"

The armoured woman looked down angrily at the tactician. "My name is Raimi, brigand scum, and will if you don't turn back now, it will be the last name you hear!"

"Yeah, sure" Robin deadpanned. "What do we have to do to prove to you that we are not brigands!?"

"Heh the answer is but simple!" Raimi called back. "You must defeat me in battle of course!"

"Alright then, in that case, allow us to challenge you and prove our honour."

There was a short silence before they received an answer.

"Very well, I will recognise your claims, if, and only if, you defeat me in combat!" Raimi answered.

"Thank you." Robin replied.

"I shall be down momentarily." With that Raimi was gone.

The Shepherd's only had to wait a few minutes before a door at the side of the Longfort opened and Raimi approached them, now holding a rather vicious looking lance.

When she finally reached them, she simply stood still and eyed the eleven Shepherd's ominously.

"I am ready." She said simply.

"As am I" Chrom said stepping forward, Falchion in hand.

Raimi scoffed.

"I shall not be fighting you, brigand."

The Shepherd's were shocked.

"What! Why not?!" Chrom exclaimed angrily "You agreed to this fight did you not!?"

"That I did, however not with you." She pointed towards Robin. "It is you who shall be fighting."

Robin was thrust in to a rather awkward situation. His plan had worked perfectly up to now, the vital part. Chrom needed to be the one who fought this woman, not him. Chrom was a far stronger fighter then he was. Robin cast Chrom a look, pleading for help. Chrom cast him the similar look before sighing. "Can you make any exception?" Chrom asked.

"Absolutely not! It is an insult to my honour to fight one who did not challenge me! This man shall either fight me or we have no deal!" Raimi declared.

Chrom let out another sigh before turning to Robin. "It is up to you Robin. I'm sure that we can get word to Ylisstol and Emmeryn will send a messenger to clear this mess up."

Robin shook his head. "Chrom, Ylisse needs these reinforcements. We have no idea how long it will take to get word to Ylisse, let alone get word back. It could be another week."

"Yes, but-" Chrom started.

"It is the least I can do for you and Ylisse after what you have done for me." Robin explained.

"Are you sure you want to do this Robin?" Lissa asked.

"Yeah, you can back out you know." Sully interjected.

"No one will blame you, Robin." Chrom told him.

"I know. However this is something that must do." Robin insisted.

Chrom smiled and nodded his head. "Very well. Good luck, my friend."

Robin smiled. "Thank you." He stepped towards Raimi, however as he drew his sword, he turned back to look at his friends. "I just want to say, if I lose this, I'm sorry."

Chrom smirked. "Then don't lose."

Robin chuckled. "Fair enough." He turned back towards Raimi, who was steeling herself for the upcoming fight. Raimi continued to glare at him.

"Are you done wasting my time, brigand." Raimi snarled.

"I suppose I am." Robin replied absently, not really paying attention her, instead looking at his sword. "However, you are still wasting our time." Robin said, referring to the Shepherd's. "I will tell you once more, we are not brigands. We are only here to talk to the Khan."

"And I will tell you once more, I do not believe you!" Raimi cried. "Now are we going to fight, or not!"

Finally Robin looked at Raimi. "We are, but I am not responsible for the consequences." He warned.

Raimi looked at the tactician suspiciously. "What is your name, brigand?" She asked.

"I am Robin, Tactician of the Shepherd's." Robin answered.

"I am Raimi, Commander of the Longfort and the Captain of the East Khans personal army." She then pointed her Javelin at Robin. "Steel yourself, Tactician!" She cried as prepared to charge. "Let our battle sound out the truth in your words!" With that, Raimi charged towards Robin, her Javelin aimed towards his abdomen. Robin dived to the side, dodging the attack. Once back on his feet, Robin looked back at Raimi who was readying herself for another attack. As she charged, Robin once again dodged with a roll.

"Raimi's attacks are strong and I know that lances have the advantage over swords, however due to the armour she's wearing, her movements are slow and she's not very manoeuvrable." Robin thought. A smile spread across his lips. "I can work with that."

As Raimi charged again, to her and everyone else's surprise, Robin charged at her as well.

"What is the fool doing?!" Virion exclaimed.

"Something very...Robin." Replied an exasperated Frederick.

Just before the two fighter met, Robin made his move, collapsing his legs and using the slippery snow on the ground to slide through Raimi's legs surprising the armoured woman. As she began to turn, Robin took the opportunity he had and kicked at her legs, knocking the woman face first to the ground. Robin kicked her javelin away from her. As Raimi turned to look up at Robin she found his blade pointed at her throat.

"Do you give up?" Robin asked with a smug look of satisfaction on his face.

Raimi continued to look up at the tactician before giving a defeated nod. "I yield."

Robin smiled; he sheathed his blade and offered Raimi his hand. Once on her feet, Chrom, Lissa and Frederick walked over. Raimi turned to Chrom. "A thousand apologies, Prince Chrom." Raimi apologised. "I truly took you and your company for brigand imposters. But no frauds could ever wage a fight as your tactician just has!" She declared. "I will send word of your arrival to the capital and escort you there personally."

Chrom nodded with a smile. "That would be appreciated, thank you." He replied.

Raimi bowed before heading back into the Longfort the same way she had exited it.

"Amazing." Robin remarked. "Her whole demeanour changed."

"In Ferox, strength speaks louder than words." Frederick explained. "I should have known better than to overestimate the value of diplomacy here..."

Lissa began to shiver again. "Sooo, can we get going, Chrom?!" She cried.

Chrom chuckled. "Yes, it's not getting any warmer anyway."

"Speak for yourself." Robin laughed. "With my lovely cloak on, I could stay out here for hours."

The Shepherd's glared at him before Lissa cried... "All in favour of testing that theory say, aye!"

"Aye!" Was everyone's response before they made a bolt for the gate that Raimi had entered.

"H-hey wait!" Robin called after them. "Guys don't leave me out here in the snow!"

"I cannot believe you left me in the snow." Robin grumbled as he pushed the snow out of his wet hair.

After half an hour of grovelling, the Shepherd's had finally decided to let Robin in; it wasn't too long afterwards that the Shepherd's went off to do their own things until Raimi. Sumia, Robin, Lissa, Miriel and Virion were all in the Feroxi break room. The Shepherds were currently waiting for Raimi to return with word from the Feroxi capital.

"You did deserve it my friend." Virion said from across him. To pass the time Robin and Virion decided to play a game of chess with chess set Robin and Lissa had found. The two were quite engaged with their game. Originally it had been Robin and Lissa playing the game. Lissa had wanted to teach Robin chess as she believed that he would find it interesting; that and with Robin having no memories, she believed it would be an easy win for her and a way for her to get closer to the tactician. However as they began to play, it was quite evident that Robin was a seasoned pro when it came to Chess. Before too long, Robin had won five games in a row. Lissa had given up and went to read some books with Sumia and Miriel.

As Robin began to put away the chess set, Virion had walked over and challenged him to a game in which Robin accepted gracefully. That was until the game had started.

"Goodness, I can practically see the smoke rising from your head. Is playing against me truly that frustrating?" The archer asked with boastful tone, clearly enjoying beating the tactician.

"Shut up Ruffles." Robin mumbled.

"My, my." Virion started. "Did I not tell you at the beginning of the game that I would strike with the nobility of a lion and defend with the grace of a swan?"

Robin sighed, "You did." He admitted. "Although it's more like a chicken and the far end of a horse!" He thought.

Robin moved a piece on the board absently before taking a look at the board.

"Crap!" He cursed internally he had left his king wide open to be taken. "Wait! I need to retract my last move!" He cried. However Virion only laughed.

"Ha ha! Were that all enemy generals so generous! But alas, this is war." Virion explained with a dramatic sigh. He moved his queen and took Robin's king. "Checkmate, my good sir."

"Blast! I hate to admit it, but I am well and truly beaten." Robin said, drooping in his chair. "I have to say Virion, I am no noble lord, but your strategy wasn't exactly what I'd call honourable."

Virion gasped. "My, Aren't we plain-spoken."

"Anyway, it was a good game." Robin offered the archer his hand. "Thank you, Virion."

The archer accepted the hand and shook it. "If you wish to unleash my dishonourable strategies again, you have but to ask."

"I might just take you up on that." Robin said with a childish grin.

At that moment there was a knock at the door and Frederick pocked his head in.

"Milady" He address Lissa. "Raimi has received word from the Feroxi capital. The East Khan has agreed to meet us. Prince Chrom has requested we be ready to make way in 15 minutes."

"Thank you, Frederick!" The girl chimed.

Frederick gave a bow before leaving.

Robin began to follow Frederick when Lissa stopped him.

"Robin..." She began.


"I just wanted to congratulate you on winning our chess games." She raised her hand for Robin to shake.

"Umm, thank you." Robin answered suspiciously. He shook Lissa's hand but retracted it quickly when something wet and slimy crawled up his sleeve.

"Gah!" Robin cried shaking his arm, only for a frog to fall out. It quickly hopped away. "What the hell, Lissa!"

"And that, was for all the loud comments!" Lissa told him between her laughter. Robin left the room in a huff.

"Sometimes I wonder if I would have been better off being found by the brigands." Robin thought to himself.

The ride to the capital had only taken an hour. The East Khan had kindly sent carriages to escort the city. Looking out off the carriage, Robin was able to see some of Regna Ferox's lovely countryside; well he would have if it hadn't been covered in snow. Other than that, Robin chatted happily with the people in his carriage. Virion was a pleasure to ride with. The archer and tactician happily discussed tactics as their fellow riders, Kellam and Miriel, enjoyed each other's company. Chrom had offered to let Robin ride with him and Lissa, however Robin gave his seat to Sumia in order for her to spend some time with Chrom. All the horse riders, except Frederick who refused to leave his horse unattended, had also ridden in the carriages along with their fellow shepherd's. Their horses/Pegasus had been lead alongside the carriages.

Once reaching the capital, The Shepherds found that it was the complete opposite to Ylisstol. The ground was laden with snow. The people, even the women, walking through the streets all looked like Vaike's body doubles, except in the case of the men who had more hair. Each one had muscles upon muscles. The market stores seemed similar, however upon closer inspection, Robin found that almost all of them sold a variety of weapons or various armour.

"I guess they are a warrior people..." Robin thought.

As they continued to walk through the city, Robin saw a variety of different sights to the things he had seen in Ylisstol. The thing that amazed him the most was the massive structure at the heart of the city. It was a massive circular building with an open area in the middle. Robin had read a book in the Shepherd's garrison. From what he had he knew they were known as Coliseums. Even though it appeared to only be half the size of the castle in Ylisstol, it was twice as wide.

Upon entering the complex, Raimi led the Shepherd's through a variety of different passageways. They stopped at one room to drop of Virion, Sully, Stahl, Kellam, Miriel, Vaike and Sumia so they could rest. Raimi then proceeded to lead Chrom, Robin, Lissa and Frederick towards the Khans throne room. It was a large room, it went on for several meters. The room was dark and there were several torches on the walls to light the room. A single blue carpet was laid out along the floor towards the back of the room. Raimi led the four to the middle of the room before stopping and turning to face the four Ylisseans.

"Prince Chrom, please wait here whilst I summon the Khan." She explained.

Chrom nodded. "Of course."

Raimi bowed before exiting the room through one of the side entrances. The Shepherd's remained silent for a few minutes. Before too long

"The Khan is away?" Robin asked.

Chrom shook his head. "Out training, I'd wager. The Khans of Ferox prefer battle to politics." He paused an put his hand to his chin before smiling. "Or rather, battle IS their politics."

Robin mimicked Chrom's action moving his hand to his chin in thought. "A warrior ruler, eh?" He said quizzically, picturing the image of the Khan in his head. "I can picture him now... A giant of a man, unparalleled in thew, his broad chest covered in hair..."

"Am I now?" Robin was interrupted by the sound of opening of doors and a strong female voice. Robin turned to find a tanned woman with blonde hair in a messy ponytail standing behind him. She appeared to be in her late forties and wore red hero armour. Despite her age, there was a spark of life in her eyes. A large sword was attached to her hip. Robin automatically paled. Behind him Chrom and Lissa tried and failed to contain their giggles. "Please do go on!" The woman continued enjoying the look of shock upon Robin's face.

"T-The Khan...I presume?" Robin squeaked.

The Woman snickered before continuing. "One of them yes- the East Khan. My name is Flavia." The woman introduced before turning to address Chrom and offering her hand. "I apologise for the trouble at the border, Prince Chrom. You are welcome in Regan Ferox."

Chrom nodded before taking the hand and shaking it. "Thank you Khan Flavia for your hospitality." On the outside he appeared calm but on the inside the prince was very nervous. "I'm confident we can put that misunderstanding behind us."

Flavia nodded, smirking slightly.

"From the way you border commander was speaking, I assume you are having the same bandit problems that Ylisse is having?" Chrom continued.

"Yes." Flavia confirmed, a look of anger spreading across her face. "Those Plegian dogs! We found documents proving as much on the corpse of one of their captains. Plegia must see some benefit in raising tensions between your kingdom and ours."

"Damn them all!" Chrom cried angrily. There was a short silence. All eyes were on Chrom. I...Forgive me, Your Grace. That was... indelicately put."

To his surprise began to laugh, heartily. "Yes! Damn them and damn delicacy!" She went over and slung her arm around Chrom's shoulder. "Here in Ferox, we appreciate plain speech." Flavia explained.

Chrom smiled. "In that case, you should have a word with that damn border guard of yours. That javelin of hers almost killed me."

Once again, Flavia burst out laughing. "Now that's Feroxi diplomacy! Yes, I like you already." Now, with the tension diffused, Flavia got to the point. "I know why you have come, Prince." She suddenly looked disheartened. "However, I regrettably cannot provide any Feroxi troops for Ylisse."

The Shepherds stepped back slightly, surprise on their faces.

"What! Why!" Lissa cried.

"I lack the authority." Flavia put simply.

Robin, having recovered from his earlier predicament, gave the East Khan a questioning look. "Forgive me for asking, Khan Flavia. I fail to understand what you mean. We thought that you were the Khan."

Flavia turned and look down the tactician before continuing. "As I said, I am ONE of the Khans." She paused to look at the Shepherds confused expressions before she continued to explain. "In Ferox, the Khans of east and west hold a tournament every few years. The victor acquires total sovereignty over both kingdoms and that means they have the final say when it comes to forging alliances. Unfortunately The West-Khan won the last tournament you see, and so..."

Chrom was disheartened. "So we shall receive no aid at all?"

Flavia smiled mischievously. "Not if you always give up so easily!" She gestured for them to follow her. Flavia proceeded to lead the Shepherds through various corridors of the coliseum. As they walked, Flavia continued to explain. "You see, the next tournament for taking power is in two days and I am in need of champions." She looked directly at Chrom and Robin when she said this, giving them a sly hint.

"What does this have to do with us?" Chrom asked the hint completely flying over his head.

Flavia smiled before continuing. "The captain of my border guard informs me your tactician was quite capable when fighting her. I can only imagine how capable you are Prince Chrom. Perhaps you and your tactician would consider representing the East in our upcoming tournament? If you boys win and I become the ruling Khan, I will grant your alliance."

Chrom raised an eyebrow. "I would have assumed Ylisseans had no place in such Feroxi traditions."

Flavia laughed and shook her head. "Ha! On the contrary, the Khans themselves do not fight-they choose two champions to represent them, a main champion and a secondary one to fight alongside him. If it were the Khans who fought, our land would be rifle with blood feuds and dead Khans! We don't involve comrades or kin for the same reason. Over time, it was decided the tournament should be fought by outsiders." She turned to look mischievously at Chrom. "Although the outsiders have never included foreign royalty... That I know of! Hahaha!" regaining her composure she once again looked at Chrom. "Regardless, it is your choice to make."

All eyes fell on Chrom. The blue haired prince turned to look at his peers. He could tell from the way he was looking that the ever so wary Frederick hated this plan. However, looking at the bigger picture and what winning could mean for his country, Chrom could only see one option. "There is no choice, Khan Flavia. My people are desperate." He told the Khan. "We face not only Plegia's constant attacks, but now the added threat of the Risen. If fighting for you is the quickest way to an alliance, then we will take up steel for you."

Flavia roared with laughter. "Ha ha! Oh, I like you, Prince Chrom. I do hope you survive the tournament!" She suddenly grew serious. "I must tell you to be wary! I hear a new, equally able swordsman has become the new champion to the West-Khan."

However Chrom was determined. "For Ylisse's sake, Robin and I shall beat him no matter how good he is." He turned to Robin. "If you will fight with me."

Robin smirked. "I'm always up for a challenge." He walked over to Chrom and patted him on the back. "These champions of the west better watch out because we're about to show them how Ylisseans fight.

Flavia closed her eyes and smiled. "Well spoken sir, I think that I'll like you as well. I look forward to seeing your skills myself."

"Is that safe though?" A concerned Sumia asked Chrom and Robin.

After talking with Flavia, Chrom and the other went to meet up with the rest of the Shepherds to fill them in on the details of their plan.

"Probably not." Robin deadpanned. "However it is necessary if we are to acquire the alliance with Regna Ferox."

"Surely there must be a more logical way to resolve out current predicament than to wage battle with a bunch of barbarians." Miriel inquired.

"Unfortunately, there isn't." Chrom told her.

"The Vaike says go for it. Kick some Ferox ass for ol teach."

"Vaike, this is a serious matter." Frederick told the fighter. "What would happen if milord were to lose his life in this fight."

"That could happen!" Sumia cried before blushing heavily because everyone was staring at her.

Once everyone had their attention back on Chrom, more people began to speak up.

"I believe you can do it Captain!" Stahl called out.

"Show these Feroxi wannabes just who their dealing with by beating them into submission!" Sully called out.

"I look forward to seeing your noble display, Prince Chrom." Virion stated.

"Good luck." Kellam said, however no one noticed other than Miriel.

"I still don't like this idea, however I wish you all the luck in the world." Sumia said quietly.

"You and Robin can beat anyone fighting together!" Lissa cried.

Robin watched as the Shepherds continued to wish Chrom good luck when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned to find Frederick behind him.

"Robin it would be in your best interest to keep Milord safe." The Knight told Robin.

"I know, and don't worry, I will do everything in my power to ensure Chrom comes out of this safely." Robin replied to the ever so wary knight.

Satisfied the knight nodded and walked away. However, after he left, Robin looked from Chrom, to the arms blade attached to his hip. "I owe him that much." Robin said to himself before going to prepare for the fight.

Robin spent the next day training with Chrom, perfecting their teamwork in preparation for their fight. They sparred against Sully and Stahl most of the time as their teamwork was impeccable. It was great experience which helped reinforce the bond between the two friends. At some points, Robin would spar with Vaike just to perfect his technique. Having been told he was also allowed to use magic in the fight, he also practiced his magic with Miriel when he had time.

That night Robin tossed and turned in his bed, too nervous to get any rest. Finally finding it hopeless he got back up and continued to practice his magic on his own. Eventually, Robin sat in a chair in the training room with the intention of resting his eyes. However as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell fast asleep.

A dream came to his unconscious mind. Robin dream was unclear, but Robin could tell he was watching a battle. Two friends, an Exalt and his tactician, as close as brothers, were fighting for a noble cause. They fought against an evil sorcerer with the intent of releasing a great evil upon the world. After an intense battle, the sorcerer was defeated, however as he died, the sorcerer sent out a wave of dark energy to kill the Exalt. But in a act of selflessness, the tactician pushed his "brother" out of the way of the blast. The blast almost wounded the man but did not kill him. When the Exalt went to check on him, a strange feeling came over the tactician. His body moved on its own, Robin could feel the electricity crackling in the tacticians hands as if it were in his own. He was forced to watch as the tactician stabbed his friend through the heart with a spear of electrical energy. The dream ended with the exalt collapsing to the floor, his final wish, for his friend to escape from the dark place. With that, the exalt collapsed to the floor and Robin was pulled out of the dream.


Robin opened his eyes to find Lissa standing in front, a worried expression on his face.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." Robin joked.

Lissa sighed in exasperation. "Well, at least you are ok. When I came in, you were moaning and looked as if you were in pain." She explained.

Robin nodded before proceeding to get up from where he was seated. "Yeah, I-I had a nightmare." Robin admitted.

"What about?" Lissa pried.

Robin racked his brain trying to remember what had gone through his head only moments ago, however he found he could not recall it. "You know, I honestly can't remember." Robin told her.

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me, don't!" Lissa pouted, turning away from the tactician with her arms crossed.

"No honestly, I can't remember." Robin protested

"Yeah, yeah." Lissa deadpanned.

Robin sighed. He knew he wasn't going to convince the Ylissean princess to believe him. Instead he turned to why she was looking for him. "Why are you here anyway?"

Lissa turned back towards Robin. "I was looking for you. It's morning and you need to eat before you big match, which might I add, is in an hour."

Robin's eyes widened. "Crap!" The tactician ran out of the room to grab his breakfast and to meet up with Chrom.

Robin and Chrom stood in the East's representative waiting room. They were waiting nervously for them to be called in to enter the arena. The rest of the shepherds were in the East Khans personal viewing box, also waiting to watch their friends.

The two friends said nothing to each other, not wanting to make the other feel more nervous than they already were. They could hear the cries of the Feroxi outside and that certainly didn't help their nerves.

Finally they heard the horn announcing the fighters to enter the arena. Robin cast Chrom a glance before they both walked out of the waiting area and down the dark corridor, side by side, towards the light that came from the area.

Stepping out of the tunnel and into the arena, Robin found himself briefly blinded by the sudden change in light. Upon regaining his sight, Robin did a 360 turn, taking in the full extent of the number of spectators coming to watch the fight. Robin felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked at the blue haired prince only to find that he was staring straight ahead with a look of surprise on his face. Robin turned to face the same direction Chrom was looking only for his face to match the same expression as Chrom's.

Coming out of the West's tunnel were the two representatives. One of them the Shepherd's have never seen before, however the same could not be said for the other representative. This person had saved the Shepherd's a little over a week. They wore blue heroes armour and sported a blue mask to conceal their identity. They had cerulean hair, similar to Chrom's. And finally, only to Robin's knowledge, this person was pretending to be a man.

As Robin stared at this person, a single name escaped his lips.


Authors note: Once again thanks for reading and your continued support. I'm sorry I didn't do the fight this chapter but I assure you it will be impressive next chapter. Five points to whoever can guess who "Marth's" fellow fighter is. As always please review and I will see you next time.