Tears streamed down her rosy cheeks. She rubbed her eyes clear, willing the water away. She looked at her reflection in the window of her apartment. She was going to prove them wrong. She was stronger than anyone at Fairy Tail. She just had to take a trip home.

Finishing with her bags, she pulled them out of her apartment and down the cobblestone pathways of Magnolia. Stopping only briefly in front of Fairy Tail, she moved on to the train station. And boarded a train bound for the Heartfilia Konzern. She was going to go see her father.

The train ride was short, leaving her no time to break her current resolve. She left the train station and headed home, her suitcase bumping along on the cobblestone road. Once, on the grounds, she stopped at the angelic statue of her mother's memory. She smiled softly, remembering all the happy memories they shared, some even with her father. Saying a heartfelt "see ya later", she continued to the doors of the mansion, knocking hard three times. A maid opened the door, tears of happiness rushing down her face.

"Mistress Lucy! You're finally home!" She squealed as she dragged Lucy inside the elegant manor. The maid dressed her into an elaborate dress. She refused heels, deciding to go barefoot, and went to see her father. She knocked three times before her father's rough, familiar voice welcomed her to enter his study. She entered with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Papa…" She whimpered. "I'm staying home…"

Jude looked at his daughter with semi-shock. The last time he had seen her was over seven years ago when he had used Phantom Lord to force her home. "Welcome home, Lucy." He stepped out from behind his desk and opened his arms for her. Naturally, she ran into them as she burst into tears.

She began to mumble half-coherent sentences about how much she missed him, why she was home, and what she wanted him to do.

"Speak clearly, Lucy. What is it you need?"

"You were right…I'm not fit to be a wizard. I'm nothing like Mama… I'm so weak…My own team told me so. The people I trusted most…told me I was weak…" She cried. "Papa… I wanna stay home, with you and Mama. I'll do anything you say… just let me come home… I can't go back there."

Jude blinked at his daughter, before holding her tighter. It must have been horrible for her, if she was coming back to him. Last time she saw him, she told him she hated him. "You can stay, Lucy. Everything will be okay. Go clean yourself up and join me and some of my new clients for dinner, alright? I believe you'll really like them." Jude gave her a knowing smile.

Lucy nodded into his tear-soaked chest before dethatching herself from her father. She left to her old room, seeing it the same as she left it was a huge relief to her. She smiled softly as she sat on her bed. In the canopy over her bed was a hand sewn night sky, complete with every constellation out there. As a child, Lucy wanted nothing more than to follow into her mother's footsteps, but when her team looked her dead in the eye and told her she needed to leave Magnolia or they would hunt her down and destroy her, Lucy grew scared. She was happy that she was alive, but she was sad she was forced to leave the place she had called her second home. Changing into an equally elaborate dinner gown and adding heels, she went to wash her face and apply her make-up. Once she finished, she left her room and went to the dining hall her father used only when he had guests. She opened the door with a small smile, she always presented herself elegantly. She walked inside and felt her heart stop. There stood her father shaking hands with two people she would have never expected to see in this manor.

"M-Master! L-Laxus!" Lucy stared wide-eyed at them, fear setting its course in her heart. Both were dressed in crisp, black suits with black ties, and to say the least this was freaking her out.

Lucy failed to notice how Laxus's ears perked up at the sound of her voice calling out his name, even if it was in shock and fear. 'She smells the same.' Laxus thought to himself with a very faint smile.

"Lucy, good to see you're ready. Let's eat shall we?" Jude smiled.

"What's all this about?! Why are they here?!" Lucy shouted in fear, backing up into the closed wooden doors behind her.

"My child, we've been doing business with your father for a few months now. No one told you?" Master Makarov asked his beloved celestial mage.

"No. Her team, more specifically Gray and Natsu, told her to run for her life or they'd kill her." Laxus said nonchalantly, even though he was worried about her. Laxus noticed how close she was to her team and how they were always protecting and looking out for each other. Deciding not to mention that he had already beaten the crap out them, he stood. "Excuse me. I'd like to use your restroom." He gave a slight bow before looking to Lucy. "Mind showing me the way, Miss Lucy?" He held his hand out to her.

Lucy looked to her father, who nodded for her to go, before turning to Laxus and nodded. She was terrified. This was not the Laxus she was used to seeing. He was being a… gentleman? She was used to being a jerk and a pervert.

She laid her hand on top of his and led him the way to the bathroom but he never went inside, instead he leaned against the wall and stared at her.

"How are you holding up, Blondie?" He asked in an arrogant tone.

She gave him a very slight smile. "As best as I can, I guess. When your best friends tell you to get lost or die, you kind of freak out a little."

"A little? You hauled ass." He said brashly. "I took care of Natsu and Gray. I don't know if they had a reason to say they were going to kill you, and I don't really care. I only did that because it was you they were threatening. You can't piss people off like that. If it were me or Erza, we would have brushed them off after beating the crap out of them. But it was you they were threatening, so I knew you hadn't done anything, had you?"

"I don't know. I failed the last job we did. Aquarius flooded the lower half of the village… But it's not my fault. That spirit listens to no one." Lucy whined.

"I don't think that's it. They wouldn't get that angry with you." Laxus started walking away from Lucy.

Noticing he was leaving her behind, she quickly caught up with him, practically jogging to keep up with his long strides. "Why were you being so formal with me earlier?"

"Oh? Isn't that obvious? We-"

Whatever he was saying was cut off by a loud shout of joy. The two former mages of Fairy Tail bolted towards the dining hall where Master Makarov and Jude Heartfilia were happily conversing.

"That's great news! I'm glad you agree with me on the matter." Jude shook Makarov's hands tightly.

"Papa, what's going on?" Lucy asked in a quiet voice.

"Lucy, do you remember what nobility calls for? It calls for a strong bloodline." Jude explained as Lucy backed away, fearing what her father had to say. "Lucy, I want you to be happy, but I want you to be safe. I won't be able to protect you forever. But this man next you can. You know the Dreyar family is of the Noble Court, too, right? I want you to go back to Fairy Tail, Lucy. You will go back-"

Laxus cut him off. "Allow me, Mr. Heartfilia." Getting down on one knee, Laxus took Lucy's hand in his and refused to look at her. "Miss Lucy Heartfilia, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

The lines sounded so robotic, so… wrong. Lucy looked at her father, who nodded at her to say yes, then Master Makarov, who smiled at her, and finally Laxus. He didn't look all that happy about the arrangement either.

"I…um… Why?" She asked.

"Why?" Laxus laughed. "Because without you at the guild, everything's quiet. Mira cried when she found out. Levy wanted to come after you with Gajeel. Romeo wanted to go out with Wendy to look for you. Erza, if she knew, would be high tailing it over here to drag you back to Fairy Tail. I have my own gains with this arrangement, too. It's a win-win situation, we both have stuff we can gain from this, you can stay at Fairy Tail safe and sound and I become Guild Master."

Lucy stared at Laxus in shock before jerking her hand out of his. "No. My answer is no. I don't want to go back. Nothing would ever be the same. I'm not marrying a man that doesn't even love me, let alone like me, or better yet barely knows me!" Lucy snapped.

"My child, listen. I can only hand the guild over, if it's in good hands. If you marry Laxus, I can rest easy because I know you will advise him in everything he does. In other words I trust you to be his Advisor. If it makes you feel better we can just call it an engagement. We can set a date for the wedding at a later time, but during this time you can get to know each other. What do you think, Lucy?"

Lucy looked at the Master of Fairy Tail. "You're serious about this then?" She turned to her father. "Papa…Thank you so much, but I can't do this." Lucy ran out the room, nearly tripping in her heels, only to be saved by the man proposing to her.

She pushed him away, saying a quick thank you before hurrying in the direction of the garden. The sun was setting and she really needed someone to talk to. Once in the garden, Lucy sat on the fountain and pulled out a golden key. She needed the spirit that could tell her exactly what she needed to hear. Dipping the key in the water, she took a deep breath. "Open! Gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius!" The spirit smiled at Lucy, seeing as she sensed the area her master was in as well as her master's distress. Aquarius pulled Lucy into a hug, much like she had when Lucy was a child.

"Tell me what's wrong, sweet baby." Aquarius cooed. Aquarius had become a mother figure for Lucy after Layla Heartfilia died, seeing as this is one of the few things Lucy was able to hide from her father. Lucy embraced her spirit. When Lucy was like this, Aquarius didn't give her an attitude, didn't fight her, nor complain about what water she used to summon her. Aquarius just held her daughter-like master in her arms and let her cry.

"Virgo told you what happened at Fairy Tail, right?"

Aquarius nodded.

"Well, Master Makarov and Laxus are here. Papa and Master thought it would be a good idea for Laxus and me to get married, so I would be safe and Laxus would become Guild Master."

"I'm not seeing the problem, Honey." Aquarius said softly.

"I don't love him. I don't like him. I hardly even know him that well!"

"Ah, there's the problem. I see now. Lucy, baby, it'll be okay. It's written in the stars, just like I used to tell you. One day, a man will keep knocking on your door until you say yes. And with every knock, you'll only fall deeper in love. The seed has been planted, now are you going to let it die or grow. You'll only miss him if you let him go." Aquarius started to shimmer with light, signaling her time was up. "Just say yes, Lucy. Even if his intentions right now are bad, they will soon be with you in mind."

Lucy smiled softly. "Alright, Mama. I'm gonna take this chance at happiness." Lucy stood from her spot by the fountain and turned to face the smug looking man leaning against the stone archway of an entrance.

Lucy wanted to growl and scratch that pretty little face of his.

"So, I take it your answer is yes then?" He smirked.

"I'm willing to learn to love you, if you're willing to do the same." I snapped.

"Of course, now that I got a beautiful fiancé by my side. I'll protect you from harm, that's my job." He walked over and brought her into a tight, but gentle, hug. "As both your fiancé and your dragon slayer."

Ohayo, minna!

It's been two days since I posted "A Dragon's Powers", and I've gotten what feels like a million votes on my poll (which is still up). I'm thankful for all the support and I hope you guys want more from me. :)

Also, this is an One-shot but if you want I can make it into a short series.

I had this idea that if Lucy would ever run away from Fairy Tail, she would go somewhere familiar (Like how magnolia was familiar to her, OVA 3 or 4 "memory day's" is the evidence for this theory).

Also I plan update a bunch of my stories tomorrow, April 17th, 2014.

Let me know what you thought of my little arrangement between our favorite Fairy Tail Blondes.

Love 'n Lucky,