Chapter Eleven

A/N: Alright, so you guys are probably like "What the hell, Thee never puts an author's note at the beginning of a story!" And you're right. I normally don't, because I like to jump into the story right off the bat. But, I feel like I should tell you guys this now; After some thought, I have decided that…

This is the last chapter of this story.

I know, I know.

However, this is not the last chapter for Cassie/Jon. This story was kind of a…prequel to the more dramatic, crazy things I have planned for our lovely couple. Those things will be happening in a story aptly titled, "I'm Not Your Superman, I'm Your Joker". The title was inspired by the Cena/ Ambrose segment on Raw this past week.

So, without further ado, I give you the last chapter of Waiting for Superman. I'd like to thank each and every person reading this, because even if you never reviewed, favorited or followed this story, you've all given me the inspiration to never give up on the story. So, from the bottom of my Ambrose-Loving heart, thank you.

Also, most of this is from a Jonathan point of view. :3

Double also, the unofficial title of this chapter is In Ruins, based on the song by Theory of A Deadman. I highly recommend you listen to it toward the end of the chapter.

Cassie had fallen asleep on the couch after Cassie had forced Jon to watch Season 8 of Supernatural with her, when it was on a marathon on TNT. Jon had no interest in the show, detailing the story of two brothers and angels and demons and something named a Crowley, but he braved through it for the small brunette on the couch next to him. Jon looked down at her and a soft chuckle escaped him. She was snuggled up against his side, her face pressed into his shoulder, her hand a death grip on his arm. He shifted a bit and she muttered about demons. He snickered and stood, pulling away from her. Her blue eyes opened and she looked up at him, obviously half asleep. Her bottom lip jutted out.

"Jon," She whined, reaching for him.

Jon chuckled again and slid his arms around her, lifting the tiny brunette into his arms. He walked upstairs and laid her down in her bed, tucking her in. He fumbled a bit, never having done this sort of thing before, but eventually got it right. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead, promising her that he'd be up in a while.

He headed downstairs and to his kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of Fireball Whiskey off the counter, he grabbed a shot glass. Readying the bottle, he paused as he heard his phone chime several times. He turned and padded over to the spot where his old, cracked, piece of shit iPhone sat and picked it up. He expected it to be Colby, texting him all sorts of emojis as he made sexual innuendos about him and Cassie, because Colby did that kind of shit. Swiping his finger and entering in the password, his eyebrow raised as he saw a number he didn't recognize had texted him.

Opening it, his phone asked him if he wanted to receive a picture message.

Curiousity had always gotten the better of Jon Good. Ever since his days as a kid, where he used to get in a lot more trouble than any young kid should, he had a sort of fascination with mysteries and had always gotten himself into a clusterfuck of trouble because of it.

So, he accepted the request and set his phone down as the picture downloaded.

He poured a glass of fireball and threw it back. Just as he was filling up his shot glass for another round of the burning, warming liquor, his phone chimed again. He turned, muttering, "Every fucking time," before he picked his phone up. "Colby, I swear to God, if this is your retarded ass fucking with me I'm gonna bust your skull in." He muttered angrily, going through the process of unlocking his phone yet again.

Not only was another picture message there, but the one he had been sent wouldn't load so that he could see it without enlarging it. With a rough, frustrated sigh, Jon accepted the download for the other message, and unlocked the first.

What he saw made him stiffen, made his grip on that shitty iPhone in his hands tighten so much that he wouldn't be surprised if he cracked the damn thing more. There was a picture of him and that bitch Danielle.

Her tongue was down his throat, her hand in his pants.

But that wasn't the worst thing. No, not by far.

He was pretty fucking out of it. He could tell that with a glance at his face, at his eyes that were so unfocused he could just imagine what Wasted Jon was thinking about while the slutty blonde was eating his face.

But, again, that wasn't the worst of it.

Jon felt sick to his stomach as he opened up the next picture. His hands began to shake as he looked down at this one, his eyes flying wide open.

They were in a hotel room. Both were naked. She was on top of him, the both of them clearly in ecstasy in front of a full length mirror.

She was taking the pictures. It was like that scene in the movie Horrible Bosses where Jennifer Aniston had sex with an unconscious Charlie Day, where she wants his wife to think they cheated so she used doing a root canal on the poor dude as an excuse to knock him out and put him in compromising positions.

He felt sick. He felt violated. His stomach lurched as he thought about what other pictures she had, what else she could have done. He didn't even remember that night. At all. He didn't remember being in that bar, in that hotel room, getting so fucking drunk, or being anywhere near that skank bitch Danielle. Yet it was right there. It happened.

Oh fuck.


Cass would be heartbroken if she saw this shit. Jon didn't even have a fucking clue when this apparent rendezvous had happened. What if it was when he and Cass were in the beginning of their friendship, on good terms? What if she knew about this shit? What if she didn't? What if she were getting these texts right now too?

His thoughts were interrupted by his phone going off repeatedly, signaling that he was getting a phone call. He looked down at it, seeing that number. With a growl, he left out the back door, standing on his porch as he answered.

"Who the fuck is this?" He snarled out, sounding murderous.

"Jonny, Jonny, Jonny." The sickly sweet sing song voice on the other end of the phone made him more pissed off.

"You dumb fucking bitch. I'm warning you, leave me and-"

"Nah. Sorry, babycakes. Can't do that. Seems like I have some feelings for you. Can't just let you go!" She giggled and then sighed. "Sides. I didn't start this, Jonny. Your little bitch did. Now I wanna show her whose you really are."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Are you psychotic? You really think that getting me drunk and seducing me, while taking pictures, was the way to go about this? She's not gonna believe you."

"You are a real dumb blonde, Jonathan. I don't just have pictures. I have recordings."

There was a pause. Jon swallowed. "Bullshit. You're bluffin'."

The blonde on the other end went quiet, before he heard a loud groan. His eyes flew wide open as he heard his own voice panting. More groans, followed up by "God, I love Summer," in his in his trademark raspy tone.

Holy fucking shit.

"So, Jonny," She said. "You have a choice. You can kick your little bitch out in the morning and end things with her. She'll never know about us-that is until we get together." He stiffened as she giggled. "Or, you can stay on this sinkin' ship. And some very…compromising pictures of your girl will get leaked to TMZ by an anonymous source."

"Pictures?" Jon tried to sound cool and calm, but he could even hear the croak in his voice. "What pictures are you talking about?"

"Well, Jonny. Seems like your girl was a bit of a… model when she was younger." She snickered. "If you can even call it that. I mean I thought her ring gear was skimpy, but what she has on in this photoshoot- she might as well be naked."

Jon paused, swallowing thickly. "Danielle-"

"Yes, baby?"

He flinched. "Can you give me until morning to decide?"

There was silence, then a rough sigh. "Oh fine. But only because you're you. If you were anyone else, I wouldn't even give you the option, you know." When he didn't say anything, she giggled. "Talk to you later, baby."

Then she hung up. Jon slowly made his way back inside. When he got to the kitchen, he saw an adorable Cassie standing there, rubbing her eyes. She looked as if she had just woken up from a long nap. He couldn't smile, though, even at that.

"Where were you?" The sleepy woman asked. He made his way to her and chuckled softly as she blinked wildly.

Sucking in a breath, Jon decided that he needed to tell her. She needed to know and see everything. If he didn't show her, if she didn't know, the guilt would eat away at him.

So, without a word, he pulled up the pictures and showed her.

He watched as Cassie blinked several time. She made her concentrated, thinking face. Her nose wrinkled and her head tilted just slightly, her brows furrowing as she swiped back and forth between the two.

"I remember that night." She murmured. He sensed a tinge of hurt in her voice.

"You do?" Jon's brows furrowed. Her deep blue eyes found his and she nodded.

"Yeah." She murmured. "I'm assuming you don't?"

Jon nodded, raking a hand through his blonde hair. "You assume right."

"Alright." She motioned for him to sit as his kitchen table as she did. They sat down across from each other. Cassie took a deep breath before she spoke. "It was the night that I first started blowing you off, bad. The night you chased me down in the hotel lobby and begged me to talk to you. I told you to fuck off and headed to visit some friends." She shook her head. "Jon, from these pictures, you're gone. You look so fucking drunk that you have no idea what's going on."

"She also has voice recordings." He whispered, ducking his head. He didn't miss Cassie's flinch.

"You were wasted. She seduced you. You were hurt." The tiny brunette Diva shook her head. "I get it. Hell, I woulda done the same thing. I don't blame you."

"She…She says she has pictures from a photoshoot of you. That she's gonna give to TMZ if I don't kick you out tomorrow morning."

There was a long pause before Cassie nodded slowly. "I know what pictures she's talking about." She murmured.

"Are…Are they bad?"

"I was nineteen." Cassie's eyes found the table. She played with her fingers, an unreadable look on her normally open, pretty face. "I was…stupid. I was trying to get myself through wrestling school. I could barely pay for the apartment I was living in at the time." She shook her head. "So, I did an idiotic thing. I took pictures and they got posted on some porn site. I wasn't naked, but damn close." Leaning back in her chair, the brunette sighed roughly and raked a hand through her hair. "I thought they were all gone. The site got shut down a couple years ago. I assumed that they'd just gotten deleted." She shrugged. "I guess not."

Jon was quiet for a moment, letting it all sink in. Slowly, he reached across the table and took her hand. "You were young." He murmured. "We all do dumb shit when we're young. You were in a bad place, and you were vulnerable. I don't think any different of you, Cass."

At his words, she flashed a weak grin. "Thanks, Jon." She sighed roughly and interlocked their fingers. "But what are we gonna do about Danielle?"

"We can do what she wants, or we can go against the psycho bitch and not give a fuck what she does." Jon gave her a wry grin. "I'm diggin' option two."

Flashing a wide crooked grin back, Cassie nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. "I agree. Let's give that bitch a run for her money."

The large blonde man across from Cassie bounded up and walked over to her side of the table. In a second, she was over his shoulder and he was heading upstairs. He grinned broadly and laughed as his ass was given a harsh smack.

A/N: As always, thank you to ChelleLew, writergrrrl and StephanieLockedInTheTARDIS for the always oh so kind and super helpful reviews. (:

The sequel will be up by next week, fingers crossed. Just in case, I gave ya'll this huge chapter from Jonny-Boys perspective to hold you over a little.

Also! Please check out my youtube video entitled The One, for these guys. The link to my channel is on my profile.

Double also! Those of you following my other story, Angel, the second chapter will be up by Friday. :3

Triple Also! Check out the song I mentioned in the beginning and listen to it in the middle-the end. It'll give you a little insight on my writing process. :3

Thanks, guys! This story has been an amazing, fun ride so far, and I can only hope it'll get better.
