Starting a new fan fiction, this should be interesting I'll answer some questions about what happened in this chapter, Thank you for reading and remember, if I owned either of these franchises I would be living in a castle built specifically for me!

Chapter One: Warnings are for Losers

Harry potter sat deep within the expanses of the library at Black manor. Harry, now of the tender age of 23, had finally moved on from his godfather's unfortunate passing. Sipping on some tea as he read some obscure book in the library he stumbled upon an interesting passage.

The Dimus spell is a technique that was created by Greek philosophers to aid in traveling, it later fell out of use when the apparation charm was created and the lengthy preparation time was unnecessarily time consuming. Nonetheless this creates a distinct advantage to all who using this spell as wards are directly built to stop Apparation.

To perform the spell one must meditate first, reaching an entire state of calm or something similar to splinching will take place. After your body is in a complete relaxed state you must take your wand and slash the air in front of you whilst yelling Dimus, after this you must go forward (A run would be best) directly into the area that you just slashed. You will enter an in between area in which you must choose where you would like to go, just will to go somewhere and you will appear, albeit roughly, at your destination.

Many philosophers theorized that this was, in essence, creating a portal that you can travel through to reach your destinations.

WARNING: Do not attempt this spell-

Harry stopped reading this as the text was starting to slightly bore him and his thoughts of what he could do with this spell led his thoughts elsewhere. Deciding there was no place better suited to test this than Hogwarts, he quickly left the study and ascended up to his meditation room.

His meditation room was a small and sparsely decorated room, so as to not provide distractions. In the middle of the room sat the mat that he used or meditation when his memories, nightmares, or righteous fury about something or another got the better of him and he needed to reign in his thoughts and emotions.

Quickly sitting down and crossing his legs he smoothly and easily entered his mind scape seeking the room in his mind palace that he had devoted to simply calming him down. Once he was completely sure that he was as calm as was humanly possible for him, he spoke (or yelled) the "magic" word.

"DIMUS" he shouted with a rather aggressive looking slash in front of him. As expected he saw an eerie blue rift in the space in front of him.

Grinning slightly at his first attempt being a success he stepped through the portal that he had crated and was whisked off into space.

Harry first knew something was wrong when he didn't stop. He had gone through the portal and all he could see were flashes of events that were happening around the world. Finally he stopped moving (or is it they stopped moving) and began to will to transport to Hogwarts.

Harry never knew he never made it to Hogwarts as he was thrown headfirst into the airlock of the SSV Normandy and promptly blacked out.

And there it is, sorry this is so short, this just seemed like a good place to end it for now.

-Harry is not arrogant, just the typical Gryffindor we all love.

-When he entered into the portal he was being rash, and running into situations he knows little about.

-His soul, mind, and magic are all battered from the war. Between Phoenix tears and Basilisk venom that certainly messed with his magic, sharing his body with Voldemort, yep damage to the soul, and having the hopes of an entire country weighing down on you do some serious damage to a developing teen.

-Whew sorry for that huge run on sentence.

-Those flashes were actually what his life would have been like up to the point in time that he arrived in, if he hadn't performed the spell.

Thanks for reading and sorry this chapter was so short, but this is a vital point in the story. I already have great plans for it. And I have to go before I start sounding like Dumbledore.