As we walk towards the door Kim has a look of distraught on her face, I really do feel bad for her. She doesn't strike me as the girl who has much confidence in herself which believe me many girls lack, I on the other hand certainly do not lack confidence as my Ma always say 'if you got it flaunt it' so it's my motto now. I might have to force some confidence down Kim's throat if we're going to be friend's she will need it.

As I walk through the front door, I can hear my Ma's irritating singing voice she really does think she sings like Beyoncé when in reality she sounds like a dying cat. Kim closes the door behind her, and my Ma's singing stops. Next thing we hear is her voice screaming from the kitchen.

"Is that you buttercup", god she so fucking annoying. I scream back to her just to show how pissed I am.

"Yes, Ma, who the fuck else would it BE" stressing the last word. Ma comes storming out stops right in front of me and gives me the glare something every Irish mother does. I get this glare a lot when I'm doing something or about to do something wrong.

"Young lady do not raise your voice to ME do you understand" she stresses the word 'me' to reinforce her anger. I feel for Kim who looks like she's ready to run at any second, so I do the grownup thing and I let it go. "Ok, whatever… this is Kim" I say pointing to Kim behind me. My mother looks a bit shocked but peeks over my shoulder and gives me the glare again.

'Oh, you're the famous Kim who got my baby in trouble" ma said looking at Kim I knew she was joking but Kim's face went whiter than milk, damn looked like she was going to pass out.

Kim makes an attempt to say something but all that comes out is "I...I…I" ma looks like she instantly regrets saying anything.

So I try to help her out "ah ma you know I never do anything I don't want to do, now leave her the hell alone" ma just nods and gives Kim a pat on the shoulder before saying "Its ok love, you might actually be a good thing for Kirsty, dinners in 15 mins plus we have three extra people joining us for dinner this is great" mum says bouncing her way back into the kitchen.

"Wait" ma stops and turns to me I continue speaking anyways "who's coming", ma looks like she struggling to remember names she never is good at names.

Ma turned to the kitchen and yells at Tony who in the kitchen probably cooking everything which is a wise thing if we don't want food poisoning. "Tony, who's the other two coming for dinner with Sam". I can hear Tony cursing in the kitchen feeling the pressure of cooking I suppose, but he yells back. "It's two friends of Sam I think there called Jared and Paul" ma just turns to me smiles and walks into the kitchen.

Kim turned to me and I know exactly what she thought what the fuck. I turned towards the stairs "Come on Kim up to my room" as soon as we are in my room Kim sits on the bed before she speaks. "Kirsty, I don't think I can do this" I roll my eyes at the comment before I answer her "come on Kim, for Christ's sake it's only dinner". She sits there playing with the button on her jacket, right I've had enough of this. "Why Kim" she looks up confused but I continue anyways "Why can't you do dinner he's hardly going to jump you with all of us there" she shifts uncomfortably under my glare.

But eventually answers "I just… he makes…he makes me feel weird like Jared's stare is intense and I feel I won't be able to talk to him" she blurts out the last part. I do feel for her I mean I think of a hundred better things to do than sit with this lot for dinner.

"Kim, if it gets too much for you just give me a sign and I'll make an excuse to get us out of there" Kim looks at me like I'm her fairy fucking godmother. When in actual fact this works out for me too. She actually looks excited she jumps up before she speaks "but what excuse are you going to use".

That I haven't actually thought about yet I kind of mumble out "I was actually just going to wing it" Kim's eyes grew wider before she spoke again, and louder than I've heard her speak before, "what you haven't got an excuse, what if your mother doesn't let us leave". I scoff at that like my ma can actually stop me from doing anything.

"ok," I say turning to her "what if I say we have to get your stuff cause your sleeping over it's like Friday night so it's believable right". Kim doesn't look convinced "But Kirsty I'm not sleeping over though so how would that work?" God, she's thick I am asking her to stay. I shake my head this girl is book smart, but she has no fucking common sense. "Kim, I am asking you to stay over if you want to like" she looks down a bit.

She answers, "I'd have to ask my mum" right finally getting somewhere I fling my phone at her "call her, I'm just going to let my ma know". I march right out of my room before Kim has a chance to decline. Mum was trying to mash potatoes but doing it very badly I mean there was more potato on the floor and counter than in the bowl. I shout her to get her attention. "MA" she looks up at me "Kim's saying tonight okay". Ma just nods her head before saying "yeah it's fine with me what about her mum" I turn to leave, and I say over my shoulder "she's calling her now".

As I return to the room Kim hasn't moved from her position and my phone is still lying where I left. I turn to her while I change my shoes into a pair of black pumps "Well?" Kim looked up at me finally since I returned to the room, she unclasps her hands before she answered: "She said that's fine". Ok, something is defiantly up with Kim and her mum, but I choose not to press the issue tonight.

Ma yells up the stairs telling us that dinner is ready and I'm sure that Paul and Jared are there too.

I turn to Kim "okay here we go, you ready" she nods before saying "As I will ever be". We make our way down the stairs and into the dining room and the only two available stairs are opposite Jared and Paul. Ma is in a deep conversation with Sam about Tony as a child. Paul is wearing a white shirt and I must say it looks fucking sexy but fat chance I'll tell him that. I proceed to sit down Kim grabs my arm and I just nod at her and we sit down she sits across from Jared but moves her chair closer to me. I want this dinner over as quickly as possible to I just start grabbing food like there's no tomorrow let's be honest I like my food and I don't give a fuck who knows it. Pauls like staring at my third spoonful of potatoes and I give him my 'Don't fuck with me glare' he doesn't take the warning.

Ma looks at me she knows exactly what I'm going to do but she can't do anything to warn him it's too late. "What the fuck are you staring at Paul, What have you never seen a fucking girl eat before I suppose not since most of the girls around here eat a fucking carrot and thing that's food, stare at me again and I will ram this fork through your fucking eye, tú cunt ain't mé aon soith skinny". (You cunt I ain't no skinny bitch) With that said I get back to eating Paul never looked at me for a while after that, Kim's eyes never left her plate for the past half hour when I get super pissed I tend to speak in Irish.

After a while I kind of got into a daze I tend to do that, but I could hear Paul huffing and puffing so I look up he looks pissed. "What, are you looking at" he just frowns and that pisses me off more than it should. He eventually picks up the balls to answer me "you're not the most approachable person are you" its true many people feel that way when I'm around them but for some weird reason I actually feel hurt by what he says but why should this bother me, why should he bother me? I slammed my fork down on the table before which gains everyone's attention, okay round two here we go.

"Well Paul if I had better company I am quite a laugh but being forced into someone's company is not for me so forgive me for not indulging in your agonising conversation" he starts shaking worse than I ever seen him before to the point where he stands up and shouts "YOU BITCH". I just laugh at this, but I also rise out of my chair showing my dominance.

I look at Kim she scared shitless and Jared looks like he about to shit a brick. I speak a bit more softly to Kim "Let's go" she is nodding faster than I thought humanly possible she gets up and we proceed to the door and my mum follows stomping as she goes.

"Kirsty Marie how dare you speak to a guest like that and where do you think you are going" she has her hands on her hips and is giving me a glare. I glare right back at her it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Ma I didn't want to have dinner you made me so this is all on you, I was going to get Kim's things to stay over but you know what I'm going to stay at Kim's instead BYE MA" I scream the last bit and with that said I grabbed Kim's hand and we… well, I march out while half dragging Kim behind me.

We get into the car and Sam; Jared and Paul are standing on the porch Paul looks like he wants to murder me but part of me loved the intensity of his gaze. To mess with him I start the car up and blew him a kiss "BYE ASSHOLE" but instead of taking him over the edge it seemed to calm him down. He is actually grinning at me with that sexy fucking grin that just makes me want to grab him and make him my sex toy. That thought actually makes me want to grin but I'm stronger than that.

I start to rev the engine and glare at him. He shouts to me "YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME TOO" I feel like I want to be sick did he just say love the thought makes me feel ill, I mean the whole concept of love is stupid and I'm never falling into that trap, I've never said to anyone that I loved them cause it doesn't exist. I just give Paul the middle finger and I speed out of there before he says anything else.

The whole drive to Kim's house she never said anything apart from giving directions she was quieter than ever it was actually a bit unnerving. I suppose self-inviting myself to stay at her house wasn't helping her either, damn it I always let my anger get the best of me, fuck my life. When we finally pulled up to Kim's House the only sentence, I could muster up was "Holy fuck Kim…".

A/N Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I last uploaded, tbh I forgot about this story until now. I'll try and get it finished for you all.

Thanks for subscribing and adding my story to your favorites, honestly looking back at the last chapters I'm like egh so much editing to do.

Anyways I'm rambling let me know what you all think, what is Kim hiding? Will Kirsty let Paul into her heart?


Wolf Girl