Over the following week, Dani exchanged messages with Kurt, spoke to Maribel, and told Lauren what happened. That Thursday, they got to work early, holding take out from the lace next door and sat at the bar before opening.

"So... you're really leaving?" she asked as she popped a chip into her mouth. "Leave me hanging here with some idiot who can't mix a drink?"

"Need I remind you, I was some idiot who couldn't mix a drink when you found me," she laughed, shaking her head.

"Yeah, but you were cute and needed help. I'm not planning on taking in another kid for a while," she teased. "And you learned fast. Others? Not so much," she shrugged.

Dani sighed softly. "You'll find someone. Just hire someone with more experience this time," she shrugged as she picked apart her sandwich.

Lauren studied her for a few moments. "I don't get you," she murmured. "Santana kissed you. She fucking kissed you," she pointed out. "And now you're leaving?"

Dani sat back. "It wasn't like that. It was just… heat of the moment. We spent the night talking. It's easy to miss someone like that. But she's made it pretty clear that it's been a long time. And it has been, we're different now. Everything that happened? That fucking school, then moving here… living nowhere, living with you, supporting myself. I've changed," she pointed out. "I'm not that goofy, fun loving, dreaming girl she used to know. I got a huge ass dose of reality really fucking fast," she murmured.

Lauren raised her eyebrows at her. "You're talking about the same girl that sits up on that stage dicking around on her guitar to make people laugh, right? The one that drags me to tourist sites when you're bored and can make just about anyone laugh at the drop of hat? Dani, you're not some bitter old woman. Yeah, you were scared and lost and alone for a while but you're okay now. And I'm pretty certain she's changed too," she pointed out before sighing. "Look, do what you've got to do, but don't let yourself regret it. You've been holding a torch for her for a long time."

Dani ran a hand through her hair and shrugged. "I can't. It'll be a night or a month and then it'll end. We can't live in the past anymore," she murmured.

Lauren simply nodded before the phone rang in the office. Lauren disappeared to take the call before coming back. "She just said she's sick and can't perform tonight," she murmured.

"I can't say I'm surprised."

The following week brought another phone call, a family situation she had to attend to. A quick text to Maribel, however, proved that not to be the case. A dinner with Kurt revealed that the man knew nothing of the talk she and Santana had, Kurt just telling Dani that Santana had been more closed off than usual lately, spending extra time at work.

Dani decided not to comment, knowing Santana would be in for a hell of a lot more attention from Kurt if he knew anything more. She focused on moving, packing her things and finding an apartment and a job in Nashville.

One more week, and Dani was back behind the bar on a Thursday night, waiting for the phone call from Santana. Instead, Santana walked in with Kurt, Elliot, and Quinn, laughing at something as they made their way to the usual table. It was almost as though the past few weeks hadn't happened, only Santana did cast a glance to Dani at the bar. Their eyes met for a moment before Dani forced herself to look back to a guest, letting out a low sigh.

Santana looked back to the group as she took a seat. "She's really leaving?" she asked.

Kurt gave her a nod. "Monday. Her apartment is almost packed up," he said, as though he was trying to tell her she was missing her last chance.

Santana glanced back to the bar again, seeing Dani laughing at something that Santana could tell she didn't actually find that funny.

Feedback sounded over the speakers for a moment before being replaced by a man's voice. "Alright, we've got Santana Lopez back for y'all tonight, I know you've all missed her," he said with a low laugh. Kevin, the resident sound guy, only laughed harder as men hooted and hollered over Santana's return.

Dani chuckled softly, glancing over to find Santana smirking as she stood next to the stage.

"Sit back, relax, and try to keep your eyes off her chest, guys," he said. "And don't forget to tip Lauren and Dani, and wish Dani good luck. This is her last weekend with us, our little girl's all grown up!" he teased. Dani lifted her hand in the air, flipping him off, while the rest of the bar laughed.

Santana looked to Dani, their eyes meeting once again before Santana confidently took the microphone and got to the stage, starting her set easily.

The night continued without much incident, but with each reminder Kevin gave to tip, every time he said that Dani was leaving, Santana would instantly look over. Every song caused Santana to sing a little more just to Dani, to the point that Dani had to disappear into the back. She leaned against one of the stacks of boxes, running a hand through her hair as she took a steadying breath.

Santana watched her go as she finished her second to last song and swallowed hard. It was another moment, one last decision she had to make. She leaned over to talk to Kevin, telling him to switch the backing track to a different one. "So I've got one last one for you tonight," Santana said into the microphone as she took a sip of her water. "I haven't performed this in years but… well, you're all drunk and I'm me, so you'll love it," she said with a confident smirk.

All along it was a feeling…

"Oh, shit…" Kurt and Quinn both whispered at the same time. Kurt looked to Lauren, who was nearby to drop off another round. "Where's Dani?" he asked after noticing her missing from the bar.

Lauren's gaze quickly followed Kurt's and she shrugged. "Storage room, maybe? Why, what's the big deal?" she asked.

Quinn let out a sigh. "This is the last thing they sang together, right before Dani's parents came," she murmured.

"Then, yeah. Definitely hiding in the storage room," she nodded, her lips pursed. She looked to the others before sighing. "I'll… go see if she's alright," she murmured, starting to the bar.

The instant the first notes hit Dani's ears, she felt a tear fall. She wiped it away, forcing herself to hold it together as she took a couple breaths. Shortly after, she pushed off of the boxes and stepped back out, standing behind the bar again. She planned to just go straight to mixing drinks, but her eyes immediately locked with Santana's. She leaned against the back rail, looking up at Santana as she sang her heart out. She couldn't stop the tears that slipped out of her eyes, even as Lauren appeared at her side.

Santana's last notes rang through the nearly silent bar, the singer's eyes closed as she tried to focus on her performance. "I need some air," Dani murmured as she moved swiftly from the bar, weaving between people as she made a dash for the door.

"Thanks, I'll see you guys next week," Santana said quickly into the microphone before starting to the door as well, a small, proud smile mirrored between her friends. "Dani," Santana called as she stumbled through the door, almost breathlessly looking for the woman, her heart sinking when the woman wasn't in front of her. She let out a sigh, sinking into herself as a cab drove away.

"You play dirty, Lopez," Dani muttered from her spot at the wall. She kept her arms crossed over her chest, only her head turning towards the voice.

Santana sighed softly as Dani's voice filled her ears and she chuckled in relief. "Yeah, some things never change," she murmured as she slowly walked over.

Dani met her eyes. "And a lot of things do."

A small smirk tugged at Santana's lips. "Yeah, like… I used to be the one to run out of rooms crying. You'd always come find me."

Dani's lips pursed, trying hard not to laugh at that. "Santana come on. This isn't funny."

"It's a little funny," she shrugged.

Dani looked up at her. "You've said it tons of times. Six years. A lot has changed. I'm not that girl you used to know," she murmured.

"And I'm not the same girl either," she said, leaning her shoulder against the wall next to her. "But I know you haven't forgotten everything," she pointed out. "I'm here, Dani. I'm here and I want to try this. Please let us try this."

"Of course not," she whispered. "But San… we date for a month? Live in the past for another month only to realize that we can't do this? We can't pretend to be people we aren't. It's in the past for a reason."

"Yeah, and that reason is your asshole parents. We have no proof that we wouldn't have stayed together," she murmured. "Do you really want to not try? To throw in the towel and leave?"

Dani ran a hand through her hair, her eyes on the sidewalk. "We could ruin all of those good memories. And San…" she sighed. "There's stuff I need to do in Nashville," she murmured, barely believing it herself.

"That's bullshit and you know it," Santana said with a chuckle. "To both of those statements. There's nothing you can do in Nashville you can't do here. Hell, you can do a hell of a lot more here, and not be turned into some country singer. We all know how much you hate that accent," she teased. "And if you really need to go…" she took a breath. "I'll be there. It's been six years. And I think we need to try this again."

Dani looked over at her, an eyebrow raised. "You'd follow me to Nashville?" she asked, finally turning to her completely.

Santana shrugged one shoulder. "Maybe," she murmured before giving her a small smile. "Or… you could put what's obviously an escape from me on hold, stay here, and only leave if you prove me wrong. Which you know is pretty hard to do," she said with a small smirk.

Dani laughed and rolled her eyes. "Only because you're more stubborn than I am," she murmured as she stepped a little closer. Her hand moved to Santana's hip, tracing a soft pattern like she used to. "Maybe… I could postpone moving," she murmured.

Santana's smirk grew into a soft, genuine smile. "Oh yeah?" she asked, her hand moving to smooth over her upper arm.

"Take me to dinner tomorrow and you've got yourself a deal," Dani said, almost groaning as she pulled Santana close to her. She looked up, meeting her eyes as she bit her lip.

Without hesitating, Santana leaned in to capture her lips in a kiss, sealing a promise there. It stayed slow, small giggles exchanged between smiles and pecks, the playfulness releasing the stress and worries each had been carrying for years. Dani's arms wound around Santana's neck as Santana pulled Dani's hips against her, eventually pinning Dani against the wall. They pulled back simultaneously, smiles on each of their faces as their foreheads rested together. "Can you get Lauren to cover you for the rest of the night?" Santana murmured, her hands softly rubbing at Dani's sides.

Dani let out a soft chuckle and nodded. "Yeah, if I tell her I'm staying she'll probably do just about anything for me at this point," she murmured.

Santana pulled away from her after placing one last soft kiss. "Let's go. I'll grab my things. We can go back to my place. Just… talk," she promised.

"Yeah, like we can just talk," Dani said with a small laugh as she walked past her, heading back to the bar. She slipped in and pulled Lauren aside, one look and her best friend gave her a tight hug before wiping at the lipstick that was smudged. She grabbed her jacket and watched Santana gather her things silently, obviously wanting to avoid the inevitable explanation. Dani walked towards the door, Santana meeting her. Santana's arm wrapped around Dani's shoulders as Dani let her arm rest at the small of Santana's back. They walked together, only staying silent for a few moments before diving into random stories.

They stopped at a crosswalk and Dani pulled away just enough to look up at Santana, Santana's head turning to meet Dani's gaze. "What?" she laughed, but for an answer she was just pulled into a simple kiss.

Wow. So. It only took me what? A year and a half? But there it is. That's all of the story I have planned. Maybe I'll do a sequel, but I need to figure out the plot of it and everything... I'll probably do random drabbles in this verse when I need it, though.

Thanks for sticking with this story despite the weird updates and everything. Much love. As usual, contact me here or on tumblr. It'd be much appreciated. And I'm always taking prompts, even if its for a one shot or something. I'll do almost any ship.