This is my first stab at a Frozen fic. It is an inside look at Elsa's mind as Anna introduces her to Hans.

I do not own Frozen, I just write fanfiction for the fun of it (and the reviews)!

Back up there, Queen Elsa though to herself as a nobleman-a tall, dark-haired man with a large nose and French accent-kissed her hand, his fingers lingering on her gloves for longer than she would have liked. After a moment though, the man and his colleague backed up, bowing before they exited the queen's presence.


Turning at the sound of her name, the queen breathed a sigh of relief as her younger sister bounded towards her-ungainly as always. She's cooled off, she thought, Now we can enjoy the rest of this night together.

"I mean, queen," Anna corrected, and Elsa flinched internally, though outwardly her expression remained unchanged. Though she had been trying on the title for years in her head, hearing Anna use it so formally made her feel further from her sister than ever before.

"Me again," Anna said politely, smiling as she raised herself from a curtsy, another sign of their distance. "Um," she began, momentarily losing her words.

She's enjoying herself, Elsa noted with great satisfaction. Though the coronation was a formality, all of the plans, from the music to the desserts, Elsa had made with Anna in mind. Elsa had grown comfortable with her life as a shut-in, fearing the outside world. She knew, however, that Anna had no such qualms, and she wanted her sister to enjoy what she knew would be her single night of freedom until her eventual marriage, which Elsa hoped to delay until she could come to terms with the idea of being completely alone, forever.

Anna found her point once again, and she pulled forward a striking young man. "May I present Prince Hans, of the Southern Isles!" she finished excitedly.

She's found a dance partner, Elsa saw happily, though she had known Anna would. Though her contact with people was limited to her tutors and the castle staff, Elsa could tell that Anna had a social presence about her that she herself had never possessed. They look sweet together.

"Your majesty," Prince Hans replied, bowing slightly before turning back to smile at Anna. They both giggled, and Elsa could hardly contain her satisfaction. This is going even better than planned. Surely now she will have no trouble forgiving me, she told herself, perhaps a bit optimistically.

Anna spoke first. "We would like-" she began breathlessly, Hans tripping over his tongue beside her, parroting her words. "-your blessing-" Hans continued for her.

Of their courtship! Elsa realized suddenly. It only stood to reason that if Anna were to meet a suitor at the party, she would not be willing to let him go so easily. Debating for a split-second, Elsa decided there was no harm to it. Anna was young, and limited, chauffeured outings would be easy to control. Anna should be happy, Elsa reminded herself. She deserves this. Her mind made up in an instant, Elsa prepared herself to offer both her permission and her blessing.

"of our marriage!" the two finished together, their faces red. Anna clung to Hans, her cheek pressed against his shoulder, and Elsa blinked quickly, unsure of how the conversation had strayed so far from what she had been anticipating.

"Marriage?" Elsa responded, shocked. No, she told herself. The answer is no.

Anna is mine, her eyes screamed at Hans, but Elsa knew that this had not been true since the day the trolls had removed Elsa's magic from Anna's memory. The day that their bond had been severed by the blades of a deep and lingering fear.

Unaware of what words came out of her mouth next, Elsa was sure they were far from the ones swimming endlessly through her mind: Anna is mine.