In Death City exists a boy known only as Mysterious Nathan, no one knows about his hidden secrets not even himself. The only people who know are Lord Death and a few of his trusted advisors.


In Death City exists a boy known only as Mysterious Nathan, no one knows about his hidden secrets not even himself. The only people who know are Lord Death and a few of his trusted advisors.

Nathan/Nathaniel will be a replacement for Maka AU (Alternate Universe) and AR.

Character Specs

Name: Nathaniel/Nathan a.k.a Mysterious Nathan

Background: Nathan is nicked name as Mysterious Nathan because of the fact he has no second name. A lot is unknown to Nathan about his past and what his capable. Nathan has asked Death countless times only to receive multiple jokes about where his surname came from or it's too hard to pronounce or even spell.

The only thing that remains in his possession is a Mask that belonged to his family he has been known to have it hanging off his waist.

Details: Nathan has been know as a slacker he rocks up to class but doesn't do anything of notable value, he also loves to collect masks, to even wear them and is skilled at even making them on his own.

He lives on his own in one of the dorm rooms within Shibusen. His room is riddle with masks giving him a creepy vibe. He loves to switch between personalities sometimes instantaneously, mostly between serious and joking.

During class hours he is a slacker outside of class he trains to be stronger fearing the fact that he would never have a Weapon partner. His role model is Dr Franken Stein as he hopes to one day surpass him.

Attire: during class hours wears random slogan shirts, jeans and some sneakers.

Battle gear attire includes; a shirt, pants with a chain that has his mask hangs off, casual shoes a black hooded Trench coat with a red cravat.

Fighting style: He is an improviser using his surrounding to his advantage and maps out battlefields noting where everything is. He jokes around most of the time never taking a battle serious often loving to wind up the enemies till they burst, unless it comes to the real deal.

He wears a long piece of cloth that wraps around his hands and that hangs off like a piece of string, he is uses this to sometimes grab/wrap around a opponents body parts such as legs and arms to drag them towards him or along the floor.

Nathan is the Master of adaptability often using make shift weapons due to the fact he has never had a weapon partner.


Any original characters in this story are not own by me they are owned by their respective owner.

I only own is this story and the OC character.

Other Possible characters Involved

Soul Eater Evans

Black Star


Death the Kid

Patricia Thompson (Younger Sister)

Elizabeth Thompson (Older Sister)

Nathaniel sits at his desk every so often leaning back in his chair as it begins to squeak. The teacher turns around yelling "Quiet down Nathaniel your insufferable noises are annoying me!" Nathaniel sighs "Oh... but Sir your lectures are so much more... worse, what is this the 5th time you've explained Soul Resonance. If you explain it one more time I bet you I could recite every word you're about to say..."

The teacher snaps the piece of chalk in half as he points to the door "Want to be this way report to Death!" Nathaniel smirks "About what your poor teaching habits?" The teacher grabs Nathaniel as he throws him out the room and slams shut the door.

Nathaniel laughs to himself "Works every time... I guess I have to report my bad behaviour to Lord Death..." Nathaniel walks slowly towards Death's Room as he over hears a conversion between three girls.

Girl 1: speaks out "Did you girls hear about the infamous Weapon Meister?"

Girl 2: Shakes her head as she responds "No what about them?"

Girl 3: Nods her head "I heard his turned down everyone?"

Girl 1: Responds "No he has turned everyone down no one can even wield him!"

Girl 2: chimes in "Oh that cute guy with the shark teeth and the scary attitude... what was his name?"

Girl 1: Nods her head "Yes that's the one! His name was Soul... I think Soul Eater!"

Nathaniel walks by the girls discussing as he continues on his way the girls giggle to themselves.

Girl 3: laughs "If it isn't Mr Mysterious Nathan master of pains in the ass!"

Girl 2: retorts "I think his dreamy! With his Mysterious ways no one really knows what his thinking..."

Girl 1: laughs at Girl 2 "Ew! I heard he likes boys!"

Girl 3: retorts "Nope he doors swings both ways!"

Girl 1: Shocked responds "No way! I heard he holds hands with boys!"

Girl 3: looks in Nathaniel's direction "That's if anyone could even reach first base with that guy!"

Girl 2: giggles "Really I heard he was the school man whore! Everyone gets a ride..."

Girl 1: smirks as she responds "Ha, as if anyone would want to be with that thing!"

The girls laugh amongst themselves. Nathaniel sighs in his head "Ah so that's the new rumour floating about I'm the school whore..." Nathaniel begins to laugh to himself "While its true girls and guys ask me out I've always turned them down! Both girls and guys not interesting to me, not now and not ever... my interests lay... elsewhere..."

Nathaniel smirks to himself "I have no interest in dates, pies or sausage rolls! I just want to feel the rush of battles... to exchange blows!" Nathaniel reaches for the door as he stops just before turning the door handle "Soul Eater huh! You will be my weapon partner and I'll show the whole school!"

Nathaniel smirks as he turns the door knob "I'll show everyone I'm not this weak asshole everyone thinks I am..." Nathaniel speaks to Death "Hey Shinigami-sama I-" Nathaniel is abruptly cut off as he receives the legendary Death chop as he hits the floor bouncing off it.

Nathaniel lies on the floor as he slowly gets up as Nathaniel massages his head "Why did you have to do that Shinigami-sama?" Lord Death responds "It's the same excuse every time who did you piss off now? What is this? The 20th teacher you pissed off this week!"

Nathaniel pouts "It's not my fault! I'm just too smart for the teachers..." Lord Death tilts his head "Smart...? More like a smart ass! What am I going to do with you...? The way you're going no weapon Meister would want to be your partner!"

Nathaniel shakes his head "No one would but I heard a name from an Infamous weapon Meister that has no partner... Soul Eater I think his name is..." Shinigami nods "Ah Soul Eater... So why him?"

Nathaniel pouts "Why not him? If no one can wield him maybe he is my destiny!" Shinigami laughs as Nathaniel lifts an eyebrow "You should watch what you say... He is my destiny..." Nathaniel blushes "Only your perverseness could pick up on that comment!"

Shinigami lifts his elbows "Well it's not my choice to make if Soul turns you down it's his decision to make..." Shinigami writes down an address on a piece of paper "He lives here at that address good luck!" Shinigami gives a thumb up as Nathaniel nods stuffing the address into his pockets.

Shinigami gets an idea "I'll tell you what Nathaniel..." Nathaniel looks at Shinigami with little interest "What?" Shinigami points at Nathaniel "If you can get Soul to be your Weapon partner I will allow you to enter the EAT Class..."

Nathaniel ears perk "Really?" Shinigami responds "IF!" Nathaniel frowns as Shinigami continues "You can beat Black Star one on one!" Nathaniel retorts "You putting me up against him... there's no challenge!"

Shinigami nods his head "Then I guess you will have to stay in the NOT Class..." Nathaniel responds "It's a deal!" Shinigami continues to nod his head "I guess you-Wait what? That was a joke!" Nathaniel frowns "Which part the class upgrade or the battle requirement?"

Shinigami holds his hands "Wait! Wait! If you're serious about accepting the terms I'll leave them on the table... If you can convince Soul to be your partner you can join the EAT class whether you beat Black Star or not that's also if he wants to challenge you..."

Nathaniel laughs "I heard he challenges everyone and has never lost a fight, yet!" Shinigami puts up a finger "Well you better get a move on before someone whisks Soul away from you and you lose your chance..."

Nathaniel bows to Shinigami "Thank you Lord Death for this chance... You will not be disappointed!" Shinigami nods "I expect great things from you!" Nathaniel nods as he proceeds to walk outside to return to class with a smug look on his face.

Later that day after classes

Nathaniel stands in his messy room as he roams around looking for shirts "Where did I put it?" Nathaniel sorts through his cloths as he finds what his looking for "I found it my lucky shirt!" He slides on his shirt that has written on the front I know how to pick up the ladies and men. On the backside has written with two hands and a picture of two hands just above it.

Nathaniel walks through the streets holding the address in his hands as he searches around "Where the hell is this place?" Nathaniel roams around the streets as he stands in front of a two story house.

He looks down at the address as he looks back at the house "Wow his lucky to have a place like this maybe I can move in with him... IF he even accepts me as a partner..." Nathaniel knocks on the door as he waits.

Soul opens the door as he stands there looking at Nathaniel "Well... Well if it isn't Mysterious Nathan the mysterious cool guy... What brings you here?" Nathaniel responds "I'm here to sign up to be your partner."

Soul responds "Join the line of countless girls..." Nathaniel smirks as he looks around "I only see one person in the line and that's me!" Soul grins "What makes you think you're compatible with me?"

Nathaniel scratches his head "I don't know, but if I put my mind to it I'm pretty sure I can use a... what type of weapon are you?" Soul responds nonchalantly "Scythe..." Nathaniel responds "A scy- did you say scythe as in Death Scythe the ones grim reapers are known to wield when converting Souls..."

Soul responds "Yes Scythe but I wouldn't say to that degree I rather eat my souls..." Nathaniel grins grabbing onto Soul's hands "I found my soul mate...! and now I sound incredibly creepy..." Soul removes his hands "Extremely creepy and in a uncool way..."

Soul sighs "Alright apart from that awkward moment which I plan to wipe from my head!" Nathaniel responds "What awkward moment?" Soul freaks "You already forgotten?" Nathaniel responds nonchalantly "That ship has already set sailed..."

Soul changes his composure "OK...! If you want to be my partner meet me in the ballroom in an hour..." Nathaniel nods "Ok..." he starts to walk then turns around "Where's that again?" Soul slaps his face groaning "Fine wait here I'll go get ready and grab my bike!"

Nathaniel nods leaning on the wall.

A short while later

Soul comes out wheeling his Motorbike "Let's go if you want to be my partner you have to listen to what I'm about to show you, you need to see me for who I am before anything..." Nathaniel nods getting on the bike as the ride off to the ballroom.

They enter the room as Soul walks towards the giant piano as Nathaniel stops looking at Soul "You play the piano?" Soul nods "Yes... but I'm not going to be playing music for you I want to show you exactly what type of person I am..."

Nathaniel nods "The sound of one's soul through music..." Soul nods as he opens the piano as he begins to play a creepy yet sublet tone. Nathaniel listens carefully as Soul stops as Nathaniel responds "So judging by the music you're sadistic and creepy in a sublet way..."

Soul nods "If that's your interpretation..." Nathaniel changes his composure "You you thinking you're going to change my attitude towards being your partner you're going to have to try harder than that!"

Soul freaks "What usually everyone runs away... What's wrong with you?" Nathaniel looks around with shifty eyes "What isn't wrong with me... I mean nothing I just have an open mind towards things... I still would to still be your Meister..."

Soul sighs "first one to willingly accept me..." Nathaniel nods as he turns to face Soul holding out his hand "I will train endlessly till I am able to make you the strongest Death Scythe one that will be able to defeat anyone and... everyone! For my dream is to become the strongest person alive to surpass anyone and everything!"

Nathaniel shakes hands with Soul as he makes one comment "Now onto second agendas... I have a battle with Black Star I have to surpass the top dog in this school..."

Alright this is the first chapter I hope you like the intro... There will be absolutely no romance unless you count a Bromance as a form of romance.

Write a review and let me know what you think.