Hi guys, this is the last one-shot I'm writing for Japril. It was intended to be published before 11x22 but I forgot to upload. The seed for this idea were originally planted in my head a couple of weeks ago by monialo (at tumblr). This is the way that I would have preferred things go after Derek died (still in denial btw).

Remember, this is fiction written by a fan. I don't know if I'm being accurate with medical terms and stuff. Any typos, grammar or spelling mistakes are mine (I'll come later and correct them). Everything else Shonda is the one to blame.

"Last box!" April announced quite excited as she labeled a paperboard box as "Pillows"

"Are you sure?" Jackson asked as he stepped into the room that once was supposed to be used as nursery.

"Everything in this apartment has been packed and labeled," April smiled with pride.

Jackson gave her a quick kiss on the cheek to congratulate her and lifted the box, without any problem, and carried it to the living room with the other ones.

April went into the kitchen and took out from their soon-to-be ex refrigerator a couple of food containers. She had separated some Tupperware's with pasta leftovers for them to dinner.

The moving truck would be there first time in the morning and she insisted to pack everything, everything the night before the moving. Jackson was amazed with her enthusiasm she didn't opted to pack him inside a box.

Jackson went to sit in front the kitchen bar and stared at April while she put the pasta inside the microwave. After almost 4 years of marriage, staring at April was still making him felt in love with her all over again.

"So, you made up your mind yet?" he asked trying to sound casual as possible.

April did a pause on her task and looked at him with a serious gaze. She took a depth breath and stood in front of him, the kitchen bar was the only thing between them.

"Yes, I did."

Her voice was steady and firm but Jackson could see she was nervous.


He couldn't wait to hear her answer.

"Well…" April was taking her time. "I'm not working for Mass General," she finally said and waited for Jackson's response.

"Uh, okay," He tried to hide his deception. "So, that means you…"

"I'm going to work for your mother," April smiled, although her tone of voice was letting Jackson know, she was hiding something.

"At the Brigham?" He wanted to confirm.

April bite her bottom lip.

"No, for the Harper Avery Foundation," she announced with a guilty voice.

He couldn't to be prouder of her sexy trauma surgeon wife. As soon as they knew they were moving to Boston, April sent her resume to several hospitals and clinics from there.

She was aiming to small hospitals Jackson convinced her to send it to big-name hospitals, and she did it but with no hope of hearing anything from them.

Two weeks later, The Mass Gen offered her a position as an attending trauma surgeon with an especial interest in develop a research protocol about her E.R. checklist and The Brigham offered her to be the head of the trauma department.

At first, April thought it was because she was married to an Avery but Owen Hunt assured her that both hospitals called him asking for references and sounded very interested in her as Kepner and not Avery. Meanwhile, Catherine swore she had nothing to do with any of the offers and April believed her.

April was over the moon and couldn't believe two big hospitals wanted her when in the past she was rejected from every single hospital she applied to be an attending. Still, she couldn't make up her mind since both proposals were attractive and the money wasn't bad either. One big factor was that Jackson was offered a spot in Mass General, he was going to run his own burn-unit program. So, he was obviously hoping she would take the position there.

He didn't have any clue when, where or why the Harper Avery Foundation was an option for her.

The atmosphere in the kitchen grew tense. Jackson's body language was speaking for himself. He was tense,

"Catherine wants to start a Trauma Certification program," April explained. "Kind of a traveler Trauma Certification program that can go around the city and country to teach small centers that are not teaching centers like the Dillard Medical Center. She wants me to run the program and I want to."

Jackson was left on shock, speechless. Millions of questions were floating on his mind and he couldn't get a word straight.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"But why didn't you told me this sooner?"

"Catherine sketched the idea a couple of weeks ago but it was until yesterday, while we talked over the phone, last night that I came with the whole idea, you were already sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up."

Jackson looked at her with doubt. She was about to be part of the Harper Avery Foundation full time, no point of return, and that meant a lot of things.

"Sweetheart, are you sure?" he asked, trying to sound relaxed and falling.

"I am," she insisted. "I am sure."

April knew Jackson would have trouble understanding her desire to work for his family foundation instead of being a full-time surgeon. After all, when Catherine asked them to move to Boston to help with the run of the Foundation, Jackson said a big "No".

He made it very clear he was not willing to risk his or his wife career as surgeons to be being behind a desk all day. Catherine and he had a big fight about responsibilities and how his mom was a controller. It was a fight so big that April was in the need to intervene before they stopped talking forever, and talked to Catherine.

April explained to Jackson that Catherine was just not trying to get them closer to control them or make them give up their careers.

Truth be told, Catherine needed help. Since she married with Webber, she was going back and forth between Seattle and Boston and she just needed help and enjoy life as a married woman.

When April talked to Jackson, they started to wonder if a change of scenario would be good for them as surgeons and most important, as a couple.

As much as they loved Seattle, things have had hanged in what appeared to be a blink of an eye.

One day, Amy and Owen were having a baby. A very beautiful healthy redhead baby and they couldn't be happier about it, although they never were an official couple but both were loving parents. Owen made April the godmother and April loved that baby more than life but seeing babies wasn't easy for her, at least not yet.

Other example, were Alex and Jo. While it was hilarious to see Alex chasing Jo over the hospital trying to get their wedding details, the sight of an adult FAC Alex Karev made April felt time had passed and resident years were a lifetime ago.

Arizona and Callie after too much reconsideration decided to give their relationship a brand new try that has as at result of them being best friends. Also, Sofia was growing up fine and everything in Arizona's life seemed to work perfectly for once. So, Arizona didn't need April anymore as much as she needed her in the past.

Ben and Bailey were planning to move to Florida as soon as Ben finished his residency, which was happening in matter of days.

Even Stephanie Edwards changed a lot. She finally met a gut that didn't was in love with someone else (or was underage) and was living with him. She was now chief resident and had more work offers for next year than Cristina ever had.

And last but not least, after two years of look-like a living death, Meredith finally made up her mind and took Zola and Bailey to Zurich with Cristina, indefinitely. Jackson had Skype with her a couple of times and she seemed a lot better, a lot healthier and somehow happy. She was smiling again and not coming back to Seattle anytime soon.

For that reasons, everything in their context screamed they needed a change too. A big change, and Boston was the right choice…. plus, they were expecting their second baby and a change of scenery would make them ease a little bit all their worried.

Jackson looked at his wife. She was holding her belly and nervously biting her lip. Waiting for Jackson's impressions about her brand new idea.

"But you love surgery," Jackson insisted. "My family is crazy and they will make you help with everything came into their minds."

"I do and I'm not giving it up completely. I'll train people and the Brigham would serve as a hospital base, but-," she said and her eyes started to tear and her voice to break. "I'm doing this for Bailey and Zola. I know I'm a kick ass surgeon and I love to be a surgeon but I need to teach, to go there where are not prepared and help them to help people."

For Bailey and Zola.

Jackson forgot the anger and felt a little idiot. He stepped up, cut the distance that the kitchen bar was imposing between them and hugged her.

April let a relief sight scape and hugged him back. She hid her face on his chest and sobbed for a little while. Jackson understood why she was crying.

After a couple of minutes Jackson was the first to speak again, "I think is a very good idea."

She gently broke his embrace and looked up at him. She stopped crying and her hands went immediately to her belly.

"What happened to us…what happened with Sammy… it requires research and I'm not qualified to help on the matter, it kills me I can't do more. But what happened to Derek-It keeps me haunting in my dreams. Jackson, that was so simple, the basics, a simple TC head scan and Zola and Bailey wouldn't have to grow up without their father."

He cupped her face and helped to clean her tears with his thumbs.

"I know."

April smiled at him and he hugged her again, as tight as he possible could, having in mind she was expecting his child and didn't want to hurt them.

"You're going to be an amazing teacher," he said and kissed her.

April laughed softly, "Hope so."

"I'll miss you, you know?" Jackson finally let his feelings speak. "I'm used to see you at the work place every day, every day since intern year."

"You're going to be fine. We're gonna be fine," she stated with confidence and kissed him. "Changes can be good."