Ah the fluff I can't handle it! I'm sorry this chapter is adorable and I'm in love with it. Enjoy...

The next morning, Michael woke up terrified. Chrissie wasn't next to him, and memories of the night before came flashing through his mind. What had he done? The thoughts were pushed out of his mind though, when Chrissie came into the bedroom dressed in his blue dress shirt.

"Good morning." She smiled, jumping onto the end of the bed.

"You scared me there for a minute." Michael replied, crawling down towards her.

"I'm sorry." She smiled, as he kissed her.

"You're. Gonna. Be." He kissed her with each word, they were short and sweet but she savored each one.

On the third though, he leaned forward prodding her sides with his long fingers. If there was one thing he was good at, it was tickling her. She cried for mercy, kicking at him but he wouldn't give up. She attempted to roll them over, but Michael slipped and she panicked as he hit the ground on the other side of the bed.

"Michael, you okay?" She asked, looking over the side. He meant to pop up and say all good, but when he did he hit something hard with his hand and as he pulled away he realized it was her head.

"Ow." She whimpered.

"I am so sorry." Michael said, leaning forward to press his lips to her head. At about the third or forth kiss, he started giggle at how ridiculous they were.

"Go get me an ice pack." Chrissie laughed, pushing him lightly.

"Right. I'll be back." Michael said, kissing her lips once more before he for the doorway. But instead of leaving, he gripped the doorway and turned around completely heading back towards her.

"Mikey!" She said, as he came towards her on the bed.

"Sorry, just one more." He said, pressing a kiss to her lips before running to the kitchen. About an hour later, he was typing away at his computer when she emerged from the bedroom after her shower.

"Pancakes?" She asked, and he clicked his tongue in approval. She was half way done with them when the clicking of his laptop started to drive her insane. She reached over to the radio and turned it on, swaying slightly to whatever song was on.

He had been working, but eventually he had been distracted by the sound of music and the beautiful woman in his kitchen. As one of the songs ended and she placed the pancakes on a plate, he stood up and moved across to her. Recognizing the song that had just started, he smiled, wrapping his arms around her from behind before he began to whisper the lyrics in her ear.

He used the distraction to reach down and steal a piece of a pancake, placing in his mouth with a swift skill. She made an offended sound, before turning around in his arms. They were chest to chest, and she surprised him by throwing herself at him. And when she pulled away he noticed the familiar satisfied smile across her face.

Pulling himself back, he took her hands in his and started to dance. He was singing at the top of his lungs now, making outrageous facial expressions at the words. "And strawberry bubble gum!"

She couldn't help but laugh, he looked like a dork. Her dork. She gave in to him, dancing across the kitchen and as the chorus came around he reached over to pick up the broom. He bent it downward singing into like microphone, and she joined him.

"When you've got me on my knees." Michael screeched, falling onto his knees in a dramatic sense. She laughed harder, leaning on the counter for support.

As the song went on, they only got louder and their dancing got cheesier. When he knew it was the last verse or so, Michael picked Chrissie up by the waist placing her onto the counter. He danced and sang for her, even doing a poor attempt at a jazz square with the broom.

"Come here, you idiot." She laughed, motioning for her pointer finger. He tossed aside the broom letting her wrap her legs around the back of him and her arms around his neck. She leaned forward pressing her lips to his, just sitting there for a minute before he pulled away and pressed their heads together.

"Your idiot." He mumbled, grinning like well an idiot.

"Damn straight." She said, kissing him again.

She intended for it to be just like the last one, but as she titled her head for a better angle she shook with the noise he made, and it thrilled her. He pressed his hands into her back as he kissed her deeper, longer, just plain more. She made tiny little noises of surprise and satisfaction that drove him wild.

When she pulled back, he was still grinning. He was looking at her like she was the only thing and the greatest thing in the entire world. "What do you want to do today? Anything you want, it's up to you."

She looked him up and down with a smile, and he seemed confused for a minute before he got it. "Oh."

When Zack knocked on the door that afternoon for some reason he was not surprised when Michael opened the door in nothing but his boxers. Chrissie was behind him with one of the young doctor's buttons covering her quite well, and as Logan ran up to his father jumping up into the man's arms.

"Were you asleep daddy?" Logan asked.

"Something like that." Michael smiled, kissing his son's cheek.

"Thanks again, little bro." Christine said.

Zack nodded as she closed the door behind them. Turning around, she smiled as Logan already started telling Michael about his day. Michael was listening to the little boy ramble on occasionally adding a cool or no way. Afterwards, she turned the radio back on and Michael started cooking again.

"How was your night with Aunt Katie?" Logan asked.

"It was good." Chrissie winked at Michael as he laughed which he returned.

"Did I miss something?" Logan asked.

Hope you liked it, I did.