A/N: Those of you may remember that I wrote a Kames a few months ago, but I deleted it due to lack of inspiration for future chapters. Don't worry, I will not delete this one regardless!


James Diamond couldn't avoid the looks he got as he went shopping at Target with his three year old son, Shane.

Who could blame them?

James was already a famous singer who gained fame with his breakout song, Boyfriend a few weeks ago.

He just smiled at all the people who were surprised to see him.

"Alright Shane, what kind of cereal should we get for Uncles Logan and Carlos when they visit?"

"Cheerios for Uncle Logan, and Apple Jacks for Uncle Carlos!" Shane said.

"Okay" James said, getting the cereal.

"Now we just need bread, milk, and butter, then we can go home."


As James made his way to the aisle with the bread, he couldn't help but look at the shelves and accidentally hit another cart.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" James said.

"No, it's okay. It was my fault. I've been here a while." The other person said looking at James.

James couldn't help but notice the man in front of him. "Hey! You're Kendall Knight! The only new member of the L.A. Kings this Hockey season!"

"Wow, you know who I am?" Kendall asked.

"Yeah, me and my son love watching Hockey. You're his favorite player on the team."

"Is that your son right there?" Kendall asked.

"Sure is. Shane, look who it is."

Shane then stepped out from behind his father and said "Daddy, that's the man from Hockey!"

"I sure am! And I already know who you are" turning his attention back to James.


"Yeah. I'm a fan of your music. Even though you only have Boyfriend, I'm waiting for more" Kendall said with a completely straight face.

Did that mean Kendall was gay or at least bi?

Usually it's only teenage girls who are fans of James' music.

"Wow, thank you. It's nice to see someone unexpected is a fan of my work."

"You're welcome. Now if you excuse me, I have to go, but I will see you later." Kendall said.

"Wait, umm exactly how?" James asked.

"Here, out your number in." Kendall said giving James his cell phone. James did the same thing after that.

"I will let you know when I'm free to hang out sometime." Kendall said with a smile.

"Sure, It's a date." James said before realizing what he just said.

"Well, you got yourself a date coming up, James. Bye for now. It was nice meeting you. You too Shane!"

"Bye Kendall! It was nice to meet you." James shook Kendall's hand.

"Bye-Bye Kendall!" Shane said.

James left the store feeling like what happened was a dream.

He just met his favorite Hockey player, and said hockey player asked him out!

Though all he could do was wait for Kendall's call. He hoped his phone would ring and Kendall's name would be the cause.

Back at Kendall's place, he couldn't hold his excitement ether.

He met pop star James Diamond, and his son.

James Diamond agreed to go out with him later, which obviously meant he was single.

He really wanted to call James and ask him out right away, but he didn't want to seem desperate and clingy, so he settled for the next best thing.

James' music on Youtube.

As Kendall watched the music video, he couldn't believe how lucky he was compared to all the girls in James' video.

While singing along, he couldn't help but read what people think of James.

James Diamond is flawless.

He has a blue Jaguar and a silver lexus.

I hear his hair's insured for $10,000.

I hear did car commercials…in Las Vegas.

His favorite band is Maroon 5.

One time I saw James Diamond wearing a black t-shirt and white camo pants, so I bought a black t-shirt and white camo pants.

One time, he came to the Starbucks where I work, and he came to my register. It was awesome!

Kendall couldn't help but think about James for the rest of that day.

The same could be said for James, who couldn't help but look at Hockey videos on the internet featuring the blonde.

'Damn, his first year playing professional Hockey, and already that good. I wonder how good he is in bed' James thought.

A/N: Well what do you think? Is it any better than my other stories?

A/N: You gotta love Mean girls references no matter where they are.