Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Harry Potter.

AN: A massive thank-you to my readers and reviewers.

Luna and Neville were going around handing out wrapped presents and wishing people a "Merry Christmas!." when they were stopped by Professor Snape.

"Mister Longbottom and Miss Lovegood what are you doing?." Professor Snape asked, he dark circles under his eyes and looked to be in a very bad mood.

"Giving people Christmas presents because we are Father Christmas." Neville answered, with a happy confident grin.

"It isn't Christmas." Professor Snape pointed out, glaring at Neville, who didn't flinch at all under his gaze.

"I fail to see what that has to do anything. " Neville said, looking puzzled.

"It isn't Easter either, but the Easter Bunny is still handing out Easter Eggs." Luna remarked, shoving a small present into Snape's hands

"Why?." Professor Snape asked, fighting the urge to shout.

He had lost his temper three days ago and shouted at the Granger girl who spent every night since then, playing pranks to ensure he didn't get any sleep. Everything from giving Peeves a Trumpet to first years being forced to sing loudly outside his quarters.

"Well, Hermione thought people needed cheering up plus we are diversion while you are busy dealing with us Hermione and Draco are smuggling a Dragon into Hogwarts." Neville lied, his face a picture of innocence.

"I best inform the headmaster about this immediately. " Professor Snape muttered, before glaring at Neville and Luna one last time, then walked away to find Dumbledore.

"Do you think they'll discover what Hermione and Draco are really up to?." Luna asked, the moment Snape was gone.

"No, they'll be too busy dealing with the others to even get time to think." Neville said.

On his way to find Dumbledore the gift that Luna had given him exploded and he was covered in glitter. If he hadn't been distracted with the fact Hermione and Draco were planning to smuggle a Dragon into Hogwarts and what damage they were planning to do he would have thrown it away.

If that wasn't bad enough his shoes had vomit on from a first year Slytherin who had been stupid enough to eat an Easter Egg given to them by Ron Weasley who was pretending to be the Easter Bunny.

He could hear Professor McGonagall shouting which was never a good thing and usually he'd leave her to scold whoever she was scolding, but on the off chance it might be Hermione and Draco he turned the corner and saw several unconscious Slytherins.

And standing there protesting about being told off was Harry Potter and Susan Bones when Susan had joined the group didn't know.

"What happened here Minvera?." Professor Snape asked.

"Mister Potter and Miss Bones are claiming that they our the sandman and they have to put people to sleep." Professor McGonagall explained, glaring at Harry and Susan.

"Technically I'm a sandwoman." Susan commented.

"Minvera this a diversion while Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy smuggle a Dragon into Hogwarts. " "You know about the Dragon!," Harry exclaimed, in surprise. "Was it the Tooth Fairy that told you?.".

"No, Father Christmas, now you to reverse whatever you've done," Professor Snape ordered, glaring at Harry who stuck his tongue out in response. " Minvera, we need to find Albus.".

"Mister Potter, Miss Bones we will be discussing your punishment later." Professor McGonagall assured Harry and Susan.

"I look forward to Professor McGonagall." Harry called out as Professor McGonagall walked away with Professor Snape.

"You know when they find out what Draco and Hermione are really doing, we are going to be in so much trouble, you know that right?." Susan asked, Harry, who was trying to decide whether he should draw a crazy beard on a seventh Slytherin.

"It'll be fine everyone loves monkeys they are cute." Harry said, deciding that no he wasn't going to dr

aw a beard but cute lions all over the seventh year Slytherin face.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were on their way to find Dumbledore when a second year Hufflepuff collided into Professor Snape.

"Sorry, Professor." The blonde haired apologized, "But Granger and Malfoy have these monkeys well monkey hybrid creatures and they are going nuts around Hogwarts."

A loud screech made Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape looked up.

"Is that monkey flying?." Professor McGonagall asked.

"Yes." Professor Snape answered.

AN2: Don't forget to review.