Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
Chapter 22
The door was opened by a red head Blaise quickly identified as Ginerva Potter, if the newspapers were correct. She opened the door and motioned for him to enter the room. As he walked in, he quickly noticed Harry Potter sitting on an arm chair by Draco's desk. He only took a few steps into the room, confused about the company Draco was with. He knew both Draco and Potter were Aurors, but he had trouble believing they were actually friends.
"How did you get in, Blaise?" asked Draco from behind the desk. Blaise looked from the redhead to Potter to Draco. Draco had the same cold expression on his face that Blaise was used to seeing. He knew Draco well enough to know that he was currently feeling something deeply painful that he tried to cover up with that look.
"I live here, Draco," he smirked. "Or have you forgotten that I still have my own suite at Malfoy Manor?"
"I was trying to forget," muttered Draco.
"Is this the company you keep now?" Blaise motioned to Potter and Weasley. "Your parents must be proud."
"What do you want, Blaise? I highly doubt you came all this way to stand in the doorway and exchange pleasantries with me." Draco summoned a bottle from the cabinet across the room. He poured four glasses and sent three of them to the others.
"Just a place to stay for a few nights while I get some unwanted company out of my home."
"Fine. If there's nothing else that you need, I suggest you go make yourself at home back in your rooms."
"You're choosing Potter's company over mine?"
"I'm choosing work over you, Zabini. I'll fetch you later." He waved his hand as a dismissal. Draco half expected Blaise to curse him or argue. He was slightly surprised when Blaise nodded and walked back out of the door, shutting the door behind him.
Blaise decided not to intrude any longer. He didn't have the energy in him to try to figure out why Draco was having drinks with Potter and the girl Weasley. He was drained, physically and emotionally. Life had led him somewhere he had never wanted to be. He was a pawn in Nott's fight against Potter, which was something he had begun to regret. He still was unsure of how Nott had gotten him to agree to take part in the foul, evil things they had done after the war. Ron Weasley had been a friend to him at first. He had believed Ron to be someone he could confide in, but had quickly learned that Ron Weasley was just as twisted as Theodore Nott.
It wasn't until the last few days that he'd realized how twisted both Nott and Weasley were. They deserve each other, he thought to himself. And now he wondered if he'd be able to confide in his childhood friend.
He wandered aimlessly until he found himself outside in the gardens. It was one of the only places Draco and himself had taken refuge from their parents when they were children. He sat down on a bench in a secluded corner of the garden where he and Draco had become blood brothers at the age of 7. It was a childish muggle thing to do, but they'd become infatuated with the idea of being family, blood forever.
Back in Draco's office, Harry and Ginny sat quietly as Draco poured more liquor for the three of them.
Harry and Draco had just recounted the events of the trip to Ginny. She had listened in disbelief. But in the end, she had accepted what her brother had done to their friend. "What do you reckon we do now?" she asked afterwards.
Draco and Harry looked at each other. "I don't know," said Harry in a quiet, pained voice.
"Do you think he'll-" she stopped, unable to say the words aloud.
"I don't know," repeated Harry. "We have to talk to Kingsley, Malfoy."
"Yea," said Draco. His eyes were fixed on a point over the fireplace. His mind back in the house Granger was confined to. The three of them sat in silence for a while before Ginny spoke up again.
"I have to get going back. McGonagall will have my head if I don't return tonight," she said. She and Harry walked over to the fire place and flooed away without another word to the blond.
Draco poured himself a few more glasses before making his way towards Blaise's wing. He wasn't sure if he was ready to confront his fellow Slytherin yet, but decided to go anyways.
He arrived at Blaise's door faster than he would have liked. He noticed the dusty sign that had read "Malfoy/Zabini" had vanished, but paid no more attention to it than necessary. He knocked on the door and waited patiently for Blaise.
The door opened after a few moments and Blaise motioned for Draco to enter the room. Draco glanced around the room and noticed the toys and broomsticks were gone. The room had been cleaned. He was sure that it had been Pixie, but decided that he didn't care much. Hermione was fresh on his mind. There was no room for anyone else to occupy it.
"Tell me, Blaise, what are you really doing here?" he asked as he took a few steps into the room.
"I already told you, Draco-"
"Yes, you mentioned an unwanted guest in your home. I wonder why you don't simply use your own home's wards against this intruder."
"It's not that simple. I-" he stopped. "I just need somewhere to stay while I figure it out."
Draco couldn't help but notice the tired and anxious look on his friend's face. He felt pity for the man in front of him. "Fine. Fine, you can stay." He turned back towards the door. "I'll be in the master suite if you need me."
Draco walked back out of the room without waiting for any sort of response from Blaise. He'd been holding in his feelings too long. He felt the pain work its way to the surface. It was only a matter of minutes before he'd break down. He was practically running to his bedroom when he got there. In one swift flick of his wand, he shut and warded the door. It was only they that he let himself feel the anger, sadness, and pain he had been holding back. He threw his wand away from him and fell to the floor. He screamed and cried and yelled and finally let himself feel every raw emotion of his heart.
Sorry! Got a burst of inspiration. Next update soon!