It's one of those rare days where the Fairy Tail guild hall is abnormally quiet.

It wasn't because nobody was there. It wasn't because the usual troublemakers were absent. It wasn't because somebody was making an announcement. It wasn't because the members were sad or depressed.

It was because, in the back corner of the guild hall, Natsu and Wendy were sitting on a bench. Natsu was leaning back, his head resting on the wall. Wendy's head was on Natsu shoulders, her eyes closed. To their right on the same bench were Happy and Charle with their backs to each other. They were all exhausted and sleeping soundly.

Someone sleeping normally wouldn't cause the entire guild hall to be this quiet, but with a certain scarlet haired beauty giving every potential noisemaker a death glareā€¦ well, you get the idea.

No one could tell what she was thinking, but no one in their right mind would dare piss of the Titania. Most of the rowdier members had already left, fearing for their safety should they accidently cause too much noise. The one remaining quietly sat there drinking their beers and juices, some of them playing cards or reading a book.

Every now and then, a cool breeze would reach the sleeping quartet, causing them to stir slightly.

Erza watched the spectacle from a short distance away, eyes sparkling. It's not every day you get to see Natsu behaving and not causing all sorts of mayhem with his usual antics.

"Gray." she whispered, conveying her thoughts with her eyes.

"Hell no!" he answered, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Gray!" she repeated, glaring at him even more intensely than before, causing Gray's eyes to widen in fear.

"Fine, I'll do it." He said, giving up his pointless resistance. He slowly stood up and went into his signature combat stance, placing his right hand over his left palm. "Ice-Make: Mist!"

Starting from Gray, a slightly chilly mist began to fill the room. It wasn't very cold, but enough so that you would consider extra clothing.

Disregarding the other guild members, the sleeping quartet, after unconsciously noticing the lowered temperatures, used each other to warm up. Happy and Charle huddled up to one another, their tails entwining with each other. Wendy snuggled up to Natsu even more than before, slipping her arm around his waist, while Natsu put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in.

Wendy shifted her head around his shoulder in search of a more comfortable position before reverting back to her previous one. "Natsu-san~" she mumbled, smiling for a brief moment.

The mention of his name roused Natsu from his slumber. Feeling the added weight on his shoulder, he looked down and noticed her sleeping form. "Wendy." He raised his left hand and gently patted her head, slowly pulling a few strands of hair back to reveal her forehead before he gently kissed it.

Using his right hand, he grabbed her and gently gripped it. Apparently satisfied he rested his head on hers and dozed off again.

Hope you enjoyed this short one-shot. Please R&R.