A few things first!

-This is a Trunks x Pan fic!

-Pan is Goku and Chi-Chi's child.

-This is my only disclaimer! I own nothing Dragon Ball / Z / GT related.


1- Internship

"Pan?" A gentle hand tapped her shoulder.

The raven-haired, sixteen-year-old turned her head from the window to see her teacher, Ms. Lee at her desk.

"You're daydreaming," Ms Lee told her with a frown. She pushed up her thick black glasses and made sure her brown hair was still neatly pinned up. "I thought your brother talked to you about that."

Pan rolled her eyes slightly. Goten's talks were never serious. As long as she kept her grades good, and there was no fuss, he didn't care.

"Well, since you're back to reality, I would like to discuss something with the class," Ms. Lee said. "This year, each of you will be interning for someone!" The room was silent in excitement as the teacher continued: "this is a great learning experience for you second years. The best part is that it's just the beginning of the school year so you'll have all year to intern. Isn't that great?" She beamed. "I'm passing out the papers now, but I need all of these filled out by Monday, please."

Pan frowned slightly. Just who could she intern? Goten was a teacher in her school, and she was there long enough already. Gohan was a scholar, and again, Pan didn't feel like staying at a school any longer than she possibly had to. Her mother took care of the house, it was something she always had done... Even more since-

Shaking her head, Pan refused to let her mind wonder there.

A paper plopped on Pan's desk just before the bell rung to signal the end of the day. Pan grabbed the paper before taking off. The summer air hit her and she let out a small sigh. The weather was so nice...

She found a bench and sat down on it as she finally read the paper. It was simple enough, explaining how interning could give the students a confidence boost and increase their skills in the workforce. There was just one problem- Pan still didn't know who she was going to work for.

Out of the corner of her eye, a blue logo on the back of the bench caught her attention and slowly she turned to look at it. A small smile crossed her face as she saw the two C's, the smaller one safely tucked inside the larger one.

Trunks... She hadn't thought of him! It had been almost three years since she had seen the man. The last time they had seen each other had been after the mess with the Shadow Dragons... But maybe he could help her! He could give her a job of someone who prints off paper and such. She wasn't as annoying as she once was, so maybe he wasn't so uptight either. Either way, it wouldn't hurt to at least ask!

At his desk, twenty four year-old Trunks sat, bored. His eyes darted to the paperwork on his desk and bit back a groan. It seemed like paperwork was all he ever did anymore. He hated to admit it, but he had become rather boring... He almost wished that something, anything could happen to spark at least some excitement.

A sudden knock on his window almost made him jump. With furrowed eyebrows he stood up and opened the small window.

Pan floated up, a smile on her face as she looked at the man she hadn't seen in years. "Hi, Trunks."

"Panna?" He blinked slowly. Had it really been three years since he had seen her? She had changed so much...

"Can I come in?" Pan tilted her head slightly.

"Oh, yeah..." he moved out of her way and watched as she climbed through his window.

She straightened her shirt red plaid skirt and straighten her matching blazer. She pulled on her long socks as well, making sure they were resting against her thighs. "I'm so happy I remembered which window is yours," she sighed.

Her dark eyes met his and Trunks felt his cheeks feeling strangely warm. Was it because he had been caught watching her? Or was it because she now looked more like a woman and her dark eyes looking at him like that caused his mouth to go dry?

"You still wear glasses," she commented softly.

"Only occasionally," he nodded. He cleared his throat and made his way back to his desk.

"I see..." she mumbled.

Trunks watched as she looked around his office. He wasn't sure how to feel, honestly. It was almost as if he were nervous... but that couldn't possibly be it. Why would he be nervous about Pan looking around at his things?

"Panna," he called. She glanced at him. "Is there a reason you're here? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against you coming to visit. It's just sudden."

Very, very sudden.

"Actually, I did come here for a reason," she took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

Trunks averted his eyes at the way her skirt slightly rode up as she leaned back comfortably. He had to stop looking at her legs.

"Really?" Trunks raised a lavender eyebrow.

"Yes, here," she handed him a sheet of paper.

Trunks read over it carefully... Twice. Her school was wanting their students to intern, which he thought was a very responsible thing to do at a young age. Why was she showing him this though? Unless...

"You want to be my intern?" His eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, please," Pan nodded.

"You don't want to intern one of your brothers?" He asked curiously.

"I'm at a school long enough," she said with a small frown. "Please Trunks, you're my only option."

"If I hire you, I can't hire anyone else," Trunks muttered as he continued to read the paper. They wanted their students working separately to create independence.

"Yeah, you should consider yourself lucky. I promise I'm not as annoying as I used to be."

"You weren't annoying," he avoided her eyes.

"Stop lying," she chuckled. "I know I must have really aggravated you all those years ago and made things hard on you, I'm sorry," she apologized. "Let me make it up to you now by being your intern."

Trunks met her eyes then. They were begging. She really wanted this job.

"I'm sure we've both changed," he told her gently. "When can you start?"

"You'll actually hire me?" Pan whispered.

"Yeah," he nodded. "What kind of person would I be if I didn't help a friend in need?"

Pan was beaming and Trunks couldn't stop the smile on his lips. It was nice, seeing her so happy. The last few times he had overheard his mother and Bulla talking about Pan, they had spoke about how sad she was... Which, he really couldn't blame her.

"On weekdays, I can work every afternoon after school, and on the weekends, I can work too!"

"Great," Trunks nodded. "Don't worry about the weekends, I usually don't work them, and if I do, I'm off by noon on Saturday."

She tilted her head slightly, the gears in them turning as she processed what he had said. He could practically see what she was thinking.

Trunks smirked now. "You said you would be repaying me, right? You'll be my personal assistant." He told himself that he was making her his assistant for that reason and that reason only. Plus, she was his little sister's friend and best friend's little sister. It wasn't wrong for him to want to look out for her.

Pan let out a small laugh and nodded. "Alright!" She saluted. "I promise not to let you down, Trunks."

"I guess I should sign this and let my workers know," Trunks said. He quickly signed the paper and handed it back to Pan. She held onto it with a beaming smile.

"So, I'll see you Monday?" She raised a brow as she stood up.

Trunks nodded. "Monday. Four o'clock."

She grabbed her backpack and he made sure to keep his eyes on anything but her skirt. Surely Goten knew how short that was, right? Why wasn't he throwing a fit to make her wear a skirt down to her ankles?

Pan stopped at the window and turned to look at Trunks. Her smile was soft as she bowed her head. "Thank you, Trunks. Goodbye."

"Of course," he told her. "It wasn't a problem... Get home safely, Panna," he told her.

"I will!" Her grin stretched as she jumped out his window.

Trunks shook his head slowly. That girl... Really didn't need to be flying that short of a skirt.

"Mama," Pan called as she walked into her home. She placed her bag down and slipped off her shoes before walking into the kitchen. "I'm home."

"Welcome home, Panny," Chi-Chi greeted. "How was your day?"

Pan thought about it for a few seconds. Usually her days were just okay, but today...

"It was good," Pan smiled.

She would be working with Trunks now and the thought actually excited her! She had been so surprised when she saw him and how attractive he looked. Of course, she had always thought he was cute, but years ago, she thought he was more of a wanna-be adult who was too bossy for his own good. Now, he actually looked like an adult- in her books anyways. She was rather excited to be working with him.