Before you start reading this fic...I have to warn you that it's different. TW: racism. This is just the beginning so please forgive any errors and enjoy!

"Ma'am, you have to calm down."

"My husband has been missing for more than 48 hours and you guys are doing nothing to help me! How do you expect for me to calm down?"

"Ma'am, you will calm down."

Mercedes exhaled deeply, looking at the white police officer in front of her.

"Now may you give me that description again."

"He has green eyes, blonde hair, and he's tall. He has a scar underneath his left eye and-"

"Tall because you're short or is he actually tall?"

"Look, I don't know!"

"And you two are here for vacation?"

"No, we just moved here less than a month ago."

"Okay ma'am. Stay here."

Mercedes wiped her eyes which were wet from tears. She and Hunter had just moved to Lima, Ohio from Chicago less than a month ago and now her husband was nowhere to be found and people kept treating her like she was out of her mind.

"She claims he's a white man, but who does she expect to believe that?" Mercedes heard the officer that she'd just been talking to now speaking to another officer.

Was he serious?

"And why wouldn't you believe it?" Mercedes spoke loudly. "Because I'm black, right?"

The officer glared at Mercedes. "No, I've seen white guys with black girls a few times before. I've just never seen one with a fat one, that's all."

"Are you fucking serious?" Mercedes asked, standing up from her seat. She stalked towards him but another officer grabbed her by her arm. "Ma'am, you don't wanna do anything you're going to regret." He spoke to her and she looked back at the other guy.

"Now go on home now. We have the description and we'll be looking."


"But go on home now!" The officer reiterated.

Mercedes didn't say one more word as she retrieved her purse and headed for the door of the police station. She may have been married to a white man but it was 1928 and it seemed as if people didn't accept this type of thing anywhere.

She always overheard the white people talking down on her and even her own kind looked down on her and whispered as she walked by.

She had overheard black women talking about how she thought she was better than them and how her being married to a white man must have made her think she could walk past them with her head held high as if she was superior to them all.

One black guy had even stepped to her and asked her how it was to be fat and black and married to the American dream. He'd proceeded to grab her and shove her around and ask her about how the white man fucked her and if he whispered dirty things in her ear, about how she would take his white dick because she was only a black nigger bitch who would be used for nothing more than bringing forth children when none of that was true.

She'd told Hunter when she'd made it home and he'd gone out and found the guy and if it had not been for his best friend of nearly eight years, Hunter would have beat the shit out of him for talking to his wife in such a manner. He didn't want to be viewed in that light though so he'd decided that it was best for he and Mercedes to move away instead.

Mercedes' mind was all over the place. She couldn't help but think about Hunter and his disappearing. Where was he? Had he left her because he could take it no longer? The stares, the whispers, being an outcast of so many of his own people?

Mercedes heart dropped as she thought about it all. Would Hunter have really moved them away just to leave her? Maybe he'd wanted to make sure she was safe from the stares and the whispers before he left her on her own.

Walking slowly to their room, she noticed how everything was still out of place and in boxes-even Hunter's things and she was sure that she would never put anything away now.

Climbing onto the bed, she laid down-placing her arm over her head as she cried.

Months would past with Mercedes still in the same position, only leaving the bed to use the restroom. She barely showered, she couldn't, she didn't care, she had nothing. Her family had disclaimed her shortly after giving her hand over to Hunter in marriage so she couldn't call upon them and now she was sure that she'd be alone forever.

There came a knock at the door and she didn't bulge until she heard it again.

Getting up from the bed, she walked slowly to the front door and opened it to find the disrespectful officer whom she had spoken to at the police station months before today.

"We need you to come down to the police station. We think we may have found your husband."

Mercedes nodded her head. "Okay, I'm just gonna put on some clothes and I'll be right there."

Her heat raced as she showered and dressed and as soon as she parked her car at the police station, she jumped out and ran up to the doors.

"Right this way." She was greeted by an officer who lead her to the familiar area where she'd been before.

He opened a door for her and she entered it to see the cop who had come by earlier sitting with a man.

"This man says he's your husband." The officer spoke, pointing at the man and Mercedes stared blankly at the two of them.

"He came into the hospital the other day and said that he was badly injured and he couldn't quite remember where he lived since he'd just moved to this area. Said he may have been robbed and hit across the head. The nurse checked him then called us. Said that he could have very well been hit across the head since they did find a small bruise on his head."

Mercedes still didn't say anything as she looked from the officer then at the white-blonde hair, green eyed man.

"We think it will be best for you to take him home so that he can get some rest because he seems to have been injured pretty badly to not remember where he lives."

Mercedes shook her head at the officer and asked him to step out into the hallway and he simply followed her out into the hallway.

She closed the door behind the two of them and looked up at the man. "All of that is very convincing Officer, but that man is not my husband."

The officer looked down at her, his eyes narrowed. "Look lady, you're just as shaken as your husband and besides, who in their right mind would lie about something like this?" He moved around her to open the door again before entering the room. "You will take your husband home and you will care for him and we will stop by your home daily to check on his progress."

Mercedes shook her head. "I'm not taking him anywhere because that, Sir, is not my husband."

The officer turned to face Mercedes. "Either you will accept that this is your husband and save us some damn work or we will lock you up for false alarm. Now, you have it your way, because if not, I will make sure that you stay in that cell for the rest of your living days."

"Hey! Don't talk to my wife like that." The man spoke up from the other side of the room and Mercedes eyes widened. He didn't even sound like Hunter with his southern drawl.

"I'm not your wife!"

"That's it!" The officer grabbed Mercedes and the man quickly stood up and walked quickly towards the two of them.

"I'm sure she's just shocked." He touched the officer's hand so that he could loosen his grip on Mercedes. "We'll be on our way now."

As soon as they were outside of the station, Mercedes hurried off to her car with the man following close behind her.

"Stop following me!" She said, her voice threatening.

"I'm your husband." The man said simply. "You heard the officer inside."

Mercedes gasped. Was she losing her mind? Had something happened to her during those long months that she'd stayed in that room? Was this man whom she didn't recognize one bit really her husband?

Heeyy! I heard something this weekend that inspired me to write this so I'm writing it. Now you have been warned, there is slight racist remarks in this story. None coming from Mercedes' spouse(s) of course, but this is based on the year 1928 so don't expect this story to be all pleasant. Now you know I have to ask: Did you like it or did you love it?