"This is fun and all, it really is," Buttercup said. "But could you please tell me where I'm going?"

Don't worry so much, Buttercup. I think that's your biggest problem. You worry too much. It's why you made that deal with me in the first place – you worry more than Blossom and Bubbles combined, and you don't want anyone to know.

"I'm not like that anymore!" Buttercup insisted. "I'm all sorts of relaxed, especially since-"

Since I showed up?

Buttercup shrugged. "Well, yeah, actually. But I was the most worried when you showed up the time before, with the ants and shit you set loose on me."

You were worried for yourself, Buttercup. Nobody else. Think back to the Incident – that was when you were worried. Worried for the Professor, worried for Blossom, worried for Bubbles… just worried. What a shitload of stress that must have been.

Buttercup scoffed. "You have no idea."

Oh, I think I do, Buttercup. I have a very good idea of what it did to you.


I know a lot of things, Buttercup. It's one of the reasons you can trust me – I've been here a while. I know how people work. I know their strengths and flaws, their motivators and depressors, the point at which they tip from one decision to another. I know how do get things done, especially if the people involved are in my control to begin with.

Buttercup didn't question Him. She wouldn't admit that she trusted Him yet, just as a little kernel of thought that proved he hadn't completely taken over her mind again. However, the more she hung out with Him, the less plausible malicious intent seemed. He was just too damn friendly sometimes, and too damn true at others.

We're here.

Buttercup stopped walking. She hadn't even been aware that she was walking at all, much less of where she was going. It was her fault, though; she hadn't been paying attention, so of course she needed Him to step in and move her body for her. Buttercup was okay with Him doing that much.

She read the sign on the building. "Townsville Jail." Buttercup was glad the title was so short and sweet. If it had said something like 'Townsville Central Correctional Facility,' Buttercup feared she may suddenly not be able to read so hot, of account of how damn nervous that name would make her. 'Townsville Jail' didn't seem so bad.

"Why'd you bring me here, of all the goddamn places in the world?" Buttercup asked Him. "I've spent the last twenty years in a mental hospital just so I wouldn't have to go to a place like this my whole life.

Oh, don't worry, Buttercup. We're not here for you. We're just going to visit some old friends – but I'm afraid you won't find them here. Do you know why?

"What old friends?" Buttercup couldn't imagine she had a friend in the whole damn world. "I don't have any old friends, much less any in jail."

I know you probably wouldn't think of them as friends, and to be fair, I wouldn't either. But I feel like it would be beneficial for the both of us if you met these people. I called them old friends, but if the term makes you uncomfortable, I won't use it. But I insist that we meet these young men – you'll have to trust me on this.

"I can't trust you, ever," Buttercup said weakly. As she said it, she knew it was a complete lie, and she knew she couldn't hide where her trust lay for very long.

So do you know why these people aren't in the Townsville jail?

"I don't even know who these people are! How the hell am I supposed to know where they are? Did they bust themselves out or something?"

I'm afraid not, Buttercup. They are not as clever as you and me. They've been sent to a higher security prison, a state facility, to serve out their sentences for petty crimes.

"For how long?"

For life.

Buttercup swallowed nervously. She didn't know these damn people; she didn't know any criminals that would want to meet her. Maybe it was just Him trying to play her up… he had her right where he wanted her. Buttercup had felt a life locked up, and it was no life she wanted a part of. She couldn't sit by while the same fate was cast upon someone else, complete strangers they may be.

Now you see, Buttercup, why we must go and see them?

Buttercup nodded solemnly. "I thought you were just manipulating my feelings, bringing me here and all. But you can't be!"

Of course I'm not. If I wanted to make you feel something that badly, I'd just do it. If I wanted to control your mind that badly, I'd just do it. But I won't. I refuse to, because we have a beautiful trust going on between us.

Buttercup accepted it. She wasn't being held against her will or anything like that, but what would she do if she wanted Him to leave, anyways?

Just ask.

"But then how would I call you back?"

Buttercup felt Him smile. You'd have to put in a bit of work if I truly ever leave your mind. You'd have to do it alone.

"No," Buttercup whimpered.

Exactly. I'm bringing you to see these people, the ones serving life at the state prison, Buttercup, so you'll have someone else to help you out. Besides me, of course. Someone of the same breed.

"Okay." Buttercup just sort of stood there for a while. "What next?"

We'll use some of that money you borrowed to take a cab to the edge of the city. Maybe we'll walk a bit further out – even further than the cab takes us, I mean. Once we're out of sight of the city – you don't want anybody bothering you or anything – I think it will be safe to fly over to the state prison.

***Author's Note***

So Buttercup has a mission now: to save someone (she doesn't know who) from the state jail. Remember from Ch 10, all the 100s hallway prisoners were moved to the state jail; it has to be one of those.

I don't really have much to say these days, and I don't know why. Oh well. Thanks for reading and reviewing, and tell me what you think!