Disclaimer: I do not own pokémon, what a shock.

The project that is being posted here is a part of a much larger and infinitely more complex fic currently in the works. I'm really digging Amourshipping, and I have a bunch of ideas for fluff, but they have no place elsewhere in the fic despite being an important plot point. All of these stories will take place between The Prologue and Chapter 1. The actual fic will be launched sometime behind it. I plan on detailing more on my profile.

How they came together is something intentionally entirely separate from the X and Y anime. As unfortunate as it is, I don't expect the writers to really go through with anything, anyway.

But for now, please enjoy.

There were many times in Serena's life that she wondered how she'd ever been so lucky. From that one fateful summer camp back when she was seven where she met her childhood crush, to six years later when she traveled with that very same crush all over Kalos, and then finally managing to tell said crush how she felt in the riskiest way possible, and finding out that the feelings she had were mutual. If life was a game of craps, she was rolling seven all night.

And tonight, in his bedroom, she realized she was once again, lucky. The two of them were just lying there, the stars were out, the bedroom light was on, in all but their hats and shoes, just looking into each other's eyes while Serena intertwined her hands with his. It wasn't complicated, it wasn't sophisticated, and it wasn't expensive. But it most definitely was perfect.

"Hey, Serena?" Ash asked her softly.

"Yeah, Ash?"

"That day, back in LaRousse with everyone else, y'know…" He trailed off, not able to finish his thought.

She just giggled back at him. "Ash, how could I forget that?"

"Right." He said a little sheepishly. "Well, I was just wondering, how long had you been waiting to, y'know, tell me?"

"Technically, Ash. I didn't tell you anything." She winked at him.

"Really?" Ash raised an eyebrow. "You seemed to tell me a lot with that 'not telling'."

"Well…" Serena smiled again, causing Ash to smile back. "I guess it's true that actions speak louder than words."

"You mean like this?" He leaned forward and pecked her on the cheek.

"Actually," She tried to stifle her giggling. "I'm not sure what you meant by that."

"Really?" Ash raised an eyebrow in that way which clearly showed he was onto something. "Should I try again?"

"I dunno," Serena said teasingly before she brought her forehead to his own. The contact causing jolts to run up and down her spine. "Usually doing the same thing twice doesn't elicit different results."

"Like I'd give up that easily."

As he closed the distance this time aiming for her cheek, Serena caught him with her own lips. It was nothing deep, but nevertheless, the contact caused Serena's heart to go wild in just those brief seconds. She felt Ash pull away again, resisting the urge to grab him by the back of the head and yank him back where he belonged.

"Well how about that?"

Serena's eyelids came down a bit, looking slightly seductive. "Well, it seemed to make a little more sense that time, but still kind of foggy if you ask me."

"Perhaps you need a better translator."

A wire in Serena's head seemed to have snapped. "Wait… What's that supposed to even mean?"

Ash shrugged. "I dunno, you just said you were having a hard time understanding it."

"But… we're doing playful banter. Are you saying I need better lips?"

"What, no!" Ash let go of one of Serena's hands to hide his own face. "I was just… Gah. Forget I said anything."

"Relax Ash." Serena grabbed his hand with her own before easing it away from his face. "It's clear that you're new to this. So I can let it slide."

Ash was taken aback by that statement. "But, Serena. Aren't you new to it too?"

It took a moment before the words sank in, but when they did, the girl's face went totally blank. Her mouth forming a little 'o' as she realized the obvious. Her face suddenly became very, very warm. She also suddenly found it very hard to look at her questioner.

"Well…" She fidgeted. "I dunno… maybe?"

"Maybe?" Ash chuckled. "How do you maybe when it comes to this?"

Embarrassment levels were rapidly approaching critical mass. "Well, you could..." She buried her face in her hand. "Oh geez."

Okay, my turn. "Relax, Serena." Ash mimicked Serena's earlier actions, as he took his free hand to grab Serena's, this time. he held it like the other. "That doesn't matter to me. Besides, it can be a learning experience for us both, y'know?"

She looked up, still red all over her face, but her growing smile betrayed her embarrassment "Really?"

He nodded as best he could laying down. "Really." He then took the initiative to bring her in close again. "Now, we were just on about-"

He was cut short as the dirty-blonde closed the gap between them; bringing her lips to his once again. Ash went wide-eyed for a moment but that turned into him quickly losing himself in her lips. A moment later, Ash felt his left hand get push back as the weight of a young girl came over him. When he opened his eyes again, he realized that his back was against the bed, and she was looming over him with that smile of her's that would've made any guy in his right mind go crazy.

Ash couldn't help but just smile back at her "So, did you understand that?"

"A bit better than the last two. But I don't know, Ash. I think we're gonna have to work on this some more." She lowered herself down as she laid her head right beneath his chin, her arms wrapping around his back as she snuggled into place. "But you're good for now."

Her heart almost skipped a beat as she felt one of his hands come up and begin to run it through her hair. "Well, okay." He submitted in pseudo-defeat. "But you still never answered my question."

"Guess I didn't, didn't I?" She smiled. "Well, if you want the honest truth, Ash, since the day we started traveling together."

Ash stared blankly down at her mess of hair for a few seconds. "Wow, really?"

"Yeah, pretty much." She slinked down a bit so they could make eye contact. "I've pretty much been crazy about you since that summer camp back in Pallet Town. Sure, it was a childhood crush back then, but meeting you again after all that time, I realized that my feelings hadn't changed."

"Gosh…" Ash looked off to the side of his room. "Why'd you wait so long to tell me?"

Ash felt Serena's hand move away from his back, as she lifted herself up. He looked back to her to see her sitting on his waist with her hands on her hips.

"I tried - all the time - to make you realize I was interested in you. But either I was too vague or you were just that dense."

"Really?" Ash eyed her curiously. "Give me an example."

"Santalune City, after your win against Viola. While Bonnie wanted to play with all the bug pokémon. I worked up the courage to ask if you wanted to go get something to eat. You took it as a casual lunch and invited Clemont with us, as Bonnie stayed with Viola and Alexa."

"Oh. Heheh." Ash rubbed the back of his head. "Now that I realize it, you were blushing pretty hard when you asked."

"I imagine so." Serena crossed her arms. "Here's another. The rhyhorn race we attended on our way to Lumiose City, I baked some cookies for you in the middle of the night."

"Oh, yeah, I remember those." Ash closed his eyes as his tongue threatened to dart out a pinch.

"Well, clearly." Contrary to her disappointment then, Serena could only think back those times and smile. "You were so focused on eating them you didn't hear any of what I said. Had you done so, you might've taken the hint."

"Maybe." Ash considered it. "Geez, I'm sorry Serena, had I known I-"

Ash found himself cut off once again as Serena leaned forward and place a finger to his lips. He looked down to her finger, and then back to the girl who was on all fours over him.

"Hey," Serena spoke in the comforting voice she could manage. "Don't worry about it. It turned out great in the end, didn't it?"

"Well, yeah, but can you imagine had we tried four years ago?"

"I try not to think that way, there's no telling what would've happened honestly." Serena shrugged it off. "Besides, it may seem strange, but oddly enough, your denseness is kinda cute. In that pitifully adorable sort of way."

"Not really following how that works." Ash admitted.

Serena then leaned forward till her nose was just an inch away from his own. "I'll just have to be blunt with you. For instance..." She ran hand through her hair to pull some locks back behind her ear in that cute little way girls do. "Do you want to kiss me?"

Ash - for the fiftieth time tonight - found himself chuckling again. "Yes, yes I do."

Serena came the short distance between him as she pressed her lips against his once again. She felt her eyes close instinctively, and allowed herself to only get more she got into it, feeling the slight forcefulness that he brought to it, but with that sense of holding back at the same time, as if he was trying not to take control. She felt his hand come in and reach into the hair at the back of her head while her one of her own reached for the side of his face. She pulled back just for a brief moment to catch some air - feeling Ash lean forward in protest - before coming back for more. The longer they went on, the harder it was for either of them to stop. Serena's heart fluttered like a newly-evolved Beautifly.

When they finally broke away, Ash immediately broke into a coughing fit, hanging his head over the side of the bed as his lungs struggled.

"Oh my gosh." Not sure what was going on, Serena just crawled over him and patted him on the back. She had no idea if it actually helped, but she had seen other people do that when their friends were coughing so it was worth a try. "Are you okay?"

"Ack!" Ash said, appearing to have gotten the last out of his system. "Y-yeah, I think so."

"Did I do something to hurt you? Was I pushing on your lungs?"

Ash turned to look at her. "No, nothing like that, honest." A hand went to rub the back of his head. "I just… I…"

The pieces came together in Serena's head. "Did you… forget to breathe?"

"Heheh…" Ash's face turned a deep crimson. "Maybe?"

"Oh, brother…" Serena's palm found its way to her face.

As embarrassing as it was for the trainer, and normally would've jumped at the chance to defend himself, he shrugged. "What can I say, Serena. You just take my breath away."

Her index finger shifted to reveal her right eye behind it. "These puns are horrible."

His smile only grew wider. "I guess so, perhaps I should be punished." His eyes opened half way. "Eh?"

"Oh my..." Serena brought her other hand up to her face to facepalm even harder than she just did. "Please tell me you're done."

"For now." Ash lifted himself up to come eye-level to the girl. "But you never know when another one might strike."

"Oh boy," Serena wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. "I guess I have to be standing by with the sigh of disappointment."

"Perhaps." Ash said slyly. "Or you could play along, you might find it fun."

Serena, once again, smiled in that way she only knew how. "I think I'll pass for now."

Not finding anything else to say, Serena realize it was a perfect excuse to once again dive forward and put her lips on Ash's. This time however, Ash remembered to breathe as they went, and could more appreciate the softness of Serena's lips for it.

When they stopped who-knows-how-long later, Ash found himself sighing as he fell back onto the bed.

"Well, I'm beat." He said casually. "I hope you're even half as ready to sleep as I am."

"Aww." Serena said playfully as she put her hands on her hips. "And here I thought we'd just sit here and talk until morning comes."

"Well that just sounds exhausting in itself." Ash grinned

He received a jab in the shoulder for that.

"I was only joking," Ash said as he covered his assaulted area in reflex.

"I know." Serena smiled at him, before rolling off of him. "But you still deserve it."

"Maybe…" Ash said as he crawled over to the end of the bed where the steps down to the floor were, leaning over towards the door where the switch was. "Hey, did you want to change into something more for sleeping?"

"Hmm? Oh, not really." The girl yawned audibly as the lights went out. "One night isn't gonna kill me, y'know?"

"Yeah, I getcha." Ash crawled back over onto it and laid down next to Serena as he looked up at the ceiling, knowing full well that if he faced the girl, he'd have a hard time closing his eyes. "Well, goodnight, Serena."

Out of the corner of his eye, Ash watched as Serena scrambled over to place her head right above his shoulder snuggling in, her nose pressing on top of his ear for a moment, she whispered playfully to him. "Goodnight."

I've been doing fanfics for a while, but this is my first time doing any fluff. Hope it wasn't too much of a disappointment, I've already got ideas and some drafting done on the next one, so let's see where this goes.