
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Ghost Hunt.

A/N: Part 2 is a bit dark and less funny but I wanted to write it my way so...*hides away* Thanks to all those who reviewed! I really appreciated them, so do me a favor and leave one for this too :3

Nekokittygirl (Guest): Thanks! Here have a cookie - well tumultuous means something that is turbulent and causes a lot of uproar, generally used for waves when they crash with the sea-rocks. I also read your advice and found out that you were right so I tried to do my best in including others :D Thanks once more!

Lovenarumai (Guest): Thanks! Firstly have a cookie...I didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable but I just wanted to depict Naru's emotions and he wasn't obliged to do it by Mai, we know the jerk, he could have sent something to chase her away. But generally your point was valid - happens with me too and out of respect it becomes mandatory, that is annoying. Lol. So thanks, it was refreshing to read that I'm not the only one who freaks people out. Thanks once again.

'Part II'

She dreaded that everything was slowly falling apart at that moment, she dreaded facing his wrath, she dreaded staying away from him and fighting; not their usual tiffs but this.


It amazed her how a monosyllabic phrase from Naru could hold so much more meaning than a whole sentence, just one word and she understood that she had little to win in this argument. He had said her name with a growling finality that scared her to some extent but she tried hard not to quail as he glared at her.

"Naru." She tried to infuse some finality in her tone too, failing miserably. "I refuse to back out now, we can't just leave!"

He clenched his teeth and Mai knew that she had tested the limits of his patience but she still couldn't stop her arguments from rambling out. She knew that Naru was over-protective of her and was always looking out for her in one way or the other but this was literally too much. He just couldn't cut her job for the sake of having her safe and sound.

"We're not leaving." He had to keep his voice calm and patient, the others were watching. "You are leaving along with Yasu. This case is too dangerous for you to stay anymore."

Dangerous, her foot! She couldn't leave the tormented clients, she just couldn't sit at home and count the time until Naru and the others had solved the case. She just couldn't leave Naru alone even if for one case, he needed tea, he needed somebody to ensure that he had his meals on time (Naru wasn't a person who liked the idea of a balanced diet) and make sure that he got some sleep.

What if he got in danger, what if he...

"I'm not leaving." Mai bit out each word resolutely, her hands balled into fists at her side. "I'm not going anywhere. You can't just order me around like that! You can't decide for me Naru, anything...just leave me alone!"

She didn't mean to snap at him but...he was over-doing it, he couldn't treat her like a six-year old who needs to be kept away from danger – she was his girlfriend for heaven's sake but he couldn't make her decisions by himself.

He looked like he was about to murder someone by his gaze only, his eyebrows were furrowed, his hands in his pockets but all those who saw him knew that they were clenched into fists and he seemed to be struggling through his eyes alone. Cold blue eyes that were blazing with fury right now, unhidden fury right now that could burn anybody.

Anybody, except Mai.

"Oh come on Mai, Big Boss is right, it's dangerous although I think he's just jealous that the client's son is flirting with you. Hehehehe..." Yasu tried to intervene with whatever he could say but even he trailed off uncertainly, embarrassed slightly.

This time, nobody dared laugh at Yasu's joke...

Their was an uncertainty in the air that hung around them, a type of silence that was strangling them and was accentuated by Naru's glare and Mai's unspoken angst. Everything right now was, for lack of a better word – disturbing.

"Leave. Now." He said it in a manner that depicted disgust or resentment. "Go. Away."

Naru's words were knives that hit her straight on one spot that already had too many scars yet to be healed. Her eyes widened and she couldn't help but gasp, mortified and suddenly too afraid for words, what if this meant the end...

Her eyes watered up but Naru had already left the base, stalking towards somewhere else – now crying over something was useless but his words had been so lethal, so...hurting. She couldn't believe the but everything was too strangling now, her own heartbeat was resonating painfully in her ears. With Naru, she often had her heart drumming but that was something different – that was the blood singing in her veins whenever they were too close and when he would just stare at her saying nothing, that was happiness like when he held her hand and intertwined their fingers or when he just complied to her demands by hugging her.

That was security with him, a feeling of happiness, content and belonging – but the heartbeat that now echoed throughout her being had no connection to these wonderful feelings.

This heartbeat was hurting, fatal, tearing at her being and seemed to be intent on breaking every part of her. It spiked her and made her feel completely helpless, vulnerable and all she could manage to do was make a strangled cry and rush out the room, clutching her heart and with the tears now flowing freely as she sobbed loudly. Her feet seemed to be making their own path and somehow she didn't care where she ended up – all she could think was that everything would now end, everything that existed between her and Naru.

Everything would fall apart.

Her feet finally gave away and she fell on the floor, her knees wobbly and her eyes red with the tears and her sobs. Mai didn't know where she was, it was a large manor that had too many rooms but today she didn't care about a single thing. She didn't care that the temperature around her was too cold to be normal, she didn't notice that the spirit now circled her, holding a knife, smiling wickedly, she didn't notice the blood that covered the walls nor the blood that was slipping down the ghost's neck.

And when she did notice, a sharp stinging pain filled every part of her – everything burst with black dots and the room rotated on an angle of 360 degree. The spirit only cackled when she gasped, seeing blood seeping out of her stomach, the knife sticking from it – and then she just gathered her energy to say one last word.

To show him that even her last breath belonged to him...


Everything – everything then, fell apart...

The beeps from the heart monitor seemed to be the only thing that consoled him the best...

There she was, pale as death, matching the bed sheets beneath her – an oxygen mask helped her to breath while various tubes ran up and down, somehow keeping her alive...keeping her with him. Her brown hair was strewn over the pillow and the flimsy gown of the hospital showed the white bandages that lined her waist and above.

He turned his eyes away from her...

The door to the ward opened and Takigawa stepped inside, his eyes weary and his gait slack as if burdened with something invisible. He walked over to Naru and stood behind his chair, gently he grasped the shoulders of the teen and gave it a squeeze.

"She'll be fine, Naru-bou."

Naru could just inhale internally and shrug with a slight impatience, he was holding Mai's left hand that seemed to be limp and was now and then gazing at her – feeling as if something inside him had gone cold, dead cold.

"I don't know."

He hadn't wanted to say that, it was a stupid statement but he couldn't help himself and couldn't control anything at the moment. There were moments like these when Naru was the weakest from the heart, when Naru's rationality retarded and only cold, raw emotion could be deciphered.

"She'll never leave you, she loves you too much for that."

"I don't know."

"Naru, kid get the hang of life!" Monk suddenly snapped and Naru was taken aback for a slight moment as Takigawa fiercely glared at him. "Just trying to keep her away, won't keep her safe, just trying to do too much for her, won't help her. You just don't understand this, do you?!"

Naru was at a loss of what to say, he could only hear Mai's blood curdling scream, he could only see her pale face and terror with the knife sticking out from her stomach as she clutched it – her last word as he knelt down beside her...a broken sob that echoed around him.


Naru knew that he was gripping Mai's hand so tightly that it could have been crushed but the cold hand was comforting. Mai, was comforting even when she wasn't there and that's what haunted him the most – this comatose.

"She said that she was a demon," Naru didn't want to stop talking, his voice was the usual – indifferent, cold but his words didn't seem to stop. "She said that she will never stop haunting me."

Monk could only manage a strangled laugh that was an ill-attempt to control his tears.

"She made a deal with me." He couldn't think, the fog in his mind was too heavy, the feeling around him was too much for him to handle – Gene's death had been nothing like, it had been painful and he had felt lost but with Mai...

With Mai, there were haunting feelings, her smiles, laughs, tears, screams – there was his dread that vibrated around and the depression that raged around...concerning Mai, he felt too much, saw too much.

"Kiddo," Takigawa just stroked Mai's cheek and then murmured something before turning to Naru once again. "Be patient and learn to value her – that's all I can say. Just hold her close."


He was too far gone but bits and pieces from Takigawa's words mapped themselves at the back of his mind. Takigawa then left, with a melancholy expression that made Naru feel something develop inside him; a pang, a strange twinge.


If only...

"Hey Naru..."

The croak awakened him from whatever disturbing thought he drowned in so he just looked at Mai, her brown eyes radiating warmth, her face pale but alive and the hand he held, tightened around him instinctively. He could just close his eyes for a moment, relief washing over him like tumultuous waves.

The heavy feeling was evaporating...

"Mai, what you did was stupid." Never mind healing or whatever, she had been idiotic to just go run away and fall victim to the spirit's killing. "Very stupid – it was careless, reckless and a dumb attempt. If you ever do that again, I'm docking your pay."

She didn't speak but just smiled, a sad slow smile that seemed to halt time.

"Don't worry." Her words were muffled by the oxygen mask. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm still here. I promise."

And he could just sigh as Mai traced random patterns on his hand.


He glared at the offensive clock that adorned the wall making small noises that caused the irrational side of his brain (that had come to existence not long ago) to think treacherous thoughts. Unconsciously, he began counting the seconds that passed by, one, two, three, four, five, six – he wasn't really patient when it came to something about Taniyama Mai and so the glaring resumed this time with even more force.

Late...Mai was late.

A person walked into his office without bothering to knock and Naru immediately realized that it was Lin, after all only the Chinese was given the authority to barge inside without knocking. Even Mai had the decency to knock...

Mai...Inept, idiotic, clumsy, scatter-brained...

"Glaring at the clock won't help," Lin said quietly, putting a stack of folders on his desk. "You should call her Noll."


In all of his life, Naru hadn't really bothered to call anyone, phone calls seemed to be a waste of time and seemingly pointless – why waste breath on explaining things through flimsy wires, a better model could be made if the manufacturing companies would just use the signaling component in a different place, exchanged with really thin copper wires due to its conducting property...

So naturally when the Chinese advised him to call Mai, narcissistic Naru made an expression that clearly dictated 'Excuse me?' or something like 'Do you know who you're talking too?'

"She'll be here, I see no reason as to call her." Naru calmly replied and then continued checking the files. (and glaring at the clock again)

Lin sighed and then proceeded to go out of the room and give his charge some time to think about this matter, although Mai being late was a routine that had never really changed but the boy was on the brink of patience when it came to the brunette. The control that Lin had taught him, built inside him, shattered whenever Mai said something in the negative so naturally Lin frowned at these moments to see his charge breaking down slowly...and 'manning up' as Madoka had put it.

"You know," Lin simply interrupted the silence of the office. "anybody would have thought that you would have loosened your hold on Mai with the change in your relationship with her, in regard to office matters."

Naru sighed internally and was urged with a desire to pinch his nose bridge but refrained from it since then Lin would think that he was really worried over Mai. Which he was not. Right?

One of the reasons that Naru seemed to be on 'feasible' terms with Lin was that the Chinese never used terms and words he was uncomfortable with – irrational words like love, girlfriend, dates, marriage etc. 'A change in relationship with Mai' was a much more apt, easier, scientific term for Mai being his – enter blink and sigh – girlfriend.

"And? Your point is?" Naru didn't look up at Lin and just went on with the files, it was easier to put on a facade if he could avoid Lin's penetrating gaze.

"You're worried." It was an accusation really, but one without grudge. "So call her."

Never in a million years, that girl didn't need to know that he was worried for her well-being, that piece of information should just rest with him.

The Chinese had gone and now Naru could think peacefully about all that he wanted to do in such a situation, Mai was running two hours late and he had been trying to avoid thinking about all the worse things that could happen to her. Unsuccessfully. He couldn't call her now, he had never called anyone just to inquire their well-being and he wasn't going to bend that rule now for her. It would be a useless conversation anyway – she would be screaming at him regardless of her surroundings and would probably make a fool of herself. Nobody could laugh or mock at her except him, but what if Mai was sick or dizzy or anything she shouldn't be, what if she had fallen in a sewer or a manhole or...

He picked up the phone, begrudgingly and shot the item a dagger-like glare as if cursing it for Mai's absence. Then standing up, he exited the office as he held the phone to his ear – almost wishing for something to save his pride but alas – nothing...

A ring, two rings, three rings and after the tenth ring his call went to her voice mail and he heard her cheerful voice.

"Moshi moshi - thanks for calling but I probably can't reach you now so please leave a message, I'll get to you as soon as I'm back!"

He was almost tempted to say 'You better call back' but held his tongue because he didn't want Lin thinking that he was love-sick over Mai or anything and had turned to a psychologically disable person. But why wasn't she picking up her phone, could it be that Mai was somewhere she shouldn't be, down in a sewer or a manhole or being tormented somewhere or sick or in the hospital or – or...

"Naruuuu" He looked up and saw her waltzing in through the door, looking thoroughly unkempt but looking Mai and he unconsciously released an internal sigh. "Hey! I looked at your call but you -"

She paused, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she assessed him standing in the meeting room of the office with his eyes fixed on the door and his face expressionless – deep in thought.

"Hello! Earth to Naru-chan!" She chanted, time hadn't changed Mai, she was just the same child with her hair a bit longer and her face a bit matured but she hadn't changed and he was secretly glad. "Ne, are you feeling well? Staring into space isn't really healthy you know..."

He didn't pay attention to what she was saying – which was rude, but he was too busy thanking the spirits who had made sure that Mai would cross the roads without ending up in the ICU – thanking and apologizing were against his rules and so was calling a girl with apparently no reason behind it except his irrationality and slight worry. He was bending the rules and then a realization dawned on him.

He was bending too. He slightly clenched his teeth and looked away from Mai, slightly agitated at the rush of new, unwelcome feelings but then he decided to put the worry behind him and pick a solution for this – just to avoid bending anymore rules in the future. Naru pursed his lips and then held the gaze of the brunette; a melting puddle of chocolate and honey resided in her doe-like eyes and he then let his decision be announced.

"You're moving in with me."

"What?!" She was appalled at the suggestion but he couldn't see her point in this – she was, after all his girlfriend and she had every right to make arrangements to stay in his apartment. "No way Naru! What will everyone say?! Kami-sama help us but you can't Naru, people will think bad and..."

"What people think is their problem – I see no reason for you to object."

"Naru! I can't just move in with you like that!? Are you in your senses, wait, are you drunk or do you have a fever?!" Mai instinctively leaned into him and stood on her tip-toes to put her hand against his forehead but moved back when she saw the hard, distant look in his eyes.

Just for the record – that was how Oliver Davis, Shibuya Kazuya aka Noll or Naru, treated his girlfriend. No hearts, no flowers, nothing except those cold eyes that rarely spilled emotion and that just made Mai love him so much more. He was so...himself. But this decision was not what her Naru would make, whatever in the name of Kami was happening to him?

She narrowed her eyes as if challenging him but he simply raised an eyebrow and didn't let her object anymore, his decision was final and even Mai knew when to just shut up and comply with his demand.

"Fine but if there are rumors, you handle them!"

"I'll say that I'm giving shelter to the dummies." He was already striding into his office, leaning against the door to his 'lair' as Mai called it and before turning he let his favorite word roll off his tongue. "Tea."

Mai simply grumbled as she marched off to the kitchen, something about silly, narcissistic boy-friends, backstabbing rumors and tea addicts who have no sense.

He just stared out of the large glass window of his office, smiling sardonically and let himself relax in the confines of his office, just for now, just for a minute, trying to see if he felt ashamed on his latest decision – but quite ashamedly, he felt satisfied. Now, he could see to her everyday, make sure she doesn't get hurt and ensure the fact that he wouldn't bend any other rules for her in the future...he could now maintain his pride and ego equally.

Unbeknownst to him, he had bended another rule, unknown to him – he had slowly succumbed to her light and warmth.

That girl would be the death of him...

There were times like these when Mai felt terrorized, traumatized, at a loss of what to do and how to do because these moments made her want to curl up in a ball and cry...

Naru's nightmares frightened her because they were too much for one person – too cruel, too harsh, just too much for any person. To think that Naru had these...regularly.

These were times when she thanked God that she had moved in with Naru – he needed someone to take care of him, he needed someone to just be there for nothing and she wanted to be everything he ever wanted.

"Not now...just not now."

She bit back a cry of pain and sorrow at the emotion in his words.

"Leave me alone...don't..."

Naru's mumbles were accentuated by his scrunched up face as he tossed and turned in pain, eyes tightly shut – at such moments he lost all control and then he shouted, even yelled and it all hurt her, scarred her heart.


At times like these, Mai would scoot closer to him and stroke his hair slowly, running her hand over his cheeks and making senseless sounds just to comfort him, muttering nonsense words. He calmed down but didn't wake up and Mai could just hold him, helpless.

"I..." His breathing rose abnormally and she could just watch as he murmured absently. "I..should...should have..died..not..him."

"Hush Naru, Gene's dead...Oliver wake up, come on now, he's not there...come back to me..."

When he would wake up, he would see a teary Mai who would just tackle him in a hug, sobbing – at first he wouldn't understand and then it would occur to him; Mai was frightened by this side of his personality. These scars, these memories, these dreams...each time was the same, each time Mai was there with him and he felt calm.

"You were calling for him," Her words struck him. "Naru, oh God – why didn't you tell that you had to go through...all this."

"It's just a dream Mai, I'm awake now."

"I was so scared Naru – I don't..."

"Mai." She looked up at him and he held her gaze for a moment or two, skimming his thumbs over her cheeks. "I'll be fine. Just...be...make me some tea."

She nodded, wiping at her tears, smiling and then hugging him again before walking towards the small kitchen in his apartment to satiate his appetite for tea.

As long as she was there, Naru wouldn't suffer – she had to be strong for his sake, had to carry his weight, be a Titan. Naru was always there to help her after nightmares and she had to do that too because he needed someone to heal and become himself.

She would be strong, she would carry his world on her shoulders.

"We're getting married." He had spoken out of the blue, Mai could remember clearly- she could also recall her dumbfounded state at this before she gathered the courage to confirm it.

They had been at his apartment, sipping tea whilst it rained outside...

"I thought I heard you say something about getting married...ahahaha, how funny, ahaha..."


"Is that your idea of winning me over?"

He had scowled at her and then folded his arms, not liking all this fuss that mankind created over proposals. Weren't women supposed to be humble, crying tears of joy while relentlessly hugging the boy and thanking him while saying yes over and over again.

But this was Mai and Mai was a mixture of twists and turns.

"You don't want to marry me?"

Her eyes widened at the accusation and she spoke before her mind could process a word or think of the answer. To think that she would save him from giving a romantic proposal by her next statement.

"Eh?! No!? I will, I will...oh..."

He had smirked, finally getting his answer...

It was as simple as that; there you have your hearts and flowers. At least she could have teased Naru by saying that he had tricked her into agreeing at that time but Naru's genuine smile had halted her train of thoughts as he had produced the ring; intricate, small and elegant.


The ring and Naru...forever...

Tumultuous was what they had always been, their relationship was an uproar in the sea – something out of ordinary, something that was bound to cause turbulence but they made it through. For that you can thank Mai's tea, Naru's facade, the dates they had, the movie nights, Naru's apartment, SPR and of course not to forget the diamond ring that shone on Mai's finger.

Monk and Ayako had decided to have a wedding before Naru and Mai so that they could not be left behind in this race, Masako and Yasu had similar thoughts while Lin and Madoka decided that their wedding would be after Naru and Mai's, a decision whose wisdom cannot be understood to this day.

Oh and just so you all know, Lin wasn't fired by Luella on not reporting anything spicy about Naru and Mai, instead he received an increment when Luella heard of the wedding.

Ah, what joys for all.

So naturally on the wedding day, everything glowed and seemed to sing in happiness – a perfect day that ended with a perfection that had no parallel. The waves of feeling still washed over both of them but this time the waves were not of fury, anger, frustration or danger.

The waves were not turbulent...

The tumult was of happiness and content only.

Love would always be tumultuous for them...

Save a drowning writer by reviewing and earn a biscuit...

Until next time fellas, hope you enjoyed this :)

Edited 05/07/2014: I just reread the story and made a few necessary changes - now, I feel like I could have done a better job than this if I had paid more attention - but alas...Review to earn a chocolate cookie (we bake all kinds of flavor) :D
