Hey guys, this isn't really an update, sorry if you were expecting one; this author's note just has:
-some news about the story
-replies to reviews for the people who I can't PM because they're not
-my thoughts on "Taken"
Well, first off than you guys for the awesome reviews; they definitely made my day. So, a couple of you guys were asking if I was going to make a sequel or if I'm going to continue on with the story. While I thought it was awesome that you enjoyed the story so much; I can mostly for sure say that Like Father, Like Son is going to remain a one-shot, for now. Maybe in the near future I may expand on it, but for now, it's just going to stay the way it is. I do think that making this into a full-blown story would be really cool idea, if I was to do that, I would want to have the whole story written before I publish anything, and that could definitely take a while. I feel like if I just do it one chapter at a time, well, I have a lot of stuff going on and I don't want to leave you guys hanging because I get writer's block or something. I'm just especially busy right now in the spring because I have track and that practices every day after school for like 2 hours so that takes up a lot of my time. So for now if I do write something it'll probably one-shots or two-shots; but I have an idea for a story so hopefully you may see that in the near future :D
Replies to Reviews:
Vampire Girl – thank you so much; I'm glad you liked the story. I think I addressed the whole updating thing above, but I'm glad that you enjoyed the emotional aspect of the story; it means a lot to me that you liked it!
Guest – Aww thank you! And yeah Chase and Douglas looking alike was my whole inspiration for the story. I feel like the casting for that may have been on purpose for like possible plot lines in the future for the show. Thanks for reviewing!
My Thoughts on "Taken"
While I do think that Season 3 with the exception of Sink or Swim hasn't really been the most exciting, I didn't really find it as bad as some other people did. I feel like the writers to set up for future plot lines did the changes in characters on purpose. But I have to say besides Sink or Swim, this was probably my favorite episode of season 3 so far. I honestly wish it had been an hour long because I feel like we could've gotten more then.
Yeah Adam and Bree were kind of mean to Chase in this episode, but I've grown kind of used to it by now; although I do have to say that Adam's whole "Are we kicking Chase off the team" was a little mean. But honestly, it wasn't that bad as it has been in other episodes.
Leo, who is one of my two favorite characters (the other one is Chase) was especially funny this episode, which I really loved. I liked how Douglas came to Leo to try and convince him that Krane is up to no good; I thought their conversation was funny and I liked how they alluded back to Marcus and Bionic Showdown as well. And Leo and Tasha in the microwave box thing in Krane's lab was really funny as well; I feel like the humor and comedy in this episode is better than it has been in the other season 3 episodes.
I actually lied, I now have three favorite characters in the show: Leo, Chase, and DOUGLAS. Oh my god, I thought Douglas was awesome in this episode. I have to say, I still really liked him even when he was evil because I think that his character is portrayed really well that even though he's evil, you still want to like him. And I love how Douglas is good now, and I can't wait to see how that plays out in the future. Plus, I guess I've never really been a huge fan of Donald, so I definitely prefer Douglas more.
Donald actually really pissed me off in this episode because he was being a total jerk to Douglas when he was just trying to save him, and he was too busy blaming Douglas for everything to realize that Krane was the real threat. And I hate how in the end he just kicks Douglas out even though he saved Adam, Bree, and Chase's life. Not really a big fan of Donald in this episode (though I never really was in the first place).
The thing I loved most about this episode and my new favorite relationship on the show (besides Leo/Chase brotherly relationship) is the Douglas/Chase father-son relationship. I've actually wanted to see more of it ever since Avalanche, and now I finally got to! Chase saving Douglas was really sweet and it was probably my favorite part of the episode. I really liked how Chase kind of risked his life to save Douglas because if you think about it, if Chase had been a second too late, he might have ended up getting blasted by Krane instead. And the fact that Chase was the only one out of his siblings to even make a move to save Douglas speaks volumes, and I feel like we're going to see more of a father-son relationship between the two as the season progresses. I think Chase really realized that Douglas saved him and his siblings' lives, plus I think Chase kind of felt like he owed Douglas for saving him from the avalanche as well. I also liked how Chase was the only one to stand up for Douglas, even though it didn't really work out as planned since Donald was being a stubborn jerk. There's an episode later on in season 3 called "Which Father Knows Best" and I feel like that's going to be centered around Chase and Douglas's growing relationship, and Donald not exactly approving of them spending time together. Plus on Jeremy Kent Jackson's (the actor who plays Douglas) twitter account, a fan asked him who Douglas's favorite lab rats was, Adam, Bree, or Chase, and he said it was Chase. I think he was foreshadowing for future episodes; so that's always exciting.
So that was all really long. If you're a member and you reviewed my story, then I promise I'll do my best to reply to you all by Thursday at the latest. If you just saw my story and read it, then please review because I want to know what you guys thought of the story. I actually have a two-shot I'm writing and the first chapter will be up by Friday. It's kind of a continuation of "Taken" sort of. All I have to say is that if you're like me and you really like the whole Chase/Douglas father-son relationship, then you definitely want to watch for that. Thank you guys for reading this really lengthy author's note; you're all amazing! :D