Hey guys! This is one of my first fanfictions and I hope you'll enjoy it. But first let me tell you:

-my english sucks (it's like crap, but I hope you can read/understand it)

-I'm sorry if the story is boring ( I'm not creative)

-Romeo is 13 and Wendy 12

„-speaking" [author note; a.n.]

-It's after the Grand Magic Games, about two month later

-The story is about their daily routine (missions, freetime, etc.)

I guess, that was everything I want to tell you. Please, please review! I want to read your opinions, what you guys like or what I can do better. I don't own Fairy Tail or the characters. Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima.

Our big break is now!

Romeo POV.

It was a normal day in Fiore, almost normal. In Fairy Tail it was really...hmm, how could I say it..yes! Boring. After the Grand Magic Games we got our old guild and we got a lot of requests. That's great but most of us are on missions. Natsu-nii, Lucy-nee and Happy are on a difficult mission they say, it's about to fight against a monster, that tyrannized a town called Balsam Village. Erza is on a S-class mission. Cana and Gildarts are on a S-call mission too. Lisanna and Elfman on a mission about to help a old man, I haven't heard all about that mission because it sounds soo boring. The only people here I saw, were Gray, Juvia, Laxus, Mira-nee, Wakaba, Reedus and my dad.

I sat at the bar counter. „Nah, Romeo? Do you want anything to drink?", I heard from Mira-nee. I nodded. „Yes. Can I have apple juice?" „Of course you can.", Mira-nee said and brought me a glas apple juice.

Then I heard someone went in the guild, it was Wendy. Since she joined the guild, I wanted to be her friend but always when I want to talk to her I wasn't able to. I don't know why! And I became nervous for any reason! That's sucks! It is because I never saw a really pretty girl? Nope, that can't be the reason. Mira-nee is also very pretty and I can talk to her easily. I heard a sigh besides me. It was Wendy. Now! Ask her what's wrong! „W-w-weather is nice, don't you think?" „...Romeo-san, it's raining outside." Argh! Now she thinks I'm an idiot. Come on dude, say something that's not that stupid. „Yeeah. I know. I like rain." Yep... that's stupid as before. Change the subject. Quick! „You don't have to call me Romeo-san. You can call me Romeo or at least Romeo-kun." „Ehm. Okey Romeo-kun" „You sigh before. What's wrong?", I asked. „Oh nothing special. Almost everyone is on a mission and I have to pay my rent soon." „Why don't you go with Charle?" „She's with Lily-san. They visit the other Exceeds and they won't be back for couple of days.", Wendy replied.

Oh. Why don't you go alone?" „Ehm...because...I'mtooafraidtogoalone", she mumbled. „..You afraid to go on your own? But you're a dragon slayer! You're stronger than some adults!" „D-d-do you think so, Romeo-kun?" „Yes, of course!" she smiled „Thanks, Romeo-kun. But I think it's too early for me to go on a mission on my own." „You can take a easy job. It don't need to be a difficult one. And if you like, I can go with you on a mission!", I suggested. „Really?! You would go on a mission with me?!", she asked suprised „But if you wouldn't go on one with me, you haven't to!" „Of course, I like to. If I wouldn't go with you on a mission, I'd never asked.", I said. The sky maiden put a big smile on her face. „Yay! Come! Let's see, what kind of missions are free.", she said happily while she grabbed my hand.

Her hand felt so warm and soft...Woh, is it hotter now? Wait- I am not blushing, am I? Nonono. Do not blush, dude! Now we're in front of the request board. „Hmm. A job that's not too difficult but enough jewels for both of us. Ah! Here!" Wendy took a job. „To get some herbs for a medicine shop. And the payment...220.000 Jewels! Wow! That's more than enough for both of us! That's the payment for a monster hunt!", I almost shouted. „Mhm. And it sounds easy. The herbs we have to get are called mero meno [a.n. Yes. I'm so creative xD] I know them. In the past Grandeeney and I picked some of them. I know where they're plant."

Wendy POV.

Hmm. I don't know but I think I forgot something about the mero meno. I know how they look and smell, where they are and they are for stomachache. Hmmm. But if I forgot, than it's probably not important.

Romeo POV.

I went to Mira-nee. „Yo, Mira-nee! We want to do this request!". Mira-nee took the paper „Oh. Such a easy one and so much payment. You both took a good one. It's alright, you can do the job." „Thanks, Mira-nee." „Ah Romeo. Take care of Wendy-chan, alright? You know, you two would be a cute couple.", she wispered in my ear. „W-w-w-w-what are you saying Mira-nee", I stumbled while I blushed. Then I ran to Wendy. „We can do the job. I don't know how long this job takes but I guess we don't need much time. But to be sure, we should pack some stuff for one or two days.", I said. „You're right. So I go to Fairy Hill and pack my stuff. See you in a moment!" and she is gone. I also going to pack my stuff.


I already packed my stuff: toothbrush, face towel, towel, brush, a jacket, underwear, a pair of jeans and two thin blanket for Wendy and me. Everything fit in the backpack. Then I went to the guild. I saw Wendy inside, waiting of me. „I'm sorry, that you waited.", I apologized. „No, it's alright. So are you ready?" „Yes! Lucky the rain stopped". We made our way but by the door I remembered I have to give my dad heads up. „Hey dad! I'm on a mission! I'll be back in one or two days!", I yelled across the guild. „Yeah! Alright! Don't do naughty things to Wendy-chan!" Uwaah! So embarrassing! I hope he's drunk! „I-I would never do such things. I'm not you dad!", I shouted back. Then I saw Laxus look at me with a do-something-wrong-and-I-am-going-to-kill-you-look.

While we walk to the train station I spoke to Wendy „I'm sorry for my dad" „No,no. It's alright." she took the request from her backpack. „First we go to the medicine shop. It's in Shirotsume Town. But the town haven't got a railway station! I guess we must go to Shirotsume. After that we go to the forest for the mero meno." I groaned. We have to walk! But the payment is high. That's worth for.

That was the first chapter! How was it? Sorry for my bad english. I like to write in Romeo's point of view. I forgot to say, that at the beginning not so much RoWen is. At first they are friends and then they turn more than friends. Please, please review. I want to read your opinions: What you like, what I can do better or what was bad. I update the next chapter soon.