*Dark and Light*

I've realised that no one reads this! Seriously no one at all! Oh well, I will keep on updating though, for fun. I don't think I'll get anymore reviews anytime soon. So, if you ARE reading this. Please review so I know that someone is reading this crap. *ahem* excuse my language.

Disclaimer: I do not own CCS, cause if I did, it'd be pretty stupid cause no one reads my work.

Chapter 4 – Finding Her*

"Yo man, where are you taking me?" Eriol choked out. Syaoran was currently grabbing him by the collar and boy did it hurt.

"We've got to find Sakura and Tomoyo before they get into any trouble." Syaoran stated matter-of-factly. This lighted Eriol's eyes immediately as if there was gold in front of him.

"Her name is Tomoyo? The one with jet-black hair?" He asked quietly not noticing the look Syaoran gave him. He put his hands on his chin as though in deep thought. "Syaoran, I know you want to reunite with the girl or something, but we can't just go save their asses!" Eriol blabbered suddenly, "We work for Greenfield. He'll send men out to kill us if he finds out that we've betrayed him." Waving his arms out wildly. As much as Syaoran wanted to save them, he had to think of a plan.

"Eriol, you cannot tell Greenfield that I'm doing this even if you're thinking of backing out. We've been friken friends since ages. You can't just turn me in." Syaoran shrieked, feeling afraid for Sakura. A shallow laugh was heard from his companion and Syaoran sighed in relief. All he had to do was track the two girls down, warn them and protect them without Greenfield knowing. Easy… no, tough. With or without Eriol's help it'll be hard explaining to Sakura about his intentions. She's so stubborn, it could be hard for someone to make her understand a mathematics question because she thinks she's right.

"Syaoran, snap. I'm in alright? We're best buds and no way am I going to abandon my friend on this one even if it meant my life. Plus, I get to know a hot chick. How good can this get?" Eriol said jokingly and then a stern face took over. "Greenfield does have men checkin' us every so often so don't be off guard, but they're not here right now. So let's just do our job and leave them before these dudes find us with them."

Syaoran looked at the man before his eyes and gave him a huge grin. "Thanks bro. I knew I could count on you. But how do we find them?" said turning serious again.

"They're probably doing what all girls love to do, shopping. If we don't find them on the streets, we'll definitely find them at clubs. I'll phone Greenfield later on tonight to tell him that we're trying to tail them again and I'll ask him if she's at the club he's in. Then we'll have one down and, well, dozens more to go!" Eriol's master plan was definitely a good shot. It's no wonder that Greenfield hired these two guys (for the time being, I'll be leaving all the high-tech stuff). With that, the two hopped onto their Porsche convertible (my dream car) and sped off towards the city.

- Sakura -

"Moyo, try on these. They look so you!" Sakura yelled across the room holding a pair of black velvet hip huggers up and waving it like a bell. They've been shopping for hours and bought lots stuff but shopping just never bores these two young ladies.

"Hm… They do look nice. Maybe I will try them on, meanwhile, I found a perfect handbag for you. It is the handbag version of you." Tomoyo replied, once again, yelling across the shop. The shopkeeper was now getting a bit annoyed with their yelling and mucking around; they bought lots of stuff though, that could pay for a months' rent!

- Syaoran -

"Syaoran, if you look for a black beetle with red flames across parked somewhere, it means they're not far." Eriol said while nearing the street of shops. This made Syaoran's eyebrows come together with a v-shape. Sakura and Tomoyo driving a black beetle with red flames? This is crazy! On the car ride, Syaoran had explained to him the about the past and how Sakura and he, and even Tomoyo, were linked.

"Oh my god! I think we just hit jackpot. Is that their car up ahead parked on the left?" Syaoran gasped. It was indeed a black beetle with red flames. Fortunately, behind the parked car, there was a car space. Syaoran parked his car and briefly planned out, "Okay, you stay in the car while I go find the girls. If they come out and drive away, follow them." He got out of the car. Before closing the door, he shouted back in, "Get into the drivers seat. Just in case." Winked and walked off into a shop nearby.

Syaoran looked inside a shop with modern décor but there was no sight of Sakura. He dashed out and continued his look into the rest of the shops… an hour had past, but still no sign of his Sakura and Tomoyo. He had almost every shop in the area covered. Could it be that they weren't even shopping? Syaoran panicked. If he didn't find her soon, she would be into trouble. Greenfield wanted her bad and without Syaoran's help, he was sure to get her.

- Sakura -

Meanwhile, Sakura and Tomoyo were trying on clothing. Two giggling girls in a cramped changing isn't exactly the best impression but it was fun and the girls enjoyed it. Sakura put on her clothes and walked out the changing room when she saw him. At least that's what she thought she saw. 'But it can't be. He's gone back to Hong Kong.' But there was no mistaking the messy brown hair. 'Nah. I just saw the back of a guy. Big deal!' with that thought, she walked off to the counter and paid for all the stuff she chose. Tomoyo, being a shopaholic, was still trying on clothing.

Suddenly, Tomoyo yelled as though having a fit, "Argh! I give up! I'm buying all of them!" walking out of the changing room, she saw Sakura laughing at her. It annoyed her. "What are you laughing at bitch?"

"I'm sorry." Sakura answered lightly, making a sad face. If only the two of them could stay young forever, this is the kind of life she'd want to live in. Well, of course it was. Partying, shopping, money, hot guys…

After Tomoyo had paid for her stuff, they walked out of the shop and found a nice café to sit in. The café is nicely decorated, with aquamarine as its theme. The chairs were like the fold up chairs that people bring to the beach. Most of the tables were outside and had huge umbrellas shading the customers from the sun. They both ordered pina coladas and sat talking about last night (Greenfield).

- Syaoran -

He walked back to the car after looking in all of the shops. "I give up. Let's have lunch somewhere… How about that one over there?" Syaoran asked squinting his eyes from the sun and pointed to a place called 'Antoni's'. Eriol got out of the car and they both jaywalked across the street (remember, don't do that). The two men were hungry beyond wonder and quickly sat down and ordered pizza. The restaurant was very nice with an Italian touch (no duh).

- Café Next to Theirs -

"Haha… Waiter, cheque please!" Sakura called to a waiter, waving her hands. They were talking about the stupid men that they had following them around at the club they were at last night. "There was this one guy, he thought I was drunk enough to go to bed with him. Fat chance man!" Sakura said laughing.

A waitress came over with the bill, Sakura looked down at it and gasped. "What's wrong Saku?" Tomoyo asked worryingly. She then looked at the bill herself and gasped. "Who is this Greenfield guy?"

"You know the guy that I had a bet with… the one who didn't think I would be able to drink the whole thing myself. Well, that's him." Sakura replied, looking down at the note again. The note read 'Ms Kinomoto, although you have won the bet, you will still end up mine. Mr J Greenfield'

Sakura hastily paid cheque and they both made their way out. Just as they were about to leave, Tomoyo remembered that they had left all their clothes by the table. "I'll go get them." And Tomoyo slowly made her way back to the table. Coming back out, she saw Sakura stretching and sighing "Don't feel like moving eh?" Tomoyo asked quietly and Sakura nodded.

"Holy shit!" Sakura exclaimed, pointing at a black Porsche convertible. "This is a nice-ass car! Wish I had one. Let's go over there and check it out." And she pulled Tomoyo across the street towards the car.

- Meanwhile -

"Oh my gosh, I am so full! Let's get the cheque." Eriol said rubbing his bloated stomach, "Cheque please." He waved at a waiter, drawing on an invisible paper.

They walked out of the restaurant and was about to walk back to their car when they saw two girls peering into their car. "What the hell?" they both said in unison and crossed the road and walked up behind the girls. About to place their hands on the girls' shoulders, Syaoran spoke up, "What in the world are you doing to my car?"

~~Okay, yah… whatever. I don't feel like updating this anymore. But once started, I gotta finish it or I'll feel bad. So, hope ya'll enjoyed it.