Before you begin reading, Ravi and I would just like to apologize. It has been so long since we updated and it was never our intention to be one of those writers who only updates every couple of months. We both got busy with college and work, but we promise that we'll be updating much more often now. We hope all of you understand! Please be sure to leave a review and tell us what you think of our latest chapter! Enjoy!

Beep! Beep!

Rachel's alarm clock blared into her dreams, waking her up. She was still annoyed with Finn's idiocy the day before, but there was absolutely no way of avoiding him. Unless - maybe he had retreated to his office in the city like he usually did when things didn't go his way or he needed some serious alone time.

Yeah, that's probably what he did. Rachel thought to herself as an attempt at comfort. It wasn't very convincing, but she could pretend she believed it.

Very quietly, so not to wake the kids before their alarms did, she got out of bed, slipped on some houseshoes, and draped her robe around her. Then, she walked to the kitchen, prepared to make breakfast for David and Abby like she did every morning. Except this morning was different. It was different because Finn was already making breakfast.

When Rachel first rounded the corner into the kitchen, finding Finn standing over the stove just about gave her a heart attack. It wasn't just him being in the kitchen that made her let out a little gasp, though. That was also due to the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt and his sweatpants rose just enough that it wasn't inappropriate for his children to see, but were just low enough that you could see the beginning outline of that 'V'. He had his back to her, but his back muscles were bulging every time he moved.

"Goodmorning! Sorry if I startled you." He exclaimed, after hearing her gasp and turning around to see who was there. That gorgeous smirk formed on his lips.

"What are you doing?" Rachel questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm making eggs!" Finn responded, whisking the raw eggs together in a bowl.

"No, what are you doing making breakfast? You're always either in your home office, or in your actual office by this time. Why are you still home?" She was really confused. It wasn't like him at all to still be at home at this time. Nevertheless to be up making breakfast. Maybe his office had caught on fire...

He stopped what he was doing and sat the bowl down. Walking over to Rachel, he stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, guiding her over to the table. "I just thought it would be nice if I made you and the kids breakfast this morning, you make basically every meal so I figured you could use a break. Now sit down, have a cup of coffee, and relax." He pulled out a chair for her, gently pushed on her shoulders until she sat down, and placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of her.

Rachel was speechless. Who was this man and what had he done with Finn Hudson? "That's…. very sweet of you." She finally managed to say before picking up the coffee, which smelled absolutely delicious.

"Daddy?" Abby's little voice came from the hallway.

Rachel turned towards the little girl who was standing there in her PJs, rubbing her groggy eyes.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Finn replied.

"Are you making eggs?" Her tired voice was almost a whisper.

"I sure am." Her father smiled at her. "Is that okay?"

Abby nodded, still rubbing her eyes with one hand and snuggling her teddy bear with the other. "Yes. That's okay." Then she turned around and walked back into her room.

For a moment no one said anything, but the strangeness of the situation overcame Rachel's lingering annoyance with Finn and she turned to him, chuckling. "Well that was interesting."

Finn laughed, "Yes, it definitely was." He moved back to the eggs, pouring them into the hot pan. "I think she was still asleep."

"I'm going to go check on David and make sure he's up." Rachel said, setting her cup of coffee down and starting to get up.

"Nope!" Finn exclaimed, "I will do it."

"Don't you need to start getting ready for work?" She suggested, eyeing his outfit choice. Not that she minded seeing him shirtless. In fact, it was a welcomed sight that she was struggling to not constantly stare at. It was just that now he was facing her and all she wanted to do was look at his chest and his abs. She had no idea how someone with a work load as heavy as his and was a single parent to two kids could stay in such amazing shape.

"What? You don't think this is business appropriate?" Finn looked down at his attire and chuckled.

Shaking her head clear of his outfit and trying her best not to stare, Rachel just rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "Actually I bet it would be a hit. Santana would especially love it."

The minute she said those last couple of words, she regretted how hateful they'd sounded. That was a really low blow, Rachel. Way to go. Idiot. Dumb Stupid. She thought to herself. I really need a filter in my brain.

Finn didn't seem stung by her words, though. He simply raised an eyebrow and smirked, replying flirtatiously, "Maybe, but what do you think of them?"

The blood rushed to Rachel's face immediately so she bent her head down trying to hide her blush and pretending like she was just taking a sip of her coffee. "I, um, I think they're -"

"Daddy?!" David's little voice yelled as the pitter-patter sound of footsteps grew quicker and louder.

Thank you, David. Saved by the screaming child. Rachel thought.

"I told you he was here!" Abby yelled after her brother. Then she walked over to Rachel. "I told him Daddy was here but he didn't believe me."

"Daddy!" David exclaimed again before leaping into Finn's arms, who had sunk down to the little boy's level and was prepared to catch him.

"Hey there buddy!" Finn smiled. "I see you and your sister are all dressed and ready for school, good job!"

"What are you making?" David asked, straining his neck to see what was on the stove.

"I made you eggs, is that okay? I was going to do pancakes but I forgot to tell Rachel we needed more milk yesterday when she was at the store."

"Yeah, it's fine. I like eggs." David replied, squirming to let Finn know he was ready to be put back on the floor.

"Thank you, daddy." Abby said from her chair beside Rachel.

"You're welcome, princess." Finn smiled, turning back towards the stove. "The food is done. David, go jump in a chair!"

David crouched down, looking like he was about to get a running start.

"And when I say 'jump in a chair', I really mean 'walk normally and gently sit in a chair'." Finn said quickly.

"Oh." David acknowledged, standing up and taking a seat on the other side of Abby, " I knew that."

Rachel was about to get up out of her chair and help serve the kids their breakfast like she usually did, but Finn was already there. He was balancing four plates in his arms as he walked to the table and wasn't struggling at all with it.

"One scrambled egg with toast for my little dinosaur." Finn smirked, setting a plate in front of David, who replied with a loud ROAR that Rachel interpreted as a thank you.

"One scrambled egg, one piece of bacon, extra crispy of course, and half a piece of toast for my princess." Finn set the next plate in front of Abby, whose face lit up at the word princess.

"Egg whites and two pieces of toast for you!" He set a plate in front of Rachel and then proceeded to his own chair at the table, "and three scrambled eggs, some bacon, and some toast for me!"

"Thank you daddy." Abby smiled, picking up her fork and beginning to eat her delicious looking breakfast.

"You're eating with us too?!" David questioned, his mouth full of eggs.

"Don't talk with your mouth open." Rachel scolded through a chuckle at how ridiculous the little boy looked with egg spilling out his mouth.

David smiled bashfully, "Sorry Rachy…" he replied after swallowing.

"Yes I am! In fact, I've taken the whole day off from work. So, I was thinking that I could pick you guys up from school early and we could go hang out! Maybe at….. the park?!" Finn was grinning ear to ear when he saw how happy his news made the kids. Immediately, they both erupted into conversation with their father and what they were going to do when they got to the park. But Rachel hardly heard it.

She was mesmerized by how invested Finn had become in his children within just a couple of hours. Granted, it could have just been because of their fight the previous night, but she had said things would need to change, and this was him taking that first step. Just eight hours ago he was paying and using his children to do his dirty work, now he would be skipping work to play in the dirt with them. Whatever the reason, it was really nice to see Finn acting this way. It's really attractive too, Rachel thought to herself.

"So will you come with us?" Abby's little voice poked through Rachel's thoughts. They were all staring at her, anticipating the response to some question she wasn't even aware she'd been asked.

"Come where, sweetie?"

"To the park, DUH! We want you to come too!" David yelled, slamming his fists down on the table out of excitement and almost sending his juice flying.

Finn smirked in Rachel's direction, "Can't really argue with that level of excitement, now can you?"

For a moment, Rachel thought about whether it was a good idea or not. On one hand, they'd just had a huge falling out in which she'd made it pretty clear that she wasn't interested in being with him in a more personal way until he made a conscious attempt to change his ways and did some growing up. So, giving into this seemingly simple request could be taken as a retreat from that ultimatum and give him an excuse to continue doing life as he's doing it, and that wasn't what she wanted. On the other hand, though, the kids were the ones begging her, not him. And, really, who are the important ones here?

After comparing the pros and cons of accepting this afternoon trip, Rachel smiled at David and Abby, "Of course I'll go." After uttering those words, she could have sworn she saw Finn do a tiny fist pump out of the corner of her eye.

"Yay!" Abby squealed, hopping out of her chair to wrap her arms around Rachel. "Now I'm going to get ready for school so it can be over with and we can go to the park!" The little girl scurried off towards her bedroom.

"Me too!" David exclaimed, climbing down from the seat, running and then sliding down the hallway in his footie pajamas.

Rachel watched as the two ecstatic children willingly went to get changed for school. "Wow, you sure put a smile on their face this morning. What brought this on?" She asked hardly thinking about the words that were coming out of her mouth.

"It was just time for some changes to be made." Finn responded, a smile evident in his voice although she couldn't see it. His back was to her as he faced the sink, washing the dishes he had just recovered from the breakfast table.

Once he was done, he poured each of them another cup of coffee and took a seat by Rachel. "So, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Finn questioned, blowing on his mug.

"Well," Rachel began, eyeing his suspiciously as she took a sip of coffee, "I'm taking the kids to school, then I was going to run by the store and get some groceries because we're running low on -"

"Done." Finn said suddenly, completely cutting her off mid sentence.


"Consider it done. I've taken off the day anyways, may as well have something to do." He shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee. "You on the other hand deserve a break. Go back to sleep, watch some TV, catch up on that Glee show you like so much. I don't care, just do whatever you want to until it's time to pick the kids up."

Rachel paused, her coffee cup halfway raised to her mouth. First he had taken off work and was cooking the kids breakfast, then he was saying how he was going to take the kids to the park, and now he was offering to take them to school and do all of the chores she was going to have to do. "Are you sure? I really don't mind doing it."

"Absolutely positive. Just don't get too used to this, I do have to go back to work tomorrow." Finn said with a sarcastic smirk.

Now there's the Finn I know. Rachel thought to herself, rolling her eyes.

Finn got up from the table and rinsed out his mug before heading back towards the kids' bedroom. "I'm going to check and make sure the kids are almost ready. You should go back to sleep, it's only 7!" Then he disappeared down the hallway and into one of the rooms.

Rachel followed his lead in rinsing out her cup once she was finished with it. Then she looked around the kitchen. It was so weird not having to do anything and just being able to go back to bed. It was nice because she was exhausted, especially after that ridiculous fight she'd had with Finn the night before. Thinking back on it made her shake her head, regretting the things she'd said that had hinted at him being a horrible father. From where she stood this morning, he was anything but a horrible dad.

She thought all of this as she walked back into her bedroom. She thought about how happy the kids had been to see their dad as she got back into her bed. She thought about how excited they were to spend the day with him as she closed her eyes and began to doze off. She thought about how amazing of a guy Finn really was as she slipped back into a deep sleep.

"Rachel." A whisper woke up as she could feel her body being shaken gently. "Rachel, it's time to go get the kids."

When the whisper came again, Rachel was awake enough to realize it was Finn. She opened her eyes a little and could see he was knelt down by her bed, a hand on her back. Immediately she was mortified. He had come in her room, where her underwear and bras were in a pile against the wall (laundry she hadn't done yet) and was having to wake her up. It was even worse that she could feel the dried drool down the side of her mouth.

"What?" was all she could mumble out as her body was waking up. Time to get the kids? Was it 1 o'clock already? There was no way she'd slept through half the day.

"It's time to go get the kids. I told them I'd be there at 1:30 so I need to leave in the next ten minutes. If you don't want to go to the park with us, that's fine. I just know the kids will be reeeaaallly disappointed." He drew the 'really' out a long time, making sure to sound like David did when he was explaining to one of them how much he wanted to play dinosaur.

Nevertheless, the little boy tone did make Rachel smile. "You sound like a 5 year old." She said, her words audible now, as she sat up in bed and did her best to nonchalantly fix her hair. "Why didn't you just knock?" Rachel questioned, throwing a hand in the direction of the open door.

Finn got to his feet, a chuckle escaping his lips as he did so, "Oh, I did. Plenty of times, actually. You just couldn't hear it because of how loud you were snoring."

Feeling the heat rushing to her cheeks, Rachel's jaw dropped. "I don't snore!" She argued to Finn, who was backing his way out of her room.

"Oh you most definitely do." The laugh that followed his statement was so genuine that deep dimples appeared on either side of his mouth. "Like, David would be really impressed and probably say it was the best T-Rex impression he'd ever heard."

At that, Rachel snatched one of the pillows out from behind her and threw it at Finn. He was too quick, though, closing the door just before the pillow reached him. "TEN MINUTES!" He called through the wall. Rachel could hear his laugh as he retreated down the hallway.

After a few seconds, the pink had drained from Rachel's face and all that was left was the big smile across her lips. No. She thought to herself, shaking the grin away. No, just no. Not yet. She couldn't go back on what she'd told him the previous night. Not yet, at least. The behavior she'd seen in the past few hours was an amazing change, but it didn't prove anything permanent.

Rachel got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, grabbed her brush, and ran it through her hair, being sure to rid it of all the tangles and knots. Once she was done with that, she simply added a few strokes of mascara to her top and bottom lashes. After throwing on a "park suitable" outfit, she walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

"I'm ready." She said when she saw Finn sitting on the couch fiddling with his iPhone. "Did something come up?" There was no denying the slight drop her stomach made at the thought of him cancelling the park trip.

He jumped slightly, "You scared me!" After standing up and walking towards her, he placed his phone in his pocket, shrugging, "Nah, Puck can take care of it." That sideways smirk popped up on his face like it always did when he was satisfied with something he'd done or when he was trying to charm someone; Rachel had seen it that day she'd accidentally been home when he and Santana…. She shivered, she didn't even want to think about that.

"If you're sure." Rachel returned the smile, grabbing her purse off the counter. "You ready?"

"Yes ma'am, I sure am." He nodded before walking over to the front door, holding it open for her. "After you."

"DADDY! LOOK AT HOW BIG THE SLIDE IS!" David exclaimed as he wiggled around in his car seat, struggling to get the buckle undone by himself.

"I know buddy! It's taller than I am!" Finn returned the child's excitement as he opened the car door and assisted his son with his seat.

David's eyes got huge as he looked from his dad to the slide and then back again, "That's huge." He sounded almost mesmerized.

Abby was already out of her buckle and standing next to her father by the time David had crawled out of the car. "David look at the swings! There's so many!" She pointed to the ten swings that were lined up in a row. "Let's go do those!"

"But I wanted to go on the slide." David crossed his arms, stuck out his bottom lip as far as he could, and stomped his foot.

Used to her brother's behavior, Abby simply grabbed his arm and started walking towards the swings. "We can go on the slide after! I promise!"

"Well…." The little boy said, seriously contemplating his options. "Okay! Let's go!" Then they both took off, hand in hand.

"When was the last time they went to the park?" Rachel asked, giggling slightly at their enthusiasm.

Finn's steps faltered as he walked over to where his two children were trying to swing as high as they could. "Uh.." He hesitated, "This is the first time since their mother died."

Rachel saw him swallow a lump in his throat so she didn't push the topic further, instead she shed some positive light on the situation, "Well, they look like they're enjoying themselves a lot."

"DADDY!" David yelled as he kicked his feet back and forth, trying, but having no luck, to swing himself.

"DADDY COME PUSH US, PLEASE!" Abby called out, too, although she was definitely making better progress at getting herself up in the air than her brother.

"PUSH US!" The little boy demanded, getting frustrated with the fact he was getting nowhere with his kicking.

Abby looked at her brother, "Say please." She reminded him politely.

"Oh." David replied before returning his attention to Finn. "PLEASE!" He called out again.

The smile on Finn's face when he truly interacted with his kids was one of Rachel's favorite things to look at. It actually could light up a room. The curves of his lips reached his eyes, which lit up along with his smile. And the dimples may as well be canyons because of how deep they were.

"I'll be right back." He said to Rachel, interrupting her admiration, as he walked off towards David and Abby.

Rachel followed, but did so slowly, admiring the trees and the big field that lay just beyond the playground. It was hard for her to imagine that they hadn't been to a park since their mother passed. At least, they hadn't been with their father. Other kids and their parents may have taken them, but it wasn't the same thing. A child should always have the opportunity to take family trips to the park. To swing on the swings and have their parents push them. To slide down the slide with someone to catch them at the end. It sounded like such a simple request, one that many take for granted. But for this little boy and girl, Rachel could see it plastered all over their faces, this was a trip for the books.

Without letting them know she was doing it, Rachel slipped a camera out of her purse and took candids of them. Of Finn pushing David and Abby laughing and swinging along side them. She'd thought maybe they'd want to capture the memories they were making and, perhaps in the future, fill up the rest of that scrapbook she'd stumbled upon that belonged to Taylor.

Suddenly Abby looked over. "What are you doing?" She questioned, cocking her head to the side in curiosity like a small dog would.

"I was taking pictures!" Rachel said with a smile, walking over to the child. "I thought maybe later you might want to print them out. You look super pretty in them!" The little girl giggled, having stopped swinging to talk to her nanny. "Do you want me to push you?" She offered.

Abby hesitated for a second, clearly deciding if she wanted to do it herself or accept help. After a moment, she shrugged, "Sure!"

Rachel stepped behind her, grabbed the chains on the swing, pulled them back and let go, sending Abby swinging forward. The little girl almost seemed to fly through the air, then she began to descend. When she reached Rachel, she was pushed forward again, flying even higher the next time.

"Thanks for coming." Finn said, still smiling from something David had said. "The kids really wanted you to, and I -" He stopped mid sentence.

Deciding not to press him to finish, Rachel just smiled back, giving Abby another push. "Of course. This is a really great thing to do. They appreciate it so much."

"You think?" Finn questioned, honestly unsure.

Rachel chuckled, shaking her head. "Yes! They're having a blast and we just got here." She confirmed before turning to Abby and asking, "Abby, aren't you having so much fun with your dad?"

Abby turned her head to look at them, her hands still gripping the swing chains. The expression she was giving them almost knocked Rachel on the floor, it was so funny. It was utter disbelief. As if she was wondering who would be so blind as to actually ask that. "Uhh…. Yeah." Was all she said. Her eyebrows still furrowed, she faced front again and began pushing herself again by kicking her this, Rachel assumed she was no longer needed as a swing assistant.

So she took a step back and turned to Finn once more. "Told you." She taunted, crossing her arms and raising one eyebrow.

"Okay, okay, you were right." Finn said, raising his hands in front of his chest. He opened his mouth to say more but David cut him off.

"I want to go on the slide." He whined, looking over at his sister.

She rolled her eyes and then stuck her feet out, letting them catch on the ground and slow her down. "Fine, let's go." Her mouth curved up into a smirk as she stopped and hopped off the swing.

"DADDY." David yelled, turning back to look at Finn and Rachel, who were standing very close, talking quietly. "STOP ME, PLEASE."

Finn looked back over his shoulder at his son who was watching him expectantly. "Alright, I'm coming." He grabbed the chains to the swing and slowed him to a stop. "There ya go, buddy. You two have fun but stay where we can see you."

"Okay!" He yelled before jumping off the swing, grabbing Abby's hand, and taking off towards the play set.

Finn chuckled at them and then turned to Rachel, "Why don't we go over there and sit." He suggested, nodding his head towards the picnic table that was only a few feet from them. He extended his hand, hoping she'd take it.

"Alright," She just looked at his hand, part of her wanting to take it but knowing that she couldn't. After a moment of her hesitation, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and proceeded to the table.

"So." She could have sworn she noticed a tremble in his voice. "About last night."

The flush grew over Rachel's face slowly as she remembered how harsh she'd been. "Finn, I'm sorry -"

Finn cut her off by raising a hand, "Let me finish, please." She nodded, her eyes steadily on his. He continued. "What you said was completely right. I should have never put my children up to that and my excuse that it was the only thing I could think of was lame. It was true, but it was lame. I hope you've seen today that I really am willing and capable of change. I love them so much and I think that had been clouded by my grief over Taylor. But then you came along. It's like you've opened my eyes again and I can see how much I have in front of me."

He kept pausing every couple of words and his fists were clenched so hard that Rachel could see his veins. It was very obvious that it was taking a lot for him to say all of this and apparent he wasn't great at sharing his emotions. Rachel remained patient with him, watching and nodding, encouraging him to continue. At one point he got so tripped up on his words that he had to look away. Once he was able to compose himself, he turned back towards her.

"Anyways… I guess what I'm trying to say is… I hope that you'll reconsider." He took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm done."

Sensing it was her turn to speak, she smirked softly. "Reconsider what, exactly?" Obviously she knew what he was talking about, but since she'd only heard it from the kids so far, she wanted him to ask.

Finn ran his fingers through his hair before rubbing the back of his neck, as he often did when he grew nervous or felt awkward, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

This time, Rachel let her smirk grow into a grin. She started to replied but suddenly there was a loud thump and the sudden sound of someone crying.

"Daddy! Rachel!" Abby's little voice could be heard from the other side of the playground. "David fell!"

Immediately, both Rachel and Finn were on their feet, sprinting across the wood chips. When they got there, David was sitting up against the end of the slide holding his knee. His cheeks were tear stained and there was a trail of snot running from his nose.

"David, buddy, what happened?" Finn asked, kneeling down at his son's side while Abby ran over to Rachel.

"I…. The slide…. My knee…" Was all they could make out between the horribly loud sobs.

Rachel looked down at Abby, who was huddled against her side, "Sweetheart, what happened to your brother?"

"He was trying to walk up the slide - I told him not to! - but he was trying to walk up the slide and he stepped on his shoelace - which I also told him to tie! - and fell over the edge." She wiped her nose which her sleeve as tears began to pour out of her eyes too, "Is he going to be okay?"

Finn turned back to David, "Did you just hit your knee?" The little boy nodded, not letting the death grip he had on his leg loosen up at all. "Can I see it?" David shook his head, "Come on, I need to see how bad it is." David shook his head again. Finn looked up at Rachel who only met his glance with a shrug. He sighed, knowing he needed a creative way to get David to move his hands.

"Hey, buddy." Finn whispered, having thought of something. He knelt closer to his son so they were the only two part of the conversation. "You know how when we play dinosaurs Abby always calls you the baby?" David glared up at his dad, wanting to tell him he wasn't a baby but unable to because he was still crying. "I bet that if you show her how much of a big boy you are and move your hands so I can see it, she'd stop calling you the baby and start calling you the big boy dinosaur." Finn raised an eyebrow, trying to make his rouse sound more inviting.

He'd definitely caught David's attention because the little boy looked up at his sister, who just gave him a confused look in response, then back at his dad. "You think so?" He stopped crying, only adding a sniff at the end of his question.

"I know so." Finn winked.

"Okay…" David hesitated, but moved his hands and leaned back from his wounded knee. It was scraped up pretty bad and there was dirt from under the wood chips smeared all in the blood that was now dripping down his leg.

"It looks worse than it is," Finn explained, calming the panic that was starting to grow in David's eyes as he saw all of the blood. Then he scooped David up in his arms and turned towards the girls. "Well, he's going to live."

"Yay!" Abby screeched, jumping up and down and running towards her dad and brother. "You're such a big boy, David! Good job!"

"Yes, such a big boy." Rachel agreed, walking over to ruffle David's hair with a smile. Sometimes it still shocked her to see how mature Abby was for her age, always knowing what David needed to hear and not being afraid to say or do it.

"I think we should probably head home." Finn suggested, looking at David. The little boy had both his arms wrapped around his dad's neck and was resting his head on his shoulder. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I guess." David sighed.

"I think there's ice cream at home in the freezer!" Rachel exclaimed, squeezing Abby against her side.

"YAY ICE CREAM!" Both kids yelled. Abby grabbed Rachel's hand and took off towards the car, with Finn and David following closely behind.

Once they got back to the house, Finn cleaned and bandaged David's knee. While he was doing that, Rachel was in the kitchen with Abby fixing the bowls of ice cream.

"How many scoops?" Rachel asked, the scooper in hand.

"Hmmm... " Abby thought for a moment. "Two!"

"Two it is!" Rachel smiled.

"Daddy fixed my knee!" David yelled as he ran - well, hobbled - into the kitchen.

"That I did." Finn said, patting the little boy's head as he walked over to where Rachel was standing, still scooping the ice cream. He leaned his back against the counter and watched as the kids both took their seats at the table and began recapping on the day's events. "Well, that was an adventure." He said softly, turning his head towards Rachel.

"It definitely was." She replied with a smile before taking the bowls over to the kids. Once she'd set them down, she returned back beside Finn. "You handled it very well, though."

"I did?" His voice faltered as he avoided her eyes, embarrassed with the sudden show of emotion.

"You did." She assured him, willing him to meet her eyes. "And not just with David, with the whole day." Finn finally let his eyes meet hers. "And my answer is yes."

"Yes to what?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you." Rachel smiled, and this time it was her eyes that went to the ground.

"You will?" Finn asked as he took in a breath.

Forcing herself to look back up at him, Rachel just nodded. Then, with the courage she'd mustered up to meet his gaze, she leaned forward and touched her lips to his. Immediately, his hand was around her waist, pulling her gently against his chest. He grinned as her lips parted slightly to let out a gasp when he moved her. Finn wanted to deepen the kiss, he longed to slip his tongue inside her mouth and explore every inch of it, but his desire was interrupted.

"EW!" David and Abby both yelled.

Rachel pulled away and looked at the kids, her face red with embarrassment that they had seen that. In an attempt to play it off, she walked over to the table and took a seat, sticking her tongue out at the children playfully as she did so.

In response to her action, both of the kids began to giggle. While they were distracted, Rachel turned her head back towards Finn just enough where she could see him out of the corner of her eyes. He was smiling at her with that smile she loved. The one he only really had when he was with the kids. The one that gave her butterflies.

Maybe he really has changed, for good this time.