It was strange knowing that he had destroyed something that most of his friends helped create, but Steve was certain that they wouldn't be angry with him as he was exposing Hydra and doing some damage to it at the same time.

It was surreal to be standing next to his best friend—a best friend he had been sure had died, a best friend he had mourned over and a best friend that had attempted to kill him—as he watched carriers crash into the Washington HQ of SHIELD.

"You never do things by half, do ya Comrade?" The teasing female voice made him tense and both him and Bucky to turn and face the woman behind them.

He hadn't even heard her coming!

Dark golden hair was pulled back out of her face by a tight bun at the base of her neck, amber eyes were amused with full lips tilted up in a smirk as she watched the two men. She wore a black leather top much like Bucky's—only it seemed more like a vest and part of Steve wanted her to put on a jacket as he still wasn't used to women showing that much skin—and leather trousers tucked into heeled boots that only add an inch of height to her already willowy frame.

The belt around her waist had the symbol of Hydra on its belt-buckle and he tensed and held his shield ready as he watched her warily—she seemed to be more amused by that which made him uneasy.

"Nika." Bucky exhaled deeply and captured Steve's attention.

There was no mistaking the deep-relief and affection in Bucky's tone as he said her name, the almost gentle smile that appeared on his lips made him look like the man that Steve had called his best friend.

Bucky reached out with his left hand and 'Nika' didn't hesitated in placing her slender hand into his metal one with an almost loving smile as Bucky tugged her closer to him.

"You're okay," he said in more of attempt of reassuring himself than her.

"Such little faith." Nika teased as one hand reached up to cup his face. "Should I be offended?"

He just chuckled into her hair before releasing her and turning to face Steve.

"Steve, this is Nika." Bucky gestured between them and Steve, almost numbly, reached out to shake her hand.

"So this is the Fool," she mused as she shook his hand firmly.

"Excuse me?" Steve asked in a splutter.

"You're excused," she teased with a lightness in her amber eyes that brightened as Bucky chuckled and wrapped his arm more firmly around her slender waist.

So Steve smiled back at her, feeling that she was part of the reason that Bucky remembered and helped him.

"No! No! No!" Tony refused, waving his hands around as Bruce idly sipped at his coffee as he watched Steve and the little trio he had brought with him back to New York.

Tony was standing, legs near-vibrating in the need to pace, as he glared at Steve and the trio behind the Capsicle while Bruce was almost completely relaxed on Tony's too-white couch—Clint was slumped in an armchair, having just gotten back from his own mission, and was staring at them with intent-half-lidded eyes while Natasha had barely graced them with a glance before she went straight for Tony's bar and the drinks Pepper hadn't watered down.

"We do not bring home strays!" Tony admonished Steve, his finger waggling like a disapproving parent as Steve rubbed at his pink-tinted neck.

"They're friends, Tony." Steve insisted.

("Are we the stray?" Sam Wilson, according to Steve's introductions, asked the blonde woman next to him. "Am I?"

"Do I look like a stray, Comrade?" The obviously Russian blonde, Nika apparently, asked in a mock-haunting fashion as she leaned further into her silent dark haired parent that was watching Tony with wary aquamarine eyes and a tight metal arm wrapped around the woman's slender waist. "You may be though."

The two traded smirks that only had a slightly strain to them—obviously they were slowly becoming friends.)

"He tried to kill you!" Tony accused as he carelessly pointed at the dark haired man, apparently the-not-so-dead Bucky Barnes, who frowned at the finger that was ridiculously close to his face.

Bruce had the idle wondering thought that it looked like Bucky was considering biting it—by the amused amber eyes that cut to Bucky's face and then his, Bruce was certain he was right.

"He's my best friend!" Steve argued back with a frown and a glare as he loomed over the shorter male.

"And Rock-of-Ages was Thor's brother, doesn't mean we were going to let him live with us." Tony shot back.

("Rock-of-Ages?" Nika looked questioningly at Sam, who in turn shrugged.

"I have no damn idea," he shook his head.)

"Bucky's just had a bit of bad luck with Hydra." Steve said almost lamely making Clint snort a little as Tony paused to briefly look at Steve like he hadn't realised how exactly dim Steve was compared to him—Bruce had come very good at reading Tony's expressions.

"It's my Tower." Tony argued with a smug look on his face. "I say we don't take in strays."

"I've already talked to Miss Potts." It was Steve's turn to look smug as Tony's shoulders dropped. "She already said yes."

"I should have never given her half." Tony mumbled to himself as he left the room, most likely to sulk in his lab as he listened to his loud music and made something that they would probably have to destroy before it took over the world.

"Does this mean we get to stay?" Sam asked making Steve nod.

The dark-skinned man just grinned and easily took a seat next to Bruce.

Nika pressed herself close to Bucky's side, whispering something into his ear. Bruce didn't know what she said to put such a smirk on Bucky's face, and didn't bother to watch as they both disappeared down the hall that lead to the bedrooms as Natasha sat on the armrest next to him.

Life at Avengers' Tower—as Tony was insisting it was called now—was going to get more interesting.