Author's Notes:
Hey, hey. So this is my first fan fic in about a good eight or so years but I'll try my best to stay true to the characters and the show. Hopefully I'll be able to update it every couple of days but I don't want to make any promises. Constructive criticism is always welcome. And please, no spoilers in the comments (if you feel obliged to leave one) for those who are yet to watch that episode (as in this week's, etc.). Thanks and enjoy :)
Disclaimer: I don't own anything "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." or in the Marvel Universe, but if they're looking to employ a creative and talented young individual... *hint hint*
Ward just stood there dumbfounded. He couldn't believe what Coulson was telling him. Agent Garrett had been his S.O. and someone he could trust, or rather, thought he could trust up until now. He didn't want to believe it but he knew that Coulson would never lie to him about something like this. The pain he had felt over killing that innocent man was now ten fold, and he wanted nothing more than to see Garrett locked away for life.
Coulson just looked at Ward and knew exactly how he was feeling. Agent Garrett had been his friend for years and they trained in the academy together. He never thought that he of all people would be able to commit such an act. But he had a plan to return S.H.I.E.L.D. to its former glory and restore its good name. And Ward was exactly the right man for the job.
"Look, I know you're upset about this but I have an idea." Ward looked at Coulson, puzzled by what he had just said.
"Sir, with all due respect, I want to see Garrett locked deep down in the Fridge for the rest of his miserable, pathetic life. Preferably in a windowless cell, never to see the light of day again."
"I know Ward, and part of me wants the same but we have a real opportunity here to take down Hydra."
"Sir?" Ward couldn't believe what he was hearing, and from Phil Coulson none the less.
"I've been talking to Director Hand and we both believe it's what needs to be done. Of course there'll be some great risk on your part but you knew that when you signed up for this job. I know it's a big ask and I wouldn't have done so if I didn't think you were capable but Garrett knows that I would never betray S.H.I.E.L.D., particularly after what just happened, so you're our best chance."
Ward needed a few moments to think about it. When he signed up to S.H.I.E.L.D. this was exactly the kind of thing he had wanted to do but he never imagined that this type of mission could be something so personal. He was torn but ultimately he knew that this mission was what was best for everyone.
"Okay. I'm in." Coulson just looked at Ward, he knew this was a huge ask. If this didn't go to plan, he would never be able to forgive himself.
Grant just stood firm, eyes focused on Coulson. "No, it's what's best for everyone, for the future of S.H.I.E.L.D. and for this team."
Coulson had nothing but admiration for his younger agent. "Thank you Grant." He held his hand out and Ward shook it. After a curt smile, he walked off to go discuss the logistics of the mission with Hand, leaving Ward alone with his thoughts.
Skye had anxiously been waiting to talk to Ward, her eyes filled with sorrow as she glanced his way. Once Coulson had passed her she headed straight for Ward, not wanting to make it too obvious that this level of care clearly went above that of just being his Rookie.
"Hey, is everything alright?" Ward could hear the worry in her voice.
"Yeah. Actually no. Can we talk for a second?" He knew the mission would be classified, on a very strict need-to-know basis, but he didn't want to hide it from her. Cautious to make sure no one was looking in their direction, particularly the peeping eyes of one scientific duo, Ward grabbed her hand and led her into a room.
"What's up?" Skye asked, trying to add an air of lightness to the tension filled room. "What did AC want?"
"I really shouldn't be telling you any of this, especially since nothing's set in concrete just yet and it's incredibly top secret…"
Ward didn't want to look her in the eyes when he told her the next part because he knew that deep down it would hurt her. Far too many people had failed and abandoned her in the past and while she may have a tough exterior, on the inside she was just as vulnerable as the rest of them.
"Grant, what is it?" she asked, her tone changing to reflect his.
"I've agreed to go on an undercover mission to help take down Hydra. Coulson knows that Garrett would believe me if I told him that I was a Hydra Operative and so I'm the best chance we have to take down those bastards once and for all."
Skye's heart just dropped, feeling like it was being anchored down. She was not expecting to hear that. All she wanted to do was to argue with him and try to change his mind but she knew that doing so would be futile. Instead she simply nodded and said, "okay."
"Okay?" Ward asked. Skye took a few steps towards him, closing the already small gap that was between them and placed a hand on his arm.
"Look, I know I'm not in any position to argue with you or AC on the stupidity of this mission and in all honesty, I hate this idea because I won't know how things are going or you'll be so undercover that we won't be able to communicate with each other so yes, okay is all I can say for now."
"Skye…" She held up her hand, cutting him off.
"Just promise me something?"
"Don't go and get yourself killed because we'd hate to lose you… I'd hate to lose you."
And with that, Skye grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. When they broke apart, Ward couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle.
"I never said it was a suicide mission."
Skye playfully punched him in the arm trying to deter him from seeing the tear that was now falling down her cheek.
A knock on the door startled the pair. Coulson peered in looking directly at Ward.
"We're ready."
A/N Thoughts? Criticism welcome too :) Oh and sorry it's not as long as other stories but 1000 words in one hit is usually my limit. Will try and make future chapters longer if time permits.