Frodo Baggins walked through the empty hallways of Gondor High School.

It was his first day and he was feeling particularly twitchy without his fellow hobbits.

He reached his new locker, spun the combination dial…


Three other hobbits came tumbling out of the cramped space, grinning broadly.

"So did we scare you?" Sam Gamgee asked.

"Not the least bit amusing guys! Next time you gotta try harder!" Frodo teased.

"Oh come on, we didn't?" Merry and Pippin questioned, looking slightly crestfallen.


The first bell was due to ring any second, but the hobbits are still having trouble finding their homeroom.

"Sorry…excuse me…but where's..?" The hobbits struggled among the crowd of students flooding the corridors, desperately asking for help.

"WHERE'S HOMEROOM NUMBER NINE?!" Merry yelled in sheer frustration. All the other students turned to look at him.