Jaune Arc, along with his team, sprinted towards Beacon Academy; his heavy breathing made his lungs burn. But he couldn't stop; the hot and heavy breathing of the Beowulf's behind them made sure of that. The Grimm's had been chasing them for nearly a mile now, and the team's adrenaline was quickly being depleted.

JNPR's leader looked back at the churning bodies of the horde behind his team and thought 'How did I get into this mess.'

And then he remembered.

The two teams, JNPR and RWBY had been sparring outside in the forest when they heard the growls. It was the sound of the Grimm; Beowulf's, they guessed, by the distinctive howling noise which spread through the trunks of the forest of Forever Fall. They could handle anything of less power than a Deathstalker with ease, so the eight (minus a certain blonde boy) team members weren't afraid of the Beowulfs. They just decided that it would require less work to go back to the school than face a pack of Grimm.

That's when it happened; while was making their way back, about halfway to the Academy, Blake popped her head up. "Hey guys, wait up" everybody stopped and looked at her with concern. When they saw that she was looking on, into the forest; they turned their gaze squinting to see what she saw. Yang was the first to speak, "I don't see anything." Blake stared at her while discretely gesturing up towards her black bow. Yang's mouth formed an oval, understanding formed on her face.

Jaune saw all of this, he looked back and forth between them and the rest of their team; searching for an explanation. When no one spoke up he asked what everyone was wondering, "What did you see?" The black haired book-worm looked back at the forest before replying, "Probably nothing" she said, turning back towards the Academy. The rest of her party looked at each other before following their friend, and that's when the crap hit the fan.

Unbeknownst to team JNPR and RWBY; the howl they had heard earlier came from an outcast, an unwanted monster. An angry Grimm who had nothing to lose, no pack, no mate, and no cubs, haughtily stalked the crimson forest. To say the least, he needed someone to "soundboard" off of; the Beowulf sniffed the air for any willing volunteer.

His anger was heightened by smelling the Hunters, 'they think they have the right to reside in MY forest and not pay the price.' Though through his blind hate, some spark of sick happiness, happiness at his luck of finding a group of young humans so fast, poked through; the Beowulf couldn't hold back a soft sniff of glee. He instantly regretted this; he could smell the anxiety rise up from one of his prey; it had heard him. The creature looked back at the woods behind it, searching for whatever had made the sound; the Beowulf slunk to the ground, praying that the creature didn't see him; he wanted to catch the humans by surprise.

The Grimm breathed out a sigh of relief when the Faunus (Grimm can smell the difference between humans and Faunus) turned away. When the danger had passed, he was able to get a better look at the Hunter party; the weakest human was quickly pointed out to the Beowulf. A blonde male with a simple slash-stick and block-plate, he was obviously weak-willed and would be the easiest to kill. He also seemed to like to stray from the bulk of the group of hunters, making him a prime target.

The Beowulf liked his choice, and as he began to get closer to the blonde, his adrenaline rose higher and higher. The Grimm tensed his muscles preparing to strike.

Jaune Arc was oblivious to the danger which hid just feet behind him, and as such he steadily became pluckier about straying from his friend's posse. When finally he decided to venture out of sight of team RWBY and the rest of team JNPR; he just wanted to be in the forest by himself for a little while. Away from the odor of the sweat (though he would never say this to their face) of his teammates. Besides he hadn't heard any signs that any Creatures of Grimm were around and his friends were still close by, Jaune looked up at the red canopy above him and sighed.

The moment of serenity was quickly broken by a roar that came behind him, the blonde boy turned and screamed. A Beowulf broke out of the tree line with tremendous force and a roar that rumbled the ground.

The Grimm's poor target barely had time to scream a second time before the deed was done.

(Author's Notes: hope you enjoy it)