Konnichiwa! This is BlueSkyBlue here presenting to you, the readers of this fic, a Kuroko no Basuke fanfic in the version of Mulan. Thi swas just a random idea I got from my school play, but whatever, it is not just a whole copy thing cause I'm going to put some of my own twists in it. So are you ready? (Utapri style) BlueSkyBlue presenting this fic in 5...4...3...2...1... saa lets song, yume wo utaou! Just kidding.

A screeching sound of a crow was heard. Two soldiers look around cautiously for signs of danger. Catching them unaware, big burly soldiers leap up from the great walls and surrounded the two soldiers, waving their deadly swords.

"The Huns are attacking!" one of them cried. "Sound the alarm!"

In a flash, the Huns had killed the soldier, leaving one soldiers behind, who quickly banged the gong, creating a loud noise. Soon, crashing of gongs were heard.

Smirking, the soldier turned towards the Huns, sword out. "Now, all of Japan knows you are here."

A Hun appeared behind the soldier, killing him instantly and nodded to his leader, who gave a loud evil laugh. "Perfect."

Doors swung open as the general, Akashi Akita, marched in with two soldiers by his side. He knelt down before the emperor.

"Your majesty, the Huns have crossed our Northern border."

The emperor looked grave but the advisor beside him scoffed.

"Impossible! No one can get through our walls." He was about to continue but a sign from the emperor silenced him.

"Haizaki is leading them." Akita said fiercely. "We'll set defences around your palace immediately."

"No," the emperor said immediately. He fingered his long beard before saying, "Send your troupes to protect my people. Eiji!"

"Yes, your highness?" the advisor quickly answered.

"Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up reserves and many new recruits as possible."

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. But I believe, my troupes can stop him." Akita said.

"I won't take any chances, General Akashi."

"And that's why! I'm an Akashi, and we are always right, that is why we always win!"

"A single grain of rice can tip the balance." the emperor said, ignoring the General. " One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.

"Quiet, and demure." A young boy took some rice from his bowl. "Graceful, polite, delicate." He put the rice in his mouth. "Refined. Poised." He took up a brush to write some words on a scroll. "Punctual." He look up. "Remember that, Momoi-san."

"Kya~~~~ Tetsu-kun is so cool! I fall in love in you again!" the pinkette cried.


The girl continued to fawn over Kuroko.


Momoi ignored him, crying out her fantasies,.

"Momoi-san, I'm late."

"Oh," Momoi flushed pink. "Sorry."

With that, she left Kuroko in his room.

"Nigou." he called. "Nigou."

A dog ran up to him, its collar, gleaming the words #2.

"There you are." Kuroko bent down and tied a piece of string to the collar. "Lets get on with our chores."

Nigou gave a little wuff before dragging the sack which was attached to the string to the courtyard, spilling the grains on the floor. The chickens, noticing their favourite food, started clucking and pecking at the ground. It ran past a shrine, of which an old man stood. He knelt on the floor, praying to the dead ones.

"Honorable ancestors," he said. "Please help my son get cured of his sickness. He is of age, and needs a suitable suitor."

Nigou jumped into the shrine, spilling the grains on the floor and left. The chickens followed in, and kept pecking at their food,.

"Please." the man continued.

Kuroko went up to the shrine, carrying a tray of tea. Noticing Nigou there, he bent down and gave the dog a treat for being obedient.

"Father, I brought you your-"

"Tetsuya!" The old man gasped. "When were you here?"

"I just arrived, father. The doctor said three cups of tea in the morning-"


"-and three at night."

"The doctor said you should in bed right now!"

"Alright, father. I'm going right away." Kuroko stood up and left. His father stared after him.

"Maybe I should go pray some more... That stubborn son of mine... caring for others other than himself..."

It was a busy town that day. Many families are sending their daughters to the matchmaker.

"Kuroko-san, is your son recovering well? You know the matchmaker won't introduce any suitors to him unless he gets well." a lady asked her friend.

"I know," her friend answered. "That is why I pray to the ancestors everyday."

"How lucky can they be?" an old lady, the friend's mother scoffed. "The are dead. Besides, I've got all the luck with me." She dangled a cage with a cricket inside. "This is the chance to prove yourself!" She cooed at the cricket before closing her eyes and walking onto the busy road.

"Grandma!" the woman cried in alarm.

Fortunately, nothing crashed into her, though a melon cart got a very bad day after that.

Kuroko closed his eyes, trying to sleep, but failing to. Since young, he was diagnosed with asthma, which the doctor said cannot be cured. He was refrained from doing any heavy work. Luckily for him, his asthma is not serious but his parents took precautions, nonetheless. Also, he has got a weak presence and is not noticeable by anyone besides his family. His father, Kuroko Seitarou, used to be a famous soldier and fought in the great war. However, he does not seem to inherit his ability. His mother, Kuroko Yuuki, on the other hand is where he got his looks from, his teal hair and baby blue eyes. Besides that, Kuroko Tetsuya also has a friend, Satsuki Momoi, who always claim that she is his boyfriend. Speaking of Momoi, she is going to the matchmaker today. Kuroko closed his eyes, and prayed for his friend. Soon, he fell asleep.

And that's it! The end of the first chapter. It quite short but I promise the next to be longer. Also, I'll do this once, I do not own Kuroko no Basuke, and everyone knows that. I dedicate this fic to Kiryuu Natsuka and Kuroryuu Mikasa, my best friends both in real life and here in the virtual world. And to others who are waiting for updates for my other fics, sorry but it will be super super super slow. I just write some for this fanfic, then ideas just pop up for another fic, so please wait. For now, I think this will be the one I will be updating.



a.k.a. Otonashi Hayuka