Disclaimer: Own nothing.

Warning: Post WC but doesn't contain spoilers. I'm not used to working with these characters, so they might be OOC. Apologies.

A\N: Story processes in Aomine's, Kagami's and Kiyoshi's views, respectively. The rating is T for now but I'm not sure if I'll set it up to M, or down to K+, or just let it be as it is. M seems like have a higher possibility, though. There will be 3 or 4 parts.

Hope you will enjoy reading.

You & I

He doesn't know why he does it but he keeps finding himself in front of Seirin High's gates once a week. His reasoning is his recent reconciliation with Tetsu. But his heart insists on making that paining leap in his chest every time he has a short glimpse of a fierce idiot and that's all there is to it.

Those quick glimpses are all he needs and resents. It excites him, he knows. And it pains him not too little. So he wonders why he does this to himself.

Why does he get out of his way to go Seirin just to see stormy rivalry and nothing else in ruby eyes? What is he looking for in them to begin with? It is confusing and frustrating and persistent. He wants to witness to something different, he realizes at least this much.

So he goes to Seirin solely for a glimpse once a week because more than that is just too much. It hurts more than its worth; the result is unchanging. Maybe he should stop going all together. It's not the first time he has the thought.

But he can't. He can't stop his feet. In the moment of absentness, his legs dictate him and orient his body toward him. Since when do limbs have their own will?


First, Tetsu shows up. The guy calls himself shadow and the least expressive person he knows. That guy seemed surprised when he first began to appear at the gates of Seirin but now there is a knowing look and ghost of a smile on the impassive face. It doesn't matter if Tetsu knows.

Then, he shows up and he doesn't look surprised. He must be used to it by now but he wasn't astonished then too, even when Tetsu was by his presence at their school. Aomine kept wondering 'Does he know?' but he didn't and doesn't. He is stupid; there is no way he can even guess.

Aomine greets Tetsu and watches him; he looks as if he is going to say something to Aomine. He waits but nothing comes.

"See you later, Kuroko." And he departs from their side.

Aomine thinks not for the first time 'What am I doing here?'

. . .

'What is he doing here again?' he questions before he sees him cracking a crooked smile to Kuroko and he knows. 'Right.'

Kagami wishes him to stop coming. He waits for the time he doesn't show his stupid face at their school. His once a week visits are unwanted in his part. If he wants to see Kuroko that much, then why aren't they meeting at somewhere else? Somewhere Kagami can't see them. Then he wouldn't feel this disappointment every time he shows up at the school gates just to smile at Kuroko.

It isn't even a full smile so just go away, Kagami wants to say. But he can't. Not when Kuroko is smiling back.

They stand and greet each other. Kagami stares until sharp indigo eyes turn at his direction. Every time he sees those eyes, Kagami briefly wonders their depth. He feels as if he can stare into them for hours and can't find the bottom.

He opens his mouth to say 'Don't come anymore,' but instead he says "See you later, Kuroko."

Then he spins around and leaves; doesn't hear Kuroko's reply. He doesn't want to see more than that and anymore of that.

. . .

It relaxes him and calms his nerves as they walk back home together. It is somewhat of a routine for them. They walk mostly in silence; sometimes they share quick thoughts about basketball and trivial daily episodes.

They are precious to him, these walks from school to home, because it is the only time they can find serenity in each other's presence and because they won't be able to do it once spring rolls around. Because the person next to him is precious, he figures.

They walk past the court they played one-on-one for the first time at their freshmen year in high school. He slows his steps in reminiscence of memories. He still remembers other's pain, Hyuuga's pain as he tried to hate something he loved. Kiyoshi also experienced a similar pain; he thinks that made it easier for him to understand other's trial. But it wasn't to the same extent as Hyuuga's. The tight shut of his eyes, deep crease of his eyebrows, his quivering voice and determination of showing none of it shocked Kiyoshi and he guesses it has all started then, this infatuation with his captain.

He can't think of a better way to describe it and he's already given in. But it still surprises him how he can have this much infatuation with someone.

He looks at Hyuuga; other is few steps ahead of him. He hasn't noticed yet that he is leaving Kiyoshi behind and all Kiyoshi can do right now is watching his back. He feels, more often than not, this is what he ever does and ever will do.

He desires to walk side by side with that back.

It requires strength and initiative but Kiyoshi doesn't know how to obtain both because that back never turns around, never looks back. It seems even if he tries, he can't reach.

He doesn't want to be left behind by that back.

. . .

Yes, Tetsu definitely knows. He knows Aomine is using him for a mere peek.

And that peek is never enough to sate him. Moreover, the hunger keeps getting stronger and stronger with every glimpse.

He sometimes finds it ridiculous; he thinks he's become obsessed. The adult magazines he manages to buy have turned out heavier when he carries them under his armpit. Magazines themselves aren't that thick; he doesn't know what makes them heavy. His wishful thinking?

He doesn't make sense anymore and Tetsu knows. He freaking knows what is going on in Aomine's head. The faint smile and slurp of milkshake cannot possibly be more irritating and meaningful.

He doesn't need this. Now that Tetsu is involved too, it has become more of a pain in the ass.

Aomine won't go next week or any other upcoming weeks. Not anymore.

. . .

It is already Friday and he didn't show his face yet, so Kagami is certain he will today. He lets Kuroko to leave the classroom ahead and waits some time before he goes out.

It is a predicament coach has ceased the practices after Winter Cup ended. Kagami has too much time in his hands and apparently that idiot, too, if his coming all the way to Seirin is any indication.

In any case, he wants to play. He needs to release some pent-up tension. When he is in the school's garden, he notices the school is almost vacant and he doesn't see any shadow or ex-light anywhere. He sighs in relief.

He considers using school's gym because it is still cold outside and he doesn't want to be sick when he's in danger of being held back a year. But he realizes the gym is occupied by his two seniors when he is at the door. He's about to say hi and barge in before he stops short with his actions. He hears a part of the conversation and the content sounds important as it doesn't require a third party joining. He doesn't want to eavesdrop because it'll be inappropriate even for a simple-minded guy like him. So he settles for using the court near his apartment.

He decides it is a fortunate occurrence because now he can change his clothes and have a quick bite at home. After that, he picks his ball and heads to the court. The air is as if colder now after the warmth of his flat. He doesn't mind; the shaking of his bones combining with familiar plastic smell of the ball makes him feel alive. The cold numbs his senses and mind which is good because he doesn't want to think while playing. Thoughts are only distracting recently.

While dribbling, jumping and concentrating on nothing but the hoop and ball, he relives every game he played since he came to Japan. The memories of Winter Cup floods and the time seems it fast forwards. With every pinch he's overcome, every limit he's surpassed and every tough game he won, he has enjoyed basketball more.

Even now, playing on his own, he can't stop grinning like an airheaded fool. He feels as if he should thank someone. But to whom, he isn't sure. To his father who sent him to Japan and enrolled him to Seirin High? Or to Kuroko who introduced him a completely different side of basketball? Or maybe to his teammates and coach who made him understand the true meaning of teamwork and he didn't need to do everything on his own? Maybe even to miracles for being strong, arrogant opponents.

'Ugh, doesn't matter. Stop thinking.' He channels all his focus to his one-man game. His mind doesn't work in complex ways; it's fairly easier for him look at the now more than the future or the past.

It is easy to crush the small voice at the far back in his mind which demands to know whether Kuroko and he met today with the dribbling sounds of basketball. And he will think of a way to shut the voice up when he stops playing but not right now.

. . .

He asks him to accompany him to the gym. He picks a ball and they stand near the hoop.

"You wanna play?" Hyuuga asks.

Kiyoshi wants to say yes even though he knows he shouldn't. His rehabilitation will begin once the school term ends, which is just few weeks away at this point, and he shouldn't damage his knee more than it's already been. He knows it all too well but that's not what his heart shouts. In the end though, this isn't the reason why they are at there.

"No. I wanted to talk."

Hyuuga waits for him to continue in anticipated silence. Kiyoshi wonders what he is thinking right now. What is he expecting Kiyoshi to say or does he even expect anything?

Before speaking, Kiyoshi shoots the ball without a much need for jumping. He watches in fascination as the ball goes in smoothly through the hoop. He will miss it. He will miss it more than anything he could miss in the world.

"Well?" Hyuuga is impatient.

Kiyoshi doesn't mind and proceeds to take the ball and comes back to his previous position under the net. Then he looks at Hyuuga and begins to speak.

He explains his hospitalization starting with their 3rd year and how his life will consist of only school and hospital; most of the time just hospital. His time is numbered in this gymnasium next to this person, Kiyoshi reminds himself unnecessarily. They won't be going back home together after practice; they won't be having normal conversations because it will be too awkward and painful to talk about basketball and that's almost all they ever talk about. There will be bitter silence instead.

And that back will never wait for him. He already lost his chance to stand side by side with that back. Maybe he never even had it to begin with.

"I see," Hyuuga speaks and Kiyoshi only then realizes he's stopped talking. "What about your grandparents?"

"They are old, very old. They want to look after me but I don't expect them to do much," Kiyoshi cracks a smile; smiling comes naturally to him. "Anyway, I'll be fine on my own."

Hyuuga frowns but says nothing, just nods and takes the ball from Kiyoshi before he shoots.

"A shooting practice then? Just for this time." He asks without looking at Kiyoshi. The latter blinks and then beams.

He doesn't know but Hyuuga knows how sincere this smile is. Hyuuga has always known how many and what kind of smiles Kiyoshi has. He can distinguish each and every one of them without an effort.

It irritates him, annoys him and scares him being so fixated on a smiling face. So he's built up a wall and wishes no one to manage climbing over.

They can't play for long because even if it is simply shooting, Kiyoshi can't stop the center in him from jumping for rebounds every time Hyuuga misses. Hyuuga calls the quits before the airhead hurts himself permanently.

Kiyoshi wants to continue but he complies with what the other says. He wants to talk more but he complies with other's silence.

They pack up their stuff and walk back home together.

. . .

He knows he shouldn't have gone. He was so close to be successful.

It is Friday; the last day for the school week. The idea suddenly urged him and he went. Tetsu appears with that frustrating expression but there is no fierce idiot in sight.

"Kagami-kun said he has something to take care of and stayed back." Kuroko explains although Aomine doesn't ask. "Do you wish to wait for him, Aomine-kun?"

"Don't be stupid, Tetsu." Aomine is irritated.

He came all this way and the idiot doesn't even spare him his glimpse. He refuses to acknowledge his disappointment. "Let's go." He turns to leave without waiting for Tetsu's response.

He feels his friend's 'Are you sure?' stare without seeing it. "Shut it," he says even though the other doesn't verbalize anything.

The season is still winter and it is cold. Aomine doesn't mind it; he welcomes it. They make their way through the iced road for a while before Tetsu speaks.

"You don't have to come all the way just to walk me home, Aomine-kun." He taunts but doesn't get any reaction. He stares at the back of Aomine's head and tries a different approach. "Do you mind if we take another route?"

Aomine stays silent and Tetsu takes it as a yes. He spins them around at the opposite direction they've been walking and leads the way.

Aomine is busy with cursing and mentally kicking himself for coming to Seirin today. Really, what is he trying to do? Can he actually be stupider than the idiot? 'Nah, no way.' He finds temporary solace with it.

Then he finally awakens to his senses when he doesn't recognize the road they are taking.

"Where are we going?"

Now it is Tetsu's turn not to answer. He isn't exactly certain if he will accomplish his purpose but he is still taking the chance to give Aomine-kun his glimpse.

Sometimes, Kuroko thinks, these lights are too much work.

Aomine doesn't question further as he goes along with Kuroko's directions. After some walking, it becomes tiresome with all the effort for not slipping on the iced sidewalk, so he has to know what his friend is thinking.

"Tetsu, what-" He stops before he begins to form a sentence.

First, he hears. He hears very familiar sounds of dribbling, huffs and puffs.

Then he sees. He sees the person who is making these noises. Dark red hair with brown undertone, tall figure, sun-kissed skin and stupid grin. All too familiar.

He can't look away as he doesn't even try to hide his surprise. He can't form a single coherent thought and his perception simplifies exclusively to a guy playing basketball in this winter, under dark clouds, on a partially ice covered concrete.

He eventually overcomes his initial astonishment and he half glares at Tetsu who, he figures, is somewhat of a culprit behind this 'chance encounter'. He tries to harden his glare but his mouth wants to form a smile, so it doesn't help to his cause. Really, limbs shouldn't have their own will.

Either way, Aomine turns back to the scene of the idiot and thinks he sees something different.

. . .

It is like a warning of a sudden breeze or a hunch of an undefined instinct or the familiar feeling one gets when someone the person knows is nearby, or maybe it is the chill when the person feels like being watched, Kagami can't be sure – he never is – but he is still distracted by it for a short moment. It throws him off balance right away with the sight of two people the voice has been trying to remind him. He steps on the ice he's been avoiding and immediately falls on his butt in an undignified manner.

His manners are never dignified, so it's okay, he tells himself as he surpasses his embarrassment and the sharp pain on his hip. Kuroko jogs to his side to help him up but Kagami is already on his feet. Kuroko's company comes lazily; it is apparent he functions purely out of sheer will of Kuroko's existence at there.

Kagami glares at the duo.

"We were passing by, Kagami-kun." Kuroko somehow deciphers Kagami's question hiding behind the glare. "What are you doing? It is dangerous to play around on ice." He as if scolds a small child.

"Yeah, whatever. I was leaving anyway." The frown doesn't leave his face even when Kagami turns his back to the duo to gather his stuff. He shoulders his bag, takes his ball and tries not to limp as he walks away.

Not too soon, he realizes the duo is following him. Before he can question, Kuroko beats him to it.

"Are you okay, Kagami-kun? You don't look well. Does your hip hurt?"

"You can use my shoulder if it's too much for you." There is that smug smirk Kagami hates so much on his face.

"Shut up. I don't need your help," Kagami shoves him away but it is a wrong move as the pain has a peek suddenly and he stumbles on ice again. But before he falls, he holds his elbow tightly and keeps him up.

"You really are an idiot." He declares the obvious as he doesn't let go Kagami's elbow and supports him.

"Like I said – shut up," He retorts but it lacks the usual biting.

They walk in somewhat of a comfortable silence towards Kagami's apartment. He feels lucky that it is close. But then he remembers the deal about thinking the now.

"What are you two doing here anyway?"

"I told you, Kagami-kun. We were just passing by."

"Yeah but why here?" Kagami isn't wrong thinking that isn't much of an explanation, right?

"The Maji around here is great. Won't you agree?" It isn't just Kagami; Kuroko actually took more time to answer, right? Right?

"Isn't there a closer one to school?" He questions tiredly. It can't be that long since he began to play; why does he feel exhausted?

"God, you are worse than a woman. Stop asking so many questions." He has the guts to roll his eyes at him.

Kagami feels the anger taking over the fatigue. He whips his arm from the grip and punches the asshole from abdomen with the back of his fist.

"You are one to talk, you never shut up! Idiot!" Kagami, as always, isn't sure why he feels so much insulted. He knows this is his usual act but it still exasperates him.

He doesn't care about the pain; he walks fast and firm to his apartment. They were about to reach it in any case.

He doesn't stop stomping his way to his flat and slams the door behind him. Only then he halts with his anger. His actions were irrational, he knows and he can't find a reason why.

His elbow tingles.

. . .

The walk was silent as accustomed. When he reaches home, he is worn out and his legs are slightly shaking. He is grateful for Hyuuga for stopping him before he pushed himself too far.

His grandmother greets him from the kitchen. Kiyoshi enters there to chat a bit about her day. She gives him a tender smile along with concealed worry. He assures her and looks for his grandfather. He finds the old man in the garden as the small green place is like a palace for him.

His grandfather is cleaning the soil from the remaining snow and cutting the dead edges to give place to the new life that will come at spring. Kiyoshi squats down beside him in a way not pressuring his damaged knee as he helps the old man and talks with him.

When they finish, they escape to the warmth. His grandmother meets with them with herbal tea that she grows the ingredients in grandfather's garden. They sat around kotatsu and drink the hot tea. His grandfather compliments on the taste and grandmother says it thanks to soil being so fertile. Kiyoshi watches and listens to their harmony. Soon after an alarm goes off; Kiyoshi knows his grandfather has set it and old man tells his wife that she should take her medicine. Kiyoshi's grandmother also knows by heart when her husband must have which medicine. But somehow they don't remember their own time to have their personal prescription.

It never ceases to amaze Teppei how his grandparents have so much care left in them for each other after 50 years of marriage. He wonders if he can be like this with someone; have the same tranquility surrounded with immune love. He thinks of Hyuuga, their walks and guesses yes, he can. But then he thinks of Hyuuga, their petty arguments and guesses no, he can't.

It is as if flipping a coin; he has a half chance with each option. Though, it isn't actually flipping a coin because they both have their own will. Kiyoshi is sure he can carry them out to that point as long as he actually has the half of a chance. The difficulty is that Hyuuga most likely doesn't desire anything similar with Kiyoshi.

Their friendship has flourished greatly since their first encounter and this is probably as far as it goes. Kiyoshi is yet to give up though he doesn't have much hope left. He gets the feeling there is a countdown nearing to zero. Recently, whenever he departs with Hyuuga at that crosswalk leading to their respective houses, he waits to hear the ting.

He returns to the room, the reality with his grandmother's declaration of they should have dinner now. He gets up to help her. They eat in the similar atmosphere as before. When they finish, his grandmother brings grandfather's prescriptions as Kiyoshi washes the dishes. Then he takes a bath and lies on his futon. He stares up at the ceiling. His thoughts are quietened; mind is almost blank.

He yawns and checks the time; it is still too early for a high school boy to sleep. He ponders on doing tomorrow's requirements but it is a trouble to get up.

His eyes refuse to stay open and his brain is already shut down. He gives in to the slumber. He doesn't know how long he sleeps before he wakes up to the sound of loud clatter and cry of a name. He jumps and runs inside the house until he finds the source of the commotion.

He finds his grandmother lying on the floor next to shattered tea glasses and his grandfather kneeling beside his wife. He worriedly asks what happened but his grandfather doesn't know it either.

Kiyoshi forces his nerves to calm down enough to call an ambulance. It is hard and it takes a toll on him but he does it.