A/N: Hi everyone! I'm branching out! This is my first crossover fic, and what better to do it with than Blue Bloods and Castle? This story incorporates both shows, and it centers around the characters of Jamie Reagan (Blue Bloods) and Alexis Castle (Castle). I understand that Jamie is quite a bit older than Alexis, and if that age gap bothers you in a romantic relationship, I would advise you not to read this story. (It's around a ten-year age gap)

That being said, this is also my first Blue Bloods fic. I am remarkably knowledgeable when it comes to Castle, but Blue Bloods is a much newer obsession for me. I understand that some of my Blue Bloods people may be out of character or my information may be wrong. I know that there will be fans of both shows reading this fic, and if any of you Blue Bloods fans find a problem, please let me know! Your reviews not only inspire me to write, they also make me a better writer. I appreciate all feedback, including constructive criticism. If I don't know I could be doing something better, I'll never be able to improve! Thanks for reading!

(Also, updates may be sporadic and I apologize in advance)

Xx, Cassie

Alexis Castle stood up, sliding her well-read copy of Anna Karenina into her bag. She was tired of sitting here and waiting for him to do something while they watched each other every other day or so. The past few weeks, she and the young man whom she knew to be a Reagan had been coming in here and slyly watching one another across the café. She was tired of waiting. Alexis walked across the café and slid into the seat across from him. He looked up at her through deep, dark eyes. She smiled.

"Hi," she said, extending her hand. "Alexis Castle." He smiled back at her, and reached out to shake her hand.

"Jamie Reagan."

"Mind if I sit here?" she asked. Jamie shook his head.

"No, of course not," he replied. She smiled again.

"You come in here a lot," she remarked. It wasn't a question.

"So do you," Jamie fired back immediately. They looked at each other for a minute, and then they both smiled.

"So, are you a New Yorker or just a student?" Jamie asked.

"New Yorker," Alexis replied. "All my life."

"Me, too," Jamie told her. "And if you're a New Yorker, I'm guessing you know me by my last name." Alexis studied him for a second.

"Well, I know of you," she said. "I don't know you. But…I might like to." It seemed to be the right answer, because Jamie's smile widened.

"So, Alexis," he began, finding that he liked the way her name felt on his tongue, "I take it you like to read."

"Good observation skills," she said, and he laughed. "Actually, though, it's a genetic trait," Alexis told him. Jamie looked at her quizzically. "My dad's a novelist," she explained. Jamie's dark eyes registered interest.

"Really? Anyone I might know of?"

"Maybe. Richard Castle?" she said.

"Oh, yeah, my sister-in-law mentioned him once or twice." Alexis smiled.

"Good to know he has some married fans," she laughed. Jamie's eyebrows went up.

"Is that an…um, recurring problem?" he inquired. Alexis shook her head.

"No, not anymore," she answered. "It used to bother me when he would, you know, go out on dates and whatnot." Jamie inwardly commended her for her delicate choice of wording.

"Doesn't it bother you anymore?" the young officer asked.

"Oh," Alexis said. She shook her head. "No, he doesn't do that anymore. He found himself a homicide detective to shadow a few years back, fell in love, and got engaged."

"Oh, yeah? Who's the detective?" Jamie asked.

"Kate Beckett, out of the 12th," the redhead replied.

"No kidding," Jamie said. "I'm a beat cop at the 12th."

"Small world," Alexis remarked. "So, what about you?" she asked. "Always wanted to be a cop?" Jamie laughed.

"Actually, no," he said. "I was Harvard law."

"Wow," Alexis said with a smile. "I'm impressed, Jamie." He smiled shyly.

"Thanks." They were quiet for a moment.

"So, do you have siblings?" Jamie wanted to know. Alexis shook her head, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No, I'm an only child," she replied. "You?" Jamie laughed and Alexis found that she really liked the sound.

"I have two living siblings; I grew up with three. Danny's the oldest, and he's a detective at the 54th. Joe's the one who died, but he was in the force as well. Then Erin, who's an ADA. And I am the baby." Alexis smiled.

"Do Danny or Erin have children?" she asked. He nodded.

"Erin has Nicki, who is sixteen. Danny and his wife Linda have two boys, Jack and Sean." Alexis smiled.

"I bet it would be nice to have a big family," she said. Jamie shrugged.

"It is, at times. Other times, not so much." Alexis laughed. Suddenly, Jamie's phone rang. Alexis watched him as he apologized and answered the call. He was wearing an NYPD hoodie over a tee shirt, and his hair seemed a little out of control. She figured if it were grown out, it would be curly. He had long, thick lashes and dark, deep eyes that sparkled. He also had a beautiful smile and pale, creamy skin. He was really a good-looking guy.

"Yeah, I know," he was saying. "Okay. Yes, I know. Alright. Bye." He hung up and smiled apologetically at Alexis.

"My brother," he explained. "I'm sorry, but I have to get going," he said. Alexis shook her head as they both stood up.

"Don't worry, I should be heading out, too," she replied. Jamie gathered his courage and then just went for it.

"Could I get your phone number?" he asked. Alexis smiled.

"Only if you promise to call," she stipulated. Jamie laughed.

"I promise," he agreed as they exchanged phones. He smiled brightly at her as he took his phone back.

"It was great to meet you, Jamie," Alexis said warmly.

"You, too, Alexis," he replied. "I'll call you." She nodded and they walked outside together. They waved at one another as he turned left and she went right. Alexis walked away feeling happier and lighter than she had in weeks, the promise of hope in combination with the warm spring sunlight filling her with an inward warmth.