Love never dies
Love will continue
Love keeps on beating
When you're gone
Time had slowed to a stop.
Hook was falling, and all he could do was watch Emma's face twist in pain as the death meant for him started to descend upon his beloved.
"Emma!" He shouted as his sword clattered against the ground and he scrambled to her side, his hand tentatively reached for the arrow lodge in her chest, "Oh Emma."
"Mother!" Liam cried as he ran to her side, "Say something! Anything!"
"Oh god," Bae gasped, stumbling backwards, "What have I done?"
Hook pulled Emma into his arms as she laid out upon the ground, "Emma, please, say something."
Emma lifted her eyes to Killian's, and gave him a small smile, "Oh Killian, you're okay."
Tears had started to fall down his cheeks as he held her close, "Emma, you fool. I would have been fine."
She raised her hand to caress his cheek, "But I didn't want to risk it."
Killian choked back cries as he held tighter onto her as if the wind were going to carry her away like a feather, "You're so cold. Hang on will you. Please, don't leave me."
"Where's Liam?" She asked softly.
"Yes mother," The boy whimpered as he scoot closer to Emma.
She turned to the boy and smiled, reached out to him and he gave her his hand.
"Liam, can you promise me something," She said pausing to take a breath, "promise me, that you will be a good boy to your father."
"Anything for you, mother," The boy said, tears streaming down from his bright blue eyes.
"To your real feather," She said slowly, her breathing considerably laboured, as she turned to look at Killian.
"My- my real father?" The boy stuttered, confused, "H-hook is my real father?"
"Yes," Emma replied, nodding her head slowly and tears swelling in her eyes, "Oh, Liam I'm so proud of you."
The boy started to cry and Emma looked to Killian, pleading with her eyes.
Killian turned to the boy, "Run. Go get help." The boy blinked for a moment but then obeyed, turning and running off the ship.
"Th-thank you Killian," She said lowly as she turned to him. He could see the color draining from her face and knew that she was beyond help.
He smiled at her and brushed a piece of her golden hair out of her face, "You're so beautiful."
She smiled as much as she could before clutching his hand, "T-tell me what you said, in the l-letter, please."
Killian held her up and closer now, "It's been years since-"
"Please," She repeated, her eyes pleading.
Who was Killian to deny his love anything, "I said that you were beautiful, and kind. That my love for you would never die, and that you deserved everything the world could give you and that, that was why I had to leave because I could not give you all that you deserved. ."
Emma gave him a weak smile before reaching up and caressing his face, "Oh, but you gave me something worth more than all the world can give me. You gave me the chance to feel eternal love."
She slowly and feebly guided his face closer to hers, "Kiss me, once more."
Killian slowly leaned down and gently pressed his lips against her, his eyes slowly closed as he embedded this last feeling into his mind one last time.
As her last breath left her, he pulled away and held her limp body close, and finally broke down, sobbing as he rocked back and forth with her body in his arms, pressing his lips against her forehead.
"Mother?" Liam said, his voice wobbly as he approached tentatively, and layer down on her lap, silently crying into his mother's dress.
Killian opened his eyes and looked at the boy, and gently placed his good hand on Liam's head and pulled him closer.
"It's going to be fine. We're going to be fine," Killian said thickly, as gently placed Emma down and stroked her hair, memorizing every inch of her face.
To Killian's surprise, Liam stood from his mother's lap and made his way towards him and stood for a moment, just looking at the pirate on the ground.
The boy reached out first placing a hand on the pirate's shoulder before fully embracing the pirate.
Once upon another time, our story had only begun
I had a taste of joy, the most I ever knew
Now there isn't any time and somehow our story is done