AN: Hello dear readers! Welcome to the new story on my profile!

This is a TMNT (2003 series, the awesome series, before Fast Forward) and Young Justice (during season 1) cross over... but I have it here because I don't think anybody actually reads crossovers that much)

This story has been co-written with my best friend Fruityloops :)

Fruityloops and I don't own YJ or TMNT, if we did neither show would have been cancelled only to be replaced by kiddie versions...


Chapter 1


"Oh my head"

"What the shell?"

"Warning: unrecognised life forms detected. Intruder alert."

"Uh, guys? I don't think we're in the sewer anymore."

A naughty cackle was heard not too far off, "You're right Donatello, you aren't "

"Uh dude, u know these... green... tortoises?" Kid Flash asked, scratching his read

"Turtles!" For indignant voices chorused

"Ninja Turtles" Robin supplied with a smirk

"Uhm, do we know you?" The blue-bandannaed, twin katana yielding turtle asked

"No" robin answered "but you will."

"Wait, so theres a huge threat to mankind and you recruit four huge tortoises?"

"Turtles!" The four shouted getting more irritated.

"But also totally awesome NINJA turtles" the one with the orange bandanna said proudly.

"Mikey shut your trap! We dont even know know who they are!" The one with the red bandanna said

"Robin, you are sure that these... turtles... will be able to help?"

Robin nodded, "If I'm not mistaken, and I'm not, they deal with cheese grater man all the time."

"Very well," Aqualad said before turning to their new guests, "I am called Aqualad, and this is-"

"Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian and Artemis. Partners to the gratest heroes in the world!" The one in with the orange bandanna finished excitedly, "This is so awesome!"

The team stared at the speaking Turtle in shock, even Robin seemed surprised

The one with the blue bandanna shrugged, "My name is Leonardo and these are my brothers: Donatello," he pointed at the one with the purple bandanna and bo staff, "Raphael," he pointed at the one with the red bandanna and sai

"And shell-for-brains over here is Michaelangelo." Raphael said, pointing a thumb and the turtle with the orange bandanna and nunchucks who was practically bouncing up and down in excitement

"Can I have all you autographs?" Michaelangelo asked

His brothers slapped their foreheads

"Well good to know we have fans in the sewers too" Artemis said.

"Uhm why exactly are we here?" Dontello asked.

"Wait!" Michaelangelo interrupted, "will we get to meet Batman?" he asked practically glowing with excitement. He received a slap on the head from his brother Raphael for that.

Robin cackled again, "Batman's kind of... indisposed at the moment."

"Dude it is really creepy when you cackle like that." Mikey said

"You see! I'm not the only one!" Wally exclaimed, which earned him a slap over the head from Artemis

Ralph giggled at that, "I like her." He said so just his brothers and Robin heard.

"Better not let Wally hear you say that." Robin told him.

Leonardo cleared his throat, "Sorry but could I please know whats going on?"

"According to Robin, you four are familiar with the villain known as The Shredder, correct?" Aqualad asked

"Shred-head? We kick his butt all the time." Michaelangelo said with a hint of nervousness in his confident tone

"Yes we are familiar with The Shredder, unfortunately, what's he got to do with this?" Leonardo asked

"He has joined forces with a group of villains known as the Injustice League and together they have come up with a plan to take over the world. It is up to us to stop them, but we do not know how The Shredder operates." Aqualad explained

"And I guess that's where we come in." Leo said

"But why aint the Justice League taking care of them?" Raph asked

His brothers looked at him incredulously

"What?" Raph defended himself, "Don't tell me you guys haven't picked up a thing or two from Mikey's incessant chatter about how awesome the Justice League is."

Mikey grinned widely and Raph raised his eyebrow dangerously at him.

Aqualad carried on, "The answer to your question, Raphael, is that the Justice league has been taken captive by the Injustice League and the Shredder."

"You mean... we get to team up with the coolest teenagers in the world... to rescue THE Justice League?" Mikey asked seriously

His brothers swapped glances as Aqualad answered, "That is correct."

"So why... didn't you zap my Turtle Titan suit over here with me?!" Mikey pointed an accusing finger at Robin.

Leo caught Robin's eye and mouthed "Thank you!"

Robin let loose another cackle, "I knew there had to be a good reason why I always wanted to meet you guys."

"I am sorry to interrupt, but we must get started on our mission." Aqualad said.

"I agree." Said Leo.

"Where do we begin?" Donny asked.

"To the control room." Robin said leading the way

"So what do you guys call yourselves?" Mikey asked as they were headed to the control room.

"Huh?" Kid Flash asked

"You know like we are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Justice League is the Justice League. What are you guys called?"

Kid Flash shrugged, "The Team."

"The Team? Seriously?"

"You got a problem with that?" Superboy growled angrily, causing Mikey to shriek and jump 2 meters in the air

"Nope not a problem, no problem at all." Mikey said quickly

Raph smirked