Me: Hey peps, so this is the last chapter to this short story!

Naru: Don't you feel awkward writing this stuff?

Me: No.

Gene: Why?

Me: Because I was in pain, moody, and very pissy when I started, and continued, writing this and I wanted to see what my favorite heroines would do in my situation. This story originally was supposed to be a distracter, but then I was like "Hell, may as well post it." I never expected to get the response that I did. Now I've very glad I posted it cause I got to talk to a lot of people and became pretty close with most of them. So to all my readers who stuck with me for as long as they have I would like to say thank you. *bows deeply*

Mai: Silver doesn't own Ghost Hunt.


"Madoka, can you please get off me." The onmyou-ji asked, holding up his bags of goodies from the woman who had just attacked him and was currently clinging onto his legs. Reluctantly, she let go and instead opted for bouncing up and down like a little kid waiting for their turn to meet Santa.

"Did you get them?" she asked, trying to get a look at what was in the bags. A sly smirk came over Lin's face as he handed her on of the bags that held things that were just for her.

"You mean these?"

"Thank you!" she exclaimed, jumping up and kissing him on the lips before she tore into the bag, getting out the tub of ice-cream.

"What's with all the other stuff?" Monk asked, glancing from the remainder of the bags in his arms to the woman who was now shoving large spoonful's of triple fudge chocolate ice-cream in her mouth.

"Get the twins and you'll see." With that said, Monk and John went into the twins' safe haven and pulled them out so that they could join the group.

"What is it?" Naru asked, obviously not happy about being dragged out of his office when there were tick time bombs waiting to go off at a moment's notice.

"Yeah, what's going on Lin?" Gene added, looking at his mentor and long term friend with just as much curiosity as he had earlier before Lin had even left the office. Smirking at the men in the office, all except for Yasu that is since he was smart enough to figure it out on his own, he crossed his arms and nodded over to the girls.

"You wanted to know what was wrong with them correct?" he asked, watching as all the men nodded in agreement. The Chinese man smirk widened at this and he turned away from the males with an air of superiority. "Watch, and learn."

Starting with his display, he went to the kitchen and made a batch of tea with one of the brands that he had picked up from his trip to the convenience store. After preparing a quick cup he took it in his hands and walked over to a certain brunette's desk. Upon getting there he could see that she was now working on sketching the innards of a corpse with a zombie eating said innards. It was a strange style for the girl, but he couldn't deny that it at least looked good if nothing else.

"Mai." He said, being the only brave one that day to disturb her of their own free will.

"What." She snapped, looking up at him through her bangs with a glare that startled even Naru a tad bit. Lin however wasn't fazed and instead set down the tea cup her made.

"I made you some tea, would you like some?"

Her cinnamon eyes looked up at his grey ones in surprise and a smile soon took its place as she took the cup from the center of the desk. "Thank you." When she brought the cup to her lips and took a sip her eyes widened, and then her typical wide and bright smile stretched across her face. "It's good!"

"I'm glad you like it." He said, sighing a bit in relief to see the bubbly young girl acting like she usually did.

"Yep, thanks Lin-san." She said cheerfully, going to her papers to file instead of her drawing as she began her usual tasks. The men stared at her in awe before turning their attention onto the man before them that caused this miracle to happen.

"How-" Monk began only to get cut off by a spoon pointed at him by a certain pinkette.

"Just wait, there's more." She said, changing from the ice-cream to the M&M's cookies as everyone returned their attention to the onmyou-ji with a new found interest. Said man sighed at Madoka's overdone interruption before turning his attention to the closes girl next to him which just so happened to be the golden eyed girl withering in pain.


"Yeah, Lin?" she asked, all her energy drained from the pain she was in. Lin took in her surroundings and saw the bottle of Advil that was lying on top of her desk and worry filled him.

"How many Advil did you take?" He asked, taking the bottle and reading the contents of the over the counter medication.


"How long ago?" he asked. She looked up at him from where she laid, but then picked her heavy head up off of the desk to look at the clock before bringing it down with a thump on the polished wood surface.

"An hour or two."

"Any relief?"

"No." she cried, tears slipping from her eyes and making the oldest twin jump in surprise. Lin gave her a look of sympathy before pulling out a little pad and a piece of cloth.

"Try this." He offered, plugging in the pad and placing it on her back. He held it on her lower back and then tied the cloth around her waist so that it would stay in one place. Kaguya being in too much pain to care just sat there as her father figure fastened the strange device onto her. Suddenly her back began to get warm and instantly her pained expression turned into shocked and then finally relief. Lin took notice of this and smiled down at his 'daughter'. "Feeling better."

"Yes, you're magick Lin. Pure magick. Thank you." She said, crying a bit out of relief from being pain free for once the entire day. Sighing at her, he patted her head only to be taken into a hug by the ailment free young woman.

"Thanks." Gene said, looking at his girl, relieved that she was no longer in pain. Once Lin got free from the embrace he made his way over and patted his eldest charge on the shoulder.

"Take notes for when I'm not there." He said, watching as Gene pulled out a note pad and pencil ready to write down whatever he did.


"Ayako, Masako would you two also like some tea, maybe some fruit too?" he asked, addressing to two women sitting on the couch. Both looked up when their names were called, wondering what the magick man would have for them.

"That would be nice." Ayako said, stretching her hands up as she tried to get even more comfortable in her seat.

"Yes please." Masako said, sniffling a bit as she tried to calm down from her last episode. Lin nodded at their agreement to his offer. He went into the kitchen and very soon after emerged from there with two tea cup filled with the same amber colored liquid that he gave Mai as well as a large bowl of fruits mainly filled with blueberries and strawberries.

"Here you are."

"Thanks, these are good." The priestess said, taking a strawberry and placing it in her mouth before taking a sip of her tea. Instantly her glow from her skin seemed to come back as she relaxed into a more sophisticated pose from what she was originally in before.

"Yes, the tea is also very nicely made, Thank you." The once crying medium said, completely calm and back to how she usually is in and out of the office.

Once again the men stared at him as he continued fixing the girls' strange behavior with only offerings of food and drink. A slight groan from the side alerted him of Chiaki and her back pain as Yasu tried to rub it and make her feel better. Smirking at the only other man in the group to figure out what it was that was happening to the girls, he decided to address him and leave the poor girl alone.


"Yeah?" the ash haired boy asked, looking up towards him as he continued to try and get the knots out from his girlfriend's back.

"Put this on your hands and rub it into her back."

"Okay?" he questioned, not putting up a resistance as he squeezed some of the substance onto Chiaki's back and then began to massage it in like he did before.

"That feels nice." She sighed, leaning into his touch as the lotion on his hands began to warm up and release the tension in her body. Seeing the instant effect of the ointment, Lin pulled out his headphone and IPod before kneeling down next to her.



"Listen to this and sleep, you need it." He said, offering her the items in his hands. She looked at him and smiled happily taking them and putting them over her ears, blocking out all of the outside noise.

"Thanks." She muttered, closing her eyes and promptly falling asleep right then and there.

"Madoka, are you still good?" Lin asked, shooting a look over at said woman who was now done with a quarter of the tub of ice-cream and was already polishing off her third cookie.

"Yep, I will be until we need to go." She replied, taking the last bite before picking up another one and beginning on that. The Chinese man nodded at this and started to return to his office when Monk's voice stopped him.

"Wait, I still don't get it."

"Same." Gene added, nodding his head in agreement to the monk's statement moments before.

"Seriously, you guys don't get it?" Yasu asked, giving them a look of pure disbelief, not understanding how they still didn't get it even after Lin had fixed all of the girls' problems.

"I'm sorry, but no." John said, rubbing the back of his head as a confused smile was placed on his face.

"We're on our periods dumbasses." Ayako stated, no longer caring for the discrete, or in this case not so discrete, way of saying what it was that was wrong with them. All the males in the room, minus Lin and Yasu, stopped for a moment as that fact settled in.

"All at once?" Monk

"Yeah, we synced up somehow." Madoka

"So all this shit is over just a period?" Naru asked, a look of pure disbelief and annoyance clearly displayed on his face. Immediately after he said that all the girls tensed and tried to hold their tongues for what they were about to say. However, that would prove to be very as they heard the rest of what the men had to say about this topic.

"Yeah, I thought they were dying." Gene added, a little annoyed at how worried he was about Kaguya when it was really no big deal to begin with.

"Talk about a big scare over a little mouse." Monk sighed, shaking his head at all the worry he had over nothing.

"Just a period?" Mai questioned, being the first out of the many women in the room to break from the harsh criticism given to them by the males of the group.

"Bad move." Lin stated, standing off to the side, shaking his head at the idiocy that the younger men had made in making those statements.

"You guys, when women sync up with their friends they should be treated as a gang because that is literally how dangerous they are." Yasu said, throwing them a look of dread mixed with amusement as he awaited for the disaster that was just waiting to happen.

"A period is just the uterine wall refreshing itself. It's nothing to get upset about." Naru stated, relaying the definition of what it was from his biology text book back in seventh grade.

"Yeah, noting to get upset about. It's just a period, just a fucking chainsaw in our gods' damned uteruses!" Mai shouted, jumping up from her seat as she pointed to said uterus with her face completely red. Whether it was red out of embarrassment or anger no one knew, but none the less it shocked and startled them at the reaction they had unknowingly provoked.

"Do you know what cramps are? They're when our bodies cut off the blood flow to our sex organ." Ayako informed, making all of the guys turn white at the thought.

"So in short it does try to kill itself." Masako said, shuddering a bit as she rested her hand delicately over her tummy.

"It's just a little blood." Gene stated, crossing his arms as he tried to understand the big deal about the whole thing.

"A little blood." Kaguya asked, her smile twitching a bit as the words that Gene said circled throughout her mind.


"This morning I woke-up in a puddle of my own blood. Is that how you want me to end yours?" She asked, cracking her knuckles as a murderous aura surrounded her while completely contradicting the bright smile that was displayed on her face.

"N-no." he stuttered, putting his hands up defensively as he backed up away from his girlfriend slowly while then quickly hiding behind his brother who huffed at his fear of the women in front of them. Unfortunately it was caught by none other than the cinnamon eyed girl whose temper burst out all at once.

"Shut the hell up! I don't care if you took AP Biology or AP English. You will never know what a period is." Mai stated, aiming her words at a certain narcissist who flinched a bit at them and the glare that the brunette was sending him.

"No uterus, no opinion." Madoka added from her seat over by the kitchen, watching with a smirk as it all went down.

"I second that." Masako said, nodding in agreement to the older woman's words as she too decided to stay out of the argument since the other women seemed to be doing just fine without her help.

"You don't have to go all crazy about it." Monk defended, pouting a bit at how the girls were reacting to them even though he supposed that they did deserve it just a little bit.

"Oh, we're sorry. Then how about for next moth you guys just get us pregnant and we won't have the less than a week of craziness. Instead it'll be nine months of it and we'll have a baby at the end of it." Ayako stated, making all of the guys go white at the shear thought about it. Already one day was driving them up a wall, none of them could even imagine having to deal with this for nine months. Seeing the boys' reaction Madoka giggled and drew the girls' attention onto herself.

"Yeah, maybe then our uteruses will stop having temper tantrums." Madoka said, making a joke about it that made all the other girls chuckle a bit at it and how true it was. Once they calmed down though and gave the boys a chance to consider their options Mai turned to face them with her arms crossed and a smug smirk placed on her lips.

"Any other questions?"

The boys all looked at one another, not sure if there was anything they could ask without the girls lashing out at them again. A few minutes went by with the men in silent pondering until one of them got a wonderful fool proof question that would hopefully put all of this behind them. Sighing at what he had to do, the narcissist looked into the eyes of the brunette and braced himself for whatever outcome this question would bring.

"Would you like us to keep a nice large stash of chocolates in the kitchen for you?"

Me: And there you go!

Naru: Lame ending.

Mai: Shush you!

Gene: I agree, it was a bit lame.

Me: *pouts* I thought it was funny.

Mai: Please review for the last time on this story with a special thanks for reading this story all the way through!