AN: Hello and welcome to my first ever Divergent Fanfic. For those of you that have followed my Hunger Games story there may be some similarities between my two female OCs but I will try to keep them as different as possible. Just keep in mind the one thing I always find attractive is strength but I think that you will find my OC's strength to be different from my Hunger Games OC. Her name may seem odd but really only those in Erudite might be familiar with it and it should make sense if you know the story. Also it plays a part in how this story evolves.

She is not like the other OC is a divergent stories so please read till at least chapter 3. I think I have found a unique look at things. :D

With all that good stuff out of the way here are some necessary facts about this story compared to the books, which I have read, and the movie which I have seen.


1. I did not like the whole 'Social Experiment' twist in the story so I am eliminating that and instead using the idea that this is a post War Society.

2. I am using the movie version of Eric because he was SOOOOOO hot.

3. This story takes place the year after Four and Eric initiated and the year before Tris.

4. Most of the characters will stay in cannon however some may shift slightly as I write deeper into their personalities and as I morph the story.

5. I am using the slang 'tree hugger' to replace the term 'banjo strummin' softie' used by Dauntless to describe Amity because I think the latter is just stupid. :P

6. Anything written in italics signifies thinking.

Now I know that a lot of people now simply add stories to their alerts of favourites, but I am an old school fanfic user and writer and I WANT FEEDBACK! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!


Chapter One:

Born Breaking Rules

Chimera Northstarr. Her name was a combination of fiction and fact; dangerous mythology and a star used to find one's way when lost. Just like her name she was the product of two worlds, so different from each other it was a wonder how they had ever come together. It was the same baffling logic that explained how her parents could have ever come together. But they had and the result was her.

Chimera was the child of two people from two separate Factions. No not Faction transfers. Completely separate Factions. Her father was a Dauntless Fence Guard and her mother was an Amity…well everything since they all shared the different jobs. Her mother was the picturesque Amity. She had blond hair, hazel eyes, tan skin with a personality that was warm as the sun. Her father on the other hand was a typical Dauntless, strong, broad, dark haired, tattooed with an overly brisk personality. What had attracted her parents to each other so strongly that they risked everything to be together absolutely dumbfounded Chimera. Opposites attract sure but to her it was like a bull trying to mate with an apple tree. Just freaking weird and completely against the rules.

She loved both of her parents deeply but sometimes she wished they had hidden her parentage from her. The very knowledge that she was a child born to Faction traitors always put her on edge and completely complicated her life. The problem was she never had a clear concept of who she was. Was she the daughter of Amity or Dauntless? Even transfers forgot their old Faction identity, but she had been raised with the knowledge and appreciation for both.

What would they do to her if Government found out? Truthfully the only thing that saved her was the 'free love' ideology of Amity and how bad they were at keeping track of up to date accurate birth records. Her mother had simply claimed that after one of the Eternal Thankfulness of Peace and Prosperity Celebrations she did not remember who it was exactly that fathered her child. Chimera had never liked being called a Celebration baby, which in Amity was a term of true endearment and awe.

"Apple for your thoughts young one?" A soothing voice called out to her. Chimera glanced down to the base of the tree to her mother. Chimera knew that if she was standing on the ground right now she would tower over her mother's 5"4 frame. Chimera stood at 5"9. It was a trait she inherited from her father as well as her broad shoulders and a talent for putting on muscles. Though not exactly chubby she would always be on the 'built girl' side of the scale.

"I don't think the tree has enough apples for everything going on in my head right now." She sighed looking back up into the branches. Her mother's smile faltered momentarily before she beckoned Chimera out of the tree to join her. Chimera climbed down from the tree and landed just beside her mother.

"Walk with me young one." Her mother said offering her arm. Chimera linked her arm through her mother's and together they began walking through the rows of fruit trees in the Amity orchard. Chimera had always had an appreciation for the respect Amity had for the land and how it could offer a sense of calm and peace. Only problem was that for Chimera it was too much calm and peace too often. There was no balance of chaos and calm here. It was always just calm. Unless one of the irrigation pipes broke. That was always a fun time.

"You know what tomorrow is." Chimera said pushing some of her dark brown hair from her eyes. Unlike most of the girls in Amity Chimera kept her hair to just between her shoulder blades.

"The future of course." Her mother replied. Chimera rolled her eyes. 'Yes and shit stinks.' She thought hating the typical Amity way of answering things.

"Don't roll your eyes at me young one. Tomorrow is the future for you, as you will find out just where your future is." Her mother gently scolded. It was as close to a scolding as someone in Amity would ever get.

"I just…you know I have never felt I completely belong here." Chimera told her mother. Her parents had been honest with her from the beginning so she was honest with them. Perhaps she would end up in Candor? She was far too restless to be a full Amity and her emotions though mostly guarded were all over the spectrum. "I'm not able to find complete peace within myself with daily life here mom. And you know that the whole group discussion decision thing makes me want to shoot something."

"You belong where you heart feels most free young one." Her mother said patting her hand affectionately as they walked under the shade of the trees. Chimera rolled her eyes again at her mother's lack of reaction to her talking of shooting things. Being with her father had had some very un-Amity affects on her mother, though they were very hard to notice.

"Really? Can you honestly tell me that your heart is completely here? That you have everything you want in life in this Faction." Chimera said suddenly bitter looking in the direction that the wall was. Her mother stopped their progress and stared intensely at her daughters strong features. Though her daughter strongly resembled her father Chimera's eyes, nose and soft lips were traits she inherited from her. The temper and mood swings were also her father's gift.

"My heart stands before me." She said lovingly touching the side of her daughters face bring Chimera's gaze to hers. Chimera softened slightly and let out a calming breath through her nose.

"Yeah and a piece of it is over there." Chimera nodded her head in the direction of the wall.

"And a piece of his is with me. So I am complete. You are restless young one. I have had your joy, your sorrow, and your love for 16 years. Perhaps it is time for another to share the next 16 years." She said sadly to her daughter. Chimera looked at her mom shocked.

"What side of that heart do I belong to mom? Which half of my blood runs stronger? What do I choose?" Chimera whispered harshly throwing her arms out. Her mother looked at her and felt a pang of guilt for causing her daughter so much turmoil in deciding her future. She knew that her daughter was half in the world she lived in and half in another that she had only seen glimpses of. But both called to her daughter and both sang through her daughter's blood.

"Young one I am telling you to choose yourself. No blood or heart matters but your own as both will travel with you. I am sorry for causing this but at least you know from my life that not all is set in stone when you think it is." She replied soothingly. Chimera looked at her mother completely confused and bewildered. Amity was not known for speaking straightly and her head was spinning trying to make heads or tails of the advice, or what she thought was advice, her mother just gave her. "The moonshines bright and clear this evening. It will do you some good to take a walk with some berries tonight."

Chimera nodded and watched her mother walkaway back towards the housing cabins. Yeah Chimera knew she could never be Candor. Secrets and codes had been a part of her life from the very start. Like what her mother had just said. Her mother was telling her that her father wasn't on watch tonight and that he wanted to see his daughter. The berries were some sort of message between her mother and father that Chimera wasn't privy to the meaning of.

Instead of going back to her chores Chimera sat under one of the apple trees to try and sort out her thoughts. What was her Aptitude test going to tell her tomorrow? In reality she knew there were only two places that she could completely rule out. There was no chance she was Candor or Abnegation. She was not at all honest with the amount of secrets she kept and though she was generous she would never call herself selfless.

That left Amity, Dauntless and Erudite. They were all strong contenders. At least with Erudite she wouldn't have to face a hostile welcome like she would with the Dauntless. There had been very few transfers between Dauntless and Amity in history. And even then she couldn't tell you the name of a person who had transferred from Amity to Dauntless and made it through their initiation. Would it just be easier if she just trust the test? That's what it was designed for right? It was supposed to tell her where she truly belonged. If she could trust control to the test she wouldn't have to worry and could just relax.

'Yeah. Me give up control?' She thought and then snorted. Her most un-Amity quality was that she needed control over things. She liked being in charge and prided herself on fast decision making. But that wasn't exactly a Dauntless quality either. From what she had seen of Dauntless members and dependents they were almost out of control with the train jumping and wild outfits. But how could she go to Erudite when she prided herself on being compassionate and understanding how people felt.

No the test had to help her decide because even at school she had never really felt herself gravitating towards people from other Factions more than her own. She was always on her guard when she had to attend school, and had avoided everyone in every other Faction terrified that someone would figure out her secret parentage. She kept to herself and barely spoke to anyone. In a way she combined her mother's value of calm mediation and silence with her father's ideology that when you don't speak people show their true colors around you. So she disappeared, blended in with the background, only sticking out slightly to her teachers because of her marks. But that was only at the Hub. It was by far much more difficult to disappear in Amity being a Celebration Creation. Chimera's mom wasn't fond of Chimera's term for children conceived during important Amity occasions.

"Northstarr! There you are! Is this not just the most beautiful day?" A singsong voice called out to her. Chimera looked up and saw Arbour Lake rushing over to her. 'Somebody ate too much bread this morning…' Chimera groaned as Arbour made her way over. All of Amity called her Northstarr instead of Chimera since it had long been established that her first name wasn't very peace evoking.

"Just beautiful!" Chimera replied sarcastically knowing it would be completely lost on Arbour.

"Aren't you excited for the next two days? We can begin our journey to full membership together. I know Adam will be overjoyed when you are not longer a dependent." Arbour grinned cheekily. Chimera did her best to keep the look of sheer terror off her face. She knew very well that Adam had feelings for her and was very confident that she felt nothing in return.

"Right…Adam…" Chimera avoided looking at Arbour not sure how to get off this topic. 'Give a dog a bone and he's loyal for life, give a guy a boner and he thinks you're his future wife.' Chimera thought and had the urge to start screaming while pulling her own hair out.

"You are truly a blessed one Northstarr." Arbour gushed. "You have everything you could ever wish for just waiting right in front of you."

"Yeah okay." Chimera prayed to be hit by lightning, on a completely sunny day, just so she could escape this conversation.

"I wish you every joy and I hope my path is as clear as yours." Arbour smiled though there was no malice or condescension. Arbour was just truly happy that she thought Northstarr was going to get everything she ever dreamed of.

'Oh my god just shoot me now.' Chimera begged staring up at the sky.

Her mood had only darkened with the nightfall. Her father was lucky she hadn't crushed the berries by the time she arrived at one of the abandoned greenhouses. The greenhouse they were meeting at was unused now since it hadn't been deemed fit to undergo the hydroponics upgrades from Erudite years ago. They had been meeting at this greenhouse ever since. Chimera would see him every month or so depending on the Fence rotation.

Before she turned 8 years old she had been able to see him more often as she would travel to the Fence on deliveries with her mother. Her mother still made deliveries but as Chimera had aged the similarities between her and her father had become all the more obvious so the choice was made to limit their visits to complete secrecy. How often her mother saw her father she didn't know, but sometimes she could tell the next morning.

"One time and he thinks…wasn't even good…like I would want to again…freaking apple crusher…" Chimera muttered shooting paintballs at a picture that bore a striking resemblance to Adam.

"Still not eating the bread I see." A deep rough voice spooked her out of her ranting causing her to jump and fire a paintball wide; breaking a pane of glass.

"When are you going to wear a bell?" She whispered harshly turning to the voice. The massive form that was her father was taking up all the space in front of the closed door to the greenhouse.

"Dauntless don't do bells. Unless it's piercing something." He replied.

Chimera gave her father a look before shooting three more paintballs at the target. Her father was dressed in typical Dauntless wears. Black jeans, tight black shirt, and combat boots. As for piercings he only had his eyebrow and upper ear cartilage done with silver bar bells. Chimera had only ever seen the tattoos on his upper biceps but she was positive there were more that she hadn't.

"Relax your shoulders." He told her coming up and putting his hands on her shoulders forcing them down slightly.

"I'm tense so they're tense." She snapped shrugging him off. "Hey!" She cried when he pried the paintball gun out of her hands.

"No shooting when you can't focus and we need to talk anyways. But first you owe me." He moved back and opened his arms to her. Chimera couldn't help but smile as she walked over to him. No matter her mood before seeing her father always brought her happiness. He placed the paintball gun on the floor and enveloped his daughter in a huge bear hug.

"You got thicker." He assessed lifting her off her feet a little. "And heavier."

"So not the right thing to say to a girl Muscles." She told him flatly. She had never been allowed to call him father, as it was too dangerous. Instead she had called him muscles since apparently as a child she had been fascinated with his massive biceps. Biting them constantly as she was teething. He had even had little bite marks tattooed onto his arm as a reminder of her. It's also why he called her Nib, short for nibbler.

"Never heard of this 'right' thing you're talking about. " He laughed putting her down and messing up her hair. Her father was 33-years-old but didn't look a day over 27. She could understand why her mother had fallen in love with him looks wise. Shaking her head she momentarily to straighten her hair back wondered what it would have been like to grow up with living together with both her parents. To see how they interacted with each other on a constant basis. She had actually never seen them together. Fleeting glances when her mom dropped off supplies at the wall but nothing more or a few words when she was younger and needed someone to 'watch' the young one while she unloaded the truck. Dauntless didn't frown on having a soft spot for little kids from any Faction and apparently her fascination with her dad's arms had been a running joke on the wall.

"Ha ha. Funny. Just for that I should eat the berries over there." Chimera said pointing to an old potting table. A soft look fell over her father's face as he looked at the berries. He was obviously remembering a fond memory of her mother.

"You don't have it in you to do that." He said turning back to her a serious look on his face. "Nib we need to talk about tomorrow." There would be time to think of berries later. Right now he had his daughter to worry about.

"I'm scared about it Muscles." Chimera confessed moving to sit on the bench by the greenhouse-potting table. Her father leaned against the table in front of her. Gently he picked up the carton of berries and popped a few into his mouth thoughtfully. He knew this conversation was going to have to be navigated carefully.

"I love sunshine and you know that, but I'm not sure you'd be happy living in Amity for the rest of your life. Unless you're having second thoughts about that Adam Redwood boy…" Her father grinned at her. Chimera glared at her father.

"How did you…wait I don't want to know…" She stopped herself not really wanting to know how or how much her father knew about that part of her life. Her father just smirked back. Chimera looked away and sighed.

"I worry about sunshine." She told him pulling her knees up to her chest. Sunshine was what her father called her mother, just as her mother called him wall. She wasn't sure how they picked the nicknames but it suited them.

"I'll always watch out for sunshine Nib. She'll be safe if you choose a different Faction." He promised her. Chimera looked up at her father wondering again if she belonged in Dauntless. Was his blood stronger than her mother's? Her physical features would suggest so.

"I could lose both my sunshine and my wall. I could lose everything and gain nothing." She whispered looking up at him. Her father chewed another berry thoughtfully again. It was true to a certain degree.

"You have to do what is right for you." He told her though part of him secretly did hope she would end up in Dauntless. He had watched her grow from a far distance all her life. If she were Dauntless he could have a more active, albeit careful, presence in her life. Chimera wanted to gather as much information as possible before the Choosing Ceremony so she had something to ask her father.

"Why have I learned so much about being…a wall?" She asked not sure how to exactly say 'Why did you teach me all that Dauntless stuff?' without actually saying it. Her father sent a questioning look to which she responded by looking at the forgotten paintball gun and back up to him.

"Ahhh…the best defense is a good offense." He replied smoothly.

"No bias?" She raised an eyebrow flicking her eyes to his other bicep where she saw the edge of his Dauntless Faction tattoo peaking out.

"Small bias." He confessed smiling quickly before returning to serious. "Nib I know this has not been easy and there is a chance that this is the last time I could see you." He started and moved to kneel in front of Chimera on the bench. "So just know that I love you Nib." He touched her clasped hands gently. Chimera wanted to cry as she knew her dad was taking a huge risk in saying that and it was the first time he had ever risked it.

He smiled at her going back to the berries. "Now should things follow the wall I do have a few pieces of completely illegal advice. First stay in the middle of the pack in everything you do. Go to bed fully clothed. And your first tattoo says everything about you."

"That's not comforting advice at all…" She said her eyebrows drawing together as she watched her father finish off the berries.

"Okay. Avoid knife throwing." He teased wiping the off the juice from the berries onto his pants. Chimera growled at threw an empty pot at her father, which he dodged. The sound of it shattering mixed with his laughter. "And jump fifth."

"Huh?" She was confused all over again. Her father smiled affectionately and picked up the forgotten paintball gun.

"You're not so tense now, so let's try again." He told her holding the gun out to her. Smiling Chimera grabbed the gun and spent what might be their last few hours together target shooting with her father. Unlike her mother if Chimera left for one of the other three Factions chances are she would never see her father again.

"Young one its time to rise." Her mother's voice woke her the next morning. Chimera slammed a pillow over her head and grumbled obscenities. She did not want to get up this morning.

"Young one…" The voice called softly again. Chimera sent another round of grumbles in return. "Rise and I will let you drive."

Chimera grinned under the pillow and shot out of bed. Going to her chest of drawers she dressed in a bright yellow sundress and a pair of yellow sneakers. It was an outrageously bright outfit but the dressed played down her the size of her butt and thighs and it was comfy.

"You will have to eat and drive young one." Her mother ushered her out the door towards their beat up pickup truck once Chimera was dressed.

"Eat and drive mom? Sure you don't have wall in you?" Chimera teased climbing into the cab of the truck and starting it.

"I have many times young one." Her mother replied without missing a beat getting into the passenger seat.

"Oh my god EWWWW! MOM!" Chimera cried turning the truck onto the road.

"Young one should we offer Adam—"

"NO!" Chimera shouted flooring the gas pedal. Her mother's musical laughter filled the cab and Chimera ground her teeth. Her parents may rarely see each other, and only in secret but they both knew took the same path to get under their daughter's skin.

The Hub was somewhere that Chimera felt even more out of place than in the fields of Amity. Here everyone knew where they belonged or at least where they came from. Unlike them she had been divided within herself from the very beginning. They would only feel that sense of division if their test came back as something completely different then what they thought it would be. At the Hub she had found a certain amount of peace from her inner turmoil by feeding her thirst for knowledge. At first it was born of a desperate need to see if there was any way for her to acknowledge her father. When she came up empty handed she began researching things that simply interested her, such as where her name came from.

She didn't have many friends overall and none that she would consider close friends. She wasn't anti social; she just didn't speak to people unless they spoke to her first. Silence was something both her parents had taught her was an asset. However she could admit that not talking was something she did because she was afraid of saying the wrong thing and attracting the wrong attention to herself.

As she walked through the Hub heading towards the cafeteria Chimera crossed paths with Jeannie Mathews, head of the Erudite Faction and a woman that Chimera wanted to avoid. The woman was intimidating and though most wouldn't agree Chimera found her unsettling to a degree.

"Ms. Northstarr?" A calm smooth voice spoke. Chimera froze. Jeannie Mathews was speaking to her. 'Oh no…' Turning to Jeanine, Chimera hugged her books tightly to her chest and waited nervously. Jeanine was looking at her pensively.

"Chimera Northstarr correct?" Jeannie continued when Chimera made no move to speak.

"Yes Ms. Mathews." Chimera felt her hands start to tremble. If there was anyone in the Five Factions that could find out her secret it was this woman. Chimera was positive would probably only take Jeanine a nano second to figure everything out if she ever looked into it.

"You have done exceptionally well in your classes." Jeannie stated walking closer to Chimera.

"Well for an Amity I suppose." Chimera shrugged focusing on the tile floor. Chimera wanted to run. She felt as if every word she said was giving away her secrets.

"No Ms. Northstarr. Your grades suggest excellence even among Erudite born. I look forward to seeing your Aptitude Test results." Jeannie smiled touching Chimera's arm before continuing on with her entourage.

Chimera felt herself starting to hyperventilate the moment Jeannie had turned away from her. Quickly she ran into the nearest female lavatory and deposited her books on the vanity. Rushing into a stall Chimera sat on the lid of the toilet seat and placed her head between her knees. As she tried to control her breathing she heard the lavatory door swing open and shut again.

"Northstarr. Are you alright?" A sweet voice called out. "I saw you run in here."

"I'm fine Arbour. Just a little nauseous." Chimera panted her hands locked between her legs in the folds of her dress. Her hands were still shaking from the encounter.

"Oh Northstarr! Please don't fret so much over the test!" Arbour told her. 'Is this girl fucking stalking me?' Chimera groaned.

"Do you need me to fetch a nurse?" Arbour offered worriedly.

"NO!" Chimera shouted. "I mean no, I just need a moment to collect myself. Could you get me some ice water though?" Chimera asked in a calmer voice.

"Of course! I'll be back in just a minute." Arbour rushed out of the bathroom. Chimera wondered momentarily if she should just try to drown herself in the toilet. Then she remembered the amount of bacteria there would be. 'What would it feel like though? To just…let go of life?' She wondered. Her fear was making her think crazy things.

Chimera waited as patiently as she could with the rest of the Amity dependents for her name to be called. She cradled the half full glass of ice water between her hands. Arbour had been called in just a moment ago, which meant she would probably be in the next round.

"Room 6 Chimera Northstarr…" An automated voice called out then continued onto the next four names. Chimera downed the rest of the water and made her walked through the hallway that led to the Aptitude Testing rooms. She stood in front of the door marked with a large 6 and waited. Simultaneously all the doors opened and each dependent walked into the assigned room. The room was basically empty minus a computer, metal chair and her Abnegation test administrator.

"Welcome Chimera. My name is Natalie and I will be administering your test today." Natalie greeted her softly. She was a plain woman but Chimera could tell there was some real beauty about her. Natalie patted her hand gently on the metal reclined chair and smiled calmly at Chimera. Chimera said nothing and climbed into the chair.

"Chimera. That's a very unique name. Not what one that would normally be associated with Amity." Natalie said kindly as she began attaching wires from the computer to both herself and to Chimera. She smiled at Chimera not seeming to take any offense at my silence.

"The Aptitude Test is designed for you to have a clear sense of what Faction you belong to. Please drink this." She handed Chimera a small shot glass with clear liquid. "And relax. The test will begin 60 seconds after you drink it."

Chimera nodded and drank the liquid back in one shot. The liquid tasted bitter and she closed her eyes against the bad tastes. Chimera felt Natalie take the shot glass from her. When Chimera opened her eyes she found that Natalie was gone from the testing room. Chimera got up from the chair and looked around her slightly confused as to what was going on. Was her test over?

"Hello!" She called out. Turning around she came full circle and instead of the metal chair she found a table with two baskets. In one there was a long knife and in the other there was a block of cheese.

"Choose." A voice called out to her. Chimera knew the voice sounded familiar. She thought hard about where that voice was located in her memory. 'Jeanine…' She realized horrified. That could only mean one thing. Jeanine had said she was interested in seeing her results. They knew something and they were trying to trick her into giving herself and her family away. Chimera knew that they only way to avoid giving anything away was to do nothing.

"Choose." Jeanine's voice urged. Again Chimera did nothing. She then heard growling coming from somewhere behind her. Turning she saw a vicious looking dog approaching her. So she closed her eyes and stood there as the snarling continued.

"CHOOSE!" Jeanine's voice shouted. Again Chimera reminded herself that if she did anything it would give her away. She was convinced that Jeannie was watching her, waiting for her to give herself away that her mind locked onto the concept of 'do-nothing' and her body locked.

"Have it your way." The voice coldly told Chimera. Waiting for what ever the inevitable was Chimera evened out her breathing like her father had taught her. Chimera jumped a fraction when suddenly something wet nudge her hand. When she didn't move it happened again. Risking a glance she looked down and she saw that the dog was now a large puppy. 'What the hell?' Chimera thought stroking the dog's head absentmindedly.

"PUPPY!" A child's voice called. Chimera's eyes snapped over and took in the excited child beckoning the dog over. Looking down again Chimera saw the dag had transformed back into the snarling vicious adult dog from before.

'No!' Chimera felt her body beginning to move as the dog lunged at the little girl but she stopped herself. 'I can't let them know! I have to protect my mom and dad.' She closed her and waited to hear the little girl's screams; her soul tearing in half at what she felt she had to do and what she felt she needed to do. When nothing happened she opened her eyes again and found herself now standing on a crowded bus. Looking around she focused in on a man holding a newspaper. On it was the picture of a man that Chimera thought looked familiar. Above the picture the word MURDERER as written in bold print.

"Do you know this guy?" The man holding the paper asked her pointing to the picture on the front of a paper. Chimera looked at the picture. The guy did look familiar but from where she didn't know.

"Well?" He pushed. "Do you?" Chimera looked at the picture again. What if it was some relative of her father's? Put there so she would admit to being familiar with someone who looks like him. 'Ignore him.' Chimera told herself. So she ignored his continued questions and turned her face away.

"If you know him you could save me!" The man shouted at her but Chimera just acted like he wasn't there. 'Better to save my family then save you.' She thought closing her eyes. When she opened them again she was back in the testing room laying on the chair. She looked over at Natalie who was staring at her bewildered.

"What?" Chimera asked breathing hard her stomach doing flips. She really felt like vomiting but forced herself not too.

"I have never seen anything like this before." Natalie told Chimera taking the cables off her own face. Chimera gathered her bearings and pulled the cables off her own face. She waited as Natalie kept looking from the computer to her without saying anything. Eventually the stress and Natalie's lack of speaking caused Chimera to snap.

"What? Where do I belong? What am I?" Chimera demanded trying to keep her voice low and even. Natalie looked at the computer in front of her before slowly turning to look at Chimera.

"You're nothing." Natalie said in disbelief.

AN: A long introductory chapter but for those of you who have read my Hunger Games fanfiction you will know that I tend to write long detailed chapters. If you have any questions about where this story is heading or how I am planning on exploring the original narrative within my FF please don't hesitate to ask.

As for this FF Chimera is going to be very different from Tris's type of Divergent and more like Four's version. Also I am not using the GP/GD idea at all as I completely hated. I have a totally different idea of what Divergent means and why Jeanine was so obsessed with it! :D

So please REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! And if you're a Hunger Games fan go check out my Cato/OC fanfic for some more bad boy goodness. :P

Much Luv Rayn