Emma NEVER married Spinner (UGH). She did dump Kelly though. Sean still went to war and did visit Degrassi once where Sean and Emma said they had 'moved on' but still had that moment that made you wonder if they really did when Snake was taking a picture of them for Sean and Emma snuck a glance at him. But since then, it's been years, Sean never returned even though they said he could. Its been a few years and they've moved on with their lives...right? Wink . Go find out!

"Glad you're back home solider." teased Victoria, running her hands over his strong shoulders and down his arms, taking off his grey hoody with.

Sean grinned darkly, his eyes on Victoria's body when she started unbottoning her little blouse and her C cup breasts popped out from her leopard bra. She was a tanned girl, fit and petite with long brown hair with lighter brown highlights. She was a fox. They were making out in a dim part of a bar in the back.

"Good to be home." Sean said, raising a cheeky eyebrow and smirked as she grabbed his jeans and began to unbotton it.

Ever since..ahem, the end of Degrassi.. Sean decided to come home to Wasaga every time he visited from the Army since his other 'home' didn't work out. He had met Victoria when at this very same bar on one of his trips home, she said she remembered him from Wasaga High, must of been during the time he left Degrassi but he didn't remember her but now every time he visited, she made sure he never forgot her. She was one of the hottest girls in Wasaga.

Now? He was completely finished with the army, and a bright future was ahead with the money he made from it and he got some education while away from 3 years as well. He was 23 now. How time flew by when you were at war... Infact, this was his first night back home since finished the army.

He looked the same, his shorter hair from the army grown back out the way it was his senior year of Degrassi. He also use to rock a small scruffy beard but had shaven it just recently. He was still built, if not more, and he looked like he could stand on his own two feet now without any problems, and that was true.

Sean Cameron turned into quite the man.

Victoria whimpered as she arched his hips against his as he pressed her to the wall and she was as turned on as a cat in heat.

"Take me back to your place." panted Victoria.

Sean stopped and sighed, putting his forehead down on Victoria's shoulder and shut his eyes, "Can't." he admitted and stepped back, buttoning his jeans.

Victoria frowned, "Why not?" she quickly bottoned of her top and glared at him annoyed like.

They've been messing around for years and she understood that trailer home of his parents wouldn't be his home for long, now that he was home for good, but she'd like to meet the parents of the guy who was fucking her for almost two years now.

"Soon." Sean promised, giving her a sincere look that she believed and nodded.

"Fine." she whispered and leaned forward, cupping his face and kissed him.

He pulled back and nodded out the exit door, "I should go. I haven't even stopped by to see my mom yet."

"You should go." agreed Victoria, trying to play the good girlfriend. She'd seen his mother around town when he was off in Iraq. Nice lady, always was, it was her husband that had the bad reputation since he use to be a drunk, infact he was the towns biggest Drunk, but Sean insisted things were different now and his Dad didn't even touch the bottle anymore...but that was a year ago. 8 months ago, Sean's father passed and he only had his mom now.

This was what Victoria swore was Sean's only fear of getting closer to her and letting her meet his mother. . he was probably scared something good would happen (Like his fathers sobriety) and then it'd be taken away. That had to be it.

Sean parked his big blue shiney truck outside his mothers trailer home. She kept it so nice and clean, not like a trailer trash thing, and Sean didn't mind it anymore like he use to in highschool when people judged him upon it. It was pretty cool too living right off the beach.

He gazed at the ocean before he opened the trailer door.

"I'm hooome." he joked lightly, looking around and looked puzzeled. He heard a bunch of drill noises and then it stopped, and it sounded like something fell.

"OH my baby!" came the reply.

Sean snickered and looked around. The living room right next to the kitchen, and as he rounded it, there she was, just getting up from near the sink and stood up to hug him tight.

Sean hugged her back, but eyed all the tools around the floor ,"Jesus mom." he cursed her, letting her go carefully then bent down, picking up all the tools.

His mother was smiling brightly until she frowned and waved it off, "Oh leave it be, I'll fix it later."

"I'll fix it." he taunted, giving her a stern look and shook his head, "You shouldn't be doing this stuff."

"I had no idea you'd be coming home soon!" she insisted.

"Still." he frowned, closing up the tool box and stared helplessly at it, "You're sick."

She frowned more, looking down sadly but nodded. She understood Sean was just worried about her, but she didn't want to feel like that 'old sick woman' .. she wanted to pretend like all was still okay. Though, she had no debate on letting Sean come home and help around the house! OH she missed him so much. It was a shame when Ralph died... her husband had finally been cleaning himself up, everything was going perfect, her son was in the army making something out of himself and Tracker had gotten married last year to a girl in Alberta. He came round lots too. But then Ralph went, and it didn't stop there, she got sick, diagnosed with breast cancer, and then both her boys were gone and she felt lonely... but now! Now there was one thing she kept being excited about, one thing that kept her going and happy..

"When are you gonna bring that girl home Sean?" Linda, his mother, asked. He wasn't sure if it was to change the subject or not but when he saw the twinkle in her eyes, he sighed, knowing she was really excited for it to happen.

"Mom, I just go home." he muttered, turning his back to her and clenched his jaw. His eyes turned distant and he heard her huff.

"That's your excuse all the time! You always visit her but you never bring her up here. Bout time I meet this beautiful girl, Sean. I almost went up there myself." she told him.

Sean turned back looking like a deer in the head lights and he angered, "Don't ever go up there mom." he warned.

She jumped a bit from his anger. He would never hurt her, she knew that, but with the past from his late father...well, you tend to get jumpy from general anger.

Sean sighed sadly and spoke softer, "I just mean, she's probably busy." he stared off again. How could he tell his mom the truth with the state she's been in? He wanted to tell her, so badly. .

"Ofcourse she's busy." Linda snapped at him playfully, swatting his shoulder and then walked to the stove, "She's gotta start planning a wedding." she smirked over her shoulder at him, "You're home for good now! You said you'd finally get married when you returned." she looked up in great wonder and smiled softly, "Oh she's probably just estatic." she turned to Sean, cupping his face, "Who wouldn't be when engaged to this good lookin' boy? Just like your father."

Sean grumbled and half rolled his eyes and then softened. He had to tell her...

"Where's your ring?!" she exclaimed, mouth falling and giving him a disappointed look, "Those rings I gave you were your grandparents prized posession. I hope Emma doesn't treat your grand mothers ring the way you do your grand fathers. It's worth thousands!"

"You could of sold them for something bigger than this place." muttered Sean, eyeing the trailer.

And yea, you heard right. Sean's mother thought he was still with Emma Nelson. Someone he hadn't seen in years. Highschool sweetheart... first love..or whatever... Couldn't of been real love though right? Not if Emma 'moved on' just months of him away in the army then ended up with that Damien or Demitri guy, whatever the hell his name was. She gave up on him, so quickly...so he gave up on her. Moved on? What a crock of shit. He was once in prison for months and stayed hung up on her. Anyways, he hated thinking about that past.. his life was entirely different now.

His heart knotted up each time the women in denial and sickness kept thinking he was engaged to you know who. Maybe it was time to tell her now.

"Mom..." he drifted

She leaned on the wall and put her hand on her heart, her face twisting in .. oh god, was that pain?

Sean stepped forward in panic, "What is it!?" was it her cancer? Was she hurting? Should he call 911..

"I just can't.." she drifted off, and her eyes formed tears, "I can't wait to meet her, Sean." she whispered and smiled sadly.

Sean's chest caved in.

"She's the only girl I ever heard about from you. And you use to be such a charmer." she teased him, stepping back foward and putting her hands on his shoulder, "This is the first girl you ever loved and she's gonna be your last. She's the girl you put your life on the line for, the girl you always found a way back to, and the girl you're now finally going to get married to. I need to meet her soon, before my time is up."

When she spoke those words, and let the tears pour, Sean couldn't stand it.

"You will, Mom." his stomach felt sick but he said through clenched teeth, "This weekend infact."

Her eyes sparkled in happiness.

Sean tried to bare a smile, but he bit the end of his tounge and stared at the blank wall when she brought him in for another hug.


Time to take a trip back to Degrassi...