Twilight is owned by Myers not me "GOD SOMETIMES I FUCKING HATE MY JOB!" I yell to no-one, here at what I that was an empty Greenwood High school, but a couple of minutes later the principal came down trying to see what was going on. Oh I'm sorry you don't even know who I am, I am Isabella or Bella Swan an English teacher here at Greenwood High. Back to were I was the next thing I know Mr. Jasper Whitlock came rushing into my room. Now Jasper well to put it bluntly he's fucking hot with his sexy blond hair longer than most men almost to his shoulders, his nice build (I bet he has a six pack), his ice blue eyes, and then his perfectly plump pink lip. This man was sex on legs. "Now Miss. Swan what seems to be the problem?" He asks with his panty dropping southern accent. Let's just say I'll have to break out the good old vibrator when I get home. "Well Mr. Whitlock it seems to me none of my freshman classes know how to write a paragraph let alone a essay," I say throwing my hands in the air. " I mean someone didn't even put a period at the end of every sentence. Do you know how sad that is," I say standing. Then of course me being me trips on the one inch heels I took off awhile ago. I put my hands out waiting for the impact of the floor and let me tell you it is harder than you would think, when I land the first thing to come out of my mouth was "Fuck," so ladylike I know. Now with my fat ass in the air and my shortish skirt I'm sure Mr. Whitlock can see my blood red thong, how nice, great way for your boss to see you.(note the sarcasm) "Oh my god, Miss. Swan are you alright," I hear Jasper say. " Yes Im find, happends all the time," I reply like it's no big deal that he just saw my ass. "Are you sure?" He asks me. I of course try to play it cool by saying "Absolutely," "Okay, well it's getting late I better get going," He says awkwardly. Fan-fuckin-tastic I just embarrassed him. "Well okay let me walk you out i should get going to," I say as cooly has i can. I go get all my bags and essays i have to grade, I bend over a little to much to give Jasper a nice view of my ass i can always hope, right. As we start to walk out I notice that he doesn't have any bags, briefcase or anything just his sexy ass. "Don't you need to take anything home," I ask my curiosity getting the better of me. "I probably should, but I'm to lazy to go get it." He told me honestly. I just shrugged it off not like it's my life or job he can do anything he wants, including me. Just as we get to the door he stops and nervously took a step towards me and he leans in and kiss me softly on the lips, just has he began to pull back I drop everything and pull him closer to me and wrap my arms around his neck, diving my fingers in to his hair. Has we break apart I can faintly hear him say "wow," Review if you want more