#01 (Look Over Here) - "What's Happening There is Also Something of Concern to Me"

Title: "What's Happening There is Also Something of Concern to Me"
Author: Vanity Pimples
Nice x Art
List/Theme: Original 30Kisses #01 – Look over here
Rating: Teen
Any Applicable Warnings:
None that I can think of.
Disclaimer: Don't own.

Summary: Gasquet thinks that his partner's (not) boyfriend is ridiculous. (Set in episode 4)

Art's face when Nice activates his Minimum in front of their cop car to chase a dog for change is worth three tons of gold and twelve packs of high quality beer, if Gasquet could say so himself without getting a deadpan stare and a week of awkward silence.

It's a blatant sign of, "Notice me!"

And Art does, unfailingly.

"No, no." Gasquet says when Art remembers (it happens every one case of ten) Gasquet in Nice's presence. "I'll just stay inside. Old bones," he reasons.

Art gives Gasquet a dubious look, but nods and bounds out of the car and buys Nice a drink.

As always.

Once Art hands off the drink to Nice, the two start… "discussing the case."

With a lot of unintentional flirting mixed in.

Gasquet may not be able to hear through the car's metal sheets, but it's all there in the posture – relaxed but attentive, pointed to one another – and looks – soft in a way that's wholly inappropriate when discussing police cases. It's cute.

Gasquet sighs a little, Ah to be young.

It doesn't take long for the two of them to finish discussing the case, even with their unconscious little courtship, but, before Art can climb back into the car, the door slightly ajar, Nice looks at Art and frowns.

Reaching out, Nice rubs a thumb against the eased furrow of Art's brows down to the purpling flesh under Art's eyes. "Hey," Gasquet hears Nice say, "sleep some more okay?"

Nice kisses, feather light, the bottom of the blossoming, dark crescents under Art's eyes. Art's eyelids flutter – butterfly kisses against Nice's upper lip and nose.

Gasquet refrains himself from slamming his face into the steering wheel.

There is an un-nameable emotion settling in his chest that feels like the unfortunate lovechild of fatherly frustration and amiable amusement. It's quite disturbing. Art slides back into his seat and Nice waves a jaunty goodbye. Art smiles back.

When Gasquet asks, in the middle of a highway – not the best idea –, whether Art and Nice have finally "resolved their UST issues" the two of them nearly get into a traffic accident.

When the car rightens again, Gasquet feels perfectly justified in saying, "My poor, old bones." Although, "my poor, old, rabbit-quick heart – I am going to have some sort of attack" would also be accurate.

Settling heavily into his seat, Gasquet can't help but think that Nice really doesn't need any fancy tactic to get Art to pay attention – simply asking about the status of their relationship apparently distracts Art enough to cause the near initiation of a ten car pile-up.

AN: Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it. :)

Once again, inspired by fabelyn~