Disclaimer: I do not own Eyeshield 21. I am only borrowing the characters.

XX= time skip

-X- = point of view change

Chapter 1

Anezaki Mamori waited impatiently for the airplane from America to arrive. On her hand, she carried a cardboard on which was written 'Kobayakawa Sena'.

Finally, the airplane arrived and she stood up straight, searching for Sena in the midst of arrivals. She searched for a short boy with brown gravity defying hair, brown eyes and a timid air surrounding him. But she could not find him even as the arrivals left until no one was left. She gave a disappointed sigh and turned to leave when she saw a boy standing next to her and watching her with an amused expression.

She recognized him as one of the arrivals. He had shoulder-length hair that was tied loosely on a ponytail. His hair was blonde with highlights of red and black. He had brown eyes with a sharp-quality in them. He was a lot taller than her and stood confidently. He was wearing a black shirt and black tight jeans with white converse. He had on two simple necklaces and multiple rings on is fingers. He also had multiple chains around where the belt should be and three piercings in each ear.

Before Mamori could say anything, the boy opened his mouth, showing stark white teeth and said, "Mamo-nee." With a slight accent.

Mamori stood there stunned until she also opened her mouth and stammered, "S…Se…Sena?"

The boy, Sena, just grinned.


Sena and Mamori arrived at Sena's apartment, Mamori still insisting that he stay with them.

"It's okay, Mamo-nee. I will be fine on my own otherwise my parents wouldn't send me on my own, would they."

"I guess not. Oh, and which school are you going to study in?"

"I was thinking about the same school as you."

"Ah, Deimon, that's good. We haven't been on the same school since elementary, when you went to America."

Mamori helped Sena unpack. It was nighttime when they finished.

"I will see you tomorrow at Deimon then Sena."

"Okay, Mamo-nee. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Sena." She then left for her own house.


Sena opened his door to leave at the same time as his neighbor. They looked at each other.

Sena's neighbor had spiky blonde hair and pointy ears. He was wearing black pants, white shirt and a turquoise jacket. He recognized it as the Deimon high school's uniform. He also had two pair of piercings on his ear. His neighbor stared at him for a while then grinned, showing his sharp teeth.

It would have scared Sena if he had been the same boy as when he was in elementary, but now it sent a surge of arousal through his body. On his stay in America, his views on dangerous had changed drastically. Now, instead of being scared, he becomes aroused. And his neighbor just screamed dangerous.


Hiruma exited his apartment, thinking of ways to recruit permanent members for Deimon devil bats. He noticed from the corner of his eyes, the door next to his apartment being opened. He stared at the figure exiting the apartment.

He had shoulder-length blonde hair with red and black highlights which was swept back and kept in place by black clips. He was wearing black tight jeans, white shirt and black jacket with black boots on his feet. He had three piercings on each ear, two necklaces and multiple rings on his fingers. He carried a black backpack with white stripes.

When his neighbor looked at him, he grinned, enough to show his sharp teeth. He expected him to be wary if not a little scared but he just stood there, staring at him with a slight gleam to his eyes which made him a little uncomfortable and made him shiver in anticipation. Anticipation for what, he did not know.

He walked towards his neighbor and extended his hand. "My name is Hiruma Yoichi and welcome to the neighborhood."

He shook his hand and opened his mouth to speak, "Kobayakawa Sena, and thank you for the welcome." He then looked him up and down with a gaze that he recognized as hungry. "Are you a student of Deimon high school?"

"Yes, I am."

"Ah! Can you give me a tour of the school later? I am a new student." Sena said while rubbing the back of his neck.

He didn't know why but Hiruma agreed.