Okay this is my first story,hope you like it!

A beautiful day in Minecraft was regular for Sky and his friends. He invited them to his server for they can test a brand new mod.

"What the fuck!" yelled Sky staring dumbfounded at the title of this new mod. "What the hell is the Baby Mod!?"

"Maybe there using chicks in this mod!" Jerome proclaimed thinking about the beautiful babes they might find in this mod.

"Don't we already have those?" Deadlox asked dumbly thinking of chickens instead of what Jerome actually meant.

"Not chicken! Babes!" Sky exclaimed flailing his arms like a child trying to fly.

"Which we all know I get! MudKipz laughed and cheered his official. "Do Do Do!"

"...I think we should try it out.." Sky sighed equipping the mod to the server.

Once it was done, he began to change his setting to Creative and bean lookin through the Inventory. As soon as he found what items the mod added he looked shocked, like he saw an extremely Scary horror film.

"What's up?" Deadlox questioned, looking at Sky's facial expression in concern.

" More like what's down! This inventory is full of baby shit! Sky exclaimed, containing everything he's seeing. "Everything a baby would need expect...this"

He showed his friends what he have found it was a gun. It was shape almost entirely like a baby bottle except it had a trigger just like a regular gun. Bashur and Derp Ssundee, which came from who know where and swiped the gun from Sky's hands...er nubs and squealed in delight.

"COOL!" they exclaimed in unison and started shooting random objects with it. The others watch in awe as every block they'd shot turned smaller, like a baby block.

"STOP BEFORE YO-" Deadlox screamed before disappearing.

Bashur shot Deadlox! Everyone looked at the bottom of the screen that show that he have died. Sky laughed at his misfortune. "SACRIFICES! SACRI-"

Ssundee shot Sky! One by one each friend met that same faith until the two shooters were remaining.

"Do you know what this calls for?" Bashur asked excitedly waiting for his pal's responds.

Ssundee placed his nub up to his chin. What does this call for? He thought as an idea popped into his little derped head. "EPIC SHOWDOWN DOODZ!" he hollered, getting his own gun out of the Creative Inventory and smiled at his melon friend.

"Okay when I say three, we shoot." Bashur explained as Ssundee grined.

"THREE!" the grinning, crossed-eye fellow cheered as he shot the mutant melon.

He wasn't fast enough to duck away from the bullet. Ssundee had won the showdown. He cheered and danced happily cheering. "I WON! I WON!"

While he was havin a one-person party, he shot the gun by mistake. the bullet flew across the map and hit one of the windows to Sky's 'butter' castle. Lucky for the window, the bullet bounced off of it and came straight for Ssundee! Before he realized it, the bullet already killed him. The words that appeared were;

Ssundee shot himself. ( dumbass -_-)

At the edge of a server was a castle made out of iron. A man stood proudly out his window to view the block-like scenery. He was bald but had hair under his nose and chin. He wore a brown shirt, gray pants and black shoes. This man was Notch, the creator of Minecraft. He was still standing proudly as he stared apon his land like a god and said confrontably.

"What a glorious day in Minecraft! Nothing could possibly ruin it"

Then there was a crash or an explosion coming from downstairs. He went down to investigate. What he found was shocking- a baby MudKipz lighting TNT blocks and cheering.

"Do Do Do!"

Hope you like it! If you do be sure to review! Ciao!