A/N I thank you for the reviews I love them all. Laure you're keeping my spirit alive. I do however have to apologise as this may be the last chapter till Friday because I'm staring back at college and we are having a fashion show at work which i have to make a bambi meadow cake for but i will try my best to update.

Colette lay on the hospital bed dressed in a gown as she looked at Guy while she got a pelvic exam after getting bloods done. All morning she had been nervous and had barley stopped for a second. So Guy had to force her to sit down at some point. Looking over he smiled at her as he reached over taking her hand in his hand and kissed her on the forehead. He knew just how uncomfortable she was because all through breakfast she had rambled about just how uncomfortable and sore they could be.

"Alright Ma'am I can indeed confirm you are defiantly pregnant about nine and a half weeks. That makes you due about January tenth. Would you like an ultrasound?"Spoke Dr Kay.
"Yes please and can you print four or five pictures please." Said Guy wiping away the tears off well Colette wasn't too sure what she was feeling but he wiped the tears away.

Nodding still nervous that he was treating tow out of the three bosses, he pulled over the machine and squirted the gel on to her stomach. Colette gasped at the coldness of the gel as well as the pressure of the wand and they turned their heads towards the screen. Both of them were lost for words as they seen their baby on the fuzzy machine screen and heard it's heart beat fill the room. It truly was an amazing sensation and feeling to see and hear your baby for the first time.

Once she was cleaned up and into her suit Dr Kay gave them the five print outs of the sonogram and told her he wanted to see her every month because of her stressful job so to make an appointment. Armed with the pictures a few leaflets and a list of vitamins she had to start taking as soon as possible they headed to their office. As soon as the door was closed Guy took Colette into his arms and kissed her deeply. Colette laughed at just how excited he was she wrapped her arms around her neck. Truth was she wasn't sure just how to feel about this baby.

"We should tell Zosia." Whispered Colette
"I can go get her now and we can talk to her now if that's okay with you?"
"Yeah before I chicken out or Dr Kay blabs.

Nodding he kissed her one last kiss and left the office to go and find his daughter. It took Guy over twenty minutes but finally Arthur told him she was at the cafe on her break. Finally spotting her in the cafe he walked over to her and asked her if he could speak to her in his office. Zosia agreed reluctantly and followed him into the elevator and into his office where Colette was sitting on the couch. Zosia had a bad feeling about this. It felt like getting called into the bosses' office when something bad had happened.

"What's going on? I've done nothing wrong." Said Zosia.
"I know, take a seat Zoshie." Spoke Guy and Zosia say down beside Colette.
"What's this about?"
"This wasn't planned in any way and we're happy about it even if it was an accident..." Rambled Guy
"Oh my god you're pregnant aren't you? Really at twenty five use are going to make me a big sister. It's great for use's really it is but I can't ... I need time. This it just wow."
"Take as much time as you need" Spoke Colette for the first time.

Zosia nodded and walked out the office and slammed the door closed behind her. Colette sighed and looked up at Guy defeated. Looking at the time she realised she should be on the ward, she smiled at Guy and went to get back to work.

Zosia and Arthur sat together in the locker room on their break because it was the only private place they could find. She was sitting next to him shoulders touching still and quiet as she played with his fingers. Arthur had no idea what to say. I mean what do you say to someone who just got told that they were going to be a big sister at the age of twenty five.

" I know you're not happy Zosia but everyone deserves the chance to be a mum. Is there any reason your mad other than because your twenty five and getting a sibling?" Spoke Arthur gently.
"I know and she deserves to be one. I mean she'll be a great mum. I guess it's just the age difference and I guess I was just shocked."
" That's reasonable I mean who would be but Zosh it's a beautiful amazing miracle and you're its big sister."
"I know you're right. I should go back to work so I can leave on time I need to go to dads tonight. Thank you Arthur I love you. Oh...I have to go." Rushed Zosia leaving before he could reply.
"I love you too."Called Arthur.

Colette sat beside an eardly lady who was headed to get an MRI scan that Guy had ordered. The lady was worried and a little apprehensive about it because of the small space and she was costraphobic. Smiling at Guy as he approached them and she stood up. Guy explained that they were going to take her down for her scan which meant a ride in her lovely bed and that himself and lovely nurse Sherward were going to stay with her. Mrs Tempi felt so much better as they began to wheel her into the elevator. Once in the elevator Mrs Tempi took a hold of Colette's hand and sighed nervously.

"So Dr Self how long have you and beautiful Nurse Sheward been married?" Questioned Mrs Tempi
"Oh... we're not married." Smiled Colette.
"Not yet anyway." Smiled Guy as they pushed her along the corridor.
"Well, young man, I suggest you get her a sparkly ring."
"Right Mrs Tempi this is as far as I can go but Dr Self will be in there with you and I'll be in the next room you'll see me through the glass."

Colette smiled as she looked at the "No pregnant staff beyond this point" sign. They went into the room and Guy had Mrs Tempi smiling the whole way through the scan as he told her stories about Zosia's child hood. It was all Mrs Tempi could do not to laugh. Finally they slightly shaking lady was getting wheeled back to the ward. Just as they got Mrs Tempi comfy Zosia was asking Colette for help with a patient and she was there within seconds.

Later that evening they were in the kitchen doing the dishes when they door bell went. Confused at who would be at their door at half past seven unannounced Guy pressed a kiss to her head and went to answer the door. Colette heard voices and immediately recognised the other voices as Zosia and after a few minutes she was called to come through to the living room. Now her turn to be confused she set down the dish towel and went into the living room sitting beside Guy.

"I'm Sorry about earlier" Apologised Zosia.
"It's okay Zosia we can understand your reaction" Spoke Colette
"It's not okay. I said I'd work on things and i acted liked a spoilt brat."
"Can't disagree there." Said Guy
"How about re-start working on things from here. All of us?"
"Good idea to me." Said both Guy and Zosia
"Actually Colette can I talk to you alone a minuet?"

Colette nodded and sent Guy out of the living to going finish the dishes from dinner. Guy huffed and joked about getting chucked out the living rooms so they could conspire against him. Laughing Colette threw a pillow at him, hitting him square in the back of the head. Zosia smiled at just how happy they seemed and laughed as her dad left moaning but quickly came back and kissed them both on the head before leaving once again.

"what's up Zosh?"
"I told Arthur I love him."
"Well do you?"
"Yes but we're just supposed to be a casual thing."
"You need to tell him Zosh exactly how you feel. If you don't you'll both end up hurt. He loves you Zosh everyone can tell."
"Promise me telling him is the best thing."
"I promise now go get your man."