Re-edited by ineptia and uploaded on June 9, 2014

This fic is going to be a 2 or 3 shot LOL!~ I dun knu depends? Haha!

I am bored. I wanted to make a NALU heart aching fic testing myself LOL! Kinda angsty ,hurt and drama and of course romance. I am really emotional writing this like hell not crying though. Like I have the feels ya know the feels it hurts dammit. I feel so bad for Lucy! F-u Natsu LOL only in this fic and his role. Still I love NATSU! He is my number one favorite character in Fairy Tail. I ship NALU! FUCK YEAH!

Hope you enjoyed this story for it will be short LOL!~

Since I have nothing to do… hahaha!

Title: Fixing Us

Summary: "I see the way you look at her…" "Wh-what?" "I know… Cause you never look at me that way before…" NALU! Short fan fiction going to be a 2 or 3 shot well still not sure I'll still look into it. Thanks for reading. Do drop a review love to hear your lovely thoughts or not so lovely thoughts LOL!~

Chapter 1: 1 year

We have been dating for a year now. I'm really happy, really. We are both entering 3rd year of our high school.

We were together ever since the incident that I confessed to him that I liked him. When I did, he just blinked, smirked and said "Me too..."

Having the guy I like ever since I transferred in Fiore high was one of the happiest moments that happened in my life.

Time flies as we both shared a lot of good and bad experiences in our relationship. It made me stronger. It made us stronger.

I noticed one time that we were already entering a year in our relationship. I was so happy to be with him that I didn't notice that we were going out for that long already.

I'm thinking that we're made for each other.

I feel like he's the one for me.

Going through all sorts of experiences, our fights, our good memories together, made me learn a lot of things. Made us learn a lot of things.

But then, as we neared the end of first year of our relationship, things just started to… I don't even know how to describe it… It's just… he became different… Very different… Maybe it's just me?

The way he treats me… It's just so normal-ish.

The way he talks to me… He doesn't seem to pay much attention anymore.

As much as I don't want to say it...

He started being cold to me… I don't even know why?

We've been fighting a lot more than ever. I've been overthinking, stressing myself out. I don't even know the reason why?

There was that one time where our prides clashed and none of us dared to back down in our fight.

"Lucy! What more should I do? I just told you that I'm not in the mood and I'm tired 'cause of basketball practice," he said, anger filled his voice as we fought.

"No, Natsu! I am too tired of my volleyball practice! Why don't you tell me!?" I said, looking at him with my voice shaking.

"Tell you what? What's to tell?!" He said as he huffed.

"Tell me…-"

None of us said anything.

"-Are you tired of me, Natsu?" I asked. My voice was quivering.

He looked at me and I saw him clench his fist. He didn't answer.

His eyes were strained as he looked at me. His face full was so full of different emotions that I couldn't tell what he really thought when I asked him that. Suddenly, he sighed.

"No, ok! Lucy, Please! Here you are again. Could we not talk about this and could you stop whatever it is that you're thinking?!" Natsu snapped at me.

I looked away, controlling all my emotions from bursting.

"…Fine" I looked down and pushed my anger and pride down.

I heard him sigh, and then he left.

Days passed and I recollected myself by clearing my mind, wanting to get my old self back again.

I smiled at the front of my mirror, thinking positive.

When we got inside the class, I stared, smiled at him, and started a conversation. The only replies I got from him were occasional grunts and nods as I put effort into our conversation.

I sighed silently.

I have to be more understanding, more patient as I pushed my pride away for him.

'Cause I love him so much. So much…So, So much...

That I wanted to save our relationship.

So days passed and I behaved like a good girlfriend to Natsu, hoping that he too, will soon warm up and get our relationship back to normal.

"I made you your favorite~" I said, pushing the bento I made in front of him.

"Thanks…" He mumbled, taking it.

I smiled softly as I stared at him with my hands cupping my face.

"Luce…" He started.

"Hmm…?" I said as I focused my attention to him, interested. I felt my heart race. Maybe, step by step, I can save our relationship.

"I won't be able to walk you home today, I have basketball practice," he said as he went back to eating.

"Ohh… It's ok, really no big deal. I too, have volleyball practice, did you forget?" I said, laughing a little.

He paused from munching his meal.

"I did…" He said casually. It kinda hurt me when I heard his reply. He knows that every Friday and some other days I have practice too.

I was a bit disappointed, but I won't give up.

Next day we are in class as usual.

Sensei was still not in class and was kind of a little late. I wonder why?

I was seating beside Natsu at class. I spared him a glance and when he saw me, I smiled at him. He just half smiled and looked away.

At least I'm making progress in saving our relationship.

"Everyone, we have a new transfer student. Her name is Lisanna Strauss. She studied at Edolas Academy. Please welcome her and treat her well," our sensei said as he stepped aside and nudged her to move forward. I stared at her. She had a fair complexion, silver short hair, a good figure and shiny turquoise eyes to match her beautiful face. In short, she is the definition of perfect.

"She's beautiful." I found myself saying out loud. I suddenly felt insecure and bit my bottom lip as I glanced at Natsu. The expression on my face changed to something different; I guess not anger or confusion, it's hard to describe. But a question was painted on my face.

That question is why.


I saw Natsu stare at her as she introduced herself in class, giggling and smiling now and then.

My gaze was focused on Natsu as I observed him staring intently at her.

Why is it that…-

-His lips were curved upwards?… as he smiled genuinely and chuckled at her cute little mistake.

His eyes... why were they shining and glimmering just by looking at her?

His stare… why did it look so captivated and interested as all his attention focused on her?

It's different… all too different…

The way he looks at her…

I know, I know…

'Cause, never… 'cause never in my life, in our relationship has Natsu- I can't even bring myself to say this even if it pains me so badly but…



...Natsu has never looked at me that way before…




Wew that hurt Lucy a lot. Its part of the plot and Natsu being a bastard LOL!~ hohohoho DRAMA and Twist coming soon.

Well review people and tell me what you think. It'll inspire me to write more and update my other fics.

Haha! What do you think about this story and plot please do drop a review! Thank you! Love you!