Oh gee, it's been forever, and I left it as a crazy cliffhanger ahhh!
Umm..hello? Anyone still here? I sure hope so. So happy seeing how much TWAU grew, I remember our little fabfic paradise only had 13 stories. (I know this cause my 'Seeing Red Again' fanfic was the 13th. I got excited about that because 13 is my 2nd favorite number lol!)
anyways, since it's been a long time I made this chapter short so i can ease my way back into writing again as well as the inspiration. That being said, I read my entire story so I can do just that and realized my writing was wayyy worst than I thought. So I'm gonna be rewriting the entire story to make it better.
I am so sorry to all my followers and readers that have to bare my terrible grammar. I'll do my best to fix what i can. If you still see a mess, let me know.
It could take me time to do so though, you know why?...remember my last note guys? Guess what?
I'm making myself cry saying that gah!
Never have I felt this way, my baby boy is my everything.
Without further ado, please enjoy!
Chapter 27
Bigby was alone in the cell, sitting in the dark corner where the light from the single bulb couldn't reach. His head down and his elbows resting on his knees while his back rested against the wall, lost in thought of the turn of events.
He thinks back to the wicked grin and the deceiving eyes of the Cheshire Cat, the fable who impersonated Red, wondering why she was disguised as the hooded girl, and where the real one was.
"Is Yvette involved in this?" He asked himself thinking it over and over.
It could be possible that the auburn haired fable and Cat were in on this plan, to lock him up and hide Red away. He grew mad by the thought, his hands would clench each time he replays the scenario in his head, hating how this possible said plan seem to succeed in their favor.
The smug look on Bluebeard's face, the disgust from the asshole Crane, even the cold voice from Snow White as she gave him his sentence.
'Bigby Wolf, for the crimes you have committed, you are to be locked up and isolated in the Woodland cells. Where you will be kept away from the mundies, from the citizens of Fabletown, and away from Red Riding Hood, until further notice…'
"Damnit, this can't be it." Bigby slams his fist on the wall to his right.
This situation could only fix itself if Red would tell the truth. He thought to himself.
Red, the girl who's only been and stayed in the back of Bigby's mind for centuries, made his world, his life revolve around her. He thinks back to the old days in the homeland, when he saw her and purposely stood in her path, how he wished he could have just let her be in order to avoid all of this mess.
Yet somehow he knew it could have never been avoided, their paths would eventually have crossed later on in their long lives, whether he liked it or not.
Bigby closes his eyes and pictured her that day, white dress, brown corset, white flowers in her hair. She was younger but still beautiful back then, big emeralds that would always look his way with a smile..
"Look Mr. Wolf! The wild flowers are in bloom!"
Bigby covers his eyes with his left hand, pinky and ring finger resting on his closed eyelid while his thumb, middle, and index finger gently rub on his forehead, as if simulating the old memories to surface.
He remembers how him and Red walked the path all morning, talking, laughing, enjoying themselves. How he felt something warm grew in his chest each time her voice spoke sweetly to him, the happiness and joy lingering on her unique scent, unafraid of him, how he was surprisingly comfortable with her the entire time.
When she gently tugged on his fur to edge him closer to the field of flowers, his heart suddenly fluttered by the touch.
"We should rest for a little while and enjoy the flowers Mr. Wolf before we go one any further." She smiles up at him and lead him to the center of the open field where they were surrounded by wildflowers.
He was confused by the feeling brewing inside, and grew more confused when he felt a strange loss when she removed her hand and sat down on the ground.
She asked him to join her, but Bigby's mind was conflicted. He remembers how he had a battle within himself, wanting nothing more but to stay with her longer and get to be better acquainted. But also knowing how starving he was and how anxious he was to go to the house of her Grandmother, however his battle was soon forgotten when the young beauty opened her basket and offered him food.
It was just a small loaf, one of the many she carried. When she broke bread and offered the larger half to him Bigby hungrily accepted, her bell like giggle filled the open field as he gulps it down. She reaches over to his neck and pets him with affection.
"Slow down, or you won't taste the bread and enjoy it." She said to him.
To this Bigby remembered how he simply chuckled and looked up at her, "What I enjoy more is the company of a pretty girl such as yourself."
Red blushed at that, "R-really? Thank you Mr. Wolf."
She looked down to her bread, appearing to be thinking until she offered her piece to Bigby. She giggled when He licked her hand, tasting her flesh while doing so. It was sweet and soft like he thought it would be, making him let out a wolfish hidden grin.
Not noticing his grin, Red started picking her flowers, intertwining the roots of each one she picked while humming to herself. Bigby's heart thumped hard against his chest, he leans closer to her, wanting another taste. Until he caught a whiff of a familiar crimson scent in the air and a small cry.
A loud metallic creaking noise broke Bigby's train of thoughts, he looks up to the entrance of the cells to see Snow White entering.
"Snow.." Bigby got up from this spot on the floor and headed towards the bars while Snow went towards the cell from the opposite side of bars.
"How are you doing?" She asked him with a somber tone in her voice.
Bigby grabs a hold of the bars and looks up at Snow, "I could be better." He said with bitterness.
Snow looks away, an expression of hurt on her face. "Bigby..i" she started.
Snow takes a breath and looks up into his eyes, "Listen, we've been working together for a little over a hundred years, you can be rude, impulsive, and sometimes, downright cruel..But your heart is always in the right place. I know what we saw in the magic mirror last night can't be a lie, but still, I have to ask.."
She pauses for a moment, looking down to the floor, getting the courage to ask. "Bigby, did you really rape Red Riding Hood?"
Bigby held a hard grip on the bars, her voice speaking out.
"Eat me up Wolf"
Haunting words echoing in his mind while the image of Red reaching for his hand and kissing it came afterwards.
"No, never.." He answers
Snow looks at him, her blue eyes shifting across his face, searching for any hint of lies.
"Last night, I got the info I needed from Piper, I went to track down Red. She's..She got mixed up in the wrong kind of crowd and was in danger. She was in trouble, and was afraid. But with emotions running high, and the situation we were in.."
Bigby left it at that, not wanting to fill in the intimate details between him and Red. However with centuries of a clouded mind blinding him, and the grip like ache on his beating heart he confessed his new found emotion. A confession he never spoke out loud to even himself.
"I'm in love with Red."
Their was a silence in the cell, Snow's eyes wide with surprise. If it wasn't for the dead serious look in the Sheriff's face Snow wouldn't have believed it.
"i.." Snow was at a loss for words, never could she, or any fables at that matter, would have ever thought of Bigby falling in love.
Never had Snow thought she would feel this pain all over again..
"Then what was all that back there Bigby?" She tries to shake off the forgotten emotion "Red confessed, she was crying, and afraid of you. If what you say is-"
"That wasn't the real Red, it was the damn woman Cat who works for The Mad Hatter." Bigby tightens his grip on the bar.
"What? But how could that be?!"
"I dunno how, but no doubt about it, no one has those eyes and smile like Cat. Snow you got to get me out of here, the real Red could be in real danger! I have to find her before anyone else does!"
Snow backs away from the cell and shook her head, "I can, but it's not gonna be that easy, there's paperwork that has to be processed in order to do that."
"I know you can do it Snow, I have faith in you. Just please, we can't waste anymore time!" Bigby said almost desperately
Snow was hesitating for a moment, but then straightens her back and looks back at Bigby, "I'll see what I can do…"
Snow turns around and heads towards the door, her blue heels clacking each step she takes. She opens the heavy door, making it cry out.
"I'm happy for you.." She suddenly says out loud, Snow looks back at Bigby and offers a small smile."Hang in there Sheriff, everything will work out in the end." She ends it with that, and exits out of the room.
Bigby let's go of the bars and sits down on the dirty bed of the bunker, holding his hands together. He hopes Snow is right, he prays that she's right, and whatever awful feeling he has in the pit of his stomach can go away…
Bigby leans forward and rests his head on his closed hand, trying to shake off this lingering memory that can't seem to go away...
The blood freely flowed from the prick of her finger by a thorn. Red placed her finger between her lips as a single tear escaped from her green eyes.
Bigby's heart suddenly ached by the sight "Are you alright Little Red?"
She lets go of her finger and stares at the blood, a sad look on her soft features.
"Say Mr. Wolf.." She began, looking up from the blood she locked sad eyes right his own.
"Can you die from a broken heart?"
That's it for now, hope you enjoyed, and hope you haven't given up on it yet.
Till next time!
Btw, please don't forget to review and comment, I love to hear from you guys. Miss hearing everyone from our own little twau family!