It was her first day of school, hard to believe she actually got in the Fairy Tail Academy on scholarship and landed the job at Mongolia's finest diners, "The Zodiac's". Life was good to her ever since the 17 year old left home, she had a job, lived with her foster family of 13 and is about to attend to her dream school to study and be a astronomist like her mother. She picked up a few more of the plate from the dirty table and set them on her empty tray and began wiping down the booth. She was in her usual black and baby blue uniform with her large, thick glasses and hair blond hair tied back into a messy bun with strand of her hair falling out of it. She had just finished serving a brunette her age with her red head father, they are valuable customers to the diner and go often. The girl was always nice her to her and gave huge tips. Mainly because Lucy sneaks in a vodka soda every now and then for her. "Lucy!" called a voice from across the 50's diner. She jerked her head up, a tall bulky older man was working the cash register with his long and thick signature mustache down to his waist and wore a manager's uniform. "You're gonna be late! Virgo will handle the rest okay?"

"But Grandpa King I-"

"But nothing, get to school!" he pointed out the staff door ordering the girl. She did as she was told and hurried out of her boring bus girl uniform in the bathroom and into a baby blue button up shirt, tan boy knee shorts, knee high socks, black shoes and a large bulky dull gray sweater on top of everything completely swallowing her figure. She could't afford an actual school uniform yet, and this was the best she could do. Her foster father, Grandpa Celest King said he would try to get her one some time in the middle of the semester, money was tight seeing as she was the only one in high school while the rest of her foster siblings where in college now. but she didn't really care or mind not having one. She rushed out to the parking lot, just catching a woman walking to her mid-class car dressed in Lucy's school PE uniform.

"Aquarius!" she called out running t the car. "Grandpa told me this morning you where giving me a ride today."

"Ew, I have to drive you, to school too? Do you know how bad it will make me look on this internship?" she asked annoyed getting into the car. Lucy flug her back pack into the back seat and jumped to the front passenger seat next to the older woman.

"Well, it's not like I like this any more than you." Lucy grumbled as the teal haired woman started the car. They pulled off into the road and on to the freeway.

"Listen kid, when we get there, you don't talk to me, look at me, or think of me! I would get so fired if the dean finds out that my kid sister goes here." Aquarius was one of the oldest of the Zodiac siblings, not all of them are blood related though. Most of them where adopted or taken in like Lucy was. Aquarius was one of them, she was taken in at the age of 9 and had always wanted to be a swimmer or a swim coach, with this internship as a student teacher she was a step closer into making one of her dreams come true.

"Yeah, yeah what ever. just park the car fast so I can get to my locker and to class."

The girls finally arrived to the tall castle like yellow building with a a tall black gate surrounding it reading "Fairy Tail Academy". Lucy grounded and mumbled something about rich people being stupid. They drove in and parked in the Staff parking structure in the back of the school. Lucy hurried out of the car and began rushing to the doors. Aquarius followed quickly behind her. "Hey kid! I want you back no more than 3;15 got it? We have work after school."

"Got it." she called back opening the door. Inside it looked like a regular high school, with the school color hallways and lockers, only the lockers where huge and the hallways where wide with chandeliers handing down. Yeah this place wasn't normal, the kids there where filling the hallways and chatting away not having a care in the world. Most of them where going to inherit riches and companies and investments, so they already had their future set unlike her. She continued walking down the hallway ignoring the rude glances and stairs from the students. She could feel the judgement in the air, so much that she could cut it. Her brown eyes, wondered around looking for the number she was assigned. 7484...7484. Ha! She rushed to the locker and began to open it putting her stuff in. She suddenly felt a hard shove on her shoulder pushing her in the locker. "Ow!"

"Watch it ugly!" snapped the girl who had pushed.

"Gomen nasi.."

"Gosh, could commoners be more stupid." the white haired girl said walking away. She was with two more white haired girls the oldest with long hair down to her waist.

"You really be more careful Angel." whispered one of the girl's comrades "She could have gotten hurt."

"What ever Mira."

Lucy signed to herself. It was the start of a classic 'poor meets rich world' bully problem. Great.

Snores filled the ririculously messy and large dark room. A pink haired teen muffled in his head deeper into the pillow. Loud knocks on the doors began to echo. "Natsu!"

"Mnnn" his mind was begining to wake slowly. There was another knock.

"Natsu get up!"

"Mooooooooooooommmmm..." he groaned. "I'm tired..."

A very annoyed blue haired woman slammed the door open. She was tall, thin, and had her semi-wavy hair fall down to her knees with round chocolate eyes. She stormed in and opened the large curtains to reveal the natural light filling in the dark room. Natsu flinched at the sudden light and covered his face with the covers groaning some more. The woman made her way on to his king size bed and began to shake the teenager violently. "Get up! Your sister is already down stairs with your father!"


"Move it!"

He sat up, his hazel eyes glaring at the woman. She smiled happily now that he was up at pet a blue kitten that was on the foot of the bed. "Why are you so cruel to me but so sweet to Happy?"

"He listens to me that's why. Now get dressed! Or Junior year is gonna start without you!" she playfully slapped her son's thy and hurried out the bed room trying to not trip on anything. Still grumbling crus words under his breath, Natsu did get dressed in his school uniform as he was told by his mother. A baby blue button up shirt with a tan dress pants, navy tie, and yellow sweater with the official FTA seal on the chest. He went into his bathroom, washed his face brushed his feet, and gelled up his salmon hair into a messy spiky look and got parts of his bangs out of his face. He rushed down stairs with his leather satchel on his shoulder. He walked into his dinning room and found the servants already giving his family breakfast. His father was at the head of the table reading up on the stalks in the morning paper, he had blueish green eyes and had a slightly darker shade of rose for his hair that was combed back flat in a silky matter and dressed in his usual business suit. His mother right nest to him and his younger sister Wendy next to her. She was a young girl in her last year of middle school and was in a white button up shirt with a brown plaid skirt and a solid brown sweater with a the 'Fairy Tail Prep' Seal on her left chest plate. Her hair was as long ad blue as their mother's and was up in two ponytails tide together with brown ribbons.

Natsu took a seat right across from his mother and set his bag beside him. Soon enough his kitten caught up with him and sat down on the chair next to his owner and best friend. "Morning everyone."

"Hi Natsu-nii, ready for school?" Wendy asked cutting into her eggs.

Natsu soon got a plate of food and thanked the server. "Not really, it's gonna be the same as every year. The only real thing I'm gonna look forward too is Lacrosse." he took a large bite of his food. "Whath abath yo Wethy?" he asked with his mouth full. His mother glared at him ordering for him to mind his manners.

"I hope it's not like last year." she looked at her plate sadly. Natsu stopped his chewing and swallowed hard. He looked at his little sister seriously. Last year she was being bullied badly for her passion of medical studies. She always had a dream of becoming a doctor like their grandmother Porlyusica, ever since she could read she had a medical book in her hand, but because she was such a dork in learning all of this, she was bullied and teased. She had very few friends and was always around her brother and his friends for protection, they didn't mind though.

"Listen if they keep giving you crap again, just come to me got it?"

Their father lowered his paper and rose a brow turning to his son. "You would seriously consider beating up a few brats in middle school for your sister."

"Duh, why els would I suggest it?"

Igneel grew a long proud grin on his face. "That's my boy. We take good care of our kin, like it's always been." His wife's eyes widen at the man.

"You would seriously let your 17 year old son beat up a bunch of 13 year olds? Do you have any idea how that will look on our part?"

"You nearly sued the school board and beat the kids yourself! Now how do you think it looks like when one of Fiore's top Lawyers smacks around children?"

Grandeeney bit her lip. Her husband had a point. Last year Natsu wasn't the only one who rushed to the school in furry. The family was there chasing chaos and destruction demanding justus done for their sweet little Wendy. It was pretty hilarious. Grandeeney looked at her watch, "Oh!" she looked to her children who where just finishing up their food. "Hurry up you two, you don't want to be late!" Wendy nodded and excused herself politely from the table. She Kissed her mother and father's cheek giving her goodbyes in a hurry.

"Goodbye Mommy, Goodbye Daddy! Take care of yourself!"

Natsu swallowed his entire food in a single gulp and gave a loud burp earning a glair from his mother and a laugh out of his father. He excused himself from the table and walked around. He gave a quick peck on the check to his mother and a cool handshake to his old man. "Later pops, bye mom." he waved out the door. The two rushed outside where a black viper was waiting for them. Natsu loved his car and all, but he really hated driving, he groaned at the thought of a moving car, train, bus...Anything actually that was't walking or swimming or running. Wendy dug into her leather bag really quick and pulled out a patch, she looked up to her brother and handed it to him.

"Here you go, I thought you might have forgotten."

Natsu gave a sigh of releaf and took the patch. "Thanks sis," he pealed it from it's packet, lifted his shirt and placed it next to his abs. "come on, we'er gonna be late."

Lucy studied her schedule hard wandering around the hall, she compared the room numbers to the ones on the slip of paper. Finally she reached her first class, 'AP British Lit'. She pushed the door and walked inside, at least the classroom really did look normal to other high schools just that the windows where large taking up an entire wall, other than that, normal. No chandeliers, no fancy desks or anything. She sighed in relief and took a seat. A few of the students have already taken a few seats, others stood around and had conversations. Lucy sat in one of the middle rows next to the window, she pulled out a book from her back and began reading to kill time before her class started. It didn't take long before she began to feel stares again. Have these rich people never seen a average human before? Ignoring them, the feeling began to dissolve, one pair of amber eyes however, still where glued hard on the blonde. Lucy glance from her book and looked to her right. A girl with sky blue waves, a school uniform, little makeup and a yellow ribbon as a headband in her hair couldn't stop looking, not at her, but the book She was sitting in the seat next to her. Lucy waved awkwardly.

"Um, hi stranger."

The girl jumped from the trance startled. She looked at the blond with a blush of embarrassment. "My goodness I'm so sorry, please forgive me! It's just that I've been wanting to read that book forever but could never find them online."

Lucy glanced back down at her book, 'The Faithful Encounter'. She closed it and handed it to the girl with a large smile. "Here you go, Ive read it a million times already." The girl blink for a moment, she reached into her bag eagerly pulling out a wallet. Lucy began to panic alittle. "No, I'm giving it to you! You don't need to buy it from me!" The girl looked up shocked.

"What do you mean?"

God was she not speaking the same language? "It's a gift. Take it."

The girl's eyes sparked with joy and a excitement. "Thank you so much!" she squealed taking the book. "I'm Levy by the way. Levy McGarden." she took out her hand and Lucy shook it.

"Luci-"she caught herself about to use her full name. "Heart. Lucy Heart."

"So Lucy, I've never seen you around before, what year are you?"

"Junior year. I know, I'm not suppose to be here but-"

"No way! Me too! I thought I was the only bookworm nerd around here." Levy laughed "Glad I'm not alone anymore!"

Soon after their small conversation, the leacher had walked in and started class. After the class was over, Lucy began to make her way outside of the class. "Lu-chn wait up!" Lu-chan? She turned around with her bag hanging over her shoulder and a few books close to her chest. Levy was the same and caught up to the blonde at the door. "I was wondering if you would want to walk to the next class together?"

"Um," Lucy looked around, she could hear that there where murmurs and whispers of gossip. She heard words like 'poor' 'ugly' 'dirty' and 'commoner'. She turned back to Levy, who didn't really seamed bothered by it. "Sure okay." the two girls began walking down the hall. "I just need to change books real quick."

"Same here, what locker is yours?"


"Wow Lu-chan, mine is just across from yours! It was my old Locker last semester." The two girls giggled at the silly twist in fate and made their ways to the lockers, they weren't too fare from their first class. Lucy opened her locker and began switching her books quickly, while Levy stood beside her. "So, you're new here, how do you like the school?"

"Well I can't really say, the programs here are great, and you seem really nice. But something about the judgmental stares and the gossip bugs me." Lucy answered shutting the locker. "I can't shake the feeling that any moment now, some cliche bully is-"

"Hi Bookworm." a high pitch fake cheery voice came from behind. The girls turned around. It was the same girl from earlier,Angel, along with her two .girls "Glad to see that you found our little scholar, and here I thought she was just ugly not pathetic. Now she's both."

Lucy rolled her eyes, she didn't really care about people teasing her, it was better than what she had before in her old school. Though she was curious how this one found out about her scholarship. The taller girl next to Angel with the long hair spoke up. "That's enough Angel, it's not nice to make fun of people for their social status!"

"Or any reason." added the younger girl with short pixie white hair and blue eyes. Angel rolled her eyes and continued to walk. The two others stayed with apologetic looks on their faces. "Sorry about our cousin. Just come to us if she keeps giving you two any problems."

"Yeah, feel free. We don't always bite like her." the older girl laughed. She turned to Levy. "How have you been Levy? Was the summer fun?"

"Sure was Mira! Oh, by the way this is Lucy Heart. Lu-chan, this is Mirajane and Lisanna Strauss."

The girl with the shorter hair reached out her hand. "I'm a sophomore, Lisanna!" Lucy took it and smiled politely.

"Junior year."

"And I'm Mirajane, Senior. Just call me Mira." she took out her hand as well, and Lucy took it.

"You guys seem very nice."

"Thank you, and congrats on the scholarship, not many people can get in with those."


"Well we better get going now! It was nice meeting you! See you at lunch Levy!" Lisanna waved making her way back. Mira did the same following her younger sister. Lucy and Levy waved and began making their way down the hall, mumbles and whispers still echoed around them. Lucy couldn't get over how beautiful those girls where.

"Wow, they must have guys kneeling at their feet all the time." she thought out loud.

"I'm not surprised if that was the case, their parents are photographers and journalist and used them as models their whole lives. They kind of gotten famous and have contracts with agencies. Didn't you recognize them from the magazines?"

"No, I don't really keep up with that." Lucy replied. The girls found to have the magority of their classes together, which was shockingly a lot of fun for Lucy, she's never had a friend like that before. With her past of having people close to her, she's rather just not talk to anyone, but Levy was different, and so were Lisanna and Mira. they seemed to like her despite her wearing hand-me-downs from her foster siblings and thick glasses that covered her face. Before she knew it, the lunch bell have already rung, and everyone was rushing to the cafeteria. Lucy didn't have class that period with Levy, so she couldn't ask to have lunch with her. She just got her bento box from her locker and began finding the library.

Natsu flung food from his plate to a raven haired shirtless teen laughing. Gray scrolled at him and began flinging food back to the pink haired idiot he called his best friend. They sat in a circular table with a few more of their friends, a bulky white haired Junior named 'Elfman', a senior with green hair named Freed and another senior named Jellal with blue hair and a tattoo on under his eye. He was the dad of the group while Freed was the mom.

"Can you two cut it out! It's the first day, the least you can do behave." Freed nagged "Seriously what would our couches think during tryouts?"

The two boys stopped fussing and turned to the green haired gentleman. "He'll think that the potential new captains can be very manly!" defended Elfman. "The Lacrosse team and Hockey needs a captain that can be tough and show off they're man!" Freed rolled his eyes at the white haired boy's logic while Natsu and gray grinned widely and fist pounded each other.

"Yeah this year we are gonna rock the season! Lacrosse doesn't start till the spring semester, but training starts now! Once that old man see's my skills, I'm bound to win captain!" Natsu threw his fist in the air triumphantly. "Yeah I'm all fired up!"

"Hockey try outs are in two weeks. I've been practicing most of he summer in my family's resort up in the mountains with Lyon." Gray announced with pride "I'm for sure gonna get captain, if not varsity!"

Jellal's phone began to ring from his bag. The group eyed him mischievously and grinned. "Looks like a man here has a little woman?" Elfman teased. Jellal's heart raced as he searched for his phone. He had been hanging around a certain red head for the longest time. The world saw them as official couple but the two seniors where to dense to actually figure that out for themselves. He pulled out his smart phone, when he saw the name he took a huge sigh of disappointment.

"Chill, it's my cousin." he pressed the screen to answer "Hey Levy what's up?"

"Jellal, have you seen Erza?"

"Um, no." his face blushed red hearing her name "Why?"

"I found a new friend, and I want her to have lunch with us-Oh never mind I see her!"

Jellal hung up the phone and rose his eyes scanning the cafeteria. He saw a beautiful scarlet haired young woman enter the room rocking her uniform like a model. She had a gray blob of a human kicking and screaming over her shoulder. What the hell was it? Erza made her way to a table that had his two blue haired cousins Levy and Juvia, along with Elfman's sisters, Lisanna and Mirajane. Erza sat the person over who shoulder down next to Levy who was happily cheering and hugging it. From a far they couldn't really tell if it was a boy or a girl... The rest of the boys turned to look over at what Jellal was stairing at. Gray rose a brow.

"Who or what the hell is that?"

"I don't know. Erza brought to it to the table, and looks like Levy knows it too."

"Let's go check it out!" Natsu yelled dashing to the girl's table. Elfman and Gray didn't hesatate to run after the idiot, while Jellal and Freed calmly made their ay to the table, embarrassed by the stupidity of their comrades. Natsu waved at the girls cheerfully. He'd known most of them his who life. "Hey guys, what's up?"

"Hello Natsu."

"Hey Natsu-chan."

"Hey Natsu. Long time no see."

His eyes began locking with the gray sweater blob's, at least he knew it was a girl. He tilted his head curiously. "Who's this?" he asked as the rest of his group showed up behind him. Erza gestured to the blonde.

"This is Lucy Heart. I saw her hiding in the library and insisted on her joining us. She's the scholar we hear rumors about."

"More like forced me..." Lucy mumbled

The boys did their best to not looked so shocked. The girl was not wearing a uniform, had her hair in a mess, and thick glasses covering her eyes and face. She wasn't the cutest thing to look at, but her comment was funny to Natsu. He cracked a smile at her. "Lucy," Erza started "That's Natsu, Gray, Elfman, Jellal, Juvia and Freed. You already know these three. Now we are missing-"

"I'm here!" the group turned to see a brunette with curly hair running to the table. He used her knees as support to catch her breath. "Sorry I'm late. But the guards almost caught me in my secret stash." She reached of booze. Lisanna sighed in disappointment.

"It's the first day Cana."

"Yeah, yeah what ever." Canna blinked at the new body sitting at the table. "Lucy?" she tilted her head in confusion. "What are you doing here?" Lucy recognized the girl immediately. She had no idea that she would be attending this school too. Let alone that she was loaded.


The grouped looked at the two girls dumbfounded. Natsu looked at his old friend and pointed at Lucy with his thumb. "You know this weirdo?" Lucy scroled at the pink haired freak.

"Yeah, she's the bus girl who works at the diner pops and I do to all the time." she turned back to Lucy. "You didn't tell me you actually got in!"

"And you didn't tell me you went here." Lucy smiled. The girls continued to talk about nonsense until the boys got bored and left without saying a word. "so you know everyone here?"

"Yeah, and everything about them."

The boys got bored immediately and began to walk away without saying a word. Cana and Lucy and the others continued to talk about usual girly things, cloths, make up and things like that. Eventually the girls began asking questions about Lucy, most things Cana had already known and it wasn't like she was hiding anything other than her real name. If she did that, all hell would break lose.

"So, you live with your foster family of 13?" Mira asked shocked. "And I thought my family was big."

"Well yeah, we live in a tight space, and times get hard but we all pull threw together. That's what nakama is about right?"

"Do you know what happen with your real parents?" Juvia asked. Cana rose a brow, she never once asked about her parents, she thought it might be a touchy subject.

"Yeah. My mother passed away when I was seven of an illness, and my father..." her voice began to trail away. "H-he was never the same..." she said tugging on her sleeves of her sweater. "So I in middle school left and took the first train anywhere, and landed here in the diner on a rainy day. My sister Virgo patched me up, Aries took me in and introduced me to Grandpa Stache and been there ever since. I met Cana there took!"

Cana began to laugh. "Yeah, poor thing was still wearing the glasses when I met her and kept tripping over every thing! But she made the place more fun so we stop by at least twice a week."

Lisanna scooted closer to Lucy, "I wonder what you look like with out them on?" she said curiously. Cana and the other girls began to agree and leaned in closer to the girl. Lucy looked at them nervously.

"I really rather not-" Lucy said trying to swat away Lisana's pale hand. The white haired girl pouted playfully and caught the glassed in her hand.

"Come on, don't be such a-". The girls froze in place. Was it that bad? "Oh my god..."