Note from the Author: Greetings again all of my Zutara fans! I have missed you all! I have gotten a lot of reviews and private messages saying that I should write a sequel to Fire Fountain Academy, so here it is! Sorry if it's a slow start, but I have so good things up my sleeve. Please enjoy this and let me know what you thought!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Chapter 1

Zuko took a deep breath, letting it out slowly and knocked. He could hear Katara tell Haku to keep eating and she would be right back. He heard her footsteps approaching the door and decided it was now or never. She opened the door and stumbled backwards.

"Z- Zuko?" she stammered. He took a step forward and brushed his long hair out of his eyes,"Katara, it's me."

"Wha- what? What are you doing here?" she looked at him like he was a ghost.

"I'm here for you. For our child", he told her. At the mention of Haku, Katara flared up," You are not touch him! Get out!"

"Katara, please! I've looked for guys for two years! I'm almost 20. I was 17 when you left remember? I've spent two years of my life looking for you!" he told her.

"Is that supposed to impress me Zuko?" she yelled at him," You chose right in front of me! You turned me away!"

"That doesn't mean I didn't love you! Why do you think I was banished? I'm banished Katara. I'm wanted", he told her and ripped out a wanted poster from his bag," See this? There's an award for the person who brings in my body, dead or alive."

"Mommy?" they heard Haku say quietly. Katara turned and saw her son poke his head out from behind the wall," Mommy, why are you yelling?"

"Go to your room Haku", Katara walked towards him.

"You're not even going to let me see my own child?" Zuko yelled at Katara. Katara was about to blast him out of the house, but realized her father was right. Her son needed to meet his father.

She bent over and picked Haku up off the ground and walked over to Zuko.

"Who's this mommy?" Haku pointed a small finger at Zuko.

"Haku", Katara took a deep breath," This is... your daddy."

Haku's eyes doubled in size and he squirmed out of Katara's arms so she had to put him on the floor," Really mommy?"

"Yes, sweetie. Like your friends at day care of daddy's? This is your daddy", she smiled at him even though on the inside she was raging. Zuko bent down so he was Haku's height and extended his hand," It's nice to meet you Haku."

Haku squeled with laughter and ran into Zuko's arms giving him a hug," I've missed you daddy!"

Katara couldn't help but laugh a little considering Haku has never even met Zuko to even miss him.

"I've missed you too buddy", Zuko wrapped his arms around him and had to struggle to hold back a sob, but Katara could see the tears. Even though she hated Zuko, she was happy Haku met his father," I've dreamt about you and mommy every night."

"Really?" Haku smiled," Were the dreams fun?"

"Of course they were", Zuko smiled," I dreamed we went on all sorts of adventures."

"Mommy", Haku turned to Katara," Could daddy eat din- dinner with us?"

Katara sighed and pondered it. She would feel horrible if she said no. Haku was so excited," Yes, I suppose so."

Zuko gave a small smile to Katara, but she just turned around and walked into the kitchen. Zuko's heart leapt into his throat when Haku grabbed onto his hand as best as he could and led him to their table. Zuko sat in the seat across from Haku. There were four chairs and it was a small square wooden table. Katara brought over a bowl and some silverware and put them in front of Zuko. He smiled at her, but she just walked away. This is going slightly better than I planned he though to himself.

Katara served him the beef stew she had made that night and sat down at her spot between him and Haku. They ate silently for awhile, Katara's eyes never leaving Zuko and Zuko's eyes never leaving Haku.

"He looks like me", Zuko finally said quietly.

"I'm well aware", Katara said," He's a beautiful boy."

"Handsome mommy! Only girls are baeutiful", Haku corrected Katara.

Zuko snickered and Katara put her hand on her heart," I am so sorry dear. He's handsome. He's very, very handsome."

"I like your different colored eyes Haku", Zuko smiled," You have one of mine and one of your mothers."

"Why do you leave daddy?" Haku asked Zuko and Zuko blanched. Katara looked at Zuko and smirked," Try and talk your way out of this one Zuko. You don't only need to apologize to me, you have to explain to him where you have been."

He realized Katara was right and took a deep breath," Well Haku. Mommy left me because I made very bad choices."

"Why did you make bad choices?" Haku questioned on.

"Because I thought my daddy was right and he would never hurt me, but he lied to me", Zuko went on. This was all news to Katara too.

"So why didn't you choose to go with mummy?"

"Because...", he looked at Katara," I thought she would choose what I chose, but she left me and honestly, it was the best decision she has ever made. My dad then got mad at me because I wasn't doing what he wanted me too."

"Did you get a time out?" Haku asked and Zuko turned back to him," No. He challenged me to an Agni Kai which is this really bad fight and I said I wasn't going to fight him so he banished me. I've been trying to find you and mommy ever since."

"Why didn't you do what Ozai told you to do?" Katara spoke up.

"Because I was to hurt by you leaving. I didn't want to anything if you weren't there with me Katara", he told her," But I have found you now and we can restart."

Katara looked at him strangely," Zuko, that's not how this works. I haven't seen you in almost three years. You don't know anything about us."

"Katara, that's why I'm here! I'm sorry. Can't you see that? I'm banished! I've lost everything. I can't lose you and Haku too! I gave up everything for you two", he gritted his teeth.

"Don't fight", Haku spoke up," We are a family now. Right?"

They looked at him and then each other. Katara was the first to speak," It's time for bed Haku. Maybe your father would like to read you a story."

"Oooh! Really? Dad do you wanna come see my room?" Haku got out of his chair and jumped up and down.

"Of course! I'd love you to buddy", Zuko stood up and smiled.

"YAY!" Haku yelled and thrusted his tiny hands in the air. Little curls of fire came out and Haku quickly stopped.

"Mommy, it happened again", he held out his hands to her.

"That's okay baby", she smiled and kneeled down in front of him," Your father does a lot more than that."

"Really?" he looked at Zuko. Zuko smiled and held out his hand producing fire.

"Pretty", Haku smiled.

"Hold out your hand", Zuko smiled and Haku did as he was told. Zuko carefully rolled the fire out of his and to Haku's.

"Mommy! Look!" he held out the fire.

"Concentrate Haku", Zuko told him," If you don't concentrate, then the flame will go out."

Haku's eyebrows knitted together as he concentrated on his hand, but the more he concentrated, the smaller the flame got, and eventually just a curl of smoke came up.

"Awww", he frowned at his hand," I messed up."

"That's okay Haku. What you did was amazing for someone you're age", Zuko smiled," You just concentrated a little too hard. Next you'll get it."

Haku smiled and grabbed Zuko's hand," Let's go read the book! I'll show you where my room and my pajamas are."

Katara got a small smile watching Zuko with their son, going upstairs for bed time. Katara was just about done with the dishes when she heard Haku call her. She went upstairs and saw Zuko tickling Haku and him laughing. Zuko stopped and laughed with Haku and Katara felt her heart beat increase. The scene was so perfect and cute.

"I take it you're ready for bed?" Katara smiled at Haku. Haku nodded and climbed under his covers. Katara leaned over and kissed his forehead," I love you Haku. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I love you too", he smiled and kissed her back. He looked over to Zuko," I love you daddy. I'll see you tomorrow won't I?"

"Of course you will", Zuko smiled and brushed Haku's black hair out of his eyes," And I love you too Haku."

Zuko bent over and quickly kissed Haku's forehead before walking out. Katara waved goodbye to Haku and she closed the door behind her softly. She sighed and slowly walked downstairs. She didn't know what to do about Zuko... If she was going to turn him away or let him hang around. She got downstairs and saw Zuko looking around at the knick knacks and a photo painted of her and Haku. Zuko briefly smiled at the small photo she had of him and her after their wedding on the top shelf hidden behind another photo frame.

"That was a good day", Katara said behind him and he turned and briefly smiled at her before putting the photo back.

"It was. We are still married you know", he told her and continued to look over the books she had.

"I'm well aware of that Zuko", she told him.

"You could have always remarried", he told her. He heard her sigh and she went to go finish the dishes," I'm not going to have this conversation with you Zuko."

"Why not?" he followed her," Afraid I'd know that you still love me?"

"I love a lot of things, but I can live without them", Katara told him, continuing the dishes left over from dinner.

"Katara, I don't know what you want me to say! I love you! I still do! I have already said the same things over and over again. I messed up! I was young and I was scared and I thought my father knew the best thing for me, but I was wrong", he yelled at her. He walked over to her and turned her to him," Would you stop doing the damn dishes and talk to me?!"

"What do you want me to say Zuko? Leaving you practically killed me! I have had to raise a baby by myself! You looked me in the eyes and didn't choose me", she told him. She could feel tears coming, but she blinked them back," I don't know what else to tell you. You have betrayed my trust. I can never trust you again Zuko."

"You still haven't said you don't love me", Zuko took a step closer to her and she stood her spot," Yes, I did. When I knocked you out I said I loved you. Once."

"Then say it now Katara!" Zuko yelled at her," Say it, say I don't love you anymore Zuko. I don't want you in my life!"

Katara glared at him," I don't know how I feel right now. I can't remarry because you have sucked all the love and caring and trust I had Zuko. Just... leave me be."

Katara walked away and wiped down the dinner table.

"Would you stop doing house work and talk to me?" Zuko begged her.

"No Zuko! I won't! I have a daily routine now Zuko! I have a life. Haku and I have a life", she told him.

"Then let me be a part of it", Zuko pleaded.

"Zuko, I don't know... How am I to ever trust you again?" Katara asked.

"Where am I going to go Katara? I am banished. My family hates me. One of my closest friends is dead..." Zuko listed," I have nowhere to go."

"If you did, if you did have a place to go", Katara started," If your father took you back, would you go? Would you be by his side?"

Zuko walked towards her and held her shoulders. He closed his eyes and savored touching her even if it was for a brief moment," Katara, I'm never leaving you and Haku again. I made a mistake and I'm sorry. I will spend everyday with you two. And if you turn me away tonight, I'm going to spend everyday outside of that gate waiting for the day you forgive me and let me be a part of your life."

Katara looked away and squirmed a little. She could feel his heat coming off of his hands. She forgot what his hands felt like...

"Fine", she whispered.

"What?" Zuko's eyes widened.

"I said fine", she looked at him," But if you hurt him, if you hurt him in anyway whether that be teaching him to firebend, being to rough with him, or leaving one day, I'm going to hunt you down, and kick your ass. Got it?"

"Yes! Yes!" Zuko smiled," I got it!"

He hugged Katara without even thinking and Katara tensed, but then relaxed. She could feel memories start to unfold. His hands on her, his lips against her lips, his smile...

Katara pushed herself away from him and he frowned," I want a chance at us again Katara..."

"Zuko, I'm giving you a chance to live with us and be a part of Haku's life, but you and I... Whatever we were and whatever we might be in the future, is going to take time. I just don't trust you Zuko. I'm not going to open my heart to you for you to shut it again", Katara said," And that's not up for discussion."

She walked away and Zuko ran his hand through his hair. He couldn't blame her. He behaved like a monster. They way he hurt her... He would never forgive himself. But he's gonna try. He's gonna try everyday.

Katara returned with extra blankets and a pillow," You can sleep on the couch. I don't have a spare room."

He nodded and helped her take the cushions off the couch," I just wanna say I appreciate this."

Katara nodded," Well I can't garuntee it's going to be super comfy."

"Beats sleeping outside in the rain", he laughed. Katara looked at him," You slept outside?"

"Katara, I'm a banished prince", he laughed," I have wanted posters all over the nations. People don't take in people who look like me. I mean, I'm not exactly a looker."

Katara did indeed look at him and she didn't notice how rough he looked until now. His hair was a lot longer than the lost time she saw him. It was almost touching his shoulders and he was wearing a tattered black shirt that had a hoodie attached to it and he was wearing torn up black pants. Inspite of how ruggid he looked, she still thought he was gorgeous. Just tell him how you feel she thought to herself.

"You still look fine to me", she said quietly and threw the blanket over the couch," I'm going to bed Zuko. I'll see you in the morning. I don't know about you, but it's been a pretty eventful day."

He nodded and walked towards her and hugged her. He didn't mind when she tensed, but he could feel her relaxing a little," I just want to say thank you Katara."

He let her go and she walked away to the staircase," Goodnight Zuko. And... I'm glad you're okay and you're here. That you're not like sleeping outside anymore, that you're safe."

"I'm glad too", he smiled," Goodnight Katara. I lov- Thank you."

She nodded and climbed the stairs up to her room and instantly through herself on her bed. She turned and looked up at her ceiling. What am I going to do?

"Daddy! Daddy!" Zuko heard and her squinted his eyes shut. He didn't remember where he was until he had someone jump on his stomach.

"Oh!" he grunted awake and sat up. He looked down and saw Haku smiling at him, sitting on his chest," Good morning daddy! I missed you!"

Zuko smiled and stretched," I missed you too buddy. You sure know how to wake people up."

"He's a morning person. Rises with the son, my father says", Katara commented from the kitchen. Zuko sat up and folded his blankets, putting the couch cushions back where they were.

"How did you sleep?" Katara asked, mixing eggs.

"Great. I've haven't felt this well rested in three years", Zuko smiled," Can I help with anything?"

"No, I got it", Katara shook her head," Just set the table please. Haku, show your father where we keep the plates, forks, and cups please."

"Yes", he grabbed Zuko's hand and they set out to do their chore.

Katara cooked the eggs and ham she got from the market yesterday and brought it to the dining table. Zuko smiled at Katara as she served him, but she didn't meet his eyes. He sighed and smiled at Haku who was stabbing his eggs with his fork.

"Haku, scoop it with your fork. Like I showed you yesterday", Katara told him and showed him with hers. He smiled and nodded, scooping it instead.

Katara looked at Zuko who still was staring at Haku," Weird isn't it?"

Zuko looked at her," How do you mean?"

"Yesterday morning you didn't even know what he looks like and now here he is. You're responsible for another human being", she told him. He smiled a little," So I'm responsible for him now?"

Katara looked shocked," Well ya! I told you last night that if you want a part of our lives, you can't go anywhere. He needs a father. Someone to teach him firebending. I can't very well do that."

Zuko smiled and nodded," I'm not going anywhere."

"Well, you might want to later today", Katara said slowly.

"What, why?"

"Well...", Katara looked away," Aang, Sokka, and Suki are dropping by today for a visit."

"So? Gives me a chance to apologize for my behavior", he told her.

"Zuko, I don't think you understand. They want nothing to do with you", Katara tried to explain.

"Katara", he looked at her in the eyes," I want to be a part of your's and Haku's life. If I'm going to do that, they need to be okay with me. I plan on being your husband again. I'm going to make you fall in love with me again, not that you ever fell out of love with me."

Katara smirked, but didn't answer as Zuko winked at her. She wouldn't say it to him, but she was actually starting to like him being around. Deep down she knew she missed him, but she wasn't about to admit that. She missed seeing his gorgeous face and his humor...

Katara put Haku's sweater on him and he ran to go get his shoes.

"Where is he going?" Zuko asked, coming out of the kitchen. He offered to do the dishes for Katara and Katara could not say no to that. She hated mornings.

"He goes to day care during the day", Katara told him, putting her sweater on.

"Why? Do you work?" Zuko asked, putting on his jacket too.

"No", Katara put on her shoes," But I think it's important that he interacts with other children. He can't just be around me all the time. He needs to be somewhat independent."

"Katara", Zuko laughed," Don't you think he's a little to young to be independent? He's two!"

"No, I don't think he's to young! He needs to learn to stand on his own two feet", Katara told him," Haku, we're leaving!"

"Katara, he's two! He can barely stand on his two feet now", Zuko tried to tell her.

Katara turned to him and pointed a finger into his chest," You do not get to have an opinion on how he is raised! You have to earn that. When you wake up in the middle of the night for a nightmare, cook for him three times a day, kiss a boo boo, and hold him when he cries, then you can have a say."

Zuko sighed as he slipped on his shoes and followed Katara and Haku outside.

"Where are you going?" Katara asked him.

"I'm coming with you."


"Because I missed on two years. I'm not missing anything in his life anymore Katara", Zuko told her. He pulled up his hood and brushed his hair over his scar.

"Zuko, you don't need to hide yourself here", she told him," No one here knows who you are."
"How do you know?" he asked her.

"Trust me."

He took off his hood and walked outside with them. Katara's heart soared when Zuko took Haku's hand and she took Haku's other hand. It was nice to be a somewhat family again. Haku laughed when Zuko picked him up and swung him with the hand he was holding. Soon Katara was doing it too and laughing with them as they swung Haku in the air.

They reached Haku's daycare laughing and smiling.

"Daddy, come meet my friends!" Haku grabbed Zuko's hand and led him in the play area.

"Katara, it's so nice to see you", Haku's teacher, Mrs. Lee, walked towards her," You look nice today."

"Thank you", Katara smiled," Zuko, come here."

Zuko stood and told Haku he would be back in one minute. Zuko walked over to them and smiled at Haku's teacher.

"Oh, hello", Mrs. Lee smiled," Who's this?"

Katara smiled," Mrs. Lee, this is Haku's father."

"Pleasure", Zuko smiled and extended his hand which Mrs. Lee shook and smiled," I'm sorry. I wasn't aware you were in the picture."

"I've been away for a little while", Zuko smiled awkwardly.

"I don't need to know", Mrs. Lee smiled," I'm just happy you're in his life. I could tell he was starting to wonder what fathers are. You could not have come at a better time."

"Well I was going to ask you how Haku is doing actually", Katara asked Mrs. Lee," Is there anything we could help him out with or anything?"

"Well he is getting along with other kids well, but he has trouble staying focused in class, especially on group projects", she told them," I know he's young, but it's a matter of him just not even sitting down."

"We will work with him on it", Katara told her," We'll be on our way. Bye Haku!"

Haku came running over and hugged Katara goodbye," Bye mom." Haku turned to Zuko and hugged him," Bye daddy."

"Bye buddy", Zuko smiled and hugged him back," Your mother and I will be back when your school is over."

"Okay!" he smiled and went running off. Katara and Zuko waved by to Mrs. Lee and walked away.

"So what do you do now?" Zuko asked Katara as they walked towards town.

"Well now I usually do some grocery shopping, go home put things away, clean, garden", she told him," I don't really know. Anything I'd like really."

"Don't you have to work to support the house?" he asked. Katara shook her head," No. I get money from my father. He's paid off the house for the next three years. He wanted me to just make sure I take care of myself and Haku. But I do small errands for people that usually earn me money. I heal a lot of people."

Zuko nodded and smiled as she greeted people in the town," Seems like you know a lot of people here."

"Well I've lived here for over a year now", she smiled at him," We have a good thing going here."

"I'm not messing hit up am I?" Zuko asked her," People are going to wonder who I am..."

"And we're going to tell the truth", she told him," Your Haku's father and you're living with us."

"I'm living with you now, am I?" he smiled at her. She looked at him and sighed," Zuko, don't read to much in what I say... I'm happy your living with us for Haku, but that's the only reason."

"Jeese, let a man dream Katara", he rolled his eyes and he smiled when she smiled back. The rest of the afternoon went peacefully. Them getting to know each other again and her introducing him to people. As they walked home Katara decided to really get down to what happened.

"So what did happen after I left Zuko?" she peered at him. They got more groceries than usual so he was carrying a bag.

"Well, after you left and I regained consciousness, thank you for that by the way, I took over the throne again, but and I'm being honest here, I was more hostile about it", he told her grimly.

"How so?"

"Well, let's just say some people got hurt if they upset me", he told her quietly and she looked at him sadly," I was becoming to aggressive and I didn't understand why. I was mad at you. I was furious... I put out a bounty for you too. Finally after almost a year of my Uncle talking to me about my emotions and what's really wrong with me, I realized you left because of what I did."

"What? You thought I was just being a horrible person?" she looked at him.

"Well yeah! I was mad and furious. Why blame myself when I can just blame you?" he laughed awkwardly," So anyways, after the realization of all of it being my fault, I sank into depression. I didn't do anything. Didn't leave my chambers for days. My father was getting tired of it. He stormed into my room one day and yelled at me to snap out of it and I told him everything. I told him I didn't want the throne anymore without you and my child."

"Ouch", Katara mumbled," So do I wanna know what happened next?"

He laughed again," Well it's kind of obvious. He didn't like that. He wouldn't have his son be a traitor to his nation, so he challenged me to an Agni Kai. This one was until death however..."

Katara didn't realize her heart sank and she almost threw up. She was mad at Zuko, but if he was dead... She didn't even want to think about it.

"So... Is he dead?"

"No", Zuko scoffed," Sadly, no. I refused to fight him and he banished me. Not before he kicked my butt six ways till Sunday though."

"Oh, I'm sorry", Katara placed her hand on his arm and he looked at her," It's fine Katara. It opened my eyes and I found a new purpose in life. To be the best father and best husband I can be."

She smiled at him and they continued to walk. They walked inside Katara's house and walked into the kitchen, Katara showing him where the different things went.

"I must say, you guys have a nice little life", he smiled at her. Katara smiled," It didn't come easy. Oh, look at the time! They will be here soon!"

Katara started to hyperventilate and panic.

"Katara, calm down", Zuko laughed," I'm prepared for anything. They can't do anything to me that hasn't already happened."

She looked at him and nodded," Jeese, if I didn't think they'd approve of you before, they sure won't approve of you now..."

Zuko laughed and took the risk of kissing her forehead gently. He pulled back and she was looking at him. She didn't know what to feel. It was more of a comfort kiss than romantic or at least that was what she told herself.

"It will be fine", he told her," The final say is yours. Do you want me to leave?"

She sighed and shook her head," No."

"Then I'm not going anywhere", he smiled," Now, if you don't mind, it's been months since I've taken a good bathing and I'm sure I've already polluted your couch enough."

She smiled and laughed," Upstairs to the left."

She laughed harder as Zuko practically flew up the stairs to get clean. She took a deep breath you can do this Katara.

"Hey Katara!" Aang smiled as he walked in with Sokka and Suki.

"Hey sis", Sokka hugged Katara," Where's my little man?"

"He's at school right now", she smiled at them and moved to hug Suki who had a little bump.

"What is this?!" Katara said happily gesturing to Suki's stomach.

"Two months", she smiled," Not really showing, but it's there."

"Oh, I'm so happy for you", Katara hugged her again. They all moved to the dining table and sat down. Katara put in a section so the table was bigger and there six chairs now.

"So what's been going on?" Aang smiled at her as he sat down.

"Uh, a lot actually", she sighed and smiled a little," Something big has rather happened and you three have to promise me that you won't yell or fight or freak out."

"What-?" Sokka started.

"Promise me", she insisted.

"We promise, but what are you-?" Sokka started again and they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The three of them gasped at seeing Zuko emerge from the staircase. He smiled awkwardly and threw his shirt back on since he was just wearing pants. He walked towards them and stood behind Katara.

"Katara, what is he doing here?" Sokka hissed at her.

"He's here because I told him to be", she told him. She looked at Aang and he was just glaring at him.

"Katara, I cannot support your decision allowing him to stay here. He's a wanted man", Sokka pointed at Zuko.

"Only because his father is the evilist man on Earth", she told him," He banished Zuko and Aang, you know that cause you're the one that told my father."

"Why were you banished?" Suki asked. She wasn't yelling or glaring, but she was cautious.

"Because I refused the throne and I didn't want to take over nation's like my father wanted me too", he told them," Before any of you say anything or yell at me, I know I messed up. I turned my back on Katara when she was pregnant with my child. I was a horrible person, but I said my apologies to Katara and she has... Somewhat forgiven me."

Katara smiled at him," I have, somewhat."

"How can you forgive him!" Aang shouted out," He betrayed you! He betrayed all of us! He had your father sent to the Boiling Rock! He abandoned you and Haku!"

"Aang, that's enough!" Katara yelled back at him," First of all, what happens in this house, is my business. I do not appreciate you yelling under my roof. Secondly, he explained his side to me and if did to you, you would understand it a little more. Thirdly, I did forgive him for what he did, but we aren't together just to let everyone know. I need a father for Haku and Haku has a right to a father."

"Why does it have to be him?!" Aang yelled and pointed at Zuko.

"Because he's my son", Zuko stepped forward," And I love him, and not you or anyone in this room is going to keep my wife and my son away from me! You got that?!"

Aang stood silently and glared at Zuko.

"Well, I'm not for this, but it's your decision Katara", Sokka told her," But I don't trust you Zuko. I haven't since the first day I met you."

"I don't need your trust. I need Katara's", Zuko replied.

"Well I never really knew you before you met Katara or even afterwards, but what you did was wrong. But as a fellow soon-to-be mother, I am with Katara. Just don't ya know, make more kids", Suki smiled and Katara rolled her eyes.

"I'm against this whole thing! You're a wanted fugitive! You turned your back not only on Katara, but all of us. You left her alone and pregnant. To me, you will never be accepted!" Aang yelled at him," You are lucky I don't go and report you!"

"Need I remind you that you were once a wanted fugitive!" Katara threw back at Aang and stood up," And if you reported him, I would never forgive you Aang. Ever! Now, why don't you put your personal issues about this aside and look at the big picture!"

Everyone knew she was referencing the fact that Aang secretly liked Katara, but Katara was having none of his childish behavior. Aang's face grew red and he stormed out, Sokka and Suki following closely behind him to talk to him about all of this.

Katara sighed and leaned on the table, running a hand through her hair," That didn't go as planned Zuko."

"I think it went pretty well", Zuko smiled at her and she couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Oh Zuko, did I make a mistake?" Katara thought out loud.

"No", he smiled and stepped closer to her and grabbed her hands off her face," Katara, just breathe. I am here for you and Haku. I'm not going anywhere."

She smiled and looked into his eyes. She missed the warmth that radiated off of him and his gold eyes.

"It almost doesn't seem real that you're here sometimes Zuko", she said quietly," I missed you so much."

Her eyes filled with tears and she couldn't handle it anymore. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tightly," I missed you so much Zuko. I cried all the time. I could never move on because you have all my heart Zuko. I am so worried if I get close to you again, you're just going to disappear again. I don't want my heart getting ripped open again."

"It's not going to Katara", she could feel him crying and he was hugging her back, tightly. They stayed like that for awhile. Just hugging each other and crying softly. Zuko was relieved to have her hugging again and that she finally said what she had been keeping down.

Zuko was the first to pull away, but he only did it so he could look in her eyes. He brought his hand up and slowly brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. Katara's heart was pounding, worrying if she should let this happen or not. He gave a small smile and slowly started to lean in.

So there it is! Let me know what you thought :)